Example #1
def qplot(x=None,
    Quick plot

    x : str | array_like
        x aesthetic
    y : str | array_like
        y aesthetic
    data : dataframe
        Data frame to use (optional). If not specified,
        will create one, extracting arrays from the
        current environment.
    geom : str | list
        *geom(s)* to do the drawing. If ``auto``, defaults
        to 'point' if ``x`` and ``y`` are specified or
        'histogram' if only ``x`` is specified.
    xlim : tuple
        x-axis limits
    ylim : tuple
        y-axis limits
    log : str in ``{'x', 'y', 'xy'}``
        Which variables to log transform.
    main : str
        Plot title
    xlab : str
        x-axis label
    ylab : str
        y-axis label
    asp : str | float
        The y/x aspect ratio.
    **kwargs : dict
        Arguments passed on to the geom.

    p: ggplot
        ggplot object
    # Extract all recognizable aesthetic mappings from the parameters
    # String values e.g  "I('red')", "I(4)" are not treated as mappings

    environment = EvalEnvironment.capture(1)
    aesthetics = {} if x is None else {'x': x}
    if y is not None:
        aesthetics['y'] = y

    def is_mapping(value):
        Return True if value is not enclosed in I() function
        with suppress(AttributeError):
            return not (value.startswith('I(') and value.endswith(')'))
        return True

    def I(value):
        return value

    I_env = EvalEnvironment([{'I': I}])

    for ae in kwargs.keys() & all_aesthetics:
        value = kwargs[ae]
        if is_mapping(value):
            aesthetics[ae] = value
            kwargs[ae] = I_env.eval(value)

    # List of geoms
    if is_string(geom):
        geom = [geom]
    elif isinstance(geom, tuple):
        geom = list(geom)

    if data is None:
        data = pd.DataFrame()

    # Work out plot data, and modify aesthetics, if necessary
    def replace_auto(lst, str2):
        Replace all occurences of 'auto' in with str2
        for i, value in enumerate(lst):
            if value == 'auto':
                lst[i] = str2
        return lst

    if 'auto' in geom:
        if 'sample' in aesthetics:
            replace_auto(geom, 'qq')
        elif y is None:
            # If x is discrete we choose geom_bar &
            # geom_histogram otherwise. But we need to
            # evaluate the mapping to find out the dtype
            env = environment.with_outer_namespace({'factor': pd.Categorical})

            if isinstance(aesthetics['x'], str):
                    x = env.eval(aesthetics['x'], inner_namespace=data)
                except Exception:
                    msg = "Could not evaluate aesthetic 'x={}'"
                    raise PlotnineError(msg.format(aesthetics['x']))
            elif not hasattr(aesthetics['x'], 'dtype'):
                x = np.asarray(aesthetics['x'])

            if array_kind.discrete(x):
                replace_auto(geom, 'bar')
                replace_auto(geom, 'histogram')

            if x is None:
                if pdtypes.is_list_like(aesthetics['y']):
                    aesthetics['x'] = range(len(aesthetics['y']))
                    xlab = 'range(len(y))'
                    ylab = 'y'
                    # We could solve the issue in layer.compute_asthetics
                    # but it is not worth the extra complexity
                    raise PlotnineError("Cannot infer how long x should be.")
            replace_auto(geom, 'point')

    p = ggplot(aes(**aesthetics), data=data, environment=environment)

    def get_facet_type(facets):
        with suppress(PlotnineError):
            return 'grid'

        with suppress(PlotnineError):
            return 'wrap'

            "Could not determine the type of faceting, "
            "therefore no faceting.", PlotnineWarning)
        return 'null'

    if facets:
        facet_type = get_facet_type(facets)
        if facet_type == 'grid':
            p += facet_grid(facets, margins=margins)
        elif facet_type == 'wrap':
            p += facet_wrap(facets)
            p += facet_null()

    # Add geoms
    for g in geom:
        geom_name = 'geom_{}'.format(g)
        geom_klass = Registry[geom_name]
        stat_name = 'stat_{}'.format(geom_klass.DEFAULT_PARAMS['stat'])
        stat_klass = Registry[stat_name]
        # find params
        recognized = (
            kwargs.keys() &
            (geom_klass.DEFAULT_PARAMS.keys() | geom_klass.aesthetics()
             | stat_klass.DEFAULT_PARAMS.keys() | stat_klass.aesthetics()))
        recognized = recognized - aesthetics.keys()
        params = {ae: kwargs[ae] for ae in recognized}
        p += geom_klass(**params)

    # pd.Series objects have name attributes. In a dataframe, the
    # series have the name of the column.
    labels = {}
    for ae in scaled_aesthetics & kwargs.keys():
        with suppress(AttributeError):
            labels[ae] = kwargs[ae].name

    with suppress(AttributeError):
        labels['x'] = xlab if xlab is not None else x.name

    with suppress(AttributeError):
        labels['y'] = ylab if ylab is not None else y.name

    if main is not None:
        labels['title'] = main

    if 'x' in log:
        p += scale_x_log10()

    if 'y' in log:
        p += scale_y_log10()

    if labels:
        p += labs(**labels)

    if asp:
        p += theme(aspect_ratio=asp)

    return p
Example #2
def qplot(x=None, y=None, data=None, facets=None, margins=False,
          geom='auto', xlim=None, ylim=None, log='', main=None,
          xlab=None, ylab=None, asp=None, **kwargs):
    Quick plot

