Example #1
 def find_function(cls, funcs, sec, off):
     PdbFile.s_match.segment = sec
     PdbFile.s_match.address = off
     # XXX: binary search
     result = -1
     i = 0
     for i in range(0, len(funcs)):
         if PdbFunction.by_address(PdbFile.s_match, funcs[i]) == 0:
             result = i
     return result
Example #2
 def find_function(cls, funcs, sec, off):
     PdbFile.s_match.segment = sec
     PdbFile.s_match.address = off
     # XXX: binary search
     result = -1
     i = 0
     for i in range(0, len(funcs)):
         if PdbFunction.by_address(PdbFile.s_match, funcs[i]) == 0:
             result = i
     return result
Example #3
 def load_funcs_from_dbi_module(cls, bits, info, names, func_list,
                                read_strings, directory, name_index, reader,
     bits.position = 0
     sig = bits.read_int32()
     if sig != 4:
         raise PdbDebugException('Invalid signature. (sig=%u)' % sig)
     bits.position = 4
     #print('%s' % info.module_name, len(bits.buffer), info.cb_syms, read_strings)
     funcs = PdbFunction.load_managed_functions(bits, info.cb_syms,
     if funcs is not None:
         bits.position = info.cb_syms + info.cb_old_lines
             funcs, names, bits, directory, name_index, reader,
             (info.cb_syms + info.cb_old_lines + info.cb_lines), sources)
         for i in range(0, len(funcs)):
Example #4
 def load_funcs_from_dbi_module(cls,
     bits.position = 0
     sig = bits.read_int32()
     if sig != 4:
         raise PdbDebugException('Invalid signature. (sig=%u)' % sig)
     bits.position = 4
     #print('%s' % info.module_name, len(bits.buffer), info.cb_syms, read_strings)
     funcs = PdbFunction.load_managed_functions(bits, info.cb_syms, read_strings)
     if funcs is not None:
         bits.position = info.cb_syms + info.cb_old_lines
         PdbFile.load_managed_lines(funcs, names, bits, directory, name_index, reader,
                                    (info.cb_syms + info.cb_old_lines + info.cb_lines),
         for i in range(0, len(funcs)):
Example #5
class PdbFile(object):
    s_match = PdbFunction()

    def load_guid_stream(cls, bits):
        language = bits.read_guid()
        vendor = bits.read_guid()
        doctype = bits.read_guid()
        algorithm_id = bits.read_guid()

        checksum_size = bits.read_int32()
        source_size = bits.read_int32()
        checksum = bits.read_bytes(checksum_size)
        embedded_source = bits.read_bytes(source_size)
        return (doctype, language, vendor, algorithm_id, checksum,

    def load_name_index(cls, bits):
        result = {}  # string -> int
        ver = bits.read_int32()  # 0..3   Version
        sig = bits.read_int32()  # 4..7   Signature
        age = bits.read_int32()  # 8..11  Age
        guid = bits.read_guid()  # 12..27 GUID

        #if ver != 20000404:
        #  raise PdbDebugException('Unsupported PDB Stream version {%u' % ver)

        # Read string buffer.
        buf = bits.read_int32()  # 28..31 Bytes of Strings

        beg = bits.position
        nxt = bits.position + buf

        bits.position = nxt

        # Read map index.
        cnt = bits.read_int32()  # n+0..3 hash size.
        mx = bits.read_int32()  # n+4..7 maximum ni.

        present = BitSet(bits)
        deleted = BitSet(bits)
        if not deleted.is_empty():
            raise PdbDebugException(
                'Unsupported PDB deleted bitset is not empty.')

