def determine_relation(syn1, syn2):
    relation = ''
    #both are registered
    if len(syn1) > 0 and len(syn2) > 0:
        #verifiable results 
        print 'Common Ancestor: {0}'.format(wordnet.ancestor(syn1[0], syn2[0]))
        print 'Similarity measure between synsets: {0}'.format(wordnet.similarity(syn1[0], syn2[0]))
        if is_descendant(syn1, syn2):
            relation = "is a verifiable fact"
        elif is_descendant(syn1, syn2, True):
            relation = "is a verifiable true over-generalization"
        elif is_descendant(syn2, syn1):
            relation = "is a verifiable falsehood"
        elif is_descendant(syn2, syn1, True):
            relation = "is a verifiable false over-generalization"
            relation = "figurative speech (two entries, with no roots)"
        relation = "undetermined, entries not in wordnet" 
    return relation
def word_similarity(word1, word2):
	Similarity of 2 words as a score from 0 to 1, uses wordnet
	from pattern.en import wordnet
		a = wordnet.synsets(word1)[0]
		b = wordnet.synsets(word2)[0]
		return wordnet.similarity(a, b) 
		return 0
Example #3
def custom_similarity(word, synsets, pos=None):
    word = singularize(word.lower())
    similarities = []
    if pos:
        word_synsets = wordnet.synsets(word, pos=pos)
        word_synsets = wordnet.synsets(word)
    for i in synsets:
        for j in word_synsets:
                similarities.append(wordnet.similarity(i, j))
            except Exception, e:
Example #4
def custom_similarity(word, synsets, pos=None):
    word = singularize(word.lower())
    similarities = []
    if pos:
        word_synsets = wordnet.synsets(word, pos=pos)
        word_synsets = wordnet.synsets(word)
    for i in synsets:
        for j in word_synsets:
                similarities.append(wordnet.similarity(i, j))
            except Exception, e:
Example #5
def wordnet_potential_parent(word1, pos1, word2, pos2, min_sim=0.0):
    syns1 = wn.synsets(word1, pos1)
    syns2 = wn.synsets(word2, pos2)

    parents = []
    for s1 in syns1:
        for s2 in syns2:
            family = wn.ancestor(s1,s2)
            if family:
                sim = wn.similarity(s1,s2)
                if sim > min_sim:
                    parents.append( (family, sim) )
    return parents
Example #6
def try_similarity(w1, w2):
        s = wordnet.similarity(w1, w2)
        return s
        return 0
Example #7
    df['sentence-pos'] = df['sentence'].apply(lambda x: parse(x, chunks=False).replace('/', ''))
    X = vectorizer.fit_transform(df['sentence-pos'])

    selector = SelectKBest(chi2, k=100)

    S = selector.fit_transform(X, df['bps'].tolist())

    fnames = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
    indices = selector.get_support(True)                 
    selected_terms = [ fnames[i] for i in indices ]

    return selected_terms

a = wordnet.synsets('tone', pos=wordnet.ADJECTIVE)[0]
b = wordnet.synsets('curly', pos=wordnet.ADJECTIVE)[0]
c = wordnet.synsets('box')[0]
print wordnet.ancestor(a, b)
print wordnet.similarity(a, a) 
print wordnet.similarity(a, b)
print wordnet.similarity(a, c)  

print modality(s)
# wordnet
s = wordnet.synsets('bird')[0]
print 'Definition:', s.gloss  # Definition string.
print '  Synonyms:', s.synonyms  # List of word forms (i.e., synonyms)
print ' Hypernyms:', s.hypernyms(
)  # returns a list of  parent synsets (i.e., more general). Synset (semantic parent).
print ' Hypernyms:', s.hypernyms(recursive=False, depth=None)
print '  Hyponyms:', s.hyponyms(
)  # returns a list child synsets (i.e., more specific).
print '  Hyponyms:', s.hyponyms(recursive=False, depth=None)
print '  Holonyms:', s.holonyms(
)  # List of synsets (of which this is a member).
print '  Meronyms:', s.meronyms()  # List of synsets (members/parts).
print '       POS:', s.pos  # Part-of-speech: NOUN | VERB | ADJECTIVE | ADVERB.
print '  Category:', s.lexname  # Category string, or None.
print 'Info Cont.:', s.ic  # Information Content (float).
print '   Antonym:', s.antonym  # Synset (semantic opposite).
print '   Synsets:', s.similar()  # List of synsets (similar adjectives/verbs).
# sense similarity
a = wordnet.synsets('cat')[0]
b = wordnet.synsets('dog')[0]
c = wordnet.synsets('box')[0]
print wordnet.ancestor(a, b)
print wordnet.similarity(a, a)
print wordnet.similarity(a, b)
print wordnet.similarity(a, c)
# synset sentiment
print wordnet.synsets('happy', ADJECTIVE)[0].weight
print wordnet.synsets('sad', ADJECTIVE)[0].weight
Example #9
taxonomy.children('plant', recursive=False)


from pattern.en import wordnet

a = wordnet.synsets('tone')[4]

b = wordnet.synsets('color')[0]


a = ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']
b = ['this', 'was', 'a', 'test']

edit_distance(a, b)

jaccard_distance(set(a), set(b))

masi_distance(set(a), set(b))