def derive_stats( sim_path, src, dst, stat_keys=["Rm", "uu", "Ms"], par=[], comm=None, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3, status="a", chunksize=1000.0, quiet=True, nmin=32, lmask=False, mask_key="hot", ): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True, conflicts_quiet=True) # get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = ( src["settings"]["nx"][0], src["settings"]["ny"][0], src["settings"]["nz"][0], ) mx, my, mz = ( src["settings"]["mx"][0], src["settings"]["my"][0], src["settings"]["mz"][0], ) # split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal( nx, ny, nz, quiet=quiet, mvar=src["settings/mvar"][0], maux=src["settings/maux"][0], MBmin=chunksize, nmin=nmin, size=size, )[1] else: nchunks = [1, 1, 1] print("nchunks {}".format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = [ locindx[np.mod( rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]) + int(rank / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank, nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0] * nchunks[1] * nchunks[2] # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(stat_keys, list): stat_keys = stat_keys else: stat_keys = [stat_keys] # initialise group group = group_h5(dst, "stats", status="a", overwrite=overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) for key in stat_keys: mean_stat = list() stdv_stat = list() mean_mask = list() stdv_mask = list() nmask_msk = list() mean_nmsk = list() stdv_nmsk = list() nmask_nmk = list() for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk, nchunks[2])]]: n1, n2 = iz[0], iz[-1] + 1 for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: m1, m2 = iy[0], iy[-1] + 1 for ix in [ indx[np.mod( ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]) + int(ichunk / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0], )] ]: l1, l2 = ix[0], ix[-1] + 1 if key in src["data"].keys(): var = src["data"][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] elif key == "uu" or key == "aa": tmp = np.array([ src["data"][key[0] + "x"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src["data"][key[0] + "y"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src["data"][key[0] + "z"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], ]) var = np.sqrt(dot2(tmp)) else: if key in dst["data"].keys(): if is_vector(key): var = np.sqrt( dot2(dst["data"][key][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2])) else: var = dst["data"][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: print( "stats: " + key + " does not exist in ", src, "or", dst, ) continue if lmask: mask = dst["masks"][mask_key][0, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] Nmask = mask[mask == False].size if Nmask > 0: mean_mask.append(var[mask == False].mean() * Nmask) stdv_mask.append(var[mask == False].std() * Nmask) else: mean_mask.append(0) stdv_mask.append(0) nmask_msk.append(Nmask) nmask = mask[mask == True].size if nmask > 0: mean_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].mean() * nmask) stdv_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].std() * nmask) else: mean_nmsk.append(0) stdv_nmsk.append(0) nmask_nmk.append(nmask) mean_stat.append(var.mean()) stdv_stat.append(var.std()) if comm: if lmask: mean_mask = comm.gather(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.gather(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_mask = comm.bcast(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.bcast(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.gather(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.gather(stdv_nmsk, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.bcast(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.bcast(stdv_nmsk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.gather(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.gather(nmask_nmk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.bcast(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.bcast(nmask_nmk, root=0) mean_stat = comm.gather(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.gather(stdv_stat, root=0) mean_stat = comm.bcast(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.bcast(stdv_stat, root=0) if lmask: summk = np.sum(nmask_msk) if summk > 0: meanm = np.sum(mean_mask) / summk stdvm = np.sum(stdv_mask) / summk else: meanm = 0 stdvm = 0 sumnk = np.sum(nmask_nmk) if sumnk > 0: meann = np.sum(mean_nmsk) / sumnk stdvn = np.sum(stdv_nmsk) / sumnk else: meann = 0 stdvn = 0 print(mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean = {}, ".format(meanm) + mask_key + "-" + key + "-std = {}".format(stdvm)) print("not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean = {}, ".format(meann) + "not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-std = {}".format(stdvn)) dataset_h5( group, mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean", status=status, data=meanm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, mask_key + "-" + key + "-std", status=status, data=stdvm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, "not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean", status=status, data=meann, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, "not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-std", status=status, data=stdvn, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) mstat = np.mean(mean_stat) dstat = np.mean(stdv_stat) print(key + "-mean = {}, ".format(mstat) + key + "-std = {}".format(dstat)) dataset_h5( group, key + "-mean", status=status, data=mstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, key + "-std", status=status, data=dstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, )