        j = 0
        for i in range(0, mx):
            if present.is_set(i):
                ns = bits.read_int32()
                ni = bits.read_int32()

                saved = bits.position
                bits.position = beg + ns
                name = bits.read_cstring()
                bits.position = saved

                result[name.upper()] = ni
                j += 1
        if j != cnt:
            raise PdbDebugException('Count mismatch. (%u != %u)' % (j, cnt))
        return (result, ver, sig, age, guid)

    def load_name_stream(cls, bits):
        ht = {}  # int -> string

        sig = bits.read_uint32()  # 0..3  Signature
        ver = bits.read_int32()  # 4..7  Version

        # Read (or skip) string buffer.
        buf = bits.read_int32()  # 8..11 Bytes of Strings

        if sig != 0xeffeeffe or ver != 1:
            raise PdbDebugException('Unsupported Name Stream version. ' +
                                    '(sig=%08x, ver=%u)' % (sig, ver))
        beg = bits.position
        nxt = bits.position + buf
        bits.position = nxt

        # Read hash table.
        siz = bits.read_int32()  # n+0..3 Number of hash buckets.
        nxt = bits.position
        for i in range(0, siz):
            ni = bits.read_int32()
            if ni != 0:
                saved = bits.position
                bits.position = beg + ni
                name = bits.read_cstring()
                bits.position = saved
                ht[ni] = name
        bits.position = nxt
        return ht

    def find_function(cls, funcs, sec, off):
        PdbFile.s_match.segment = sec
        PdbFile.s_match.address = off
        # XXX: binary search
        result = -1
        i = 0
        for i in range(0, len(funcs)):
            if PdbFunction.by_address(PdbFile.s_match, funcs[i]) == 0:
                result = i
        return result

    def load_managed_lines(cls, funcs, names, bits, directory, name_index,
                           reader, limit, sources):

        checks = {}  # int -> PdbSource

        # Read the files first
        begin = bits.position
        while bits.position < limit:
            sig = bits.read_uint32()
            siz = bits.read_int32()
            place = bits.position
            end_sym = bits.position + siz
            if sig == DEBUG_S_SUBSECTION.FILECHKSMS:
                while bits.position < end_sym:
                    chk = CV_FileCheckSum()

                    ni = bits.position - place
                    chk.name = bits.read_uint32()
                    chk.length = bits.read_uint8()
                    chk.type = bits.read_uint8()

                    name = names[chk.name]
                    src = None
                    n = name.upper()
                    if n not in sources:
                        doctype_guid = None
                        language_guid = None
                        vendor_guid = None
                        algorithm_id = None
                        checksum = None
                        source = None

                        # XXX: this doesn't appear to work - we get crashes as
                        # we try to read massive lengths in load_guid_stream.
                        # we don't need the code so, for the moment, comment out
                        # guid_stream = None
                        # n = '/SRC/FILES/' + name.upper()
                        # if n in name_index:
                        #     guid_stream = name_index[n]
                        #     guid_bits = BitAccess(0x100)
                        #     directory.streams[guid_stream].read(reader, guid_bits)
                        #     (doctype_guid, language_guid, vendor_guid,
                        #      algorithm_id, checksum, source) = PdbFile.load_guid_stream(guid_bits)
                        src = PdbSource(name, doctype_guid, language_guid,
                                        vendor_guid, algorithm_id, checksum,
                        sources[name.upper()] = src
                        src = sources[n]
                    checks[ni] = src
                    bits.position += chk.length
                bits.position = end_sym
                bits.position = end_sym

        # Read the lines next.
        bits.position = begin
        while bits.position < limit:
            sig = bits.read_int32()
            siz = bits.read_int32()
            end_sym = bits.position + siz
            #print('sig: %x' % sig, siz)
                sec = CV_LineSection()

                sec.off = bits.read_uint32()
                sec.sec = bits.read_uint16()
                sec.flags = bits.read_uint16()
                sec.cod = bits.read_uint32()
                #print('0x%08x-0x%08x' % (sec.off, sec.off + sec.cod))
                # XXX: this code doesn't handle the situation where a single CV_lineSection
                # block contains lines for multiple functions

