Example #1
def variables_to_numbers(effect, conditions):
    new_effect_args = list(effect.args)
    rename_map = {}
    for i, arg in enumerate(effect.args):
        if arg[0] == "?":
            rename_map[arg] = i
            new_effect_args[i] = i
    new_effect = pddl.Atom(effect.predicate, new_effect_args)

    # There are three possibilities for arguments in conditions:
    # 1. They are variables that occur in the effect. In that case,
    #    they are replaced by the corresponding position in the
    #    effect, as indicated by the rename_map.
    # 2. They are constants. In that case, the unifier must guarantee
    #    that they are matched appropriately. In that case, they are
    #    not modified (remain strings denoting objects).
    # 3. They are variables that don't occur in the effect (are
    #    projected away). This is only allowed in projection rules.
    #    Such arguments are also not modified (remain "?x" strings).

    new_conditions = []
    for cond in conditions:
        new_cond_args = [rename_map.get(arg, arg) for arg in cond.args]
        new_conditions.append(pddl.Atom(cond.predicate, new_cond_args))
    return new_effect, new_conditions
Example #2
 def build_rules(self, rules):
     axiom = self.owner
     app_rule_head = get_axiom_predicate(axiom)
     app_rule_body = condition_to_rule_body(axiom.parameters, self.condition)
     rules.append((app_rule_body, app_rule_head))
     params = axiom.parameters[:axiom.num_external_parameters]
     eff_rule_head = pddl.Atom(axiom.name, [par.name for par in params])
     eff_rule_body = [app_rule_head]
     rules.append((eff_rule_body, eff_rule_head))
Example #3
 def _rename_duplicate_variables(self, atom, new_conditions):
     used_variables = set()
     for i, var_name in enumerate(atom.args):
         if var_name[0] == "?":
             if var_name in used_variables:
                 new_var_name = "%s@%d" % (var_name, len(new_conditions))
                 atom = atom.replace_argument(i, new_var_name)
                 new_conditions.append(pddl.Atom("=", [var_name, new_var_name]))
     return atom
Example #4
    def remove_free_effect_variables(self):
        """Remove free effect variables like the variable Y in the rule
        p(X, Y) :- q(X). This is done by introducing a new predicate
        @object, setting it true for all objects, and translating the above
        rule to p(X, Y) :- q(X), @object(Y).
        After calling this, no new objects should be introduced!"""

        # Note: This should never be necessary for typed domains.
        # Leaving it in at the moment regardless.
        must_add_predicate = False
        for rule in self.rules:
            eff_vars = get_variables([rule.effect])
            cond_vars = get_variables(rule.conditions)
            if not eff_vars.issubset(cond_vars):
                must_add_predicate = True
                eff_vars -= cond_vars
                for var in sorted(eff_vars):
                    rule.add_condition(pddl.Atom("@object", [var]))
        if must_add_predicate:
            print("Unbound effect variables: Adding @object predicate.")
            self.facts += [Fact(pddl.Atom("@object", [obj])) for obj in self.objects]
Example #5
def substitute_complicated_goal(task):
    goal = task.goal
    if isinstance(goal, pddl.Literal):
    elif isinstance(goal, pddl.Conjunction):
        for item in goal.parts:
            if not isinstance(item, pddl.Literal):
    new_axiom = task.add_axiom([], goal)
    task.goal = pddl.Atom(new_axiom.name, new_axiom.parameters)
Example #6
 def convert_trivial_rules(self):
     """Convert rules with an empty condition into facts.
     This must be called after bounding rule effects, so that rules with an
     empty condition must necessarily have a variable-free effect.
     Variable-free effects are the only ones for which a distinction between
     ground and symbolic atoms is not necessary."""
     must_delete_rules = []
     for i, rule in enumerate(self.rules):
         if not rule.conditions:
             assert not get_variables([rule.effect])
             self.add_fact(pddl.Atom(rule.effect.predicate, rule.effect.args))
     if must_delete_rules:
         print("Trivial rules: Converted to facts.")
         for rule_no in must_delete_rules[::-1]:
             del self.rules[rule_no]
Example #7
def expand_group(group, task, reachable_facts):
    result = []
    for fact in group:
            pos = list(fact.args).index("?X")
        except ValueError:
            # NOTE: This could be optimized by only trying objects of the correct
            #       type, or by using a unifier which directly generates the
            #       applicable objects. It is not worth optimizing this at this stage,
            #       though.
            for obj in task.objects:
                newargs = list(fact.args)
                newargs[pos] = obj.name
                atom = pddl.Atom(fact.predicate, newargs)
                if atom in reachable_facts:
    return result
Example #8
def condition_to_rule_body(parameters, condition):
    result = []
    for par in parameters:
    if not isinstance(condition, pddl.Truth):
        if isinstance(condition, pddl.ExistentialCondition):
            for par in condition.parameters:
            condition = condition.parts[0]
        if isinstance(condition, pddl.Conjunction):
            parts = condition.parts
            parts = (condition,)
        for part in parts:
            if isinstance(part, pddl.Falsity):
                # Use an atom in the body that is always false because
                # it is not initially true and doesn't occur in the
                # head of any rule.
                return [pddl.Atom("@always-false", [])]
            assert isinstance(part, pddl.Literal), "Condition not normalized: %r" % part
            if not part.negated:
    return result
Example #9
def project_rule(rule, conditions, name_generator):
    predicate = next(name_generator)
    effect_variables = set(rule.effect.args) & get_variables(conditions)
    effect = pddl.Atom(predicate, sorted(effect_variables))
    projected_rule = Rule(conditions, effect)
    return projected_rule
Example #10
def translate_strips_conditions_aux(conditions, dictionary, ranges):
    condition = {}
    for fact in conditions:
        if fact.negated:
            # we handle negative conditions later, because then we
            # can recognize when the negative condition is already
            # ensured by a positive condition
        for var, val in dictionary.get(fact, ()):
            # The default () here is a bit of a hack. For goals (but
            # only for goals!), we can get static facts here. They
            # cannot be statically false (that would have been
            # detected earlier), and hence they are statically true
            # and don't need to be translated.
            # TODO: This would not be necessary if we dealt with goals
            # in the same way we deal with operator preconditions etc.,
            # where static facts disappear during grounding. So change
            # this when the goal code is refactored (also below). (**)
            if (condition.get(var) is not None
                    and val not in condition.get(var)):
                # Conflicting conditions on this variable: Operator invalid.
                return None
            condition[var] = {val}