    x : str | array_like
        x aesthetic
    y : str | array_like
        y aesthetic
    data : dataframe
        Data frame to use (optional). If not specified,
        will create one, extracting arrays from the
        current environment.
    geom : str | list
        *geom(s)* to do the drawing. If ``auto``, defaults
        to 'point' if ``x`` and ``y`` are specified or
        'histogram' if only ``x`` is specified.
    xlim : tuple
        x-axis limits
    ylim : tuple
        y-axis limits
    log : str in ``{'x', 'y', 'xy'}``
        Which variables to log transform.
    main : str
        Plot title
    xlab : str
        x-axis label
    ylab : str
        y-axis label
    asp : str | float
        The y/x aspect ratio.
    **kwargs : dict
        Arguments passed on to the geom.

    p: ggplot
        ggplot object
    # Extract all recognizable aesthetic mappings from the parameters
    # String values e.g  "I('red')", "I(4)" are not treated as mappings

    environment = EvalEnvironment.capture(1)
    aesthetics = {} if x is None else {'x': x}
    if y is not None:
        aesthetics['y'] = y

    def is_mapping(value):
        Return True if value is not enclosed in I() function
        with suppress(AttributeError):
            return not (value.startswith('I(') and value.endswith(')'))
        return True

    def I(value):
        return value

    I_env = EvalEnvironment([{'I': I}])

    for ae in six.viewkeys(kwargs) & all_aesthetics:
        value = kwargs[ae]
        if is_mapping(value):
            aesthetics[ae] = value
            kwargs[ae] = I_env.eval(value)

    # List of geoms
    if is_string(geom):
        geom = [geom]
    elif isinstance(geom, tuple):
        geom = list(geom)

    if data is None:
        data = pd.DataFrame()

    # Work out plot data, and modify aesthetics, if necessary
    def replace_auto(lst, str2):
        Replace all occurences of 'auto' in with str2
        for i, value in enumerate(lst):
            if value == 'auto':
                lst[i] = str2
        return lst

    if 'auto' in geom:
        if 'sample' in aesthetics:
            replace_auto(geom, 'qq')
        elif y is None:
            # If x is discrete we choose geom_bar &
            # geom_histogram otherwise. But we need to
            # evaluate the mapping to find out the dtype
            env = environment.with_outer_namespace(
                {'factor': pd.Categorical})

            if isinstance(aesthetics['x'], six.string_types):
                    x = env.eval(aesthetics['x'], inner_namespace=data)
                except Exception:
                    msg = "Could not evaluate aesthetic 'x={}'"
                    raise PlotnineError(msg.format(aesthetics['x']))
            elif not hasattr(aesthetics['x'], 'dtype'):
                x = np.asarray(aesthetics['x'])

            if array_kind.discrete(x):
                replace_auto(geom, 'bar')
                replace_auto(geom, 'histogram')

            if x is None:
                if pdtypes.is_list_like(aesthetics['y']):
                    aesthetics['x'] = range(len(aesthetics['y']))
                    xlab = 'range(len(y))'
                    ylab = 'y'
                    # We could solve the issue in layer.compute_asthetics
                    # but it is not worth the extra complexity
                    raise PlotnineError(
                        "Cannot infer how long x should be.")
            replace_auto(geom, 'point')

    p = ggplot(aes(**aesthetics), data=data, environment=environment)

    def get_facet_type(facets):
        with suppress(PlotnineError):
            return 'grid'

        with suppress(PlotnineError):
            return 'wrap'

        warn("Could not determine the type of faceting, "
             "therefore no faceting.")
        return 'null'

    if facets:
        facet_type = get_facet_type(facets)
        if facet_type == 'grid':
            p += facet_grid(facets, margins=margins)
        elif facet_type == 'wrap':
            p += facet_wrap(facets)
            p += facet_null()

    # Add geoms
    for g in geom:
        geom_name = 'geom_{}'.format(g)
        geom_klass = Registry[geom_name]
        stat_name = 'stat_{}'.format(geom_klass.DEFAULT_PARAMS['stat'])
        stat_klass = Registry[stat_name]
        # find params
        recognized = (six.viewkeys(kwargs) &
                      (six.viewkeys(geom_klass.DEFAULT_PARAMS) |
                       geom_klass.aesthetics() |
                       six.viewkeys(stat_klass.DEFAULT_PARAMS) |
        recognized = recognized - six.viewkeys(aesthetics)
        params = {ae: kwargs[ae] for ae in recognized}
        p += geom_klass(**params)

    # pd.Series objects have name attributes. In a dataframe, the
    # series have the name of the column.
    labels = {}
    for ae in scaled_aesthetics & six.viewkeys(kwargs):
        with suppress(AttributeError):
            labels[ae] = kwargs[ae].name

    with suppress(AttributeError):
        labels['x'] = xlab if xlab is not None else x.name

    with suppress(AttributeError):
        labels['y'] = ylab if ylab is not None else y.name

    if main is not None:
        labels['title'] = main

    if 'x' in log:
        p += scale_x_log10()

    if 'y' in log:
        p += scale_y_log10()

    if labels:
        p += labs(**labels)

    if asp:
        p += theme(aspect_ratio=asp)

    return p