Example #1
class ConditionIdentification:
    Runs a series of sql statements that return as the first column, the
    primary key of a table being examined an 0 or more fields used in formatting
    a message.

    insert_cursor = None

    rules = {}

    messages = []

    def __init__(self, conn, rules:List[Dict[str,str]], verbose=False):
        :param conn: A database connection
        :param rules: A list of ConditionIdentification
        :param verbose:
        self.connection = conn
        self.cursors = Cursors(self.connection)
        self.rules = rules
        self.verbose = verbose

    def add_rule(self, rule:Dict[str,str]):
        self.rules[rule.rule_name] = rule

    def print_messages(self):
        for message in self.messages:

    def process(self, binds:Dict[str,object], verbosity=0):
        :param self:
        :param binds: dictionary of bind names and variables
        :param verbosity: int logging level

        :return:  List of str - generated messages

        Each invocation starts a new run.

        # *   A row is inserted into ut_condition_run  TODO get to work in sphinx
        #     *   The bind variables are inserted into ut_condition_run_parm
        #         * for each rule
        #             * The rule is retrieved from ut_condition and created if necessary.
        #             * For each row returned
        #             * a row is inserted into ut_condition_row_msg
        #             * A row is inserted into ut_condition_run_step
        self.messages = []
        ut_condition_run_id = UtConditionRunPersistence.start_run(self.cursors, binds)  # Record the start of the run
        rule_cursor = self.cursors.get_cursor("rule_sql")
        for rule in self.rules:
            rule_name = rule["rule_name"]
            start_ts = datetime.datetime.now()
            condition_sql = rule["sql_text"]
            rows = rule_cursor.execute(condition_sql, binds)
            run_step_id = UtConditionRunStepPersistence.insert(

            row_count = 0
            for row in rows:
                row_count += 1
                msg = rule["format_str"] % row  # TODO LITERAL
                    #def insert(cursors: Cursors, ut_condition_run_step_id: int, primary_key: int, message: str) -> None:
                    UtConditionRowMsgPersistence.insert(self.cursors,run_step_id, row[0], msg)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise Exception("While processing\n%s\n%s" % (condition_sql, str(e)))

                # if verbosity > 0:
                #     logger.info(msg)
            end_ts = datetime.datetime.now()
            if verbosity > 0:
               #{: < 7}{: < 51}{: < 25}\n
                logger.info("Rule " + "{:<30}".format(rule_name) + " run_step: " + str(run_step_id).rjust(6) +
                            " Number of exceptions: " + "{:>6}".format(row_count))
                    #    (rule_name, run_step_id, row_count)))
               # logger.info("Rule %s run_step: %s Number of exceptions: %s" %
        # if verbosity > 2:
        #     self.print_messages()
        return self.messages
class CdsDataloader:
    Loads a CDS format file into ETL tables
    def __init__(self):

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("__name__")
        yaml_file_name = get_file_path("config/etl_persistence_sql.yaml")
        self.statements = SqlStatements.from_yaml(yaml_file_name).statements
        self.cursors = None
        self.sql_statements = {
            "CD": self.statements["etl_customer_insert"],
            "CT": self.statements["etl_customer_tot_insert"],
            "IR": self.statements["etl_inventory_insert"],
            "IT": self.statements["etl_inventory_tot_insert"],
            "SA": self.statements["etl_sale_insert"],
            "AT": self.statements["etl_sale_tot_insert"],

    def process(self, filename: str, conn, distributor_cd: str,
                validate: bool) -> None:
            :param filename: name of CDS formatted data file
            :param conn: A database connection
            :param distributor_cd - The reporting organization, must be in org
            :param validate: True - run validations # TODO should
        start_time = time.time()
        self.cursors = Cursors(conn)

        reader = CdsFileReader(filename)
        # Initialize run
        file_id = self.initial_insert({"ORG_CD": distributor_cd})

        line_count = 0
        for line_nbr, record_type, record, binds in reader.read_line():
            binds["ETL_FILE_ID"] = file_id
            binds["LINE_NUMBER"] = line_nbr
            if "EXTENDED_NET_AMT" in binds:
                binds["EXTENDED_NET_AMT"] = binds["EXTENDED_NET_AMT"] / 100
            sql = self.sql_statements[record_type]["sql"]
            self.cursors.get_cursor(sql).execute(sql, binds)

            line_count += 1
        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
            "loaded '%s' file id: %s record count %s in %s seconds" %
            (filename, file_id, line_count, elapsed_time))

    def initial_insert(self, binds):
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ":initial_insert")
        etl_file_initial_insert = self.statements["etl_file_initial_insert"][
        returning = self.statements["etl_file_initial_insert"]["returning"]

        org_sql = "select org_id from org where org_cd = %(ORG_CD)s"
        cursor = self.cursors.get_cursor(org_sql)
        rows = cursor.execute(org_sql, binds)
        row_found = False
        for row in rows:
            row_found = True
        if not row_found:
            raise Exception("no data found for " + str(binds) + " in " +

        cursor = self.cursors.get_cursor(etl_file_initial_insert)
        etl_file_id = cursor.execute(etl_file_initial_insert,

        logger.info("returning etl_file_id " + str(etl_file_id))
        return etl_file_id