Example #1
def pcl_callback(ros_point_cloud_msg):

    # TODO: Convert ROS msg of type PointCloud2 to PCL data PointXYZRGB format
    pcl_data = pclh.ros_to_pcl(ros_point_cloud_msg)

    # TODO: Statistical filter
    stat_inlier, stat_outlier = flt.statistical_outlier_filter(pcl_data)

    # TODO: Voxel Grid Downsampling
    vox_filt = flt.voxel_downsampling(stat_inlier)

    # TODO: PassThrough Filter
    pass_filt = flt.pass_through_filter(vox_filt)

    # TODO: RANSAC Plane Segmentation
    # TODO: Extract inliers and outliers
    cloud_table, cloud_objects = flt.ransac(pass_filt)

    # TODO: Euclidean Clustering
    cluster_indices = flt.euclidean_clustering(cloud_objects)

    # TODO: Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately
    cluster_cloud = flt.visualize_clusters(cloud_objects, cluster_indices)

    # TODO: Convert PCL data to ROS messages
    ros_table_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cloud_table)
    ros_objects_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cloud_objects)
    ros_cluster_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cluster_cloud)

    # TODO: Publish ROS messages
Example #2
def callback(input_ros_msg):
    cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(input_ros_msg)
    #print("INPUT: ", cloud)
    cloud = do_passthrough(cloud, "x", 0.0, 20.0)
    cloud = do_passthrough(cloud, "y", -5.0, 5.0)
    _, _, cloud = do_ransac_plane_normal_segmentation(cloud, 0.14)
    #cloud = do_euclidian_clustering(cloud)
    cloud_new = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(cloud)
Example #3
    def pc2CB(self, msg):
        self.cb_start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
        print "--------------------------------------------"
        # Convert ROS PointCloud2 msg to PCL data
        self.cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msg)

        print "CB_start_time", self.cb_start_time
        print "CB_end_time", rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
def callback(input_ros_msg):
    cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(input_ros_msg)
    # print("INPUT: ", cloud)

    LEAF_SIZE = 0.1
    cloud = do_voxel_grid_downsampling(cloud, LEAF_SIZE)
    #  print("OUTPUT: ", cloud)
    # print("")

    cloud_new = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(cloud)
Example #5
def callback(input_ros_msg):
    cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(input_ros_msg)
    print("INPUT: ", cloud, type(cloud))
    cloud = pcl_helper.XYZRGB_to_XYZ(cloud)
    mean_k = 10
    thresh = 0.001
    cloud = do_statistical_outlier_filtering(cloud, mean_k, thresh)
    color = pcl_helper.random_color_gen()
    cloud = pcl_helper.XYZ_to_XYZRGB(cloud, color)
    cloud_new = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(cloud)
    print("OUTPUT: ", cloud, type(cloud))
def calc_object_size(item):
    points_array = pclh.ros_to_pcl(item.cloud).to_array()
    centroid = np.mean(points_array, axis=0)[:3]
    max_dim = np.max(points_array, axis=0)[:3]
    min_dim = np.min(points_array, axis=0)[:3]
    object_size = max_dim - min_dim
    length, width, height = make_ros_pose(object_size[0], object_size[1],
        "The dimensions of the detected item are: length=%f, width=%f, height=%f"
        % (length.width, height))
    return length, width, height, centroid
def CB_msgPCL(msgPCL):
    ROS "/sensor_stick/point_cloud" subscription Callback handler
    Handle the PointCloud ROS msg received by the "/sensor_stick/point_cloud"
    This function is almost entirely unpacking/packing ROS messages and publishing.
    The the unpacked input pcl is processed by Process_rawPCL(pclpcRawIn)
    which returns the values that need to be packed and published
    :param msgPCL:
    global g_callBackCount
    g_callBackCount += 1

    if (g_callBackCount % g_callBackSkip != 0):

    print "\rCBCount= {:05d}".format(g_callBackCount),


    # Extract pcl Raw from Ros msgPCL
    pclpcRawIn = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msgPCL)

    #------- PROCESS RAW PCL-------------------------
    labelRecs, pclpcObjects, pclpcTable, pclpcClusters = Process_rawPCL(pclpcRawIn)

    detected_objects_labels = [] # For ros loginfo only
    detected_objects = [] # For publish - for PROJ3!

    for (labelText, labelPos, labelIndex) in labelRecs:
        g_object_markers_pub.publish(marker_tools.make_label(labelText, labelPos, labelIndex ))
        # Add  detected object to the list of detected objects.
        do = DetectedObject()
        do.label = labelText
        do.cloud = pclpcClusters

    rospy.loginfo('Detected {} objects: {}'.format(len(detected_objects_labels), detected_objects_labels))

    # Package Processed pcls into Ros msgPCL
    msgPCLObjects = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(pclpcObjects)
    msgPCLTable = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(pclpcTable)
    msgPCLClusters = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(pclpcClusters)

    # Publish everything
    # This is the output you'll need to complete the upcoming project!
    g_detected_objects_pub.publish(detected_objects) # THIS IS THE CRUCIAL STEP FOR PROJ3
Example #8
def Process_msgPCL(msgPCL):
    # Extract pcl Raw from Ros msgPCL
    pclpcRawIn = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msgPCL)

    #------- PROCESS RAW PC-------------------------
    pclpcObjects, pclpcTable, pclpcClusters = ProcessPCL(pclpcRawIn)

    # Package Processed pcls into Ros msgPCL
    msgPCLObjects = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(pclpcObjects)
    msgPCLTable = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(pclpcTable)
    msgPCLClusters = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(pclpcClusters)

    return msgPCLObjects, msgPCLTable, msgPCLClusters
    def pc2CB(self, msg):
        self.start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
        print "----------------------------------"
        outer_pts = inner_pts = remaining_pts = []

        # Convert ROS PointCloud2 msg to PCL data
        cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msg)

        # Passthrough Filter
        fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(
            cloud, 'x', self.filter_xmin, self.filter_xmax)
        fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(
            fil_cloud, 'y', self.filter_ymin, self.filter_ymax)

        # Statistical Outlier Filter
        fil = fil_cloud.make_statistical_outlier_filter()
        filtered_cloud = fil.filter()

        #        self.load_params_from_yaml(self.filepath)

        # Setting Outer-Region and Inner-Region
        self.outer_region, self.inner_region = self.getDetectionRegion(
            self.fsm_state, self.lifter_status)

        # Visualize Detection Region
        self.visualize_region(self.outer_region, self.inner_region)

        self.middle_time_1 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()

