def get_value_from_file(self, filename, quantity): """ Use to read in a quantity from *.in or *.local files. Args: file: can be "", "", "cparam.local" quantity: variable to read in from file """ from os.path import join from pencilnew.math import is_number from pencilnew.math import is_float from pencilnew.math import is_int if filename in ['', '']: filepath = join(self.dir, filename) elif filename in ['cparam.local']: filepath = join(self.dir, 'src', filename) else: print('!! Quantity ' + quantity + ' not found in ' + filepath) return False with open(filepath, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() # open file and read content for id, line in enumerate(data): # check lines for quantity if line.find(quantity) >= 0: # special cases: if quantity == 'Lxyz': line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.split(quantity + '=')[-1] return [float(i) for i in line.split(',')] # default case: for i in line.split(quantity + '=')[-1]: if is_number(i) == False and not i in ['.', 'e', '-', '+']: break oldvalue = line.split(quantity + '=')[-1].split(i)[ 0] # extract quantity value (not needed here) if is_int(oldvalue): return int(float(oldvalue)) elif is_float(oldvalue): return float(oldvalue) else: print( '?? WARNING: value from file is neither float nor int! value is: ' + oldvalue) return oldvalue else: print('!! quantity ' + quantity + ' not found in ' + filepath) return False
def get_value_from_file(filename, quantity, change_quantity_to=None, sim=False, filepath=False, DEBUG=False, silent=False): """ Use to read in a quantity from - *.in - *.local - submit*, i.e., submit.csh, files, only works if computer is readily specified in Please add further functionallity by yourself! Args: filename: can be "", "", "cparam.local", path to that file is extraced from filepath or sim object quantity: variable to read in from file sim: put simulation object here, file will be found by filename automatically filepath: normally not needed, specify here where to find the file with filename, can be a list of paths if unshure DEBUG: make dry run, tell me what you would do but dont change anything! silent: suppress certain output by setting True Return: Returns None if not successful """ import os, pencilnew import numpy as np from os.path import join, abspath, exists, split, isfile from pencilnew.math import is_number, is_float, is_int from import timestamp, debug_breakpoint, mkdir def string_to_tuple(s): q = s.split(',') if is_number(q[0]): q = np.array([float(t) for t in q]) q_type = 'TUPLE_FLOAT' return q, q_type if q[0] == 'T' or q[0] == 'F': q = np.array([bool(t=='T') for t in q]) q_type = 'TUPLE_BOOL' return q, q_type if type(q[0]) == type('string'): q = [t.replace('"','').replace("'", '') for t in q] q_type = 'TUPLE_STRING' return q, q_type print('! ERROR: Could not parse string '+s+' into a tuple!') print('! DEBUG_BREAKPOINT AKTIVATED - check out the following variables: string s, tuple q, first entry in tuple q[0]') debug_breakpoint(); return None, None def tuple_to_string(t, q_type): return ','.join([str(a) for a in t]) ######## prepare filename and quantity filename = filename.strip() # get rid of whitespaces quantity = quantity.strip() q_type = False # q_type will store the type of the quantity value once found and identified split_filename = split(filename) if sim == False and split_filename[0] != '' and filepath == False: filepath = split_filename[0] filename = split_filename[1] ######## find correct file # prepare search_path list to search filename in if filepath == False: if sim == False: sim = pencilnew.get_sim() else: filepath = sim.path search_paths = [sim.path, join(sim.path, 'src')] # add other search paths here!! elif type(filepath) == type('string'): if filepath.endswith(filename): filepath = filepath[:-len(filename)] # clean filepath if filename occures to be in there at the end search_paths = [abspath(filepath.strip())] # correct path format elif type(filepath) == type(['list']): search_paths = filepath else: print('! ERROR: Filename '+str(filename)+' could not be interprated or found!'); return None absolute_filepath = None for search_path in search_paths: tmp_path = join(search_path, filename) if os.path.isfile(tmp_path): absolute_filepath = tmp_path break # Traps the case of not being able to find the file if absolute_filepath is None: if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: File {0} not found in {1}!'.format(filename, search_paths)) return None ######## open file # now having absolute filepath to file, lets check that file and find quantity inside! if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: Found file {0} in {1}'.format(filename,filepath)) with open(absolute_filepath, 'r') as f: data_raw = f.readlines() ######## find line in file which quantity in line_matches = [] # scan through file for differently for different files if filename.endswith('.in') or 'cparam.local' in filename : FILE_IS = 'IN_LOCAL' SYM_COMMENT = '!' SYM_ASSIGN = '=' SYM_SEPARATOR = ',' for ii, line in enumerate(data_raw): if line.strip().startswith('&'): continue # filter out lines with &something, e.g. &density_run_pars if quantity in line.split(SYM_COMMENT)[0]: line_matches.append(ii) elif filename.startswith('submit') and filename.split('.')