                func_index = PdbFile.find_function(funcs, sec.sec, sec.off)
                if func_index < 0:
                    bits.position = end_sym
                func = funcs[func_index]
                if func.sequence_points is None:
                    while func_index > 0:
                        f = funcs[func_index - 1]
                        if (f.sequence_points is not None
                                or f.segment != sec.sec
                                or f.address != sec.off):
                        func = f
                        func_index -= 1
                    while func_index < len(
                            funcs) - 1 and func.sequence_points is not None:
                        f = funcs[func_index + 1]
                        if f.segment != sec.sec or f.address != sec.off:
                        func = f
                        func_index += 1
                if func.sequence_points is not None:
                    bits.position = end_sym

                # Count the line blocks.
                beg_sym = bits.position
                func.sequence_points = []
                bits.position = beg_sym
                while bits.position < end_sym:
                    src_file = CV_SourceFile()
                    src_file.index = bits.read_uint32()
                    src_file.count = bits.read_uint32()
                    src_file.linsiz = bits.read_uint32()  # Size of payload.

                    if src_file.index in checks:
                        src = checks[src_file.index]
                        src = PdbSource('<unknown>', None, None, None, None,
                                        None, None)
                    tmp = PdbSequencePointCollection(src, src_file.count)
                    lines = tmp.lines
                    ins = 0

                    plin = bits.position
                    pcol = bits.position + 8 * src_file.count
                    for i in range(0, src_file.count):
                        line = CV_Line()
                        column = CV_Column()

                        bits.position = plin + 8 * i
                        line.offset = bits.read_uint32()
                        line.flags = bits.read_uint32()
                        line_begin = line.flags & CV_Line_Flags.linenum_start
                        delta = (line.flags
                                 & CV_Line_Flags.delta_line_end) >> 24
                        # statement = (line.flags & CV_Line_Flags.f_statement) == 0

                        # XXX: this hack kind of works, but this coe needs re-writing
                        func_index = PdbFile.find_function(
                            funcs, sec.sec, sec.off + line.offset)
                        if func_index < 0:
                            pass  # no matching function start - add to current
                            if funcs[func_index] != func:
                                # we're into a new function
                                func = funcs[func_index]
                                func.sequence_points = []
                                tmp = PdbSequencePointCollection(
                                    src, src_file.count)
                                lines = tmp.lines
                                ins = 0
                            # XXX: this doens't work when a line correspponds to two functions
                            func.source_file = src.name
                            func.source_line = line_begin
                        #print('0x%08x' % (sec.off + line.offset), func.name)

                        if (sec.flags & 1) != 0:
                            bits.position = pcol + 4 * i
                            column.off_column_start = bits.read_uint16()
                            column.off_column_end = bits.read_uint16()

                        lines[ins] = PdbSequencePoint(line.offset, line_begin,
                                                      line_begin + delta,
                        ins += 1
            bits.position = end_sym

    def load_funcs_from_dbi_module(cls, bits, info, names, func_list,
                                   read_strings, directory, name_index, reader,
        bits.position = 0
        sig = bits.read_int32()
        if sig != 4:
            raise PdbDebugException('Invalid signature. (sig=%u)' % sig)
        bits.position = 4
        #print('%s' % info.module_name, len(bits.buffer), info.cb_syms, read_strings)
        funcs = PdbFunction.load_managed_functions(bits, info.cb_syms,
        if funcs is not None:
            bits.position = info.cb_syms + info.cb_old_lines
                funcs, names, bits, directory, name_index, reader,
                (info.cb_syms + info.cb_old_lines + info.cb_lines), sources)
            for i in range(0, len(funcs)):


    def load_dbi_stream(cls, bits, read_strings, ext=0):
        dh = DbiHeader(bits)
        header = None

        if dh.sig != -1 or dh.ver != 19990903:
            raise PdbException(
                'Unsupported DBI Stream version, sig=%u, ver=%u' %
                (dh.sig, dh.ver))

