def __init__(self,
            Constructor for the class implementing a Bayesian neural network
            trained with the probabilistic back propagation method.

            @param X_train      Matrix with the features for the training data.
            @param y_train      Vector with the target variables for the
                                training data.
            @param n_hidden     Vector with the number of neurons for each
                                hidden layer.
            @param n_epochs     Numer of epochs for which to train the
                                network. The recommended value 40 should be
            @param normalize    Whether to normalize the input features. This
                                is recommended unles the input vector is for
                                example formed by binary features (a
                                fingerprint). In that case we do not recommend
                                to normalize the features.

        # We normalize the training data to have zero mean and unit standard
        # deviation in the training set if necessary

        if normalize:
            self.std_X_train = np.std(X_train, 0)
            self.std_X_train[self.std_X_train == 0] = 1
            self.mean_X_train = np.mean(X_train, 0)
            self.std_X_train = np.ones(X_train.shape[1])
            self.mean_X_train = np.zeros(X_train.shape[1])

        X_train = (X_train - np.full(X_train.shape, self.mean_X_train)) / \
            np.full(X_train.shape, self.std_X_train)

        self.mean_y_train = np.mean(y_train)
        self.std_y_train = np.std(y_train)

        y_train_normalized = (y_train - self.mean_y_train) / self.std_y_train

        # We construct the network = pbp.construct_PBP_network(n_hidden, X_train.shape[1])

        # We iterate the learning process

        pbp.train_PBP_network(, X_train, y_train_normalized, n_epochs)
    def __init__(self, X_train, y_train, n_hidden, n_epochs = 40,
        normalize = False):

            Constructor for the class implementing a Bayesian neural network
            trained with the probabilistic back propagation method.

            @param X_train      Matrix with the features for the training data.
            @param y_train      Vector with the target variables for the
                                training data.
            @param n_hidden     Vector with the number of neurons for each
                                hidden layer.
            @param n_epochs     Numer of epochs for which to train the
                                network. The recommended value 40 should be
            @param normalize    Whether to normalize the input features. This
                                is recommended unles the input vector is for
                                example formed by binary features (a
                                fingerprint). In that case we do not recommend
                                to normalize the features.

        # We normalize the training data to have zero mean and unit standard
        # deviation in the training set if necessary

        if normalize:
            self.std_X_train = np.std(X_train, 0)
            self.std_X_train[ self.std_X_train == 0 ] = 1
            self.mean_X_train = np.mean(X_train, 0)
            self.std_X_train = np.ones(X_train.shape[ 1 ])
            self.mean_X_train = np.zeros(X_train.shape[ 1 ])

        X_train = (X_train - np.full(X_train.shape, self.mean_X_train)) / \
            np.full(X_train.shape, self.std_X_train)

        self.mean_y_train = np.mean(y_train)
        self.std_y_train = np.std(y_train)

        y_train_normalized = (y_train - self.mean_y_train) / self.std_y_train

        # We construct the network = pbp.construct_PBP_network(n_hidden, X_train.shape[ 1 ])

        # We iterate the learning process

        pbp.train_PBP_network(, X_train, y_train_normalized, n_epochs)
    def re_train(self, X_train, y_train, n_epochs):
            Function that re-trains the network on some data.

            @param X_train      Matrix with the features for the training data.
            @param y_train      Vector with the target variables for the
                                training data.
            @param n_epochs     Numer of epochs for which to train the

        # We normalize the training data

        X_train = (X_train - np.full(X_train.shape, self.mean_X_train)) / \
            np.full(X_train.shape, self.std_X_train)

        y_train_normalized = (y_train - self.mean_y_train) / self.std_y_train

        pbp.train_PBP_network(, X_train, y_train_normalized, n_epochs)
    def re_train(self, X_train, y_train, n_epochs):

            Function that re-trains the network on some data.

            @param X_train      Matrix with the features for the training data.
            @param y_train      Vector with the target variables for the
                                training data.
            @param n_epochs     Numer of epochs for which to train the

        # We normalize the training data 

        X_train = (X_train - np.full(X_train.shape, self.mean_X_train)) / \
            np.full(X_train.shape, self.std_X_train)

        y_train_normalized = (y_train - self.mean_y_train) / self.std_y_train

        pbp.train_PBP_network(, X_train, y_train_normalized, n_epochs)