Example #1
def create_phage_table_insert(gnm):
    """Create a MySQL phage table INSERT statement.

    :param gnm: A pdm_utils Genome object.
    :type gnm: Genome
        A MySQL statement to INSERT a new row in the 'phage' table
        with data for several fields.
    :rtype: str
    cluster = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(gnm.cluster,
    subcluster = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(gnm.subcluster,

    # gnm.seq is a BioPython Seq object.
    # It is coerced to string by default.
    statement = ("""INSERT INTO phage """
                 """(PhageID, Accession, Name, HostGenus, Sequence, """
                 """Length, GC, Status, DateLastModified, RetrieveRecord, """
                 """AnnotationAuthor, Cluster, Subcluster) """
                 """VALUES """
                 """('{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', {}, {}, '{}', """
                 """'{}', {}, {}, {}, {});""")
    statement = statement.format(
                    gnm.id, gnm.accession, gnm.name, gnm.host_genus, gnm.seq,
                    gnm.length, gnm.gc, gnm.annotation_status, gnm.date,
                    gnm.retrieve_record, gnm.annotation_author, cluster,

    return statement
Example #2
def create_tmrna_table_insert(tmrna_ftr):

    :param tmrna_ftr:
    geneid, phageid = tmrna_ftr.id, tmrna_ftr.genome_id
    name = tmrna_ftr.name
    locus_tag = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(
        tmrna_ftr.locus_tag, check_set={""}, single=False)
    start, stop, length = tmrna_ftr.start, tmrna_ftr.stop, tmrna_ftr.length
    orientation = tmrna_ftr.orientation
    note = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(
        tmrna_ftr.note, check_set={""}, single=False)
    peptide_tag = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(
        tmrna_ftr.peptide_tag, check_set={""}, single=False)

    statement = ("""INSERT INTO tmrna """
                 """(GeneID, PhageID, Start, Stop, Length, """
                 """Name, Orientation, Note, LocusTag, PeptideTag) VALUES """
                 """("{}", "{}", {}, {}, {}, "{}", "{}", {}, {}, {});""")
    statement = statement.format(geneid, phageid, start, stop, length,
                                 name, orientation, note, locus_tag,
    return statement
Example #3
def create_trna_table_insert(trna_ftr):
    Create a MySQL trna table INSERT statement.
    :param trna_ftr: a pdm_utils Trna object
    :type trna_ftr: Trna
    :returns: a MySQL statement to INSERT a new row in the 'trna' table
    with all of trna_ftr's relevant data
    :rtype: str
    # Any values that could be none should be run through mysqldb_basic's
    # convert_for_sql method so that the statement is does not cause errors
    # when evaluated
    geneid, phageid = trna_ftr.id, trna_ftr.genome_id
    name = trna_ftr.name
    locus_tag = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(
        trna_ftr.locus_tag, check_set={""}, single=False)
    start, stop, length = trna_ftr.start, trna_ftr.stop, trna_ftr.length
    orientation = trna_ftr.orientation
    note = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(
        trna_ftr.note, check_set={""}, single=False)
    amino_acid, anticodon = trna_ftr.amino_acid, trna_ftr.anticodon
    structure = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(
        trna_ftr.structure, check_set={""}, single=False)
    source = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(
        trna_ftr.use, check_set={None}, single=False)

    statement = ("""INSERT INTO trna """
                 """(GeneID, PhageID, Start, Stop, Length, """
                 """Name, Orientation, Note, LocusTag, AminoAcid, Anticodon, """
                 """Structure, Source) VALUES ("{}", "{}", {}, {}, {}, """
                 """"{}", "{}", {}, {}, "{}", "{}", {}, {});""")
    statement = statement.format(geneid, phageid, start, stop, length,
                                 name, orientation, note, locus_tag,
                                 amino_acid, anticodon, structure, source)
    return statement
Example #4
def create_gene_table_insert(cds_ftr):
    """Create a MySQL gene table INSERT statement.

    :param cds_ftr: A pdm_utils Cds object.
    :type cds_ftr: Cds
        A MySQL statement to INSERT a new row in the 'gene' table
        with data for several fields.
    :rtype: str
    locus_tag = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(cds_ftr.locus_tag,
                                              check_set={""}, single=False)

    # cds_ftr.translation is a BioPython Seq object.
    # It is coerced to string by default.
    # Statement should be triple quoted.
    # Descriptions may contain a "'", so at least description attribute needs
    # to be encapsulated with double quotes.
    # locus_tag can be NULL or can be a string, so it should not be
    # encapsulated with '"'.
    statement = ("""INSERT INTO gene """
                 """(GeneID, PhageID, Start, Stop, Length, Name, """
                 """Translation, Orientation, Notes, LocusTag, Parts) """
                 """VALUES """
                 """("{}", "{}", {}, {}, {}, "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}", {}, {});""")
    statement = statement.format(cds_ftr.id, cds_ftr.genome_id,
                                 cds_ftr.start, cds_ftr.stop,
                                 cds_ftr.name, cds_ftr.translation,
                                 cds_ftr.orientation, cds_ftr.description,
                                 locus_tag, cds_ftr.parts)
    return statement
Example #5
def create_update(table, field2, value2, field1, value1):
    """Create MySQL UPDATE statement.

    "'UPDATE <table> SET <field2> = '<value2' WHERE <field1> = '<data1>'."

    When the new value to be added is 'singleton' (e.g. for Cluster
    fields), or an empty value (e.g. None, "none", etc.),
    the new value is set to NULL.

    :param table: The database table to insert information.
    :type table: str
    :param field1: The column upon which the statement is conditioned.
    :type field1: str
    :param value1:
        The value of 'field1' upon which the statement is conditioned.
    :type value1: str
    :param field2: The column that will be updated.
    :type field2: str
    :param value2:
        The value that will be inserted into 'field2'.
    :type value2: str
    :returns: A MySQL UPDATE statement.
    :rtype: set
    check_set = constants.EMPTY_SET | {"Singleton"}
    part1 = f"UPDATE {table} SET {field2} = "
    part3 = f" WHERE {field1} = '{value1}';"
    part2 = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(value2, check_set=check_set, single=True)
    statement = part1 + part2 + part3
    return statement
Example #6
 def test_convert_for_sql_4(self):
     """Verify 'Singleton' value returned is NULL."""
     value = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(
                         "Singleton", check_set={"Singleton"}, single=True)
     self.assertEqual(value, "NULL")
Example #7
 def test_convert_for_sql_3(self):
     """Verify empty value returned is NULL."""
     value = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql("", check_set={""}, single=True)
     self.assertEqual(value, "NULL")
Example #8
 def test_convert_for_sql_2(self):
     """Verify non-empty value returned is encapsulated with '"'."""
     value = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(
                                 "A", check_set={"Singleton"}, single=False)
     self.assertEqual(value, '"A"')
Example #9
 def test_convert_for_sql_1(self):
     """Verify non-empty value returned is encapsulated with "'"."""
     value = mysqldb_basic.convert_for_sql(
                                 "A", check_set={"Singleton"}, single=True)
     self.assertEqual(value, "'A'")