        # Grouping raw cloud into 2 groups of points
        outer_pts, inner_pts = self.getPointsGroupedFromCloud(
            filtered_cloud, self.outer_region, self.inner_region)

        self.middle_time_2 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()

        remaining_pts = list(set(outer_pts) - set(inner_pts))

        print "outer_pts", len(outer_pts)
        print "inner_pts", len(inner_pts)
        print "remaining_pts", len(remaining_pts)

        if (len(remaining_pts) != 0):
            print "Obstacle detected and stopping AGV"

        print "start_time", self.start_time
        print "middle_time_1", self.middle_time_1
        print "middle_time_2", self.middle_time_2
        print "end_time", rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
Example #10
	def get_clusters(self, cloud):
		#print("point cloud size = ",len(cloud.data), " bytes")

		marker_array = MarkerArray()

		pcl_cloud = ros_to_pcl(cloud)
		#convert pointcloud_xyzrgb to pointcloud_xyz 
		# since pointcloud_xyzrgb does not support make_EuclideanClusterExtraction
		xyz_pc = pcl.PointCloud()
		xyz_pc.from_list( [ x[:3] for x in pcl_cloud.to_list() ] )
		tree = xyz_pc.make_kdtree()
		t1 =  time.clock()
		ec = xyz_pc.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction()
		ec.set_ClusterTolerance (0.005)
		ec.set_MinClusterSize (200)
		ec.set_MaxClusterSize (5000)
		ec.set_SearchMethod (tree)
		cluster_indices = ec.Extract()
		t2 =  time.clock()

		#print("ECE took ", t2-t1)

		#for all j clusters
		print("# clusters ", len(cluster_indices))
		for j, indices in enumerate(cluster_indices):
			print("Cluster", j ,": # points ", len(indices))

			sum_x = 0
			sum_y = 0
			sum_z = 0
			#for all points in the cluster j
			for i, indice in enumerate(indices):
				sum_x = sum_x + xyz_pc[indice][0]
				sum_y = sum_y + xyz_pc[indice][1]
				sum_z = sum_z + xyz_pc[indice][2]

			x = sum_x/len(indices)
			y = sum_y/len(indices)
			z = sum_z/len(indices)

			label = "obj_" + str(j)
			marker_array.markers.append(get_marker(j, label, cloud.header.frame_id, x, y, z))

			obj = pcl_cloud.extract(indices, negative=False)

			pc_msg = pcl_to_ros(obj, cloud.header)

Example #11
def callback(input_ros_msg):
    cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(input_ros_msg)

    filter_axis = 'x'
    axis_min = 0.0
    axis_max = 20.0
    cloud = do_passthrough(cloud, filter_axis, axis_min, axis_max)

    filter_axis = 'y'
    axis_min = -5.0
    axis_max = 5.0
    cloud = do_passthrough(cloud, filter_axis, axis_min, axis_max)

    cloud_new = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(cloud)
Example #12
def ground_filter(cloud):
    pcl_cloud = ros_to_pcl(cloud)

    t1 = time.clock()
	seg = pcl_cloud.make_segmenter_normals(ksearch=5)

		indices, model = seg.segment()

	cnt = 0
	i = 0
	ind = []
	for p in pc2.read_points(cloud, skip_nans=True):
		d = distance_point_to_plane(p, model)
		#0.005 is a fudge factor to correct for any error in the model
		#to avoid having any parts of the ground to creep in
		if d > 0.005:
			cnt = cnt + 1
			i = i + 1

    seg = pcl_cloud.make_segmenter()

    indices, model = seg.segment()

    t2 = time.clock()
    #print("RANSAC took ", t2-t1)
    #print("model:", model)
    print("org size", cloud.width * cloud.height, "ransac size",
          cloud.width * cloud.height - len(indices))

    #return pcl_cloud.extract(ind, negative=False)
    return pcl_cloud.extract(indices, negative=True)
Example #13
def callback(input_ros_msg):
    cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(input_ros_msg)
    #cloud = pcl_helper.XYZRGB_to_XYZ(cloud)

    #cloud_denoised = do_statistical_outlier_filtering(cloud)

    #cloud_downsampled = do_voxel_grid_downsampling(cloud)

    cloud_roi_x = do_passthrough(cloud, 'x', 0.0, 20.0)

    cloud_roi_y = do_passthrough(cloud_roi_x, 'y', -5.0, 5.0)

    _, _, cloud_ransaced = do_ransac_plane_normal_segmentation(
        cloud_roi_y, 0.007)

    cloud_clustered = do_euclidian_clustering(cloud_ransaced)

    cloud_new = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(cloud_clustered)
Example #14
    def pc2CB(self, msg):
        # Convert ROS PointCloud2 msg to PCL data
        cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msg)

        # Filter the Cloud according limitation on x-axis and y-axis
        fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(
            cloud, 'x', -0.5, 0.0)
        fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(
            fil_cloud, 'y', -0.5, 0.5)
        print fil_cloud.size

        # Visualize the filtered cloud
        outmsg = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(fil_cloud, "base_link")
        outmsg.header = msg.header

        # Save the cloud
        if self.init:
            pcl.save(fil_cloud, "/home/samuel/charger_unit.pcd", None, False)
            self.init = False
            print "record finish"
Example #15
    def pc2CB(self, msg):
        self.start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
        print "--------------------------------------------"
        # Convert ROS PointCloud2 msg to PCL data
        cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msg)

        #        self.load_params_from_yaml(self.filepath)

        print "fsm_state", self.fsm_state
        # Setting Detection-Region for stopping
        detection_region = self.getDetectionRegion(self.fsm_state,

        # Finding Min & Max of detection region
        x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min = self.getMinMaxXYFromRegion(

        # Passthrough Filter
        fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(
            cloud, 'x', x_min, x_max)
        fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(
            fil_cloud, 'y', y_min, y_max)

        # Voxel Grid Filter
        filtered_cloud = filtering_helper.do_voxel_grid_filter(fil_cloud, 0.01)

        self.middle_time_1 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()

        # Use Euclidean clustering to filter out noise
        clusters = self.getClusters(filtered_cloud, 0.05, 10, 9000)  #0.05, 10

        # Setting Front-region for snapshot
        front_region = self.camera_region

        # Visualize Detection Region

        self.middle_time_2 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()

