Example #1
def get(dynamic_path = None):

		rest_method = 'GET'
		# Build request data
		request_data = {
			'function' : dynamic_path,
			'params' : request.args
		}# End of request data
		# Consumes api central function:
		response = api(request_data,rest_method)
	# Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged in a deeper except) so error is extracted an response is built
	except Already_Handled_Exception as already_handled_exception:

		# Get inner error:
		inner_error = already_handled_exception.value
		# Build response:
		response = inner_error.get_response()

	# Handle other exception, build error and response:

		# Get exception
		other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
		# Build error from exception
		other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],_Pauli_Constants.ERROR_MESSAGES['INTERNAL'])
		# Log exception/error:
		logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
		# Build response:
		response = other_error.get_response()

	# Send response:
	return response
Example #2
def get_xml(params):



        # ... C o d e     m o n k e y ...

        identifier = params['identifier']
        uuid = params['uuid']

        username = _Constants.FINKOK_CREDENTIALS['username']
        password = _Constants.FINKOK_CREDENTIALS['password']

        url = "http://facturacion.finkok.com/servicios/soap/utilities.wsdl"
        client = Client(url, cache=None)

        result = client.service.get_xml(username, password, uuid, identifier)

            xml = client.last_received().getChild("senv:Envelope").getChild(
            return xml
            error = Error(404, 'Not found')
            already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(error)
            raise already_handled_exception

    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged in a deeper except) so it just raised to outer excepts(s):
    except Already_Handled_Exception as already_handled_exception:

        # Raise exception to outer except(s)
        raise already_handled_exception

    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #3
def assign_attributes(obj, attributes):
        for item in attributes:
            if type(attributes[item]) == dict:
                setattr(obj, item, get_class(item)())
                assign_attributes(getattr(obj, item), attributes[item])
            elif type(attributes[item]) == list:
                setattr(obj, item, [])
                for i in attributes[item]:
                    getattr(obj, item).append(
                        assign_attributes(get_class(item)(), i))
                setattr(obj, item, attributes[item])
        return obj

    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged in a deeper except) so it just raised to outer excepts(s):
    except Already_Handled_Exception as already_handled_exception:

        # Raise exception to outer except(s)
        raise already_handled_exception

    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #4
def execute_popen_process(params):
        process = Popen(params, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        error = process.stderr.read()
        success = process.stdout.read()
        if not error:
            return success
            return error
    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #5
def generate_pem_file(identifier, credentials):
        key_file = credentials['key_file']
        password = credentials['password']
        file_path = credentials['pem_file']
        params_process = [
            'openssl', 'pkcs8', '-inform', 'DET', '-in', key_file, '-passin',
            'pass:'******'-out', file_path
        return execute_popen_process(params_process)

    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged in a deeper except) so it just raised to outer excepts(s):
    except Already_Handled_Exception as already_handled_exception:

        # Raise exception to outer except(s)
        raise already_handled_exception

    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #6
def get_credentials(identifier, certificates):
        credentials_folder = _Constants.IDENTIFIER_PATH + identifier + '/' + _Constants.CREDENTIALS_FOLDER + '/'
        credentials = {
            'pem_file': credentials_folder + identifier + '_EAC.pem',
            'cer_file': credentials_folder + certificates['cer_file'],
            'key_file': credentials_folder + certificates['key_file'],
            'password': certificates['password']
        return credentials
    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #7
def generate_simple_xml(dictionary, document_type):
        ROOT = _SAT_data.ROOT[document_type]
        NSMAP = _SAT_data.NSMAP[document_type]
        NAMESPACE = _SAT_data.NAMESPACE[document_type]
        XSD = _SAT_data.XSD[document_type]

        E = ElementMaker(namespace=NSMAP[NAMESPACE], nsmap=NSMAP)

        xml = E(ROOT, *get_tree(dictionary, E, NSMAP, XSD))
        return xml

    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged in a deeper except) so it just raised to outer excepts(s):
    except Already_Handled_Exception as already_handled_exception:

        # Raise exception to outer except(s)
        raise already_handled_exception

    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #8
def get_tree(dictionary, E, NSMAP, XSD):
        schemaLocation_tag = {'{' + NSMAP['xsi'] + '}schemaLocation': XSD}
        tags = get_tag(dictionary, E)
        tree = [schemaLocation_tag] + tags
        return tree

    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged in a deeper except) so it just raised to outer excepts(s):
    except Already_Handled_Exception as already_handled_exception:

