def test1(self): d = os.path.dirname(__file__) fname = os.path.join(d, "") xyz = read_xyz(open(fname, "r")) coords = xyz.coords.reshape(-1) print fname self.assertEqual(coords.size, 75 * 3) permlist = [range(75)] match = ExactMatchAtomicCluster(permlist=permlist, can_invert=True) calculator = PointGroupOrderCluster(match) pgorder = calculator(coords) # print pgorder self.assertEqual(pgorder, 20)
def test1(self): d = os.path.dirname(__file__) dbfname = os.path.join(d, "lj75_very_small_pathsample.sqlite") from import LJCluster natoms = 75 system = LJCluster(natoms) db = system.create_database(dbfname, createdb=False) permlist = [range(natoms)] ts_min = list(db.minima()) + list(db.transition_states()) for m in ts_min: match = ExactMatchAtomicCluster(permlist=permlist, can_invert=True) calculator = PointGroupOrderCluster(match) pgorder = calculator(m.coords) self.assertEqual(pgorder, m.pgorder)
def test1(self): from import LJCluster natoms = 13 system = LJCluster(natoms) db = system.create_database() bh = system.get_basinhopping(db) bh.setPrinting(ostream=None) while db.minima()[0].energy > -44.3: m = db.minima()[0] permlist = [range(natoms)] match = ExactMatchAtomicCluster(permlist=permlist, can_invert=True) calculator = PointGroupOrderCluster(match) pgorder = calculator(m.coords) # print pgorder self.assertEqual(pgorder, 120)
def get_pgorder(self, coords): calculator = PointGroupOrderCluster(self.get_compare_exact()) return calculator(coords)
def get_pgorder(self, coords): return PointGroupOrderCluster(self.get_compare_exact())(coords)
import numpy as np from pele.mindist import PointGroupOrderCluster from pele.angleaxis import ExactMatchAACluster system = TIP4PSystem() db = system.create_database(db="tip4p_8.sqlite") pot = system.get_potential() transform = TransformAngleAxisCluster(system.aasystem) coords = db.minima()[0].coords #coords = db.transition_states()[0].coords energy = pot.getEnergy(coords) #coords = np.loadtxt("2.txt").flatten() print energy match = ExactMatchAACluster(system.aasystem) get_pgorder = PointGroupOrderCluster(match) coords = db.minima()[0].coords hess = pot.NumericalHessian(coords, eps=1e-4) metric = system.aasystem.metric_tensor(coords) print get_pgorder(coords) frq = normalmode_frequencies(hess, metric) print frq fvib = logproduct_freq2(frq, 6)[1] print fvib beta = 1. / 2.479 for m in db.minima(): hess = pot.NumericalHessian(m.coords, eps=1e-5) metric = system.aasystem.metric_tensor(m.coords)
db = system.create_database() pot = system.get_potential() bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db) min1 = db.minima()[0] coords = min1.coords print() print("Done with basinghopping, performing frequency analysis") print() #min1 = db.transition_states()[0] # determine point group order of system determine_pgorder = PointGroupOrderCluster(system.get_compare_exact()) pgorder = determine_pgorder(min1.coords) # free energy from symmetry Fpg = old_div(np.log(pgorder), beta) # get the hession e, g, hess = pot.getEnergyGradientHessian(min1.coords) # TODO: go to reduced coordinates here # get the eigenvalues freqs2 = normalmode_frequencies(hess) # analyze eigenvalues n, lnf = logproduct_freq2(freqs2, 6) Ffrq = (n * np.log(beta) + 0.5 * lnf / beta)