        # Grouping clusters into 2 groups of points
        detected_pts = self.getPointsInRegionFromClusters(
            clusters, filtered_cloud, detection_region)
        #        front_pts = self.getPointsInRegionFromPoints(detected_pts, front_region)

        self.middle_time_3 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()

        print "detected_pts", len(detected_pts)
        # If Obstacle detected, do following:
        if (len(detected_pts) != 0):
            print "--------------------------------------"
            print "| Obstacle detected and stopping AGV |"
            print "--------------------------------------"
            # Rosservice call the health_monitoring of obstacle blocking
            if (rospy.Time.now().to_sec() - self.obs_timer >=
                print "#######################################################"
                print "##########     calling health_monitoring     ##########"
                print "#######################################################"
                self.obs_timer = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
            # Use for snapshot once per obstacle at front
            if (self.fsm_state != "SUSPEND"):
                self.error = 1
            # Rosservice call to snapshot the front obstacle once
#            print "front_pts", len(front_pts)
#            if(len(front_pts)!=0 and self.fsm_state=="SUSPEND" and self.error==1):
#            if(len(detected_pts)!=0 and self.fsm_state=="SUSPEND" and self.error==1):
            if (len(detected_pts) != 0 and self.fsm_state == "SUSPEND"
                    and self.fsm_state != "ESTOP" and self.error == 1):
                self.error = 0
                print "######################################"
                print "##########     snapshot     ##########"
                print "######################################"

        self.prev_detection_region = detection_region

        print "start_time", self.start_time
        print "middle_time_1", self.middle_time_1
        print "middle_time_2", self.middle_time_2
        print "middle_time_3", self.middle_time_3
        print "end_time", rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
Example #16
def callback(input_ros_msg):
    cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(input_ros_msg)
    #color = pcl_helper.random_color_gen()
    #white_cloud = pcl_helper.XYZ_to_XYZRGB(cloud, color)
    cluster_cloud, cluster_indices = do_euclidian_clustering(cloud)
def pcl_callback(ros_pcl_msg):
# Exercise-1 TODOs:
    # TODO: Load point cloud data
    # TODO: Voxel Grid Downsampling
    # TODO: PassThrough Filter
    # TODO: RANSAC Plane Segmentation
    # TODO: Extract inliers and outliers
    # TODO: Save the inliers in .pcd file
    # TODO: Run the inliers.pcd file on terminal
# Exercise-2 TODOs:
    # TODO: Convert ROS msg to PCL data
    # TODO: Voxel Grid Downsampling
    # TODO: PassThrough Filter
    # TODO: RANSAC Plane Segmentation
    # TODO: Extract inliers and outliers
    # TODO: Euclidean Clustering
    # TODO: Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately
    # TODO: Convert PCL data to ROS messages
    # TODO: Publish ROS messages
# Exercise-3 TODOs: 
    # TODO: Classify the clusters! (loop through each detected cluster one at a time)
        # TODO: Grab the points for the cluster
        # TODO: Compute the associated feature vector
        # TODO: Make the prediction
        # TODO: Publish a label into RViz
        # TODO: Add the detected object to the list of detected objects.
    # TODO: Publish the list of detected objects

    # TODO: Convert ROS msg of type PointCloud2 to PCL data PointXYZRGB format
    pcl_data = pclh.ros_to_pcl(ros_pcl_msg)

    # TODO: Statistical filter
    stat_inlier, stat_outlier = flt.statistical_outlier_filter(pcl_data)
    pcl_data = stat_inlier
    # TODO: Voxel Grid Downsampling
    vox_filt = flt.voxel_downsampling(pcl_data)

    # TODO: PassThrough Filter
    pass_filt = flt.pass_through_filter(vox_filt)
    # TODO: RANSAC Plane Segmentation
    # TODO: Extract inliers (objects) and outliers (table)
    cloud_table, cloud_objects = flt.ransac(pass_filt)
    # TODO: Euclidean Clustering
    cluster_indices = flt.euclidean_clustering(cloud_objects)

    # TODO: Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately
    cluster_cloud = flt.visualize_clusters(cloud_objects, cluster_indices)

    # TODO: Convert PCL data to ROS messages
    ros_table_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cloud_table)
    ros_objects_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cloud_objects)
    ros_cluster_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cluster_cloud)

    # TODO: Publish ROS messages

    # TODO: Classify the clusters!
    detected_objects_labels = []
    detected_objects = []
    labeled_features = []

    for index, pts_list in enumerate(cluster_indices):
        # Grab the points for the cluster from the extracted outliers (cloud_objects)
        pcl_cluster = cloud_objects.extract(pts_list)
        # TODO: convert the cluster from pcl to ROS using helper function
        ros_cluster = pclh.pcl_to_ros(pcl_cluster)

        # Extract histogram features
        # TODO: complete this step just as is covered in capture_features.py
        # Extract histogram features
        hists_color = compute_color_histograms(ros_cluster, using_hsv=True)
        normals = get_normals(ros_cluster)
        hists_normals = compute_normal_histograms(normals)
        feature = np.concatenate((hists_color, hists_normals))
        #labeled_features.append([feature, model_name])

        # Make the prediction, retrieve the label for the result
        # and add it to detected_objects_labels list
        prediction = clf.predict(scaler.transform(feature.reshape(1,-1)))
        label = encoder.inverse_transform(prediction)[0]

        # Publish a label into RViz
        white_cloud = pclh.XYZRGB_to_XYZ(cloud_objects)
        label_pos = list(white_cloud[pts_list[0]])
        label_pos[2] += .4
        object_markers_pub.publish(make_label(label,label_pos, index))

        # Add the detected object to the list of detected objects.
        do = DetectedObject()
        do.label = label
        do.cloud = ros_cluster

    rospy.loginfo('Detected {} objects: {}'.format(len(detected_objects_labels), detected_objects_labels))

    # Publish the list of detected objects
    # This is the output you'll need to complete the upcoming project!
Example #18
    def pc2CB(self, msg):
        if self.init:
            # Convert ROS PointCloud2 msg to PCL data
            cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msg)

            # Filter the Cloud
            fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(
                cloud, 'x', self.x_min, self.x_max)
            filtered_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(
                fil_cloud, 'y', self.y_min, self.y_max)
            # Turn cloud into colorless cloud
            colorless_cloud = pcl_helper.XYZRGB_to_XYZ(filtered_cloud)

            # Get groups of cluster of points
            #            clusters = self.getClusters(colorless_cloud, 0.05, 20, 300)   # Table on Top AGV - 60~300
            clusters = self.getClusters(colorless_cloud, 0.05, 20, 350)
            print "len(clusters)", len(clusters)
            for i in range(0, len(clusters)):
                print "len(clusters[", i, "]", len(clusters[i])

            # Get mean points from clusters
            mean_pts = []
            for cluster in clusters:
                mean_pts.append(self.getMeanPoint(cluster, filtered_cloud))
            print "len(mean_pts)", len(mean_pts)
            for i in range(0, len(mean_pts)):
                print "mean_pts[", i, "]", mean_pts[i]