def derive_masks(sim_path, src, dst, data_key='data/ss', par=[], comm=None, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3, status='a', chunksize=1000.0, quiet=True, nmin=32, ent_cuts=[ 2.32e9, ], mask_keys=[ 'hot', ], unit_key='unit_entropy'): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True, conflicts_quiet=True) #get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = src['settings']['nx'][0],\ src['settings']['ny'][0],\ src['settings']['nz'][0] mx, my, mz = src['settings']['mx'][0],\ src['settings']['my'][0],\ src['settings']['mz'][0] #split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal(nx, ny, nz, quiet=quiet, mvar=src['settings/mvar'][0], maux=src['settings/maux'][0], MBmin=chunksize, nmin=nmin, size=size)[1] else: nchunks = [1, 1, 1] print('nchunks {}'.format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = [ locindx[np.mod( rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]) + int(rank / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank, nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0] * nchunks[1] * nchunks[2] # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(mask_keys, list): mask_keys = mask_keys else: mask_keys = [mask_keys] # initialise group group = group_h5(dst, 'masks', status='a', overwrite=overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) for key in mask_keys: ne = len(ent_cuts) dataset_h5(group, key, status=status, shape=[ne, mz, my, mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=np.bool_) print('writing ' + key + ' shape {}'.format([ne, mz, my, mx])) for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk, nchunks[2])]]: n1, n2 = iz[ 0]-nghost,\ iz[-1]+nghost+1 n1out = n1 + nghost n2out = n2 - nghost varn1 = nghost varn2 = -nghost if iz[0] == locindz[0][0]: n1out = 0 varn1 = 0 if iz[-1] == locindz[-1][-1]: n2out = n2 varn2 = n2 for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: m1, m2 = iy[ 0]-nghost,\ iy[-1]+nghost+1 m1out = m1 + nghost m2out = m2 - nghost varm1 = nghost varm2 = -nghost if iy[0] == locindy[0][0]: m1out = 0 varm1 = 0 if iy[-1] == locindy[-1][-1]: m2out = m2 varm2 = m2 for ix in [ indx[np.mod( ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]) + int(ichunk / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ]: l1, l2 = ix[ 0]-nghost,\ ix[-1]+nghost+1 l1out = l1 + nghost l2out = l2 - nghost varl1 = nghost varl2 = -nghost if ix[0] == locindx[0][0]: l1out = 0 varl1 = 0 if ix[-1] == locindx[-1][-1]: l2out = l2 varl2 = l2 if data_key in src.keys(): ss = src[data_key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: if data_key in dst.keys(): ss = dst[data_key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: print( 'masks: ' + data_key + ' does not exist in ', src, 'or', dst) return 1 masks = thermal_decomposition(ss, par, unit_key=unit_key, ent_cut=ent_cuts) cut = 0 for mask in masks: dst['masks'][key][cut, n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = mask[varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2] cut += 1
def rhs_data(sim_path, src, dst, magic=["uxb","etadel2a"], par=[], comm=None, gd=[], grp_overwrite=False, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3,status="a", chunksize = 1000.0, dtype=np.float64, quiet=True, nmin=32, Reynolds_shock=False, lmix=False ): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True,conflicts_quiet=True) if isinstance(gd, list): os.chdir(sim_path) gd = read.grid(quiet=True) #get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = src["settings"]["nx"][0],\ src["settings"]["ny"][0],\ src["settings"]["nz"][0] mx, my, mz = src["settings"]["mx"][0],\ src["settings"]["my"][0],\ src["settings"]["mz"][0] #split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8*nx*ny*nz/1024*1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal(nx,ny,nz,quiet=quiet, mvar=src["settings/mvar"][0], maux=src["settings/maux"][0], MBmin=chunksize,nmin=nmin,size=size)[1] else: nchunks = [1,1,1] print("nchunks {}".format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx)+nghost,nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny)+nghost,nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz)+nghost,nchunks[2]) indx = [locindx[np.mod(rank+int(rank/nchunks[2]) +int(rank/nchunks[1]),nchunks[0])]] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank+int(rank/nchunks[2]),nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank,nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx)+nghost,nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny)+nghost,nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz)+nghost,nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx)+nghost,nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny)+nghost,nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz)+nghost,nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0]*nchunks[1]*nchunks[2] # save time dataset_h5(dst, "time", status=status, data=src["time"][()], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype) # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(magic, list): magic = magic else: magic = [magic] # confirm exists group group_h5(dst, "data", status="a", overwrite=grp_overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) # initialise group group = group_h5(dst, "calc", status="a", overwrite=grp_overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) for key in magic: if is_vector(key): dataset_h5(group, key, status=status, shape=[3,mz,my,mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype) print("writing "+key+" shape {}".format([3,mz,my,mx])) else: dataset_h5(group, key, status=status, shape=[mz,my,mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype) print("writing "+key+" shape {}".format([mz,my,mx])) for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk,nchunks[2])]]: n1, n2 = iz[ 0]-nghost,\ iz[-1]+nghost+1 n1out = n1+nghost n2out = n2-nghost varn1 = nghost varn2 = -nghost if iz[0] == locindz[0][0]: n1out = 0 varn1 = 0 if iz[-1] == locindz[-1][-1]: n2out = n2 varn2 = n2 for iy in [indy[np.mod(ichunk+ int(ichunk/nchunks[2]),nchunks[1])]]: m1, m2 = iy[ 0]-nghost,\ iy[-1]+nghost+1 m1out = m1+nghost m2out = m2-nghost varm1 = nghost varm2 = -nghost if iy[0] == locindy[0][0]: m1out = 0 varm1 = 0 if iy[-1] == locindy[-1][-1]: m2out = m2 varm2 = m2 for ix in [indx[np.mod(ichunk+int(ichunk/nchunks[2]) +int(ichunk/nchunks[1]),nchunks[0])]]: l1, l2 = ix[ 0]-nghost,\ ix[-1]+nghost+1 l1out = l1+nghost l2out = l2-nghost varl1 = nghost varl2 = -nghost if ix[0] == locindx[0][0]: l1out = 0 varl1 = 0 if ix[-1] == locindx[-1][-1]: l2out = l2 varl2 = l2 if not quiet: print("remeshing "+key+" chunk {}".format( [iz,iy,ix])) var = calc_rhs_data(src, dst, key, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost=nghost, Reynolds_shock=Reynolds_shock, lmix=lmix) if is_vector(key): dst["calc"][key][:,n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype(var[:, varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2]) else: dst["calc"][key][n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype(var[ varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2])
