Example #1
    def to_dict(self, id_parts=None):
        version = pbcommand.get_version()

        d = BaseReportElement.to_dict(self, id_parts=id_parts)
        d['_version'] = version
        d['_changelist'] = "UNKNOWN"
        d['dataset_uuids'] = list(set(self._dataset_uuids))
        return d
Example #2
    def to_dict(self, id_parts=None):
        version = pbcommand.get_version()

        d = BaseReportElement.to_dict(self, id_parts=id_parts)
        d['_version'] = version
        d['_changelist'] = "UNKNOWN"
        d['dataset_uuids'] = list(set(self._dataset_uuids))
        return d
Example #3
    def to_dict(self, id_parts=None):
        version = pbcommand.get_version()

        d = BaseReportElement.to_dict(self, id_parts=id_parts)
        d["title"] = self.title
        d["_version"] = version
        d["_changelist"] = "UNKNOWN"
        d["dataset_uuids"] = list(set(self._dataset_uuids))
        return d
Example #4
    def to_dict(self):
        comment = "Created by pbcommand v{v}".format(v=pbcommand.get_version())

        tc = dict(input_files=self.input_files,
                  resources=[r.to_dict() for r in self.resources],
        return tc
Example #5
    def to_dict(self):
        comment = "Created by pbcommand v{v}".format(v=pbcommand.get_version())

        tc = dict(input_files=self.input_files,
        return tc
Example #6
    def to_dict(self, id_parts=None):

        _d = dict(v=pbcommand.get_version(),

        d = BaseReportElement.to_dict(self, id_parts=id_parts)
        d['_comment'] = "Generated with pbcommand version {v} at {t}".format(**_d)

        # Required in 1.0.0 of the spec
        d['uuid'] = self.uuid
        d['title'] = self.title
        d['version'] = PB_REPORT_SCHEMA_VERSION
        d['dataset_uuids'] = list(set(self.dataset_uuids))
        return d
Example #7
    def to_dict(self, id_parts=None):

        _d = dict(v=pbcommand.get_version(),

        d = BaseReportElement.to_dict(self, id_parts=id_parts)
        d['_comment'] = "Generated with pbcommand version {v} at {t}".format(

        # Required in 1.0.0 of the spec
        d['uuid'] = self.uuid
        d['title'] = self.title
        d['version'] = PB_REPORT_SCHEMA_VERSION
        d['dataset_uuids'] = list(set(self.dataset_uuids))
        return d
Example #8
def _pacbio_main_runner(alog, setup_log_func, func, *args, **kwargs):
    Runs a general func and logs results. The return type is expected to be an (int) return code.

    :param alog: a log instance

    :param func: a cli exe func, must return an int exit code. func(args) => Int, where args is parsed from p.parse_args()

    :param args: parsed args from parser

    :return: Exit code of callable func
    :rtype: int

    started_at = time.time()

    pargs = args[0]
    level = logging.INFO
    # Assuming that the log_level might not be an added option.
    if hasattr(pargs, 'log_level'):
        level = logging.getLevelName(pargs.log_level)

    log_options = dict(level=level)
    # The Setup log func must adhere to the pbcommand.utils.setup_log func
    # signature
    setup_log_func(alog, **log_options)
    alog.info("Using pbcommand v{v}".format(v=pbcommand.get_version()))

        # the code in func should catch any exceptions. The try/catch
        # here is a fail safe to make sure the program doesn't fail
        # and the makes sure the exit code is logged.
        return_code = func(*args, **kwargs)
        run_time = time.time() - started_at
    except Exception as e:
        run_time = time.time() - started_at
        alog.error(e, exc_info=True)

        # We should have a standard map of exit codes to Int
        if isinstance(e, IOError):
            return_code = 1
            return_code = 2

