Example #1
def fix_pdb(inpath, outpath):
    with open(inpath) as fd:
        data = fd.readlines()

    i = 1
    while True:

        if not len(pdbformat.getAtomStr(data, i + 1)):

        atomStr0 = pdbformat.getAtomStr(data, i - 1)
        atomStr1 = pdbformat.getAtomStr(data, i)
        atomStr2 = pdbformat.getAtomStr(data, i + 1)

        if (
            atomStr1[0] == "H"
            and atomStr1[-1] == "2"
            and not atomStr0[0] == "H"
            and atomStr2[0] == "H"
            and atomStr2[-1] == "3"

            newStr1 = atomStr1[:-1] + "1"
            newStr2 = atomStr2[:-1] + "2"
            pdbformat.setAtomStr(data, i, newStr1)
            pdbformat.setAtomStr(data, i + 1, newStr2)
            i += 2
            print "Atom", pdbformat.getAtomNum(data, i), "Residue", pdbformat.getResidueNum(
                data, i
            ), pdbformat.getResidueName(data, i), atomStr1, "->", newStr1
            print "Atom", pdbformat.getAtomNum(data, i + 1), "Residue", pdbformat.getResidueNum(
                data, i + 1
            ), pdbformat.getResidueName(data, i), atomStr2, "->", newStr2

            i += 1

    with open(outpath, "w") as fd:
def remove_hydrogens(data):
    data :: [[str]]
    -> [[str]]

    newdata = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(data):

        atomStr = pdbformat.getAtomStr(data, i)

        if not atomStr: break

        if 'H' not in atomStr:
            newdata.append( data[i] )
            print 'Discarding line', repr(data[i])

        i += 1

    return newdata