def kernel_smooth( sim_path, src, dst, magic=["meanuu"], par=[], comm=None, gd=[], grp_overwrite=False, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3, kernel=1., status="a", chunksize=1000.0, dtype=np.float64, quiet=True, nmin=32, typ='piecewise', mode=list(), ): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True, conflicts_quiet=True) if isinstance(gd, list): os.chdir(sim_path) gd = read.grid(quiet=True) # get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = ( src["settings"]["nx"][0], src["settings"]["ny"][0], src["settings"]["nz"][0], ) mx, my, mz = ( src["settings"]["mx"][0], src["settings"]["my"][0], src["settings"]["mz"][0], ) # extend gost zones to include up to 1.5 * kernel length) dx = max(src['grid/dx'][()], src['grid/dy'][()], src['grid/dz'][()]) nkernel = * kernel / dx) sigma = kernel / dx print('sigma {:.2f}, kernel {:.2f}, dx {:.2f}'.format(sigma, kernel, dx)) # split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal( nx, ny, nz, quiet=quiet, mvar=src["settings/mvar"][0], maux=src["settings/maux"][0], MBmin=chunksize, nmin=nmin, size=size, )[1] else: nchunks = [1, 1, 1] print("nchunks {}".format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = [ locindx[np.mod( rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]) + int(rank / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank, nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0] * nchunks[1] * nchunks[2] if 1 in nchunks: mode = ["reflect", "reflect", "reflect"] for ich in range(3): if nchunks[ich] == 1: mode[2 - ich] = "wrap" if mode[2 - ich] == "reflect": typ = "piecewise" else: typ = "all" print('mode:', mode, 'typ:', typ) # save time dataset_h5( dst, "time", status=status, data=src["time"][()], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype, ) # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(magic, list): magic = magic else: magic = [magic] # initialise group group = group_h5( dst, "data", status="a", overwrite=grp_overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size, ) for key in magic: if is_vector(key): dataset_h5( group, key + str(nkernel), status=status, shape=[3, mz, my, mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype, ) print("writing " + key + " shape {}".format([3, mz, my, mx])) else: dataset_h5( group, key + str(nkernel), status=status, shape=[mz, my, mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype, ) print("writing " + key + " shape {}".format([mz, my, mx])) for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk, nchunks[2])]]: if nchunks[2] == 1: zextra = nghost else: zextra = nkernel + nghost n1, n2 = iz[0] - zextra, iz[-1] + zextra + 1 lindz = np.arange(n1, n2) n1out = n1 + zextra n2out = n2 - zextra varn1 = zextra varn2 = -zextra if iz[0] == locindz[0][0]: n1out = 0 varn1 = zextra - nghost if iz[-1] == locindz[-1][-1]: n2out = n2 - zextra + nghost varn2 = n2 - n1 - zextra + nghost if n1 < 0: lindz[np.where(lindz < nghost)[0]] += nz if n2 > mz - 1: lindz[np.where(lindz > mz - 1 - nghost)[0]] -= nz print('n1out {},n2out {},varn1 {},varn2 {},zextra {}'.format( n1out, n2out, varn1, varn2, zextra)) for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: if nchunks[1] == 1: yextra = nghost else: yextra = nkernel + nghost m1, m2 = iy[0] - yextra, iy[-1] + yextra + 1 lindy = np.arange(m1, m2) m1out = m1 + yextra m2out = m2 + 1 - yextra varm1 = yextra varm2 = -yextra if iy[0] == locindy[0][0]: m1out = 0 varm1 = yextra - nghost if iy[-1] == locindy[-1][-1]: m2out = m2 - yextra + nghost varm2 = m2 - m1 - yextra + nghost if m1 < 0: lindy[np.where(lindy < 0)[0]] += ny if m2 > my - 1: lindy[np.where(lindy > my - 1)[0]] -= ny print( 'm1out {},m2out {},varm1 {},varm2 {},yextra {}'.format( m1out, m2out, varm1, varm2, yextra)) for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: for ix in [ indx[np.mod( ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]) + int(ichunk / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0], )] ]: if nchunks[1] == 1: xextra = nghost else: xextra = nkernel + nghost l1, l2 = ix[0] - xextra, ix[-1] + xextra + 1 lindx = np.arange(l1, l2) l1out = l1 + xextra l2out = l2 + 1 - xextra varl1 = xextra varl2 = -xextra if ix[0] == locindx[0][0]: l1out = 0 varl1 = xextra - nghost if ix[-1] == locindx[-1][-1]: l2out = l2 - xextra + nghost varl2 = l2 - l1 - xextra + nghost if l1 < 0: lindx[np.where(lindx < 0)[0]] += nx if l2 > mx - 1: lindx[np.where(lindx > mx - 1)[0]] -= nx print('l1out {},l2out {},varl1 {},varl2 {},xextra {}'. format(l1out, l2out, varl1, varl2, xextra)) if not quiet: print("remeshing " + key + " chunk {}".format([iz, iy, ix])) print('sending ichunk {} with index ranges {}'.format( ichunk, [n1, n2, m1, m2, l1, l2])) var = smoothed_data(src["data"], dst["data"], key, par, gd, lindx, lindy, lindz, nghost, sigma, typ, mode) print( 'ichunk {}, var min {:.1e}, var max {:.1e}'.format( ichunk, var.min(), var.max())) # print('var shape {}'.format(var.shape)) # if not quiet: # print('writing '+key+ # ' shape {} chunk {}'.format( # var.shape, [iz,iy,ix])) print('ichunk: out indices {}'.format( [n1out, n2out, m1out, m2out, l1out, l2out])) if is_vector(key): dst["data"][key + str(nkernel)][:, n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype( var[:, varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2]) else: dst["data"][key + str(nkernel)][n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype( var[varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2])