    _d = dict(r=return_code, s=run_time)
    alog.info("exiting with return code {r} in {s:.2f} sec.".format(**_d))
    return return_code
Example #9
    def _w(args):
        # FIXME.
        setup_log(log, level=logging.DEBUG)

        log.info("Loading pbcommand {v}".format(v=pbcommand.get_version()))
        log.info("Registry {r}".format(r=registry))
        log.info("loading RTC from {i}".format(i=args.rtc_path))
        rtc = load_resolved_tool_contract_from(args.rtc_path)
        id_funcs = {t.task.task_id:func for t, func in registry.rtc_runners.iteritems()}
        func = id_funcs.get(rtc.task.task_id, None)
        if func is None:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR. Unknown tool contract id {x}".format(x=rtc.task.task_id))
            return -1
            log.info("Running id:{i} Resolved Tool Contract {r}".format(r=rtc, i=rtc.task.task_id))
            log.info("Runner func {f}".format(f=func))
            exit_code = func(rtc)
            log.info("Completed running {r} exitcode {e}".format(r=rtc, e=exit_code))
            return exit_code
Example #10
    def _w(args):

        started_at = time.time()

        def run_time():
            return time.time() - started_at

        def exit_msg(rcode_):
            return "Completed running {r} exitcode {e} in {t:.2f} sec.".format(
                r=rtc, e=rcode_, t=run_time())

        level = get_parsed_args_log_level(args)
        setup_logger(None, level=level)

        log.info("Loading pbcommand {v}".format(v=pbcommand.get_version()))
        log.info("Registry {r}".format(r=registry))
        log.info("Setting log-level to {d}".format(d=level))
        log.debug("args {a}".format(a=args))
        log.info("loading RTC from {i}".format(i=args.rtc_path))
        rtc = load_resolved_tool_contract_from(args.rtc_path)
        id_funcs = {
            t.task.task_id: func
            for t, func in registry.rtc_runners.iteritems()
        func = id_funcs.get(rtc.task.task_id, None)
        if func is None:
            rcode = 1
                "Unknown tool contract id '{x}' Registered TC ids {i}".format(
                    x=rtc.task.task_id, i=id_funcs.keys()))
            return rcode
            log.info("Running id:{i} Resolved Tool Contract {r}".format(
                r=rtc, i=rtc.task.task_id))
            log.info("Runner func {f}".format(f=func))
            exit_code = func(rtc)
            if exit_code == 0:

            return exit_code
Example #11
    def _w(args):

        started_at = time.time()

        def run_time():
            return time.time() - started_at

        def exit_msg(rcode_):
            return "Completed running {r} exitcode {e} in {t:.2f} sec.".format(r=rtc, e=rcode_, t=run_time())

        level = get_parsed_args_log_level(args)
        setup_logger(None, level=level)

        log.info("Loading pbcommand {v}".format(v=pbcommand.get_version()))
        log.info("Registry {r}".format(r=registry))
        log.info("Setting log-level to {d}".format(d=level))
        log.debug("args {a}".format(a=args))
        log.info("loading RTC from {i}".format(i=args.rtc_path))
        rtc = load_resolved_tool_contract_from(args.rtc_path)
        id_funcs = {t.task.task_id: func for t, func in registry.rtc_runners.iteritems()}
        func = id_funcs.get(rtc.task.task_id, None)
        if func is None:
            rcode = 1
            log.error("Unknown tool contract id '{x}' Registered TC ids {i}".format(x=rtc.task.task_id, i=id_funcs.keys()))
            return rcode
            log.info("Running id:{i} Resolved Tool Contract {r}".format(r=rtc, i=rtc.task.task_id))
            log.info("Runner func {f}".format(f=func))
            exit_code = func(rtc)
            if exit_code == 0:

            return exit_code
Example #12
def _pacbio_main_runner(alog, setup_log_func, exe_main_func, *args, **kwargs):
    Runs a general func and logs results. The return type is expected to be an (int) return code.

