def subtract_baseline(y_data, deg=3, plot=False, x_data=None): """ Function that fits an n-degree polynomial (default: n = 3) baseline to the spectral data, and subtracts it from the input data. Args: y_data (list like): The intensity data of the spectra to be baselined. deg (integer): (Optional) Integer value for the degree of the polynomial to be used to baseline data. The value defaults to 3 if no value is specified. plot (boolean): (Optional) Boolean value that indicates whether or not to plot the baselined and original data. If true, it plots both spectra on the same plot. Note that if the user wants plotting functionality, x_data must be provided. x_data (list like): (Optional) The x-values associated with the y_data that is being baselined. These values are only needed for the function if the user desires plotting. Returns: y_out (list like): The baselined values of the y-axis. """ # handling errors in inputs if not isinstance(y_data, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('Passed value of `y_data` is not a list or numpy.ndarray! Instead, it is: ' + str(type(y_data))) y_base = baseline(y_data, deg=deg, max_it=200) # to avoid strange results, # change all negative values to zero yb_plus = [0 if i < 0 else i for i in y_base] y_out = y_data - yb_plus # plot that lets you see the baseline fitting if plot and x_data is None: raise ValueError('Please add x_data as input to plot') elif plot: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'b--', label='input') plt.plot(x_data, y_out, 'b', label='output') plt.plot(x_data, yb_plus, 'r', label='baseline') plt.plot(x_data, y_base, 'r--', label='negative baseline') plt.axhline(y=0, color='orange', alpha=0.5, label='zero') plt.legend() else: pass return y_out
import sys #sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) sys.path.append('/home/matt/PycharmProjects') from StimPy import minis import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from peakutils.baseline import baseline file_path = '/home/matt/Data/patch_data/dnm1_ftfl/cortical/170425_170428/\ 170425/2017_04_25_0044.abf' #file_path = '/home/matt/Data/patch_data/dyn1/170222/170221_0046.abf' recording = minis.MiniRec(file_path) recording.filter(ftype='bessel', freq=1000.0) events = recording.detect(method='derivative', threshold=25) #events = recording.detect(template_type='ipsc') baselined_events = list() for e in events: base = baseline(-e, deg=2) baselined_events.append((e + base)) events = np.array(baselined_events) plt.plot(events.T, alpha=0.1) plt.plot(np.mean(events, axis=0))
def structure_para(filename, freql, freqh, snr, dm, onp): ''' Copied from original to just measure rms across on-pulse ''' #Using PyPulse ''' data = pp.Archive(filename,prepare=False) data1 =[0][0] #time = np.sum(data1,axis=0) freq = data.freq[0] ''' #Using PSRCHIVE #''' fpsr = psr.Archive_load(filename) fpsr.remove_baseline() fpsr.set_dispersion_measure(0) fpsr.dedisperse() fpsr.set_dispersion_measure(dm) fpsr.dedisperse() ds = fpsr.get_data().squeeze() w = fpsr.get_weights().flatten() w = w / np.max(w) # Normalized it idx = np.where(w == 0)[0] ds = np.multiply(ds, w[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]) # Apply it ds[:, idx, :] = np.nan data1 = ds[0, :, :] #print np.shape(data1) freq = fpsr.get_frequencies() #''' #print freq,freql,freqh #print find_nearidx(freq,freql),find_nearidx(freq,freqh) #plt.xlim(283,332) #plt.imshow(data1,aspect='auto') #time = np.sum(data1[find_nearidx(freq,freqh):find_nearidx(freq,freql),:],axis=0) #time = np.nansum(data1[find_nearidx(freq,freql):find_nearidx(freq,freqh),:],axis=0) time = np.nansum(data1, axis=0) time = time - baseline(time, 6) #time = (time - np.mean(time))/np.max(time) #tbin = list(data1.durations/data1[0].size)[0] #taxis = np.arange(0,data1.durations,tbin) # Settings lag = 200 #lag = 