def src2dst_remesh( src, dst, h5in="var.h5", h5out="var.h5", multxyz=[2, 2, 2], fracxyz=[1, 1, 1], srcghost=3, dstghost=3, srcdatadir="data/allprocs", dstdatadir="data/allprocs", dstprecision=[b"D"], lsymmetric=True, quiet=True, check_grid=True, OVERWRITE=False, optionals=True, nmin=32, rename_submit_script=False, MBmin=5.0, ncpus=[1, 1, 1], start_optionals=False, hostfile=None, submit_new=False, chunksize=1000.0, lfs=False, MB=1, count=1, size=1, rank=0, comm=None, ): """ src2dst_remesh(src, dst, h5in='var.h5', h5out='var.h5', multxyz=[2, 2, 2], fracxyz=[1, 1, 1], srcghost=3, dstghost=3, srcdatadir='data/allprocs', dstdatadir='data/allprocs', dstprecision=[b'D'], lsymmetric=True, quiet=True, check_grid=True, OVERWRITE=False, optionals=True, nmin=32, rename_submit_script=False, MBmin=5.0, ncpus=[1, 1, 1], start_optionals=False, hostfile=None, submit_new=False, chunksize=1000.0, lfs=False, MB=1, count=1, size=1, rank=0, comm=None) Parameters ---------- src : string Source relative or absolute path to source simulation. dst : string Destination relative or absolute path to destination simulation. h5in : string Source simulation data file to be copied and remeshed. h5out : string Destination simulation file to be written. multxyz : list Factors by which to multiply old sim dimensions yxz order. fracxyz : list Factors by which to divide old sim dimensions yxz order. srcghost : int Number of ghost zones from the source order of accuracy (mx-nx)/2. dstghost : int Number of ghost zones for the destination order of accuracy (mx-nx)/2. srcdatadir : string Path from source simulation directory to data. dstdatadir : Path from destination simulation directory to data. dstprecision : string Floating point precision settings [b'S'] or [b'D']. lsymmetric : bool Option to make non-periodic grid symmetric about old sim centre. Otherwise the lower boundary is retained from old sim grid. quiet : bool Flag for switching of output. check_grid : bool Flag to run check on grid and cpu layout before executing remesh. OVERWRITE : bool Flag to overwrite existing simulation directory and filesin dst. optionals : bool Copy simulation files with True or specify list of names (string) for additional files from src sim directory. nmin : int Minimum length along coordinate after splitting by proc. rename_submit_script : bool Edit lines in submission files vcopied from src to dst. Not yet operational. MBmin : float Minimum size in MB of data on a sinlge proc pf ncpus total processes. ncpus : ndarray Array of nprocx, nprocy, and nprocz to apply for new simulation. start_optionals : bool Copy simulation files output by start.x with True or specify list of names (string) for additional files from src sim data directory. hostfile : string Specify name of host config file argument in pc_build. Not yet operational. submit_new : bool Execute changes to submission files, compile and run simulation. Not yet operational. chunksize : float Size in megabytes of snapshot variable before chunked remesh is used. lfs : bool Flag to set the striping for large file sizes to imporve IO efficiency. MB : float Size of data to write contiguously before moving to new OST on lustre. count : int Number of OSTs across which the data will be shared for IO operations. size : int Number of MPI processes rank : int ID of processor comm : MPI library calls """ import h5py import os from os.path import join, abspath import time from pencil import read from import mkdir from pencil.sim import simulation from pencil.math import cpu_optimal from pencil import is_sim_dir start_time = time.time() print("started at {}".format(time.ctime(start_time))) # set dtype from precision if dstprecision[0] == b"D": dtype = np.float64 elif dstprecision[0] == b"S": dtype = np.float32 else: print("precision " + dstprecision + " not valid") return 1 if is_sim_dir(src): srcsim = simulation(src, quiet=quiet) else: print('src2dst_remesh ERROR: src"' + src + '" is not a valid simulation path') return 1 if is_sim_dir(dst): dstsim = simulation(dst, quiet=quiet) else: dstname = str.split(dst, "/")[-1] dstpath = str.strip(dst, dstname) if len(dstpath) == 0: dstpath = str.strip(srcsim.path, dstsim = srcsim.copy( path_root=dstpath, name=dstname, quiet=quiet, OVERWRITE=OVERWRITE, optionals=optionals, start_optionals=start_optionals, rename_submit_script=rename_submit_script, ) print("opening src file and dst file on rank{}".format(rank)) with open_h5( join(srcsim.path, srcdatadir, h5in), "r", rank=rank, comm=comm ) as srch5: with open_h5( join(dstsim.path, dstdatadir, h5out), "w", lfs=lfs, MB=MB, count=count, rank=rank, comm=comm, ) as dsth5: # apply settings and grid to dst h5 files get_dstgrid( srch5, srcsim.param, dsth5, ncpus=ncpus, multxyz=multxyz, fracxyz=fracxyz, srcghost=srcghost, dstghost=dstghost, dtype=dtype, lsymmetric=lsymmetric, quiet=quiet, ) print("get_dstgrid completed on rank {}".format(rank)) # use settings to determine available proc dist then set ncpus factors = cpu_optimal( dsth5["settings/nx"][0], dsth5["settings/ny"][0], dsth5["settings/nz"][0], mvar=dsth5["settings/mvar"][0], maux=dsth5["settings/maux"][0], par=srcsim.param, nmin=nmin, MBmin=MBmin, ) print( "remesh check grid: optional cpus upto min grid of" + "nmin={}\n".format(nmin) + "cpu options {}\n".format(factors) + "new mesh: {}, {}, {}\n".format( dsth5["settings/nx"][0], dsth5["settings/ny"][0], dsth5["settings/nz"][0], ) + 'To execute remesh set "check_grid=False".' ) if ncpus == [1, 1, 1]: ncpus = [factors[1][0], factors[1][1], factors[1][2]] dsth5["settings/nprocx"][0] = ncpus[0] dsth5["settings/nprocy"][0] = ncpus[1] dsth5["settings/nprocz"][0] = ncpus[2] nprocs = ncpus[0] * ncpus[1] * ncpus[2] srcprocs = ( srch5["settings/nprocx"][0] * srch5["settings/nprocy"][0] * srch5["settings/nprocz"][0] ) if srcprocs > nprocs: print( "\n**********************************************************\n" + "remesh WARNING: {} procs reduced from {}.\n".format( nprocs, srcprocs ) + "Review multxyz {} and fracxyz {} for more\n".format( multxyz, fracxyz ) + "efficient parallel processing options." + "\n**********************************************************\n" ) if check_grid: return 1 group = group_h5(dsth5, "unit", status="w") for key in srch5["unit"].keys(): if ( type(srch5["unit"][key][()]) == np.float64 or type(srch5["unit"][key][()]) == np.float32 ): dset = dataset_h5( group, key, status="w", data=srch5["unit"][key][()], overwrite=True, dtype=dtype, ) else: dset = dataset_h5( group, key, status="w", data=srch5["unit"][key][()], overwrite=True, ) gridh5 = open_h5(join(dstsim.datadir, "grid.h5"), status="w") dsth5.copy("settings", gridh5) dsth5.copy("grid", gridh5) dsth5.copy("unit", gridh5) gridh5.close() if "persist" in srch5.keys(): group = group_h5(dsth5, "persist", status="w") for key in srch5["persist"].keys(): tmp = np.zeros(nprocs) tmp[:] = srch5["persist"][key][0] if ( type(srch5["persist"][key][()]) == np.float64 or type(srch5["persist"][key][()]) == np.float32 ): dset = dataset_h5( group, key, status="w", data=tmp, overwrite=True, dtype=dtype, ) else: dset = dataset_h5( group, key, status="w", data=tmp, overwrite=True ) dset = dataset_h5( dsth5, "time", status="w", data=srch5["time"][()], dtype=dtype ) nx, ny, nz = ( dsth5["settings"]["nx"][0], dsth5["settings"]["ny"][0], dsth5["settings"]["nz"][0], ) dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 lchunks = False if dstchunksize > chunksize: lchunks = True nchunks = cpu_optimal(nx, ny, nz, mvar=1, maux=0, MBmin=chunksize)[1] print("nchunks {}".format(nchunks)) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + dstghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + dstghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + dstghost, nchunks[2]) mx, my, mz = ( dsth5["settings"]["mx"][0], dsth5["settings"]["my"][0], dsth5["settings"]["mz"][0], ) if not quiet: print("nx {}, ny {}, nz {}".format(nx, ny, nz)) print("mx {}, my {}, mz {}".format(mx, my, mz)) group = group_h5(dsth5, "data", status="w") for key in srch5["data"].keys(): print("remeshing " + key) if not lchunks: var = local_remesh( srch5["data"][key][()], srch5["grid"]["x"], srch5["grid"]["y"], srch5["grid"]["z"], dsth5["grid"]["x"], dsth5["grid"]["y"], dsth5["grid"]["z"], quiet=quiet, ) print("writing " + key + " shape {}".format(var.shape)) dset = dataset_h5( group, key, status="w", data=var, overwrite=True, dtype=dtype ) else: dset = dataset_h5( group, key, status="w", shape=[mz, my, mx], overwrite=True, dtype=dtype, ) print("writing " + key + " shape {}".format([mz, my, mx])) for iz in range(nchunks[2]): n1, n2 = indz[iz][0] - dstghost, indz[iz][-1] + dstghost srcn1 = np.max( np.where(srch5["grid/z"][()] < dsth5["grid/z"][n1]) ) srcn2 = np.min( np.where(srch5["grid/z"][()] > dsth5["grid/z"][n2]) ) n1out = n1 + dstghost n2out = n2 - dstghost + 1 varn1 = dstghost varn2 = -dstghost if iz == 0: n1out = 0 varn1 = 0 if iz == nchunks[2] - 1: n2out = n2 + 1 varn2 = n2 + 1 if not quiet: print( "n1 {}, n2 {}, srcn1 {}, srcn2 {}".format( n1, n2, srcn1, srcn2 ) ) for iy in range(nchunks[1]): m1, m2 = indy[iy][0] - dstghost, indy[iy][-1] + dstghost srcm1 = np.max( np.where(srch5["grid/y"][()] < dsth5["grid/y"][m1]) ) srcm2 = np.min( np.where(srch5["grid/y"][()] > dsth5["grid/y"][m2]) ) m1out = m1 + dstghost m2out = m2 - dstghost + 1 varm1 = dstghost varm2 = -dstghost if iy == 0: m1out = 0 varm1 = 0 if iy == nchunks[1] - 1: m2out = m2 + 1 varm2 = m2 + 1 if not quiet: print( "m1 {}, m2 {}, srcm1 {}, srcm2 {}".format( m1, m2, srcm1, srcm2 ) ) for ix in range(nchunks[0]): l1, l2 = indx[ix][0] - dstghost, indx[ix][-1] + dstghost srcl1 = np.max( np.where(srch5["grid/x"][()] < dsth5["grid/x"][l1]) ) srcl2 = np.min( np.where(srch5["grid/x"][()] > dsth5["grid/x"][l2]) ) l1out = l1 + dstghost l2out = l2 - dstghost + 1 varl1 = dstghost varl2 = -dstghost if ix == 0: l1out = 0 varl1 = 0 if ix == nchunks[0] - 1: l2out = l2 + 1 varl2 = l2 + 1 if not quiet: print( "l1 {}, l2 {}, srcl1 {}, srcl2 {}".format( l1, l2, srcl1, srcl2 ) ) if not quiet: print( "remeshing " + key + " chunk {}".format([iz, iy, ix]) ) var = local_remesh( srch5["data"][key][ srcn1 : srcn2 + 1, srcm1 : srcm2 + 1, srcl1 : srcl2 + 1, ], srch5["grid"]["x"][srcl1 : srcl2 + 1], srch5["grid"]["y"][srcm1 : srcm2 + 1], srch5["grid"]["z"][srcn1 : srcn2 + 1], dsth5["grid"]["x"][l1 : l2 + 1], dsth5["grid"]["y"][m1 : m2 + 1], dsth5["grid"]["z"][n1 : n2 + 1], quiet=quiet, ) if not quiet: print( "writing " + key + " shape {} chunk {}".format( var.shape, [iz, iy, ix] ) ) dset[n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype( var[varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2] ) dstsim.update() dstsim.change_value_in_file("src/cparam.local", "ncpus", str(nprocs)) dstsim.change_value_in_file("src/cparam.local", "nprocx", str(ncpus[0])) dstsim.change_value_in_file("src/cparam.local", "nprocy", str(ncpus[1])) dstsim.change_value_in_file("src/cparam.local", "nprocz", str(ncpus[2])) dstsim.change_value_in_file("src/cparam.local", "nxgrid", str(dstsim.dim.nxgrid)) # dstsim.change_value_in_file('src/cparam.local','nygrid', # str(dstsim.dim.nygrid)) dstsim.change_value_in_file("src/cparam.local", "nzgrid", str(dstsim.dim.nzgrid)) # cmd = 'source '+join(srcsim.path,'src','.moduleinfo') # os.system(cmd) # os.chdir(dstsim.path) # cmd = 'pc_setupsrc; make cleann' # os.system(cmd) # cmd = 'pc_build' # if hostfile: cmd = cmd + ' -f '+hostfile # process = sub.Popen(cmd.split(),stdout=sub.PIPE) # process = sub.Popen(cmd.split(),stdout=sub.PIPE) # output, error = process.communicate() # print(cmd,output,error) if srcprocs > nprocs: print( "\n**********************************************************\n" + "remesh WARNING: {} procs reduced from {}.\n".format(nprocs, srcprocs) + "Review multxyz {} and fracxyz {} for more\n".format(multxyz, fracxyz) + "efficient parallel processing options." + "\n**********************************************************\n" ) end_time = time.time() print( "end at {} after {} seconds".format(time.ctime(end_time), end_time - start_time) )
def src2dst_remesh(src, dst, h5in='var.h5', h5out='var.h5', multxyz=[2,2,2], fracxyz=[1,1,1], srcghost=3, dstghost=3, srcdatadir='data/allprocs', dstdatadir='data/allprocs', dstprecision=[b'D'], lsymmetric=True, quiet=True, check_grid=True, OVERWRITE=False, optionals=True, nmin=32, rename_submit_script=False, MBmin=5.0, ncpus=[1,1,1], start_optionals=False, hostfile=None, submit_new=False, chunksize=1000.0, lfs=False, MB=1, count=1, size=1, rank=0, comm=None ): """ Call signature: src2dst_remesh(src, dst, h5in='var.h5', h5out='var.h5', multxyz=[2,2,2], fracxyz=[1,1,1], srcghost=3, dstghost=3, srcdatadir='data/allprocs', dstdatadir='data/allprocs', dstprecision=[b'D'], lsymmetric=True, quiet=True, check_grid=True, OVERWRITE=False, optionals=True, nmin=32, rename_submit_script=False, MBmin=5.0, ncpus=[1,1,1], start_optionals=False, hostfile=None, submit_new=False) Keyword arguments: *src*: string relative or absolute path to source simulation. *dst*: string relative or absolute path to destination simulation. *h5in*: source simulation data file to be copied and remeshed. *h5out*: destination simulation file to be written. *multxyz*: factors by which to multiply old sim dimensions yxz order. *fracxyz*: factors by which to divide old sim dimensions yxz order. *srcghost*: Number of ghost zones from the source order of accuracy (mx-nx)/2 *dstghost*: Number of ghost zones for the destination order of accuracy (mx-nx)/2 *srcdatadir*: path from source simulation directory to data. *dstdatadir*: path from destination simulation