Example #1
    def get_random_configuration(self):
        """set coordinates before calling BH etc."""
        """ returns a 1-D numpy array of length 3xNatoms """

        # using pele.amber.read_amber and inpcrd
        from pele.amber.read_amber import read_amber_coords

        coords = read_amber_coords(self.inpcrdFname)
        print "amberSystem> Number of coordinates:", len(coords)
        coords = np.reshape(np.transpose(coords), len(coords), 1)

        # -- OpenMM
        # from simtk.unit import angstrom as openmm_angstrom

        ##  using pdb
        # from simtk.openmm.app import pdbfile as openmmpdbReader
        # pdb = openmmpdbReader.PDBFile('coords.pdb')  # todo: coords.pdb is hardcoded
        # coords = pdb.getPositions() / openmm_angstrom
        # coords = np.reshape(np.transpose(coords), 3*len(coords),1 )

        ##  using input inpcrd
        # from simtk.openmm.app import AmberInpcrdFile
        # inpcrd = AmberInpcrdFile( self.inpcrdFname )
        # coords = inpcrd.getPositions() / openmm_angstrom
        # coords = np.reshape(np.transpose(coords), 3*len(coords),1 )

        return coords
Example #2
    def get_random_configuration(self):
        """set coordinates before calling BH etc."""
        """ returns a 1-D numpy array of length 3xNatoms """

        # using pele.amber.read_amber and inpcrd
        from pele.amber.read_amber import read_amber_coords

        coords = read_amber_coords(self.inpcrdFname)
        print "amberSystem> Number of coordinates:", len(coords)
        coords = np.reshape(np.transpose(coords), len(coords), 1)

        # -- OpenMM
        # from simtk.unit import angstrom as openmm_angstrom 

        ##  using pdb 
        # from simtk.openmm.app import pdbfile as openmmpdbReader
        # pdb = openmmpdbReader.PDBFile('coords.pdb')  # todo: coords.pdb is hardcoded
        # coords = pdb.getPositions() / openmm_angstrom
        # coords = np.reshape(np.transpose(coords), 3*len(coords),1 )

        ##  using input inpcrd 
        # from simtk.openmm.app import AmberInpcrdFile
        # inpcrd = AmberInpcrdFile( self.inpcrdFname )   
        # coords = inpcrd.getPositions() / openmm_angstrom
        # coords = np.reshape(np.transpose(coords), 3*len(coords),1 )

        return coords
Example #3
def measure_dihedral(coords, atoms):
    indices = [3 * atom + k for atom in atoms for k in range(3)]
    coords_0 = coords[indices[0:3]]
    coords_1 = coords[indices[3:6]]
    coords_2 = coords[indices[6:9]]
    coords_3 = coords[indices[9:12]]
    b1 = coords_1 - coords_0
    b2 = coords_2 - coords_1
    b3 = coords_3 - coords_2
    b2_b3 = np.cross(b2, b3)
    b1_b2 = np.cross(b1, b2)
    angle = np.arctan2(
        np.linalg.norm(b2) * np.dot(b1, b2_b3), np.dot(b1_b2, b2_b3))
    return angle

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pele.amber.read_amber as amber
    import playground.group_rotation.amino_acids as amino

    topology_data = amber.read_topology("/home/khs26/coords.prmtop")
    parsed = amber.create_atoms_and_residues(topology_data)
    test_params = amber.group_rotation_dict(parsed, amino.def_parameters)
    test_coords = np.array(
    testGR = GroupRotation(test_params)
    pre_coords = test_coords.copy()
    result = testGR.takeStep(test_coords)
    print test_coords - pre_coords
Example #4
            attribute_variance[group] = ((i) * attribute_variance[group] +
                                        diff**2) / float(i + 1)
    return attribute_average, attribute_variance