    :param alog: a log instance

    :param func: a cli exe func, must return an int exit code. func(args) => Int, where args is parsed from p.parse_args()

    :param args: parsed args from parser

    :param setup_log_func: F(alog, level=value, file_name=value, formatter=value) or None

    :return: Exit code of callable func
    :rtype: int

    started_at = time.time()

    pargs = args[0]
    # default logging level
    level = logging.INFO

    if 'level' in kwargs:
        level = kwargs.pop('level')
        level = get_parsed_args_log_level(pargs)

    # None will default to stdout
    log_file = getattr(pargs, 'log_file', None)

    # Currently, only support to stdout. More customization would require
    # more required commandline options in base parser (e.g., --log-file,
    # --log-formatter)
    log_options = dict(level=level, file_name=log_file)

    base_dir = os.getcwd()

    dump_alarm_on_error = False
    if "dump_alarm_on_error" in kwargs:
        dump_alarm_on_error = kwargs.pop("dump_alarm_on_error")
    is_cromwell_environment = bool(
                       None)) and "cromwell-executions" in base_dir
    dump_alarm_on_error = dump_alarm_on_error and is_cromwell_environment

    # The Setup log func must adhere to the pbcommand.utils.setup_log func
    # signature
    # FIXME. This should use the more concrete F(file_name_or_name, level, formatter)
    # signature of setup_logger
    if setup_log_func is not None and alog is not None:
        setup_log_func(alog, **log_options)
        alog.info("Using pbcommand v{v}".format(v=pbcommand.get_version()))
            "completed setting up logger with {f}".format(f=setup_log_func))
        alog.info("log opts {d}".format(d=log_options))

    if dump_alarm_on_error:
            "This command appears to be running as part of a Cromwell workflow"
        alog.info("Additional output files may be generated")

        # the code in func should catch any exceptions. The try/catch
        # here is a fail safe to make sure the program doesn't fail
        # and the makes sure the exit code is logged.
        return_code = exe_main_func(*args, **kwargs)
        run_time = time.time() - started_at
    except Exception as e:
        run_time = time.time() - started_at
        if alog is not None:
            alog.error(e, exc_info=True)
        if dump_alarm_on_error:
                base_dir, "alarms.json"),

        # We should have a standard map of exit codes to Int
        if isinstance(e, IOError):
            return_code = 1
            return_code = 2

    _d = dict(r=return_code, s=run_time)
    if is_cromwell_environment:
        alog.info("Writing task report to task-report.json")
        write_task_report(run_time, getattr(pargs, "nproc", 1), return_code)
    if alog is not None:
        alog.info("exiting with return code {r} in {s:.2f} sec.".format(**_d))
    return return_code
Example #13
#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'

# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'

# General information about the project.
project = u'pbcommand'
copyright = u'2015-2016, Michael Kocher'
author = u'Michael Kocher'

# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = pbcommand.get_version()
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = pbcommand.get_version()

# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
language = None

# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
#today = ''
# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
Example #14
"""Common models for Tool Contract and Resolved Tool Contract

Author: Michael Kocher
import abc

import pbcommand

from .common import TaskTypes, ResourceTypes

__version__ = pbcommand.get_version()

class MalformedToolContractError(ValueError):

class MalformedResolvedToolContractError(ValueError):

def _validate_type(value, type_or_types):
    return isinstance(value, type_or_types)

def _validate_or_raise(value, type_or_types):
    if not _validate_type(value, type_or_types):
        _d = dict(x=value, t=type(value), s=type_or_types)
        raise TypeError("Unsupported type for {x} {t}. Expected types {s}".format(**_d))
    return value
Example #15
"""Common models for Tool Contract and Resolved Tool Contract

Author: Michael Kocher
import abc
from collections import OrderedDict
import types
import datetime

import pbcommand

from .common import TaskTypes, ResourceTypes, REGISTERED_FILE_TYPES

__version__ = pbcommand.get_version()

class MalformedToolContractError(ValueError):

class MalformedResolvedToolContractError(ValueError):

def _validate_type(value, type_or_types):
    return isinstance(value, type_or_types)

def _validate_or_raise(value, type_or_types):
    if not _validate_type(value, type_or_types):
Example #16
#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'

# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'

# General information about the project.
project = u'pbcommand'
copyright = u'2015-2017, Michael Kocher'
author = u'Michael Kocher'

# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = pbcommand.get_version()
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = pbcommand.get_version()

# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
language = None

# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
#today = ''
# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
Example #17
def _pacbio_main_runner(alog, setup_log_func, exe_main_func, *args, **kwargs):
    Runs a general func and logs results. The return type is expected to be an (int) return code.