        # Raise exception to outer except(s)
        raise already_handled_exception

    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #9
def get_tag(obj, E):
        data = []
        dictionary = {}
        for item in obj:
            if type(obj[item]) == dict:
                data.append(E(item, *get_tag(obj[item], E)))
            elif type(obj[item]) == list:
                for i in obj[item]:
                    data.append(E(item, *get_tag(i, E)))
                dictionary[item] = obj[item]
        return data
    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #10
def translate(dictionary, tr):
        new = {}
        for item in dictionary:
            if type(dictionary[item]) == dict:
                new[tr[item]] = translate(dictionary[item], tr)
            elif type(dictionary[item]) == list:
                new[tr[item]] = []
                for i in dictionary[item]:
                    new[tr[item]].append(translate(i, tr))
                new[tr[item]] = dictionary[item]
        return new
    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #11
def instance_to_dict(obj):
        if isinstance(obj, _SAT_data.SAT_TYPE):
            dictionary = instance_to_dict(obj.__dict__)
        if type(obj) == dict:
            dictionary = {}
            for item in obj:
                dictionary.update({item: instance_to_dict(obj[item])})
        elif type(obj) == list:
            dictionary = []
            for i in obj:
        elif type(obj) == unicode or type(obj) == int or type(obj) == str:
            dictionary = obj
            dictionary = instance_to_dict(obj.__dict__)
        return dictionary
    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #12
def api(request_data,rest_method):

	# Log beginning of request:
	REQUEST_BEGINNING_MESSAGE = _Pauli_Constants.REQUEST_BEGINNING_MESSAGE_1 + Pauli_project_name + _Pauli_Constants.REQUEST_BEGINNING_MESSAGE_2 + rest_method + _Pauli_Constants.REQUEST_BEGINNING_MESSAGE_3


		# Validating:
		if _Validating_Engine.validate(request_data,_Config):
			# Executing:
			result = _Request_Handler.execute(request_data,_Config)
			# Build success result:
			success = Success(result)
			# Build response:
			response = success.get_response()

	# Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged in a deeper except) so error is extracted an response is built
	except Already_Handled_Exception as already_handled_exception:

		# Get inner error:
		inner_error = already_handled_exception.value
		# Build response:
		response = inner_error.get_response()

	# Handle other exception, build error and response:

		# Get exception
		other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
		# Build error from exception
		other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],_Pauli_Constants.ERROR_MESSAGES['INTERNAL'])
		# Log exception/error:
		logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
		# Build response:
		response = other_error.get_response()

	# Log ending of request:

	# Send response:
	return response
Example #13
def stamp_xml(identifier, document_type, xml_without_stamp, certificates):
        credentials = get_credentials(identifier, certificates)
        # if not os.path.isfile(credentials['pem_file']):
        # 	out = generate_pem_file(identifier,credentials)
        # 	logger.info(out)
        out = generate_pem_file(identifier, credentials)

        serial_number = get_serial_number(credentials['cer_file'])
        keys = RSA.load_key(credentials['pem_file'])
        cert_file = open(credentials['cer_file'], 'r')
        cert = base64.b64encode(cert_file.read())
        xml = xml_without_stamp
        xsl_root = ET.parse(_SAT_data.XSLT[document_type])
        xsl = ET.XSLT(xsl_root)
        cadena_original = xsl(xml)
        digest = hashlib.new('sha1', str(cadena_original)).digest()
        sello = base64.b64encode(keys.sign(digest, "sha1"))

        xml.attrib['Sello'] = sello
        xml.attrib['Certificado'] = cert
        xml.attrib['noCertificado'] = serial_number

        xml_with_stamp = ET.tostring(xml,

        return xml_with_stamp

    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged in a deeper except) so it just raised to outer excepts(s):
    except Already_Handled_Exception as already_handled_exception:

        # Raise exception to outer except(s)
        raise already_handled_exception

    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #14
def get_class(item):
        if item in _SAT_data.CLASSES:
            return _SAT_data.CLASSES[item]
            return _SAT_data.DEFAULT_CLASS

    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #15
def chart_of_accounts(params):



        # ... C o d e     m o n k e y ...

        certificates = params['certificates']

        # Instance class
        COA = Chart_of_Accounts(params)

        # GET stamp_xml
        xml = COA.get_xml(certificates)


        return xml

    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged in a deeper except) so it just raised to outer excepts(s):
    except Already_Handled_Exception as already_handled_exception:

        # Raise exception to outer except(s)
        raise already_handled_exception

    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception
Example #16
def get_serial_number(cer_file):
        process = Popen([
            'openssl', 'x509', '-inform', 'DER', '-in', cer_file, '-serial',
        error = process.stderr.read()
        serial_number_hex = process.stdout.read()

        if not error:
            serial_number_hex = serial_number_hex[7:].strip()
            serial_number = ''
            for i in xrange(0, len(serial_number_hex), 2):
                block = serial_number_hex[i:i + 2]
                entero = int(block, 16)
                serial_number = serial_number + chr(entero)
            return serial_number
            return "Se produjo el siguiente error:\n%s" % error
    # Handle other exception (i.e. internal server error)

        # Get exception:
        other_exception = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Build error from exception:
    other_error = Error(_Pauli_Constants.HTTP_CODES['INTERNAL'],
    # Log exception/error:
    logger.critical(other_error.content + other_exception)
    # Exception was already handled (i.e. error was built and logged int this except) so it is transformed into an already handled exception:
    already_handled_exception = Already_Handled_Exception(other_error)
    # Raise exception to outer except(s):
    raise already_handled_exception