            # Remove other points, leave the table points only
            table_pts = []
            table_pts = self.getTablePoints(mean_pts)
            print "len(table_pts)", len(table_pts)
            print table_pts

            for i in range(len(table_pts)):
                self.vizPoint(i, table_pts[i], ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 1),

            # Get transform of "base_link" relative to "map"
            trans = self.getTransform("map", "base_link")

            # Finding 2 middle points from 4 table legs and use them as path_pts
            path_pts = []
            if (len(table_pts) == 4):
                for p1 in table_pts:
                    for p2 in table_pts:
                        if (p1 == p2):
                        # Register 2 middle_pts of 4 table legs
                        if (0.73 < self.getDistance(p1, p2) < 0.83):
                            path_pts.append(self.getMiddlePoint(p1, p2))

            print "len(path_pts)", len(path_pts)
            print path_pts

            # Turn path_pts into map frame
            for i in range(len(path_pts)):
                path_pts[i] = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose(
                    self.toPoseStamped(path_pts[i], Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)),
                path_pts[i] = Point(path_pts[i].x, path_pts[i].y, 0)

            # Record the starting point and heading once
            if self.record_once:
                self.start_pt = trans.transform.translation
                self.record_once = False

            # Create a list with distance information between initial_pt and path_pts
            distance_list = [
                self.getDistance(p, self.start_pt) for p in path_pts

            # Rearrange the path_pts to be in descending order
            path_pts = self.getAscend(path_pts, distance_list)

            # Duplicate the path_pts to prevent from being edited
            table_pathpts = path_pts[:]
            print "table_pathpts: ", len(table_pathpts)

            if (len(table_pathpts) == 2):
                # Get gradient of the Line of Best Fit
                m1 = self.getGradientLineOfBestFit(table_pathpts)

                # Insert another point on the line with d[m] away from the 2nd table_pathpts
                    self.getPointOnLine(m1, 1.0, table_pathpts[1],

                # Visualize the path_pts
                self.vizPoint(0, path_pts[0], ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0, 1),
                              "map")  # Red
                self.vizPoint(1, path_pts[1], ColorRGBA(1, 1, 0, 1),
                              "map")  # Yellow
                self.vizPoint(2, path_pts[2], ColorRGBA(1, 0, 1, 1),
                              "map")  # Magenta
                print len(path_pts)

                # Find the heading of the table (last 2 path_pts)
                heading_q = self.getOrientation(table_pathpts[0],

                # Publish the path
                self.route_pub.publish(self.getPath2Table(path_pts, heading_q))
            print "-----------------"
    def pc2CB(self, msg):
        if self.init:
            print "start_time", rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
            # Convert ROS PointCloud2 msg to PCL data
            cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msg)

            # Filter the Cloud
            fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(cloud, 'x', self.x_min, self.x_max)
            filtered_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(fil_cloud, 'y', self.y_min, self.y_max)
            # Turn cloud into colorless cloud
#            colorless_cloud = pcl_helper.XYZRGB_to_XYZ(filtered_cloud)
            colorless_cloud = pcl_helper.XYZI_to_XYZ(filtered_cloud)

            # Get groups of cluster of points
#            clusters = self.getClusters(colorless_cloud, 0.05, 20, 250)   # Table on Top AGV - 60~230
            clusters = self.getClusters(colorless_cloud, 0.05, 20, 350)
#            print "len(clusters)", len(clusters)
#            for i in range(0,len(clusters)):
#                print "len(clusters[", i, "]", len(clusters[i])

            # Get mean points from clusters
            mean_pts = []
            for cluster in clusters:
                mean_pts.append(self.getMeanPoint(cluster, filtered_cloud))
#            print "len(mean_pts)", len(mean_pts)
#            for i in range(0,len(mean_pts)):
#                print "mean_pts[", i, "]", mean_pts[i]

            # Remove other points, leave the table points only
            table_pts = []
            table_pts = self.getTablePoints(mean_pts)
#            print "len(table_pts)", len(table_pts)
#            print table_pts

            for i in range(len(table_pts)):
                self.vizPoint(i, table_pts[i], ColorRGBA(1,1,1,1), "base_link")

            # Get transform of "base_link" relative to "map"
            trans = self.getTransform("map", "base_link")

            # Finding 2 middle points from 4 table legs and use them as path_pts
            path_pts = []
                for p1 in table_pts:
                    for p2 in table_pts:
                        # Register 2 middle_pts of 4 table legs
                        if(0.73 < self.getDistance(p1, p2) < 0.83):
                            path_pts.append(self.getMiddlePoint(p1, p2))

#            print "len(path_pts)", len(path_pts)
#            print path_pts

            # Path_pts that generated from between 2 legs of table must be fulfill below requirement, else return
                if not (0.33 < self.getDistance(path_pts[0], path_pts[1]) < 0.48):

            # Turn path_pts into map frame
            for i in range(len(path_pts)):
                path_pts[i] = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose(self.toPoseStamped(path_pts[i], Quaternion(0,0,0,1)), trans).pose.position

            # Record the starting point once
            if self.record_once:
                self.start_pt = trans.transform.translation
                self.record_once = False

            # Create a list with distance information between initial_pt and path_pts
            distance_list = [self.getDistance(p, self.start_pt) for p in path_pts]

            # Rearrange the path_pts to be in ascending order
            path_pts = self.getAscend(path_pts, distance_list)

            # Duplicate the path_pts to prevent from being edited
            table_pathpts = path_pts[:]

                # Get gradient of the Line of Best Fit
                m1 = self.getGradientLineOfBestFit(table_pathpts)

                # Insert another point on the line with d[m] away from the 1st table_pathpts
                path_pts.insert(0, self.getPointOnLine(m1, 1.0, table_pathpts[0], self.start_pt))

                # Insert a point ahead d[m] of table to the begin of path_pts
#                ahead_pt = self.getPointAheadTable(table_pathpts, 1.0)
#                path_pts.insert(0, ahead_pt)

                # Insert a point ahead d[m] of table to the middle of table_pathpts
#                midway_pt = self.getPointAheadTable(table_pathpts, -0.4)
#                path_pts.insert(2, midway_pt)
                # Insert another point on the line with d[m] away from the 1st table_pathpts
#                path_pts.insert(2, self.getPointOnLine(m1, 0.05, table_pathpts[1], self.start_pt))