30 threshold = snr influence = 0.4 ext = 20 # Extra phase bins around the pulse #----------- y = time # Run algo with settings from above ''' result = thresholding_algo(time, lag=lag, threshold=threshold, influence=influence) res = np.where(result['signals']==1) rescen = int(np.nanmean(res)) low1 = rescen - ext high1 = rescen + ext #Orig low = np.min(res)-1 high = np.max(res)+1 ''' # Test #low = 301 #high = 317 #For TschFsch file #low1 = 282 #high1 = 332 #For TscFsch2 file #low1 = 1 #high1 = 128 #For TschFsch3 file #low1 = 1 #high1 = 256 low1 = onp[0] high1 = onp[1] #print time[low:high] #spec = np.sum(data1[:,low:high],axis=1) onpulse = time[low1:high1] #onpulse = onpulse - np.mean(onpulse) offpulse = time[low1 + 4 * ext:high1 + 4 * ext] #print low1+4*ext,high1+4*ext #error = np.std(offpulse) #strct_para = np.mean(abs(np.diff(abs(np.diff(onpulse))))) #Orig #strct_para = np.mean(abs(np.diff(onpulse))) #DMgrad = abs(np.diff(time)) DMgrad = abs(np.gradient(time, 2)) #DMgrad = time strct_para = np.mean(DMgrad) error = np.mean(abs(np.diff(offpulse))) #print dm,strct_para,error,low1,high1 #plt.xlim(low1,high1) #plt.plot(time[low1:high1]) #plt.plot(time) #plt.plot(onpulse) #plt.plot(np.diff(onpulse)) #plt.plot(offpulse) #oname = "".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) + ".eps" #specname = "".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) + "_spectra.txt" ''' oname = filename + ".eps" specname = filename + "_spectra.txt" np.savetxt(specname,spec,fmt="%.2f") #np.savetxt(specname,np.c_[freq,spec],fmt="%.2f %.2f") plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 2 plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = .001) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace = .001) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((6,5), (0,0), rowspan=2,colspan=4) #plt.subplot(211) plt.xlim(low-ext,high+ext) plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) #plt.setp(ax1.get_yticklabels(), visible=False ax1.set_ylabel('Flux (mJy)',fontsize=24, fontweight='bold') plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=22) ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0,max(y),max(y)/5)) #plt.yticks(rotation=90) #plt.locator_params(axis='y', nticks=4) ax1.plot(np.arange(1, len(y)+1), y,linewidth=2,color='black') #plt.subplot(212) #plt.step(np.arange(1, len(y)+1), result["signals"], color="red", lw=2) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((6,5), (2,0), rowspan=4,colspan=4) #plt.xlim(low-20,high+20) pdata = data1[:,low-ext:high+ext] ptime = taxis[low-ext:high+ext] lowedge = (taxis[low]-np.mean(ptime))*1000 # msec highedge = (taxis[high]-np.mean(ptime))*1000 # msec ptime=(ptime-np.mean(ptime))*1000 # msec plt.yticks(rotation=90) ax2.tick_params(length=4, width=2) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=22) ax2.set_ylabel('Frequency (MHz)',fontsize=24, fontweight='bold') ax2.set_xlabel('Time (msec)',fontsize=24, fontweight='bold') plt.axvline(lowedge, color='b', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) plt.axvline(highedge, color='b', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) plt.axhline(freqh,color='b', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) plt.axhline(freql, color='b', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) plt.imshow(pdata,aspect='auto',cmap='binary',extent=[min(ptime),max(ptime),min(freq),max(freq)],interpolation='none') ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((6,5), (2,4), rowspan=4,colspan=1) plt.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax3.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.ylim(min(freq),max(freq)) plt.plot(spec,freq,linewidth=2,color='black') fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(8,20) plt.savefig(oname, bbox_inches='tight',dpi=300) ''' return strct_para, DMgrad, time