Example #1
def loadBundle(path):
    """Load a plugin bundle that may contain multiple .py modules,
    plus directories.  The bundle directories will be included in file
    searching in paths.py.

    @param path The location of the plugin bundle.
    contentsPath = os.path.join(path, 'Contents')

    # Include the bundle contents in the module search path (for the
    # duration of this function).
    oldSysPath = sys.path
    sys.path = [contentsPath] + sys.path
    # Register the bundle path into paths.py.

    # Make the appropriate calls to read the configuration and
    # language files in the bundle.

    # Load all of the .py modules in the bundle's Python package.
    package = paths.getBase(path)
    packagePath = os.path.join(contentsPath, package)
    for name in os.listdir(packagePath):
        fullName = os.path.join(packagePath, name)
        if name != '__init__.py' and paths.hasExtension('py', fullName):
            loadSingle(fullName, package)

    # Restore the previous module search path.
    sys.path = oldSysPath
Example #2
    def __init__(self, identifier, source):
        Addon.__init__(self, identifier, source)

        # Register the source directory into the paths.

        # Lists of addon identifiers.  These are the parts of the box.
        self.required = []
        self.optional = []
        self.extra = []
    def __init__(self, identifier, source):
        Addon.__init__(self, identifier, source)

        # Register the source directory into the paths.

        # Lists of addon identifiers.  These are the parts of the box.
        self.required = []
        self.optional = []
        self.extra = []
Example #4
    def __init__(self, identifier, source):
        Addon.__init__(self, identifier, source)

        # Register the source directory into the paths.
    def __init__(self, identifier, source):
        Addon.__init__(self, identifier, source)

        # Register the source directory into the paths.