        # Read gpmod section.
        mod_list = []  # of DbiModuleInfo
        end = bits.position + dh.gpmodi_size
        while bits.position < end:
            mod_list.append(DbiModuleInfo(bits, read_strings))

        if bits.position != end:
            raise PdbDebugException('Error reading DBI stream, pos=%u != %u' %
                                    (bits.position, end))

        modules = None
        if mod_list.count > 0:
            modules = mod_list

        # Skip the Section Contribution substream.
        bits.position += dh.seccon_size

        # Skip the Section Map substream.
        bits.position += dh.secmap_size

        # Skip the File Info substream; sstFileIndex
        # http://sawbuck.googlecode.com/svn-history/r922/trunk/syzygy/pdb/pdb_dbi_stream.cc
        end = bits.position + dh.filinf_size
        if ext == PdbFile.EXT_MODULE_FILES:
            c_mod = bits.read_uint16()
            c_ref = bits.read_uint16()
            mod_start = bits.read_uint16(c_mod)
            c_ref_cnt = bits.read_uint16(c_mod)
            name_ref = bits.read_uint32(c_ref)
            fnames = {}
            name_start = bits.position
            for i in range(0, c_ref):
                pos = bits.position - name_start
                fnames[pos] = bits.read_cstring()
            modfiles = []
                for m in range(0, c_mod):
                    fns = []
                    for n in range(mod_start[m], mod_start[m] + c_ref_cnt[m]):
            except (IndexError, KeyError):
                raise PdbDebugException('Error reading module_files')
        bits.position = end

        # Skip the TSM substream.
        bits.position += dh.tsmap_size

        # Skip the EC substream.
        bits.position += dh.ecinfo_size

        # Read the optional header.
        end = bits.position + dh.dbghdr_size
        if dh.dbghdr_size > 0:
            header = DbiDbgHdr(bits)
        bits.position = end
        if ext > 0:
            # this is useful as this age is often used
            if ext == PdbFile.EXT_DBIHEADER:
                modfiles = None
            return modules, header, dh, modfiles
        return modules, header

    def load_functions(cls, read, read_all_strings, bits=None):
        if bits is None:
            bits = BitAccess(512 * 1024)
        head = PdbFileHeader(read, bits)
        reader = PdbStreamHelper(read, head.page_size)
        directory = MsfDirectory(reader, head, bits)

        bits1 = BitAccess(512 * 1024)
        directory.streams[1].read(reader, bits1)
        name_index, ver, sig, age, guid = PdbFile.load_name_index(bits1)
            name_stream = name_index['/NAMES']
        except KeyError:
            raise PdbException('No "/names" stream')

        bitsn = BitAccess(512 * 1024)
        directory.streams[name_stream].read(reader, bitsn)
        names = PdbFile.load_name_stream(bitsn)

        bits3 = BitAccess(512 * 1024)
        directory.streams[3].read(reader, bits3)
        modules, header = PdbFile.load_dbi_stream(bits3, read_all_strings)
        func_list = []  # PdbFunction
        source_dictionary = {}  # string -> PdbSource
        if modules is not None:
            for m in range(0, len(modules)):
                if modules[m].stream > 0:
                    bitsm = BitAccess(512 * 1024)
                    directory.streams[modules[m].stream].read(reader, bitsm)
                        bitsm, modules[m], names, func_list, read_all_strings,
                        directory, name_index, reader, source_dictionary)
        funcs = func_list
        sources = source_dictionary.values()

        # After reading the functions, apply the token remapping table if it exists.
        if header.sn_token_rid_map != 0 and header.sn_token_rid_map != 0xffff:
            directory.streams[header.sn_token_rid_map].read(reader, bits)
            rid_map = bits.read_uint32(
                directory.streams[header.sn_token_rid_map].length() / 4)
            for func in funcs:
                func.token = 0x06000000 | rid_map[func.token & 0xffffff]

        return funcs, ver, sig, age, guid, sources