def test():
    natoms = 20
    radii = np.random.uniform(.9, 1.2, natoms)
    L = 3
    boxvec = np.ones(3) * L
    x = np.random.uniform(0,L, 3*natoms)
    pot = MyPotFortran(boxvec, radii)
    e, g, hess = pot.getEnergyGradientHessian(x)
    hnum = pot.NumericalHessian(x)
    print hess
    print hnum
    print hess.shape, hnum.shape
    print hess[0,0]
    print hnum[0,0]
    x = x.reshape(-1,3)
    np.savetxt("coords", x, fmt="%.12f")
    np.savetxt("radii", radii, fmt="%.12f")
    print "energy", e
    from pele.utils.hessian import get_sorted_eig
    a, b = get_sorted_eig(hess)
    print a
Example #2
def analyticalLowestEigenvalue(coords, pot):
    """return the lowest eigenvalue and eigenvector of the hessian computed directly"""
    from pele.utils.hessian import get_sorted_eig
    """for testing"""
    hess = pot.getHessian(coords)
    vals, vecs = get_sorted_eig(hess)

    return vals[0], vecs[:, 0]
Example #3
def analyticalLowestEigenvalue(coords, pot):
    """return the lowest eigenvalue and eigenvector of the hessian computed directly"""
    from pele.utils.hessian import get_sorted_eig
    """for testing"""
    hess = pot.getHessian(coords)
    vals, vecs = get_sorted_eig(hess)
    return vals[0], vecs[:,0]
Example #4
#system.params.structural_quench_params.debug = True
#system.params.structural_quench_params.iprint = 100
db = system.create_database()
bh = system.get_basinhopping(db)

m = db.minima()[0]
coords = m.coords

potential = system.get_potential()
energy, gradient, hessian = potential.getEnergyGradientHessian(coords)

dummy_vec = ts.gramm_schmidt(ts.zeroEV_cluster(coords))

shifted_hess = hessian.copy()

for i in range(6):
    shifted_hess += np.outer(dummy_vec[i], dummy_vec[i])

shifted_eval, shifted_evec = get_sorted_eig(shifted_hess)

print "First log sum: ", np.sum(np.log(shifted_eval[6:]))

sparse_hess = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(shifted_hess)
factor = cholmod.cholesky(sparse_hess)

diagonal = np.diagonal(factor.L().todense())

logar  = 2 * np.log(diagonal)
log_sum = np.sum(logar)
print "Second log sum: ", log_sum
Example #5

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from import LJCluster
    from pele.utils.hessian import get_sorted_eig
    system = LJCluster(20)
    db = system.create_database()#"test.sqlite")
    coords, energy = system.get_random_minimized_configuration()[:2]
    print energy
    m = db.addMinimum(energy, coords)
    pot = system.get_potential()
    e, g, hess = pot.getEnergyGradientHessian(coords)
    eval, evec = get_sorted_eig(hess)
    epair = NormalModes(m, eval, evec, nzero=6, nnegative=0)
    print m.normal_modes[0].vectors.shape
    if False:
        print m.normal_modes 
        print m.normal_modes[0].freq, eval[0]
        epair = NormalModes(m, eval[1], evec[:,1])
        print m.normal_modes 
        print m.normal_modes[0].freq, eval[0]
        print m.normal_modes[1].freq, eval[1]
    elif False:
        for i in range(len(eval)):
            epair = NormalModes(m, eval[i], evec[:,i])
Example #6
#system.params.structural_quench_params.debug = True
#system.params.structural_quench_params.iprint = 100
db = system.create_database()
bh = system.get_basinhopping(db)

m = db.minima()[0]
coords = m.coords

potential = system.get_potential()
energy, gradient, hessian = potential.getEnergyGradientHessian(coords)

dummy_vec = ts.gramm_schmidt(ts.zeroEV_cluster(coords))

shifted_hess = hessian.copy()

for i in range(6):
    shifted_hess += np.outer(dummy_vec[i], dummy_vec[i])

shifted_eval, shifted_evec = get_sorted_eig(shifted_hess)

print("First log sum: ", np.sum(np.log(shifted_eval[6:])))

sparse_hess = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(shifted_hess)
factor = cholmod.cholesky(sparse_hess)

diagonal = np.diagonal(factor.L().todense())

logar  = 2 * np.log(diagonal)
log_sum = np.sum(logar)
print("Second log sum: ", log_sum)
Example #7
#            nm = HessianEigs(m, eval, evec)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    from import LJCluster
    from pele.utils.hessian import get_sorted_eig
    system = LJCluster(20)
    db = system.create_database()  #"test.sqlite")
    coords, energy = system.get_random_minimized_configuration()[:2]
    print energy
    m = db.addMinimum(energy, coords)

    pot = system.get_potential()
    e, g, hess = pot.getEnergyGradientHessian(coords)
    eval, evec = get_sorted_eig(hess)
    epair = NormalModes(m, eval, evec, nzero=6, nnegative=0)
    print m.normal_modes[0].vectors.shape

    if False:
        print m.normal_modes
        print m.normal_modes[0].freq, eval[0]
        epair = NormalModes(m, eval[1], evec[:, 1])
        print m.normal_modes
        print m.normal_modes[0].freq, eval[0]
        print m.normal_modes[1].freq, eval[1]
    elif False:
        for i in range(len(eval)):
            epair = NormalModes(m, eval[i], evec[:, i])
#            print m.normal_modes