def video(userId, cookies, video_pointer, scores): try: if scores["video_num"] < const.video_num_all or scores[ "video_time"] < const.video_time_all: # driver_video = Mydriver(nohead=nohead) driver_video = Mydriver(nohead=True) # def video_stop_function(): # driver_video.quit() # threads.regist_stop_function(video_stop_function) driver_video.get_url("") driver_video.set_cookies(cookies) links = get_links.get_video_links() try_count = 0 watchvideo_time = 0 while True: if scores["video_num"] < const.video_num_all and try_count < 10: v_num = const.video_num_all - scores["video_num"] for i in range(video_pointer, video_pointer + v_num): driver_video.get_url(links[i]) watchvideo_time = 60 + random.randint(5, 15) for j in range(watchvideo_time): if random.random() > 0.5: driver_video.go_js( 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight/180*{})' .format(j)) print("\r视频数量学习中,视频剩余{}个,本次剩余时间{}秒".format( video_pointer + v_num - i, watchvideo_time - j), end="") time.sleep(1) driver_video.go_js( 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)') total, scores = show_score(cookies) if scores["video_num"] >= const.video_num_all: print("检测到视频数量分数已满,退出学习") break video_pointer += v_num else: user.save_video_index(userId, video_pointer) break try_count = 0 while True: if scores[ "video_time"] < const.video_time_all and try_count < 10: num_time = 60 driver_video.get_url(links[video_pointer - 1]) remaining = (const.video_time_all - scores["video_time"]) * 1 * num_time for i in range(remaining): if random.random() > 0.5: driver_video.go_js( 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight/{}*{})' .format(remaining, i)) print("\r视频时长学习中,视频总时长剩余{}秒".format(remaining - i), end="") time.sleep(1) if i % (60) == 0 and i != remaining: total, scores = show_score(cookies) if scores["video_time"] >= const.video_time_all: print("检测到视频时长分数已满,退出学习") break driver_video.go_js( 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)') total, scores = show_score(cookies) else: break if try_count < 10: print("视频学习完成") else: print("视频学习出现异常,请检查 user/article_video_index.json 文件记录") driver_video.quit() else: print("视频之前学完了") except Exception as e: print("视频学习检测到异常:" + str(e)))
def article(userId, cookies, article_pointer, scores): try: if scores["article_num"] < const.article_num_all or scores[ "article_time"] < const.article_time_all: # driver_article = Mydriver(nohead=nohead) driver_article = Mydriver(nohead=True) # def article_stop_function(): # driver_article.quit() # threads.regist_stop_function(article_stop_function) driver_article.get_url("") driver_article.set_cookies(cookies) links = get_links.get_article_links() try_count = 0 readarticle_time = 0 while True: if scores[ "article_num"] < const.article_num_all and try_count < 10: article_remain = const.article_num_all - scores[ "article_num"] for i in range(article_pointer, article_pointer + article_remain): driver_article.get_url(links[i]) readarticle_time = 60 + random.randint(5, 15) for j in range(readarticle_time): if random.random() > 0.5: driver_article.go_js( 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight/120*{})' .format(j)) print("\r文章数量学习中,文章剩余{}篇,本篇剩余时间{}秒".format( article_pointer + article_remain - i, readarticle_time - j), end="") time.sleep(1) driver_article.go_js( 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)') total, scores = show_score(cookies) if scores["article_num"] >= const.article_num_all: print("检测到文章数量分数已满,退出学习") break article_pointer += article_remain else: user.save_article_index(userId, article_pointer) break try_count = 0 while True: if scores[ "article_time"] < const.article_time_all and try_count < 10: num_time = 60 driver_article.get_url(links[article_pointer - 1]) remaining = (const.article_time_all - scores["article_time"]) * 1 * num_time for i in range(remaining): if random.random() > 0.5: driver_article.go_js( 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight/{}*{})' .format(remaining, i)) print("\r文章时长学习中,文章总时长剩余{}秒".format(remaining - i), end="") time.sleep(1) if i % (60) == 0 and i != remaining: total, scores = show_score(cookies) if scores["article_time"] >= const.article_time_all: print("检测到文章时长分数已满,退出学习") break driver_article.go_js( 'window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)') total, scores = show_score(cookies) else: break if try_count < 10: print("文章学习完成") else: print("文章学习出现异常,请检查 user/article_video_index.json 文件记录") driver_article.quit() else: print("文章之前学完了") except Exception as e: print("文章学习检测到异常:" + str(e)))