Example #1
 def drop_index(migrator, model, index):
     migration = migrator.make_context().literal('DROP INDEX ').sql(
     if is_mysql(model._meta.database):
         migration = migration.literal(' ON ').sql(
     return extract_query_from_migration(migration)
Example #2
 def add_not_null(db, migrator, table, column_name, field):
     cmds = []
     compiler = db.compiler()
     if field.default is not None:
         # if default is a function, turn it into a value
         # this won't work on columns requiring uniquiness, like UUIDs
         # as all columns will share the same called value
         default = field.default() if hasattr(field.default,
                                              '__call__') else field.default
         op = pw.Clause(pw.SQL('UPDATE'), pw.Entity(table), pw.SQL('SET'),
                        field.as_entity(), pw.SQL('='), default,
                        pw.SQL('WHERE'), field.as_entity(),
                        pw.SQL('IS NULL'))
     if is_postgres(db) or is_sqlite(db):
         junk = migrator.add_not_null(table, column_name, generate=True)
         cmds += normalize_whatever_junk_peewee_migrations_gives_you(
             migrator, junk)
         return cmds
     elif is_mysql(db):
         op = pw.Clause(pw.SQL('ALTER TABLE'), pw.Entity(table),
                        pw.SQL('MODIFY'), compiler.field_definition(field))
         return cmds
     raise Exception('how do i add a not null for %s?' % db)
Example #3
 def rename_column(db, migrator, ntn, ocn, ncn, field):
   compiler = db.compiler()
   if is_mysql(db):
     junk = pw.Clause(
       pw.SQL('ALTER TABLE'), pw.Entity(ntn), pw.SQL('CHANGE'), pw.Entity(ocn), compiler.field_definition(field)
     junk = migrator.rename_column(ntn, ocn, ncn, generate=True)
   return normalize_whatever_junk_peewee_migrations_gives_you(migrator, junk)
Example #4
 def set_default(db, migrator, table_name, column_name, field):
     default = field.default
     if callable(default): default = default()
     param = pw.Param(field.db_value(default))
     op = pw.Clause(pw.SQL('ALTER TABLE'), pw.Entity(table_name),
                    pw.SQL('ALTER COLUMN'), pw.Entity(column_name),
                    pw.SQL('SET DEFAULT'), param)
     return normalize_whatever_junk_peewee_migrations_gives_you(
         migrator, op)
Example #5
 def change_column_type(db, migrator, table_name, column_name, field):
   column_type = _field_type(field)
   if is_postgres(db):
     op = pw.Clause(pw.SQL('ALTER TABLE'), pw.Entity(table_name), pw.SQL('ALTER'), field.as_entity(), pw.SQL('TYPE'), field.__ddl_column__(column_type))
   elif is_mysql(db):
     op = pw.Clause(*[pw.SQL('ALTER TABLE'), pw.Entity(table_name), pw.SQL('MODIFY')] + field.__ddl__(column_type))
     raise Exception('how do i change a column type for %s?' % db)
   return normalize_whatever_junk_peewee_migrations_gives_you(migrator, op)
 def set_default(db, migrator, table_name, column_name, field):
   default = field.default
   if callable(default): default = default()
   migration = ( migrator.make_context()
     .literal('UPDATE ').sql(pw.Entity(table_name))
     .literal(' SET ').sql(pw.Expression(pw.Entity(column_name), pw.OP.EQ, field.db_value(default), flat=True))
     .literal(' WHERE ').sql(pw.Expression(pw.Entity(column_name), pw.OP.IS, pw.SQL('NULL'), flat=True))
   return extract_query_from_migration(migration)
Example #7
 def drop_foreign_key(db, migrator, table_name, fk_name):
     drop_stmt = ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ' if is_mysql(
         db) else ' DROP CONSTRAINT '
     migration = migrator._alter_table(migrator.make_context(),
     return extract_query_from_migration(migration)
Example #8
 def rename_column(db, migrator, table, ocn, ncn, field):
   if is_mysql(db):
     ctx = migrator.make_context()
     migration = migrator._alter_table(ctx, table).literal(' CHANGE ').sql(pw.Entity(ocn)).literal(' ').sql(field.ddl(ctx))
     migration = migrator.rename_column(table, ocn, ncn, with_context=True)
   return extract_query_from_migration(migration)
Example #9
def add_not_null(db, migrator, table, field, column_name):
    qc = db.compiler()
    if is_postgres(db) or is_sqlite(db):
        junk = migrator.add_not_null(table, column_name, generate=True)
        return normalize_whatever_junk_peewee_migrations_gives_you(
            db, migrator, junk)
    elif is_mysql(db):
        op = pw.Clause(pw.SQL('ALTER TABLE'), pw.Entity(table),
                       pw.SQL('MODIFY'), qc.field_definition(field))
        return [qc.parse_node(op)]
    raise Exception('how do i add a not null for %s?' % db)
Example #10
 def drop_table(migrator, name):
     migration = migrator.make_context().literal('DROP TABLE ').sql(
     return extract_query_from_migration(migration)
Example #11
 def drop_default(db, migrator, table_name, column_name, field):
     op = pw.Clause(pw.SQL('ALTER TABLE'), pw.Entity(table_name),
                    pw.SQL('ALTER COLUMN'), pw.Entity(column_name),
                    pw.SQL('DROP DEFAULT'))
     return normalize_whatever_junk_peewee_migrations_gives_you(
         migrator, op)
Example #12
 def drop_foreign_key(db, migrator, table_name, fk_name):
     drop_stmt = 'drop foreign key' if is_mysql(db) else 'DROP CONSTRAINT'
     op = pw.Clause(pw.SQL('ALTER TABLE'), pw.Entity(table_name),
                    pw.SQL(drop_stmt), pw.Entity(fk_name))
     return normalize_whatever_junk_peewee_migrations_gives_you(
         migrator, op)
Example #13
 def drop_table(migrator, table_name):
     compiler = migrator.database.compiler()
     return [
             pw.Clause(pw.SQL('DROP TABLE'), pw.Entity(table_name)))
Example #14
def calc_changes(db):
    migrator = None  # expose eventually?
    if migrator is None:
        migrator = auto_detect_migrator(db)