    :param alog: a log instance

    :param func: a cli exe func, must return an int exit code. func(args) => Int, where args is parsed from p.parse_args()

    :param args: parsed args from parser

    :param setup_log_func: F(alog, level=value, file_name=value, formatter=value) or None

    :return: Exit code of callable func
    :rtype: int

    started_at = time.time()

    pargs = args[0]
    # default logging level
    level = logging.INFO

    if 'level' in kwargs:
        level = kwargs.pop('level')
        level = get_parsed_args_log_level(pargs)

    # None will default to stdout
    log_file = getattr(pargs, 'log_file', None)

    # Currently, only support to stdout. More customization would require
    # more required commandline options in base parser (e.g., --log-file, --log-formatter)
    log_options = dict(level=level, file_name=log_file)

    # The Setup log func must adhere to the pbcommand.utils.setup_log func
    # signature
    # FIXME. This should use the more concrete F(file_name_or_name, level, formatter)
    # signature of setup_logger
    if setup_log_func is not None and alog is not None:
        setup_log_func(alog, **log_options)
        alog.info("Using pbcommand v{v}".format(v=pbcommand.get_version()))
            "completed setting up logger with {f}".format(f=setup_log_func))
        alog.info("log opts {d}".format(d=log_options))

        # the code in func should catch any exceptions. The try/catch
        # here is a fail safe to make sure the program doesn't fail
        # and the makes sure the exit code is logged.
        return_code = exe_main_func(*args, **kwargs)
        run_time = time.time() - started_at
    except Exception as e:
        run_time = time.time() - started_at
        if alog is not None:
            alog.error(e, exc_info=True)

        # We should have a standard map of exit codes to Int
        if isinstance(e, IOError):
            return_code = 1
            return_code = 2

    _d = dict(r=return_code, s=run_time)
    if alog is not None:
        alog.info("exiting with return code {r} in {s:.2f} sec.".format(**_d))
    return return_code
Example #18
def _pacbio_main_runner(alog, setup_log_func, exe_main_func, *args, **kwargs):
    Runs a general func and logs results. The return type is expected to be an (int) return code.

    :param alog: a log instance

    :param func: a cli exe func, must return an int exit code. func(args) => Int, where args is parsed from p.parse_args()

    :param args: parsed args from parser

    :param setup_log_func: F(alog, level=value, file_name=value, formatter=value) or None

    :return: Exit code of callable func
    :rtype: int

    started_at = time.time()

    pargs = args[0]
    # default logging level
    level = logging.INFO

    if 'level' in kwargs:
        level = kwargs['level']

    # If level is provided at the parser level, this will override all other
    # settings. This is defined in pbcommand.common_options.add_log_level_option
    if hasattr(pargs, 'log_level'):
        level = logging.getLevelName(pargs.log_level)

    # None will default to stdout
    log_file = getattr(pargs, 'log_file', None)

    # Currently, only support to stdout. More customization would require
    # more required commandline options in base parser (e.g., --log-file, --log-formatter)
    log_options = dict(level=level, file_name=log_file)

    # The Setup log func must adhere to the pbcommand.utils.setup_log func
    # signature
    # FIXME. This should use the more concrete F(file_name_or_name, level, formatter)
    # signature of setup_logger
    if setup_log_func is not None and alog is not None:
        setup_log_func(alog, **log_options)
        alog.info("Using pbcommand v{v}".format(v=pbcommand.get_version()))
        alog.info("completed setting up logger with {f}".format(f=setup_log_func))
        alog.info("log opts {d}".format(d=log_options))

        # the code in func should catch any exceptions. The try/catch
        # here is a fail safe to make sure the program doesn't fail
        # and the makes sure the exit code is logged.
        return_code = exe_main_func(*args, **kwargs)
        run_time = time.time() - started_at
    except Exception as e:
        run_time = time.time() - started_at
        if alog is not None:
            alog.error(e, exc_info=True)

        # We should have a standard map of exit codes to Int
        if isinstance(e, IOError):
            return_code = 1
            return_code = 2

    _d = dict(r=return_code, s=run_time)
    if alog is not None:
        alog.info("exiting with return code {r} in {s:.2f} sec.".format(**_d))
    return return_code