def cli(package: str, inc_kwargs: dict) -> None:
    """Bump a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH version string at the specified index location or 'patch' digit."""

    semver = VersionInfo(package).semantic_version()

    # Pre-decrement a "dev" version to get the real version tuple.
    if 'dev' in semver.version_tuple():
        semver = semver.decrement()

    semver = semver.increment(**inc_kwargs)
    click.echo(semver.release_string(), nl=False)
Example #2
from .rotation_matrix_3d import rotation_from_angles
from .rotation_matrix_3d import rotation_around_x
from .rotation_matrix_3d import rotation_around_y
from .rotation_matrix_3d import rotation_around_z
from .rotation_matrix_3d import rotation_around_axis
from .rotation_matrix_nd import rotation_from_angle_and_plane
from .rotation_matrix_2d import rotation_from_angle
from .rotation_matrix_nd import random_matrix

from pbr.version import VersionInfo

_v = VersionInfo('mgen').semantic_version()
__version__ = _v.release_string()
version_info = _v.version_tuple()
Example #3
#! /usr/bin/env python
"""WSDL parsing services package for Web Services for Python."""

ident = "$Id$"

from pbr.version import VersionInfo
from . import WSDLTools  # noqa
from . import XMLname   # noqa

_v = VersionInfo('wstools').semantic_version()
__version__ = _v.release_string()
version_info = _v.version_tuple()

__all__ = (
Example #4
# Copyright (c) 2009 Testrepository Contributors
# Licensed under either the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the BSD 3-clause
# license at the users choice. A copy of both licenses are available in the
# project source as Apache-2.0 and BSD. You may not use this file except in
# compliance with one of these two licences.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under these licenses is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
# license you chose for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under that license.

"""The testrepository library.

This library is divided into some broad areas.

The commands package contains the main user entry points into the application.
The ui package contains various user interfaces.
The repository package contains the core storage code.
The tests package contains tests and test specific support code.

# Yes, this is not PEP-396 compliant. It predates that.
from pbr.version import VersionInfo

_v = VersionInfo('mock').semantic_version()
version = _v.release_string()
__version__ = _v.version_tuple()
Example #5
# Copyright (c) 2009 Testrepository Contributors
# Licensed under either the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the BSD 3-clause
# license at the users choice. A copy of both licenses are available in the
# project source as Apache-2.0 and BSD. You may not use this file except in
# compliance with one of these two licences.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under these licenses is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
# license you chose for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under that license.
"""The testrepository library.

This library is divided into some broad areas.

The commands package contains the main user entry points into the application.
The ui package contains various user interfaces.
The repository package contains the core storage code.
The tests package contains tests and test specific support code.

# Yes, this is not PEP-396 compliant. It predates that.
from pbr.version import VersionInfo

_v = VersionInfo('mock').semantic_version()
version = _v.release_string()
__version__ = _v.version_tuple()
Example #6
import argparse
import unittest
from io import StringIO
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.parse import urlunparse

import requests
from onetimepass import get_totp
from lxml import etree
from pbr.version import VersionInfo

_VERSION = VersionInfo('test_http').semantic_version()
__version__ = _VERSION.release_string()
__version_info__ = _VERSION.version_tuple()

__all__ = (

class PathException(Exception):