    def number_of_values(var_vals_pair):
        var, vals = var_vals_pair
        return len(vals)

    for fact in conditions:
        if fact.negated:
            ## Note: here we use a different solution than in Sec. 10.6.4
            ## of the thesis. Compare the last sentences of the third
            ## paragraph of the section.
            ## We could do what is written there. As a test case,
            ## consider Airport ADL tasks with only one airport, where
            ## (occupied ?x) variables are encoded in a single variable,
            ## and conditions like (not (occupied ?x)) do occur in
            ## preconditions.
            ## However, here we avoid introducing new derived predicates
            ## by treat the negative precondition as a disjunctive
            ## precondition and expanding it by "multiplying out" the
            ## possibilities.  This can lead to an exponential blow-up so
            ## it would be nice to choose the behaviour as an option.
            done = False
            new_condition = {}
            atom = pddl.Atom(fact.predicate, fact.args)  # force positive
            for var, val in dictionary.get(atom, ()):
                # see comment (**) above
                poss_vals = set(range(ranges[var]))

                if condition.get(var) is None:
                    assert new_condition.get(var) is None
                    new_condition[var] = poss_vals
                    # constrain existing condition on var
                    prev_possible_vals = condition.get(var)
                    done = True
                    if len(prev_possible_vals) == 0:
                        # Conflicting conditions on this variable:
                        # Operator invalid.
                        return None

            if not done and len(new_condition) != 0:
                # we did not enforce the negative condition by constraining
                # an existing condition on one of the variables representing
                # this atom. So we need to introduce a new condition:
                # We can select any from new_condition and currently prefer the
                # smallest one.
                candidates = sorted(new_condition.items(),
                var, vals = candidates[0]
                condition[var] = vals

        def multiply_out(condition):  # destroys the input
            sorted_conds = sorted(condition.items(), key=number_of_values)
            flat_conds = [{}]
            for var, vals in sorted_conds:
                if len(vals) == 1:
                    for cond in flat_conds:
                        cond[var] = vals.pop()  # destroys the input here
                    new_conds = []
                    for cond in flat_conds:
                        for val in vals:
                            new_cond = deepcopy(cond)
                            new_cond[var] = val
                    flat_conds = new_conds
            return flat_conds

    return multiply_out(condition)
Example #11
def get_axiom_predicate(axiom):
    name = axiom
    variables = [par.name for par in axiom.parameters]
    if isinstance(axiom.condition, pddl.ExistentialCondition):
        variables += [par.name for par in axiom.condition.parameters]
    return pddl.Atom(name, variables)
Example #12
 def build_rules(self, rules):
     rule_head = pddl.Atom("@goal-reachable", [])
     rule_body = condition_to_rule_body([], self.condition)
     rules.append((rule_body, rule_head))
Example #13
 def add_rule(self, type, conditions, effect_vars):
     effect = pddl.Atom(next(self.name_generator), effect_vars)
     rule = pddl_to_prolog.Rule(conditions, effect)
     rule.type = type
     return rule.effect
Example #14
 def push(self, predicate, args):
     self.num_pushes += 1
     eff_tuple = (predicate, ) + tuple(args)
     if eff_tuple not in self.enqueued:
         self.queue.append(pddl.Atom(predicate, list(args)))
Example #15
 def instantiate(self, parameters):
     args = ["?X"] * (len(self.order) + (self.omitted_pos != -1))
     for arg, argpos in zip(parameters, self.order):
         args[argpos] = arg
     return pddl.Atom(self.predicate, args)