Example #1
 def test_compose_and_send_sendmail(self, smtp_mock, mail_mock):
     with self.__service.test_request_context(path="/test"):
         # sendmail errors
         mytoken = 'mytoken_abc'
         toaddr = "user@remotehost"
         body = os.path.join(self._conf['verification_url'], mytoken)
         smtp_mock.return_value.sendmail.side_effect = smtplib.SMTPException
         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
             HRService.compose_and_send(toaddr, mytoken,
         args = smtp_mock.return_value.sendmail.call_args
         assert args[0][0] == self._conf['smtp_server_login']
         assert args[0][1] == toaddr
         assert body in args[0][2]  # check the important part of the email
Example #2
    def test_compose_and_send(self, close_mock, connect_mock, mail_mock):
        with self.__service.test_request_context(path="/test"):
            # force connect to raise the SMTPException derived class. HRService wraps it into
            # RuntimeError
            connect_mock.return_value = (400, 'cannot connect message'
                                         )  # 220 is the success code
            with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
                HRService.compose_and_send("centos@localhost", 'mytoken_abc',
                                           )  # timestamp does not matter here
            connect_mock.assert_called_with('localhost', None)  # from conf{}

            # now allow for connect() to raise a socket.error
            import socket
            connect_mock.side_effect = socket.error
            with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
                HRService.compose_and_send("centos@localhost", 'mytoken_abc',