                # Remove the last point of path_pts
#                path_pts = path_pts[:len(path_pts)-1]

                # Add the AGV start_pt to the begin of path_pts
#                path_pts.insert(0, self.start_pt)

                # Visualize the path_pts
#                self.vizPoint(0, path_pts[0], ColorRGBA(1,0,0,1), "map") # Red
#                self.vizPoint(1, path_pts[1], ColorRGBA(1,1,0,1), "map") # Yellow
#                self.vizPoint(2, path_pts[2], ColorRGBA(0,0,1,1), "map") # Blue

                # Find the heading of the table (last 2 path_pts)
                heading_q = self.getOrientation(table_pathpts[0], table_pathpts[1])

                # Publish the path
                self.route_pub.publish(self.getPath2Table(path_pts, heading_q))
#            print "-----------------"
            print "end_time", rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
    def pc2CB(self, msg):
        if self.init:
            self.start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
            print "-----------------"
            # Convert ROS PointCloud2 msg to PCL data
            cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msg)

            # Get transform of "base_link" relative to "map"
            trans = self.getTransform("map", "base_link")

            # Filter the Cloud
            fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(cloud, 'x', -2.5, 2.5)
            fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(fil_cloud, 'y', -1.5, 1.5)

            # Turn cloud into colorless cloud
#            colorless_cloud = pcl_helper.XYZRGB_to_XYZ(fil_cloud)

            # Statistical outlier filter
#            fil = colorless_cloud.make_statistical_outlier_filter()
            fil = fil_cloud.make_statistical_outlier_filter()
            fil.set_std_dev_mul_thresh(0.1) #1.0 / 0.1
            filtered_cloud = fil.filter()

#            pc2_msg = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(filtered_cloud, "base_link")
#            self.pc2_pub.publish(pc2_msg)

            # Get groups of cluster of points
            clusters = self.getClusters(filtered_cloud, 0.05, 20, 1000)
            print "len(clusters)", len(clusters)
            for i in range(len(clusters)):
                print "clusters["+str(i)+"]", len(clusters[i])

            # Not enough clusters to be identified as charger unit

            self.middle_time_1 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
            # Extract charger_wall & charger_pillars clusters
            # - use for compute gradient of Line of Best Fit
            # - use for compute middle_pt
            wall_cluster, pillar_clusters = self.getChargerClusters(clusters, filtered_cloud)

            self.middle_time_2 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()

            # Cannot find the charger_wall and charger_pillars
            if(wall_cluster==None or pillar_clusters==[]):
                print "wall cluster or pillar clusters not found"

            print "wall_cluster", len(wall_cluster)
            self.vizPoint(0, self.getMeanPointFromCluster(wall_cluster, filtered_cloud), ColorRGBA(0,1,0,1), "base_link")
            for i in range(len(pillar_clusters)):
                print "pillar_clusters["+str(i)+"]", len(pillar_clusters[i])
                self.vizPoint(i+1, self.getMeanPointFromCluster(pillar_clusters[i], filtered_cloud), ColorRGBA(0,1,0,1), "base_link")

            # Get Points of wall_cluster
            wall_pts = self.getPointsFromCluster(wall_cluster, filtered_cloud)

            # Turn wall_pts into map frame
            for i in range(len(wall_cluster)):
                wall_pts[i] = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose(self.toPoseStamped(wall_pts[i], Quaternion(0,0,0,1)), trans).pose.position

            # Get gradient of the Line of Best Fit
            m1 = self.getGradientLineOfBestFit(wall_pts)
            print "gradient", m1

            pillar_pts = []
            # Get mean points from pillar_clusters
            for cluster in pillar_clusters:
                pillar_pts.append(self.getMeanPointFromCluster(cluster, filtered_cloud))

            # Finding 1 middle_pt from 2 charger_pillars and use it as path_pts
            print pillar_pts
                middle_pt = None
                for p1 in pillar_pts:
                    for p2 in pillar_pts:
                        # Only register middle_pt of 2 charger_pillars points
                        if(0.5 < self.getDistance(p1, p2) < 0.65):
                            middle_pt = self.getMiddlePoint(p1, p2)

                    "middle_pt not found"

                # Turn middle_pt into map frame
                middle_pt = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose(self.toPoseStamped(middle_pt, Quaternion(0,0,0,1)), trans).pose.position

                # Register the middle_pt as one of the path_pts
                path_pts = []

                # Record the starting point and heading once
                if self.record_once:
                    self.start_pt = trans.transform.translation
                    self.record_once = False

                # Insert another point on the normal line with d[m] away from middle_pt
                path_pts.insert(0, self.getPointOnNormalLine(m1, 1.0, middle_pt, self.start_pt))

                # Duplicate the path points to prevent from being edited
                charger_pathpts = path_pts[:]

                # Insert another point on the normal line with d[m] away from middle_pt
                path_pts.insert(0, self.getPointOnNormalLine(m1, 0.3, middle_pt, self.start_pt))

                # Create a list with distance information between init_pt and path_pts
                distance_list = [self.getDistance(p, self.start_pt) for p in path_pts]

                # Rearrange the path_pts to be in ascending order
                path_pts = self.getAscend(path_pts, distance_list)

                    # Add the AGV start_pt to the begin of path_pts
#                    path_pts.insert(0, self.start_pt)

                # Remove last point of path_pts (middle pt of 2 charger feature pts)
                path_pts = path_pts[:len(path_pts)-1]
                print "len(path_pts)", len(path_pts)

#                # Visualize the path_pts
                self.vizPoint(0, path_pts[0], ColorRGBA(1,0,0,1), "map") # Red
                self.vizPoint(1, path_pts[1], ColorRGBA(1,1,0,1), "map") # Yellow
#                self.vizPoint(2, path_pts[2], ColorRGBA(0,0,1,1), "map") # Blue

                # Find the heading of the charger (last 2 path_pts)
                heading_q = self.getOrientation(charger_pathpts[0], charger_pathpts[1])

                # Publish the path
                self.route_pub.publish(self.getPath2Charger(path_pts, heading_q))

            print "start_time", self.start_time
            print "middle_time_1", self.middle_time_1
            print "middle_time_2", self.middle_time_2
            print "end_time", rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
    def pc2CB(self, msg):
        if self.init:
            # Convert ROS PointCloud2 msg to PCL data
            cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msg)

            # Get transform of "base_link" relative to "map"
            trans = self.getTransform("map", "base_link")

            # Filter the Cloud
            fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(
                cloud, 'x', -3.0, 3.0)
            fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(
                fil_cloud, 'y', -3.0, 3.0)