    existing_tables = [unicode(t) for t in db.get_tables()]
    existing_indexes = {
        table: db.get_indexes(table)
        for table in existing_tables
    existing_columns_by_table = get_columns_by_table(db)
    foreign_keys_by_table = get_foreign_keys_by_table(db)

    table_names_to_models = {
        cls._meta.db_table: cls
        for cls in all_models.keys()

    qc = db.compiler()
    to_run = []

    table_adds, add_fks, table_deletes, table_renames = calc_table_changes(
    table_renamed_from = {v: k for k, v in table_renames.items()}
    to_run += [
        qc.create_table(table_names_to_models[tbl]) for tbl in table_adds
    for field in add_fks:
        if hasattr(field,
                   '__pwdbev__not_deferred') and field.__pwdbev__not_deferred:
            field.deferred = False
        op = qc._create_foreign_key(field.model_class, field)
    for k, v in table_renames.items():
        ops = migrator.rename_table(k, v, generate=True)
        if not hasattr(ops, '__iter__'):
            ops = [ops]  # sometimes pw return arrays, sometimes not
        to_run += [qc.parse_node(op) for op in ops]

    rename_cols_by_table = {}
    deleted_cols_by_table = {}
    for etn, ecols in existing_columns_by_table.items():
        if etn in table_deletes: continue
        ntn = table_renames.get(etn, etn)
        model = table_names_to_models.get(ntn)
        if not model: continue
        defined_fields = model._meta.sorted_fields
        defined_column_name_to_field = {
            unicode(f.db_column): f
            for f in defined_fields
        adds, deletes, renames, alter_statements = calc_column_changes(
            db, migrator, etn, ntn, ecols, defined_fields,
        for column_name in adds:
            field = defined_column_name_to_field[column_name]
            to_run += alter_add_column(db, migrator, ntn, column_name, field)
            if not field.null:
                # alter_add_column strips null constraints
                # add them back after setting any defaults
                if field.default is not None:
                    operation = migrator.apply_default(ntn,
                        '-- adding a not null column without a default will fail if the table is not empty',
                to_run += add_not_null(db, migrator, ntn, field, column_name)

        for column_name in deletes:
            to_run += drop_column(db, migrator, ntn, column_name)
        for ocn, ncn in renames.items():
            field = defined_column_name_to_field[ncn]
            to_run += rename_column(db, migrator, ntn, ocn, ncn, field)
        to_run += alter_statements
        rename_cols_by_table[ntn] = renames
        deleted_cols_by_table[ntn] = deletes

    for ntn, model in table_names_to_models.items():
        etn = table_renamed_from.get(ntn, ntn)
        deletes = deleted_cols_by_table.get(ntn, set())
        existing_indexes_for_table = [
            i for i in existing_indexes.get(etn, [])
            if not any([(c in deletes) for c in i.columns])
        to_run += calc_index_changes(db, migrator, existing_indexes_for_table,
                                     model, rename_cols_by_table.get(ntn, {}))
  to_run += calc_perms_changes($schema_tables, noop) unless $check_perms_for.empty?

    to_run += [
        qc.parse_node(pw.Clause(pw.SQL('DROP TABLE'), pw.Entity(tbl)))
        for tbl in table_deletes
    return to_run
Example #15
def parse_entity(*path):
    """Parse the db entity and return the correct string"""
    entity = peewee.Entity(*path)
    return db.database.compiler()._parse_entity(entity, None, None)[0]