def measure_dihedral(coords, atoms):
    indices = [3 * atom + k for atom in atoms for k in range(3)]
    coords_0 = coords[indices[0:3]]
    coords_1 = coords[indices[3:6]]
    coords_2 = coords[indices[6:9]]
    coords_3 = coords[indices[9:12]]
    b1 = coords_1 - coords_0
    b2 = coords_2 - coords_1
    b3 = coords_3 - coords_2
    b2_b3 = np.cross(b2, b3)
    b1_b2 = np.cross(b1, b2)
    angle = np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(b2) * np.dot(b1, b2_b3), np.dot(b1_b2, b2_b3) )
    return angle
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pele.amber.read_amber as amber
    import playground.group_rotation.amino_acids as amino
    topology_data = amber.read_topology("/home/khs26/coords.prmtop")
    parsed = amber.create_atoms_and_residues(topology_data)
    test_params = amber.group_rotation_dict(parsed, amino.def_parameters)
    test_coords = np.array(amber.read_amber_coords("/home/khs26/coords.inpcrd"))
    testGR = GroupRotation(test_params)
    pre_coords = test_coords.copy()
    result = testGR.takeStep(test_coords)
Example #5
            attribute_variance[group] = ((i) * attribute_variance[group] +
                                        diff**2) / float(i + 1)
    return attribute_average, attribute_variance

def measure_dihedral(coords, atoms):
    indices = [3 * atom + k for atom in atoms for k in range(3)]
    coords_0 = coords[indices[0:3]]
    coords_1 = coords[indices[3:6]]
    coords_2 = coords[indices[6:9]]
    coords_3 = coords[indices[9:12]]
    b1 = coords_1 - coords_0
    b2 = coords_2 - coords_1
    b3 = coords_3 - coords_2
    b2_b3 = np.cross(b2, b3)
    b1_b2 = np.cross(b1, b2)
    angle = np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(b2) * np.dot(b1, b2_b3), np.dot(b1_b2, b2_b3) )
    return angle
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pele.amber.read_amber as amber
    import playground.group_rotation.amino_acids as amino
    topology_data = amber.read_topology("/home/khs26/coords.prmtop")
    parsed = amber.create_atoms_and_residues(topology_data)
    test_params = amber.group_rotation_dict(parsed, amino.def_parameters)
    test_coords = np.array(amber.read_amber_coords("/home/khs26/coords.inpcrd"))
    testGR = GroupRotation(test_params)
    pre_coords = test_coords.copy()
    result = testGR.takeStep(test_coords)
    print test_coords-pre_coords
Example #6
        for dihedral in unmapped_dihedrals:
            # We need to convert "N-1" to the N neighbouring "C0". The others can be converted using the map.
            atom_map = residue_atom_map[residue]
            mapped_dihedral = [[nb for nb in nx.neighbors(residue.molecule.atoms, atom_map["C0"]) if nb.element == "N"][0]
                               if atom_name == "N-1" else atom_map[atom_name] for atom_name in dihedral]
        dihedral_dict[residue] = mapped_dihedrals
    return dihedral_dict

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import os.path
    import numpy as np
    from playground.rotamer.measure_dihedral import dihedrals_with_symmetry
    import cProfile

    # pr = cProfile.Profile()
    # pr.enable()
    topology_data = amber.read_topology(os.path.normpath("/home/khs26/flu.prmtop"))
    coords = np.array(amber.read_amber_coords(os.path.normpath("/home/khs26/flu.inpcrd"))).reshape((-1, 3))
    molecule = amber.create_molecule(topology_data)
    ress, maps = molecule.identify_residues()
    dihedrals = []
    for v in map_dihedrals(ress, maps).values():
        for dihedral in v:
    for dihe in sorted(dihedrals, key=lambda x: x.residue.index):
        if dihe.residue.identity in symmetric_atoms:
            print dihe.residue, dihe.atoms, dihe.residue.atoms
            print "Angle:", dihe.measure_dihedral(coords) * 180.0 / np.pi
    # pr.disable()
    # pr.print_stats('cumulative')