            # Turn cloud into colorless cloud
            colorless_cloud = pcl_helper.XYZRGB_to_XYZ(fil_cloud)

            #            source_cloud = colorless_cloud

            # Get groups of cluster of points
            clusters = self.getClusters(colorless_cloud, 0.05, 100, 450)
            #            print "len(clusters)", len(clusters)

            source_cloud = self.getCloudFromCluster(clusters[0],
            middle_pt = self.getMeanPoint(clusters[0], colorless_cloud)
            self.vizPoint(0, middle_pt, ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 1), "base_link")

            icp = source_cloud.make_IterativeClosestPoint()
            converged, transform, estimate, fitness = icp.icp(
                source_cloud, self.target_cloud, 100)
            #            gicp = colorless_cloud.make_GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint()
            #            converged, transform, estimate, fitness = gicp.gicp(colorless_cloud, self.target_cloud, 100)
            #            icp_nl = colorless_cloud.make_IterativeClosestPointNonLinear()
            #            converged, transform, estimate, fitness = icp_nl.icp_nl(self.target_cloud, colorless_cloud, 100)

            #            if not converged:
            print "converged", converged
            print "transform", transform
            print "estimate", estimate
            print "fitness", fitness

            #            new_transform = transform.inverse()
            #            print new_transform
            translation = Vector3(transform[0, 3], transform[1, 3],
                                  transform[2, 3])
            q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(transform)
            rotation = Quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3])
            roll, pitch, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_matrix(transform)
            print np.rad2deg(yaw)

            #            print "translation\n", translation
            #            print "rotation\n", rotation

            #            transformation = self.toTransformStamped(translation, rotation, "map", "base_link")

            print "------------------------------------------------"

            # Visualize the cloud
            outmsg = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(estimate, "map")
            outmsg.header = msg.header
def pcl_callback(ros_pcl_msg):

    # Exercise-1 TODOs:
    # TODO: Load point cloud data
    # TODO: Statistical Outlier Filtering
    # TODO: Voxel Grid Downsampling
    # TODO: PassThrough Filter
    # TODO: RANSAC Plane Segmentation
    # TODO: Extract inliers and outliers
    # TODO: Save the inliers in .pcd file
    # TODO: Run the inliers.pcd file on terminal
    # Exercise-2 TODOs:
    # TODO: Convert ROS msg to PCL data
    # TODO: Statistical Outlier Filtering
    # TODO: Voxel Grid Downsampling
    # TODO: PassThrough Filter
    # TODO: RANSAC Plane Segmentation
    # TODO: Extract inliers and outliers
    # TODO: Euclidean Clustering
    # TODO: Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately
    # TODO: Convert PCL data to ROS messages
    # TODO: Publish ROS messages
    # Exercise-3 TODOs:
    # TODO: Classify the clusters! (loop through each detected cluster one at a time)
    # TODO: Grab the points for the cluster
    # TODO: Compute the associated feature vector
    # TODO: Make the prediction
    # TODO: Publish a label into RViz
    # TODO: Add the detected object to the list of detected objects.
    # TODO: Publish the list of detected objects

    # TODO: Convert ROS msg of type PointCloud2 to PCL data PointXYZRGB format
    pcl_data = pclh.ros_to_pcl(ros_pcl_msg)

    # TODO: Statistical filter
    stat_inlier, stat_outlier = flt.statistical_outlier_filter(pcl_data)

    # TODO: Voxel Grid Downsampling
    vox_filt = flt.voxel_downsampling(stat_inlier)

    # TODO: PassThrough Filter
    pass_filt_z = flt.pass_through_filter(vox_filt, 0.6, 1.2, 'z')
    pass_filt_zy = flt.pass_through_filter(pass_filt_z, -0.5, 0.5, 'y')
    pass_filt_zyx = flt.pass_through_filter(pass_filt_zy, 0.4, 1.2, 'x')

    # TODO: RANSAC Plane Segmentation
    # TODO: Extract inliers (objects) and outliers (table)
    cloud_table, cloud_objects = flt.ransac(pass_filt_zyx)

    # TODO: Euclidean Clustering
    cluster_indices = flt.euclidean_clustering(cloud_objects)

    # TODO: Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately
    cluster_cloud = flt.visualize_clusters(cloud_objects, cluster_indices)

    # TODO: Convert PCL data to ROS messages
    ros_table_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cloud_table)
    ros_objects_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cloud_objects)
    ros_cluster_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cluster_cloud)

    # TODO: Publish ROS messages

    # TODO: Classify the clusters and create list of detected objects
    detected_objects, detected_objects_labels = detect_objects(
        cloud_objects, cluster_indices)

    # Suggested location for where to invoke your pr2_mover() function within pcl_callback()
    # Could add some logic to determine whether or not your object detections are robust
    # before calling pr2_mover()
    except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
    def pc2CB(self, msg):
        if self.init:
            # Convert ROS PointCloud2 msg to PCL data
            cloud = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(msg)

            # Filter the Cloud
            fil_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(cloud, 'x', -2.5, 2.5)
            filtered_cloud = filtering_helper.do_passthrough_filter(fil_cloud, 'y', -2.5, 2.5)
            # Turn cloud into colorless cloud
            colorless_cloud = pcl_helper.XYZRGB_to_XYZ(filtered_cloud)

            # Get groups of cluster of points
            clusters = self.getClusters(colorless_cloud, 0.05, 10, 1000)
            print "len(clusters)", len(clusters)

            # Extract charger wall cluster - use for compute Line of Best Fit
            if(len(clusters) != 0):
                size_clusters = []
                for cluster in clusters:
                # Find the biggest cluster
                max_id = size_clusters.index(max(size_clusters))
                wall_cluster = clusters.pop(max_id)
                print "len(wall_cluster)", len(wall_cluster)
                feature_clusters = clusters
                print "len(feature_clusters)", len(feature_clusters)

            # Get transform of "base_link" relative to "map"
            trans = self.getTransform("map", "base_link")

            # Record the starting point and heading once
            if self.record_once:
                self.start_pt = trans.transform.translation
                self.record_once = False

            # Get Points of wall cluster
            wall_pts = self.getPointsFromCluster(wall_cluster, filtered_cloud)

            # Turn wall_pts into map frame
            for i in range(len(wall_cluster)):
                wall_pts[i] = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose(self.toPoseStamped(wall_pts[i], Quaternion(0,0,0,1)), trans).pose.position

            # Get gradient of the Line of Best Fit
            m1 = self.getGradientLineOfBestFit(wall_pts)
            print m1

            # Get mean points from feature clusters
            mean_pts = []
            for cluster in feature_clusters:
                mean_pts.append(self.getMeanPointFromCluster(cluster, filtered_cloud))
            print "len(mean_pts)", len(mean_pts)
            for i in range(len(mean_pts)):
                self.vizPoint(i, mean_pts[i], ColorRGBA(1,1,1,1), "base_link")