directory to data. *dstprecision*: floating point precision settings [b'S'] or [b'D']. *lsymmetric*: Option to make non-periodic grid symmetric about old sim centre. Otherwise the lower boundary is retained from old sim grid. *quiet*: Flag for switching of output. *check_grid*: Flag to run check on grid and cpu layout before executing remesh. *OVERWRITE*: Flag to overwrite existing simulation directory and filesin dst. *optionals*: Copy simulation files with True or specify list of names (string) for additional files from src sim directory. *nmin*: Minimum length along coordinate after splitting by proc. *rename_submit_script: Edit lines in submission files vcopied from src to dst. Not yet operational. *MBmin*: Minimum size in MB of data on a sinlge proc pf ncpus total processes. *ncpus*: array of nprocx, nprocy, and nprocz to apply for new simulation. *start_optionals* Copy simulation files output by start.x with True or specify list of names (string) for additional files from src sim data directory. *hostfile: Specify name of host config file argument in pc_build. Not yet operational. *submit_new*: Execute changes to submission files, compile and run simulation. Not yet operational. *chunksize*: Size in megabytes of snapshot variable before chunked remesh is used. *lfs*: Flag to set the striping for large file sizes to imporve IO efficiency. *MB*: Size of data to write contiguously before moving to new OST on lustre. *count*: Number of OSTs across which the data will be shared for IO operations. *comm*: MPI library calls *rank*: Integer ID of processor *size*: Number of MPI processes """ import h5py import os from os.path import join, abspath import time from pencil import read from import mkdir from pencil.sim import simulation from pencil.math import cpu_optimal from pencil import is_sim_dir start_time = time.time() print('started at {}'.format(time.ctime(start_time))) # set dtype from precision if dstprecision[0] == b'D': dtype = np.float64 elif dstprecision[0] == b'S': dtype = np.float32 else: print('precision '+dstprecision+' not valid') return 1 if is_sim_dir(src): srcsim = simulation(src,quiet=quiet) else: print('src2dst_remesh ERROR: src"'+src+ '" is not a valid simulation path') return 1 if is_sim_dir(dst): dstsim = simulation(dst,quiet=quiet) else: dstname = str.split(dst,'/')[-1] dstpath = str.strip(dst,dstname) if len(dstpath) == 0: dstpath = str.strip(srcsim.path, dstsim = srcsim.copy(path_root=dstpath, name=dstname, quiet=quiet, OVERWRITE=OVERWRITE, optionals=optionals, start_optionals=start_optionals, rename_submit_script=rename_submit_script) print('opening src file and dst file on rank{}'.format(rank)) with open_h5(join(srcsim.path,srcdatadir,h5in),'r',rank=rank,comm=comm) as srch5: with open_h5(join(dstsim.path,dstdatadir,h5out),'w',lfs=lfs,MB=MB,count=count,rank=rank,comm=comm) as dsth5: #apply settings and grid to dst h5 files get_dstgrid(srch5, srcsim.param, dsth5, ncpus=ncpus, multxyz=multxyz, fracxyz=fracxyz, srcghost=srcghost, dstghost=dstghost, dtype=dtype, lsymmetric=lsymmetric, quiet=quiet) print('get_dstgrid completed on rank {}'.format(rank)) #use settings to determine available proc dist then set ncpus factors = cpu_optimal( dsth5['settings/nx'][0], dsth5['settings/ny'][0], dsth5['settings/nz'][0], mvar=dsth5['settings/mvar'][0], maux=dsth5['settings/maux'][0], par=srcsim.param, nmin=nmin, MBmin=MBmin) print('remesh check grid: optional cpus upto min grid of'+ 'nmin={}\n'.format(nmin)+ 'cpu options {}\n'.format(factors)+ 'new mesh: {}, {}, {}\n'.format(dsth5['settings/nx'][0], dsth5['settings/ny'][0], dsth5['settings/nz'][0])+ 'To execute remesh set "check_grid=False".') if ncpus == [1,1,1]: ncpus = [factors[1][0],factors[1][1],factors[1][2]] dsth5['settings/nprocx'][0] = ncpus[0] dsth5['settings/nprocy'][0] = ncpus[1] dsth5['settings/nprocz'][0] = ncpus[2] nprocs = ncpus[0]*ncpus[1]*ncpus[2] srcprocs = srch5['settings/nprocx'][0]*\ srch5['settings/nprocy'][0]*\ srch5['settings/nprocz'][0] if srcprocs > nprocs: print( '\n**********************************************************\n'+ 'remesh WARNING: {} procs reduced from {}.\n'.format( nprocs, srcprocs)+ 'Review multxyz {} and fracxyz {} for more\n'.format( multxyz,fracxyz)+ 'efficient parallel processing options.'+ '\n**********************************************************\n') if check_grid: return 1 group = group_h5(dsth5, 'unit', status='w') for key in srch5['unit'].keys(): if type(srch5['unit'][key][()]) == np.float64 or\ type(srch5['unit'][key][()]) == np.float32: dset = dataset_h5(group, key, status='w', data=srch5['unit'][key][()], overwrite=True, dtype=dtype) else: dset = dataset_h5(group, key, status='w', data=srch5['unit'][key][()], overwrite=True) gridh5 = open_h5(join(dstsim.datadir,'grid.h5'), status='w') dsth5.copy('settings', gridh5) dsth5.copy('grid', gridh5) dsth5.copy('unit', gridh5) gridh5.close() if 'persist' in srch5.keys(): group = group_h5(dsth5, 'persist', status='w') for key in srch5['persist'].keys(): tmp = np.zeros(nprocs) tmp[:] = srch5['persist'][key][0] if type(srch5['persist'][key][()]) == np.float64 or\ type(srch5['persist'][key][()]) == np.float32: dset = dataset_h5(group, key, status='w', data=tmp, overwrite=True, dtype=dtype) else: dset = dataset_h5(group, key, status='w', data=tmp, overwrite=True) dset = dataset_h5(dsth5, 'time', status='w', data=srch5['time'][()], dtype=dtype) nx, ny, nz = dsth5['settings']['nx'][0],\ dsth5['settings']['ny'][0],\ dsth5['settings']['nz'][0] dstchunksize = 8*nx*ny*nz/1024*1024 lchunks = False if dstchunksize > chunksize: lchunks = True nchunks = cpu_optimal(nx,ny,nz,mvar=1,maux=0,MBmin=chunksize)[1] print('nchunks {}'.format(nchunks)) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx)+dstghost,nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny)+dstghost,nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz)+dstghost,nchunks[2]) mx, my, mz = dsth5['settings']['mx'][0],\ dsth5['settings']['my'][0],\ dsth5['settings']['mz'][0] if not quiet: print('nx {}, ny {}, nz {}'.format(nx, ny, nz)) print('mx {}, my {}, mz {}'.format(mx, my, mz)) group = group_h5(dsth5, 'data', status='w') for key in srch5['data'].keys(): print('remeshing '+key) if not lchunks: var = local_remesh(srch5['data'][key][()], srch5['grid']['x'],srch5['grid']['y'], srch5['grid']['z'],dsth5['grid']['x'], dsth5['grid']['y'], dsth5['grid']['z'], quiet=quiet) print('writing '+key+' shape {}'.format(var.shape)) dset = dataset_h5(group, key, status='w', data=var, overwrite=True, dtype=dtype) else: dset = dataset_h5(group, key, status='w', shape=[mz,my,mx], overwrite=True, dtype=dtype) print('writing '+key+' shape {}'.format([mz,my,mx])) for iz in range(nchunks[2]): n1, n2 = indz[iz][ 0]-dstghost,\ indz[iz][-1]+dstghost srcn1 = np.max(np.where(srch5['grid/z'][()]< dsth5['grid/z'][n1])) srcn2 = np.min(np.where(srch5['grid/z'][()]> dsth5['grid/z'][n2])) n1out = n1+dstghost n2out = n2-dstghost+1 varn1 = dstghost varn2 = -dstghost if iz == 0: n1out = 0 varn1 = 0 if iz == nchunks[2]-1: n2out = n2+1 varn2 = n2+1 if not quiet: print('n1 {}, n2 {}, srcn1 {}, srcn2 {}'.format( n1, n2, srcn1, srcn2)) for iy in range(nchunks[1]): m1, m2 = indy[iy][ 0]-dstghost,\ indy[iy][-1]+dstghost srcm1 = np.max(np.where(srch5['grid/y'][()]< dsth5['grid/y'][m1])) srcm2 = np.min(np.where(srch5['grid/y'][()]> dsth5['grid/y'][m2])) m1out = m1+dstghost m2out = m2-dstghost+1 varm1 = dstghost varm2 = -dstghost if iy == 0: m1out = 0 varm1 = 0 if iy == nchunks[1]-1: m2out = m2+1 varm2 = m2+1 if not quiet: print('m1 {}, m2 {}, srcm1 {}, srcm2 {}'.format( m1, m2, srcm1, srcm2)) for ix in range(nchunks[0]): l1, l2 = indx[ix][ 0]-dstghost,\ indx[ix][-1]+dstghost srcl1 = np.max(np.where(srch5['grid/x'][()]< dsth5['grid/x'][l1])) srcl2 = np.min(np.where(srch5['grid/x'][()]> dsth5['grid/x'][l2])) l1out = l1+dstghost l2out = l2-dstghost+1 varl1 = dstghost varl2 = -dstghost if ix == 0: l1out = 0 varl1 = 0 if ix == nchunks[0]-1: l2out = l2+1 varl2 = l2+1 if not quiet: print( 'l1 {}, l2 {}, srcl1 {}, srcl2 {}'.format( l1, l2, srcl1, srcl2)) if not quiet: print('remeshing '+key+' chunk {}'.format( [iz,iy,ix])) var = local_remesh( srch5['data'][key][srcn1:srcn2+1, srcm1:srcm2+1, srcl1:srcl2+1], srch5['grid']['x'][srcl1:srcl2+1], srch5['grid']['y'][srcm1:srcm2+1], srch5['grid']['z'][srcn1:srcn2+1], dsth5['grid']['x'][l1:l2+1], dsth5['grid']['y'][m1:m2+1], dsth5['grid']['z'][n1:n2+1], quiet=quiet ) if not quiet: print('writing '+key+ ' shape {} chunk {}'.format( var.shape, [iz,iy,ix])) dset[n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype(var[ varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2]) dstsim.update() dstsim.change_value_in_file('src/cparam.local','ncpus', str(nprocs)) dstsim.change_value_in_file('src/cparam.local','nprocx',str(ncpus[0])) dstsim.change_value_in_file('src/cparam.local','nprocy',str(ncpus[1])) dstsim.change_value_in_file('src/cparam.local','nprocz',str(ncpus[2])) dstsim.change_value_in_file('src/cparam.local','nxgrid', str(dstsim.dim.nxgrid)) #dstsim.change_value_in_file('src/cparam.local','nygrid', # str(dstsim.dim.nygrid)) dstsim.change_value_in_file('src/cparam.local','nzgrid', str(dstsim.dim.nzgrid)) #cmd = 'source '+join(srcsim.path,'src','.moduleinfo') #os.system(cmd) #os.chdir(dstsim.path) #cmd = 'pc_setupsrc; make cleann' #os.system(cmd) #cmd = 'pc_build' #if hostfile: cmd = cmd + ' -f '+hostfile #process = sub.Popen(cmd.split(),stdout=sub.PIPE) #process = sub.Popen(cmd.split(),stdout=sub.PIPE) #output, error = process.communicate() #print(cmd,output,error) if srcprocs > nprocs: print('\n**********************************************************\n'+ 'remesh WARNING: {} procs reduced from {}.\n'.format( nprocs, srcprocs)+ 'Review multxyz {} and fracxyz {} for more\n'.format( multxyz,fracxyz)+ 'efficient parallel processing options.'+ '\n**********************************************************\n') end_time = time.time() print('end at {} after {} seconds'.format( time.ctime(end_time),end_time-start_time))
def derive_stats(sim_path, src, dst, stat_keys=['Rm', 'uu', 'Ms'], par=[], comm=None, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3, status='a', chunksize=1000.0, quiet=True, nmin=32, lmask=False, mask_key='hot'): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True, conflicts_quiet=True) #get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = src['settings']['nx'][0],\ src['settings']['ny'][0],\ src['settings']['nz'][0] mx, my, mz = src['settings']['mx'][0],\ src['settings']['my'][0],\ src['settings']['mz'][0] #split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal(nx, ny, nz, quiet=quiet, mvar=src['settings/mvar'][0], maux=src['settings/maux'][0], MBmin=chunksize, nmin=nmin, size=size)[1] else: nchunks = [1, 1, 1] print('nchunks {}'.format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = [ locindx[np.mod( rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]) + int(rank / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank, nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0] * nchunks[1] * nchunks[2] # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(stat_keys, list): stat_keys = stat_keys else: stat_keys = [stat_keys] # initialise group group = group_h5(dst, 'stats', status='a', overwrite=overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) for key in stat_keys: mean_stat = list() stdv_stat = list() mean_mask = list() stdv_mask = list() nmask_msk = list() mean_nmsk = list() stdv_nmsk = list() nmask_nmk = list() for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk, nchunks[2])]]: n1, n2 = iz[ 0],\ iz[-1]+1 for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: m1, m2 = iy[ 0],\ iy[-1]+1 for ix in [ indx[np.mod( ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]) + int(ichunk / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ]: l1, l2 = ix[ 0],\ ix[-1]+1 if key in src['data'].keys(): var = src['data'][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] elif key == 'uu' or key == 'aa': tmp = np.array([ src['data'][key[0] + 'x'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src['data'][key[0] + 'y'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src['data'][key[0] + 'z'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] ]) var = np.sqrt(dot2(tmp)) else: if key in dst['data'].keys(): if is_vector(key): var = np.sqrt( dot2(dst['data'][key][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2])) else: var = dst['data'][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: print('stats: ' + key + ' does not exist in ', src, 'or', dst) continue if lmask: mask = dst['masks'][mask_key][0, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] Nmask = mask[mask == False].size if Nmask > 0: mean_mask.append(var[mask == False].mean() * Nmask) stdv_mask.append(var[mask == False].std() * Nmask) else: mean_mask.append(0) stdv_mask.append(0) nmask_msk.append(Nmask) nmask = mask[mask == True].size if nmask > 0: mean_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].mean() * nmask) stdv_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].std() * nmask) else: mean_nmsk.append(0) stdv_nmsk.append(0) nmask_nmk.append(nmask) mean_stat.append(var.mean()) stdv_stat.append(var.std()) if comm: if lmask: mean_mask = comm.gather(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.gather(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_mask = comm.bcast(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.bcast(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.gather(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.gather(stdv_nmsk, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.bcast(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.bcast(stdv_nmsk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.gather(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.gather(nmask_nmk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.bcast(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.bcast(nmask_nmk, root=0) mean_stat = comm.gather(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.gather(stdv_stat, root=0) mean_stat = comm.bcast(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.bcast(stdv_stat, root=0) if lmask: summk = np.sum(nmask_msk) if summk > 0: meanm = np.sum(mean_mask) / summk stdvm = np.sum(stdv_mask) / summk else: meanm = 0 stdvm = 0 sumnk = np.sum(nmask_nmk) if sumnk > 0: meann = np.sum(mean_nmsk) / sumnk stdvn = np.sum(stdv_nmsk) / sumnk else: meann = 0 stdvn = 0 print(mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean = {}, '.format(meanm) + mask_key + '-' + key + '-std = {}'.format(stdvm)) print('not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean = {}, '.format(meann) + 'not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-std = {}'.format(stdvn)) dataset_h5(group, mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean', status=status, data=meanm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, mask_key + '-' + key + '-std', status=status, data=stdvm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, 'not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean', status=status, data=meann, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, 'not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-std', status=status, data=stdvn, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) mstat = np.mean(mean_stat) dstat = np.mean(stdv_stat) print(key + '-mean = {}, '.format(mstat) + key + '-std = {}'.format(dstat)) dataset_h5(group, key + '-mean', status=status, data=mstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, key + '-std', status=status, data=dstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True)
def derive_data(sim_path, src, dst, magic=['pp', 'tt'], par=[], comm=None, gd=[], overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3, status='a', chunksize=1000.0, dtype=np.float64, quiet=True, nmin=32): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True, conflicts_quiet=True) if isinstance(gd, list): os.chdir(sim_path) gd = read.grid(quiet=True) #get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = src['settings']['nx'][0],\ src['settings']['ny'][0],\ src['settings']['nz'][0] mx, my, mz = src['settings']['mx'][0],\ src['settings']['my'][0],\ src['settings']['mz'][0] #split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal(nx, ny, nz, quiet=quiet, mvar=src['settings/mvar'][0], maux=src['settings/maux'][0], MBmin=chunksize, nmin=nmin, size=size)[1] else: nchunks = [1, 1, 1] print('nchunks {}'.format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = [ locindx[np.mod( rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]) + int(rank / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank, nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0] * nchunks[1] * nchunks[2] # save time dataset_h5(dst, 'time', status=status, data=src['time'][()], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype) # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(magic, list): magic = magic else: magic = [magic] # initialise group group = group_h5(dst, 'data', status='a', overwrite=overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) for key in magic: if is_vector(key): dataset_h5(group, key, status=status, shape=[3, mz, my, mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype) print('writing ' + key + ' shape {}'.format([3, mz, my, mx])) else: dataset_h5(group, key, status=status, shape=[mz, my, mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype) print('writing ' + key + ' shape {}'.format([mz, my, mx])) for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk, nchunks[2])]]: n1, n2 = iz[ 0]-nghost,\ iz[-1]+nghost+1 n1out = n1 + nghost n2out = n2 - nghost varn1 = nghost varn2 = -nghost if iz[0] == locindz[0][0]: n1out = 0 varn1 = 0 if iz[-1] == locindz[-1][-1]: n2out = n2 varn2 = n2 for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: m1, m2 = iy[ 0]-nghost,\ iy[-1]+nghost+1 m1out = m1 + nghost m2out = m2 - nghost varm1 = nghost varm2 = -nghost if iy[0] == locindy[0][0]: m1out = 0 varm1 = 0 if iy[-1] == locindy[-1][-1]: m2out = m2 varm2 = m2 for ix in [ indx[np.mod( ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]) + int(ichunk / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ]: l1, l2 = ix[ 0]-nghost,\ ix[-1]+nghost+1 l1out = l1 + nghost l2out = l2 - nghost varl1 = nghost varl2 = -nghost if ix[0] == locindx[0][0]: l1out = 0 varl1 = 0 if ix[-1] == locindx[-1][-1]: l2out = l2 varl2 = l2 if not quiet: print('remeshing ' + key + ' chunk {}'.format([iz, iy, ix])) var = calc_derived_data(src['data'], dst['data'], key, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost=nghost) #print('var shape {}'.format(var.shape)) #if not quiet: # print('writing '+key+ # ' shape {} chunk {}'.format( # var.shape, [iz,iy,ix])) if is_vector(key): dst['data'][key][:, n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype( var[:, varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2]) else: dst['data'][key][n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype( var[varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2])