            # Finding 1 middle point from 2 charger feature columns and use it as path_pts
                for p1 in mean_pts:
                    for p2 in mean_pts:
                        # Only register middle_pt of 2 charger feature points
                        if(0.5 < self.getDistance(p1, p2) < 0.65):
                            middle_pt = self.getMiddlePoint(p1, p2)

                # Turn middle_pt into map frame
                middle_pt = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose(self.toPoseStamped(middle_pt, Quaternion(0,0,0,1)), trans).pose.position

                # Register the middle_pt as one of the path_pts
                path_pts = []

                # Insert another point on the normal line with d[m] away from middle_pt
                path_pts.insert(0, self.getPointOnNormalLine(m1, 1.0, middle_pt, self.start_pt))

                # Duplicate the path points to prevent from being edited
                feature_pathpts = path_pts[:]

                # Insert another point on the normal line with d[m] away from middle_pt
                path_pts.insert(1, self.getPointOnNormalLine(m1, 0.3, middle_pt, self.start_pt))

                # Create a list with distance information between init_pt and path_pts
                distance_list = [self.getDistance(p, self.start_pt) for p in path_pts]

                # Rearrange the path_pts to be in ascending order
                path_pts = self.getAscend(path_pts, distance_list)

                print "len(path_pts)", len(path_pts)
                    # Add the AGV start_pt to the begin of path_pts
#                    path_pts.insert(0, self.start_pt)

                # Remove last point of path_pts (middle pt of 2 charger feature pts)
                path_pts = path_pts[:len(path_pts)-1]

                # Visualize the path_pts
                self.vizPoint(0, path_pts[0], ColorRGBA(1,0,0,1), "map") # Red
                self.vizPoint(1, path_pts[1], ColorRGBA(1,1,0,1), "map") # Yellow
#                    self.vizPoint(2, path_pts[2], ColorRGBA(0,0,1,1), "map") # Blue

                # Find the heading of the charger (last 2 path_pts)
                heading_q = self.getOrientation(feature_pathpts[-2], feature_pathpts[-1])

                # Publish the path
                self.route_pub.publish(self.getPath2Charger(path_pts, heading_q))
            print "-----------------"
Example #24
def pcl_callback(pcl_msg):

    # Convert ROS msg to PCL data
    cloud = ros_to_pcl(pcl_msg)

    # create a voxelgrid filter object for our input point cloud
    vox = cloud.make_voxel_grid_filter()

    # Choose a voxel (also known as leaf) size
    LEAF_SIZE = 0.01

    # set the voxel (or leaf)size
    vox.set_leaf_size(LEAF_SIZE, LEAF_SIZE, LEAF_SIZE)

    # Call the filter function to obtain the resultant downsampled point cloud
    cloud_filtered = vox.filter()
    #filename = 'voxel_downsampled.pcd'
    #pcl.save(cloud_filtered, filename)

    # PassThrough filter
    # create pass through filter object
    passthrough = cloud_filtered.make_passthrough_filter()

    # assign axis and ranve to the passthrough filter object
    filter_axis = 'z'
    axis_min = 0.6
    axis_max = 1.1
    passthrough.set_filter_limits(axis_min, axis_max)

    # generate the resultant point cloud
    cloud_filtered = passthrough.filter()

    # RANSAC plane segmentation
    # create the segmentation object
    seg = cloud_filtered.make_segmenter()

    # set the model to fit

    # Max distance for a point to be considered fitting the model
    max_distance = 0.01

    # call the segment function to obtain set of inlier indices and model coefficients
    inliers, coefficients = seg.segment()

    # Extract table
    cloud_table = cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=False)
    #filename = 'cloud_table.pcd'
    #pcl.save(cloud_table, filename)

    # Extract objects
    #cloud_objects = cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=True)

    # Extract outliers
    # create the filter objectd
    objects = cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=True)

    outlier_filter = objects.make_statistical_outlier_filter()

    # set the number of points to analyze for any given point
    # set threshold scale factor
    x = 1.0
    # any point with a mena distance large than the global (mean distance + x * std_dev)
    # will be considered outlier
    # call the filter function
    cloud_objects = outlier_filter.filter()

    filename = 'cloud_objects.pcd'
    pcl.save(cloud_objects, filename)

    # TODO: Euclidean Clustering
    white_cloud = XYZRGB_to_XYZ(cloud_objects)
    tree = white_cloud.make_kdtree()

    # create cluster extraction
    ec = white_cloud.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction()

    # set the tolerances for
    cluster_indices = ec.Extract()

    # TODO: Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately

    # asign colors to the individual point cloud indices for visualization
    cluster_color = get_color_list(len(cluster_indices))

    color_cluster_point_list = []

    for j, indices in enumerate(cluster_indices):
        for i, indice in enumerate(indices):
                white_cloud[indice][0], white_cloud[indice][1],

    # create new cloud containing all clusters, each with unique color
    cluster_cloud = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()

    # TODO: Convert PCL data to ROS messages
    ros_cloud_objects = pcl_to_ros(cloud_objects)
    ros_cloud_table = pcl_to_ros(cloud_table)
    ros_cluster_cloud = pcl_to_ros(cluster_cloud)

    # TODO: Publish ROS messages
def pcl_callback(ros_pcl_msg):
# Exercise-1 TODOs:
    # TODO: Load point cloud data
    # TODO: Voxel Grid Downsampling
    # TODO: PassThrough Filter
    # TODO: RANSAC Plane Segmentation
    # TODO: Extract inliers and outliers
    # TODO: Save the inliers in .pcd file
    # TODO: Run the inliers.pcd file on terminal
# Exercise-2 TODOs:
    # TODO: Convert ROS msg to PCL data
    # TODO: Voxel Grid Downsampling
    # TODO: PassThrough Filter
    # TODO: RANSAC Plane Segmentation
    # TODO: Extract inliers and outliers
    # TODO: Euclidean Clustering
    # TODO: Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately
    # TODO: Convert PCL data to ROS messages
    # TODO: Publish ROS messages
# Exercise-3 TODOs: 
    # TODO: Classify the clusters! (loop through each detected cluster one at a time)
        # TODO: Grab the points for the cluster
        # TODO: Compute the associated feature vector
        # TODO: Make the prediction
        # TODO: Publish a label into RViz
        # TODO: Add the detected object to the list of detected objects.
    # TODO: Publish the list of detected objects

    # TODO: Convert ROS msg of type PointCloud2 to PCL data PointXYZRGB format
    pcl_data = pclh.ros_to_pcl(ros_pcl_msg)

    # TODO: Statistical filter
    stat_inlier, stat_outlier = flt.statistical_outlier_filter(pcl_data)
    # TODO: Voxel Grid Downsampling
    vox_filt = flt.voxel_downsampling(stat_inlier)

    # TODO: PassThrough Filter
    pass_filt = flt.pass_through_filter(vox_filt)
    # TODO: RANSAC Plane Segmentation
    # TODO: Extract inliers (objects) and outliers (table)
    cloud_table, cloud_objects = flt.ransac(pass_filt)
    # TODO: Euclidean Clustering
    cluster_indices = flt.euclidean_clustering(cloud_objects)

    # TODO: Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately
    cluster_cloud = flt.visualize_clusters(cloud_objects, cluster_indices)

    # TODO: Classify the clusters and create list of detected objects    
    detected_objects, detected_objects_labels = detect_objects(cloud_objects, cluster_indices)   

    # TODO: Convert PCL data to ROS messages
    ros_table_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cloud_table)
    ros_objects_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cloud_objects)
    ros_cluster_cloud = pclh.pcl_to_ros(cluster_cloud)

    # TODO: Publish ROS messages
def pr2_mover(detected_objects):
    object_list = detected_objects

    # TODO: Initialize variables
    test_scene_num = msgStd.Int32()
    arm_name = msgStd.String()
    object_name = msgStd.String()
    pick_pose = msgGeo.Pose()
    place_pose = msgGeo.Pose()

    test_scene_num.data = g_WORLD_NUM
    detected = 0
    dict_list = []

    # TODO: Get/Read parameters
    # get parameters
    object_list_param = rospy.get_param('/object_list')
    dropbox_param = rospy.get_param('/dropbox')

    dictGroupColorToBoxParam = {}
    for boxParam in dropbox_param:
        groupColorStr = boxParam['group']
        dictGroupColorToBoxParam[groupColorStr] = boxParam

    # TODO: Loop through the pick list
    for objIndex in range(0, len(object_list_param)):

        # TODO: Parse parameters into individual variables
        object_group = object_list_param[objIndex]['group']

        # TODO: Get the PointCloud for a given object and obtain it's centroid
        for object in object_list:
            if object_list_param[objIndex]['name'] == object.label:
                # labels.append(object.label)
                points_arr = pcl_helper.ros_to_pcl(object.cloud).to_array()
                centroids = np.mean(points_arr, axis=0)[:3]
                pick_pose.position.x = np.asscalar(centroids[0])
                pick_pose.position.y = np.asscalar(centroids[1])
                pick_pose.position.z = np.asscalar(centroids[2])

                object_name.data = object_list_param[objIndex]['name']

                detected += 1

        # TODO: Create 'place_pose' for the object
        targetBox = dictGroupColorToBoxParam[object_group]
        dropbox_pose = targetBox['position']
        place_pose.position.x = dropbox_pose[0]
        place_pose.position.y = dropbox_pose[1]
        place_pose.position.z = dropbox_pose[2]

        # TODO: Assign the arm to be used for pick_place
        arm_name.data = targetBox['name']

        # TODO: Create a list of dictionaries (made with make_yaml_dict()) for later output to yaml format
        # Populate various ROS messages
        yaml_dict = make_yaml_dict(test_scene_num, arm_name, object_name,
                                   pick_pose, place_pose)

        # TODO: Rotate PR2 in place to capture side tables for the collision map
        if g_doCommandRobot:
                #pick_place_routine = rospy.ServiceProxy('pick_place_routine', PickPlace)

                # TODO: Insert your message variables to be sent as a service request
                #resp = pick_place_routine(g_WORLD_NUM, OBJECT_NAME, WHICH_ARM, PICK_POSE, PLACE_POSE)

                #print ("Response: ",resp.success)

            except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                print "Service call failed: %s" % e
Example #27
	def get_clusters(self, cloud):

		print("point cloud size = ",len(cloud.data), " bytes")

		marker_array = MarkerArray()

		pcl_cloud = ros_to_pcl(cloud)
		#convert pointcloud_xyzrgb to pointcloud_xyz 
		# since pointcloud_xyzrgb does not support make_EuclideanClusterExtraction
		xyz_pc = pcl.PointCloud()
		xyz_pc.from_list( [ x[:3] for x in pcl_cloud.to_list() ] )

		tree = xyz_pc.make_kdtree()

		ec = xyz_pc.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction()
		ec.set_ClusterTolerance (0.01)
		ec.set_MinClusterSize (100)
		ec.set_MaxClusterSize (25000)
		ec.set_SearchMethod (tree)
		cluster_indices = ec.Extract()

		indx = []
		#for all j clusters
		print("# clusters ", len(cluster_indices))
		for j, indices in enumerate(cluster_indices):
			tmp_indx = []
			print("# points ", len(indices))
			min_x = 999.9
			max_x = -999.9
			min_y = 999.9
			max_y = -999.9		
			min_z = 999.9
			max_z = -999.9
			#for all points in the cluster j
			for i, indice in enumerate(indices):
				if xyz_pc[indice][0] < min_x:
					min_x = xyz_pc[indice][0]
				elif xyz_pc[indice][0] > max_x:
					max_x = xyz_pc[indice][0]

				if xyz_pc[indice][1] < min_y:
					min_y = xyz_pc[indice][1]
				elif xyz_pc[indice][1] > max_y:
					max_y = xyz_pc[indice][1]

				if xyz_pc[indice][2] < min_z:
					min_z = xyz_pc[indice][2]
				elif xyz_pc[indice][2] > max_z:
					max_z = xyz_pc[indice][2]

			x = (min_x + max_x)/2
			y = (min_y + max_y)/2
			z = (min_z + max_z)/2

			p = get_stamped_point(x, y, z, cloud.header.frame_id)

			label = "obj_" + str(j)
			marker_array.markers.append(get_marker(j, label, cloud.header.frame_id, x, y, z))

			obj = pcl_cloud.extract(indices, negative=False)

			pc_msg = pcl_to_ros(obj, stamp=cloud.header.stamp, frame_id=cloud.header.frame_id, seq=cloud.header.seq)

			converter = PointCloudToImages('/home/phiggin1/deep_rgbd_v01.2/data/')
			features = get_features()


			print("object at ", p, "\nwith features: ",features)

def create_pick_pose(item):
    points_array = pclh.ros_to_pcl(item.cloud).to_array()
    centroid = np.mean(points_array, axis=0)[:3]
    return make_ros_pose(centroid[0], centroid[1], centroid[2])