[-1] in ['csh', 'sh']: FILE_IS = 'SUBMIT' SYM_COMMENT = False SYM_ASSIGN = '=' SYM_SEPARATOR = ',' for ii, line in enumerate(data_raw): if line.replace(' ', '').startswith('#@') and quantity in line: line_matches.append(ii) else: print('! ERROR: Filename unknown! No parsing possible! Please enhance this function to work with '+filename) if len(line_matches) > 1: print('! ERROR: Found more than one line with keyword "'+quantity+'" inside!'); return None if len(line_matches) == 0: if silent == False: print('! ERROR: Found no line with keyword "'+quantity+'" inside '+join(filepath, filename)+'!') return None filename = os.path.basename(filename) ######## get line with quantity inside line = data_raw[line_matches[0]] ######## do separation of quantity from rest of line, i.e. get rid of comments and other quantities defined in this line comment = '' if SYM_COMMENT: tmp = line.partition(SYM_COMMENT) # strip away comment line = tmp[0] if tmp[-1] != '': comment = SYM_COMMENT+tmp[-1] # and store for later line = line.replace(' ','').replace('\n', '') # do cleanup in this line qs = line.partition(quantity+SYM_ASSIGN) if SYM_ASSIGN in qs[-1]: qs = qs[:2]+qs[-1].partition(SYM_ASSIGN) #qs = qs[:2]+qs[-1].partition(SYM_ASSIGN) qs = qs[:2]+qs[2].rpartition(',')+qs[3:] qs = list(qs) q = qs[2] while q.endswith('\t'): q = q[:-1]; comment = '\t'+comment # take care of trailing tabulator while q.endswith(','): q = q[:-1] # remove trailing , ######## do a cleanup of quantity value q and convert into string, float, int or array, also remember data type of q if q.startswith("'") and q.endswith("'"): # quantity q is string in form of 'STRING' q = q[1:-1] q_type = 'STRING' elif q.startswith('"') and q.endswith('"'): # quantity q is string in form of "STRING" q = q[1:-1] q_type = 'STRING' elif not is_number(q[0]): # quantity q is string in form of not beeing a number q = q.strip().replace('"','').replace("'", '') q_type = 'STRING' try: float(q) q_type = 'FLOAT' if is_int(q): q = int(q) q_type = 'INT' except: if type(q) == type('string') and ',' in q: q, q_type = string_to_tuple(q) # q is a TULPE_something if type(q) == type('string') and q in ['F', 'f']: # q is BOOL q = False q_type = 'BOOL' if type(q)== type('string') and q in ['T', 't']: q = True q_type = 'BOOL' if type(q) == type('string'): if is_number(q[0]): q_type = 'STRING' if q_type == False: # catch if type of q was not recognized print('! ERROR: Couldnt identify the data type of the quantity value: '+str(q)) DEBUG = True debug_breakpoint() elif DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: q_type = '+q_type) if q_type == 'FLOAT': q = float(q) elif q_type == 'INT': q = int(q) ######## if value of quantity has to be changed do: if change_quantity_to != None: ####### prepare change_quantity_to for string injection if q_type == 'STRING': if not FILE_IS=='SUBMIT': change_quantity_to = "'"+change_quantity_to+"'" elif q_type == 'BOOL': change_quantity_to = bool(change_quantity_to in ['T', 't', True]) if change_quantity_to == True: change_quantity_to = 'T' elif change_quantity_to == False: change_quantity_to = 'F' else: print('! ERROR: There is something deeply wrong here! change_quantity_to should be bool...') debug_breakpoint(); return None elif q_type == 'FLOAT': change_quantity_to = '%e' % change_quantity_to elif q_type.startswith('TUPLE'): if q_type.endswith('BOOL'): if type(change_quantity_to) == type(['list', 'of', 'bool', 'or', 'strings']): for ii, val in enumerate(change_quantity_to): if val in ['T', 't', True]: change_quantity_to[ii] = 'T' elif val in ['F', 'f', False]: change_quantity_to[ii] = 'F' else: print('! ERROR: There is something deeply wrong here! change_quantity_to['+str(ii)+'] should be bool or string representation, but it is '+str(change_quantity_to[ii])) debug_breakpoint(); return None change_quantity_to = ','.join([str(t) for t in change_quantity_to]) if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: Would change quantity '+quantity+' from '+str(q)+' to '+str(change_quantity_to)) qs[2] = str(change_quantity_to) ######## further formatting new_line = ''.join(qs).replace(SYM_SEPARATOR, SYM_SEPARATOR+' ')+'\t'+comment # create new line and add comment stripped away before if not (FILE_IS == 'SUBMIT' or filename == 'cparam.local'): new_line = ' '+new_line new_line = new_line.rstrip() # clean empty spaces on the right, no one needs that... if new_line[-1] != '\n': new_line = new_line+'\n' if FILE_IS=='SUBMIT': new_line = new_line.replace('#@', '#@ ').replace('=', ' = ') # optimizing format of submit script if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: old line: '+str(data_raw[line_matches[0]])[:-1]) print('~ DEBUG: new line: '+str(new_line)[:-1]) if not DEBUG: ####### do backup of file before changing it from shutil import copyfile target = join(sim.path, 'pc/backups/'+timestamp()) mkdir(target); target = join(target, filename) copyfile(absolute_filepath, target) # replace line in raw data data_raw[line_matches[0]] = new_line # save on drive f.close() with open(absolute_filepath, 'w') as f: for l in data_raw: f.write(l) ######## DONE! return q
def get_value_from_file(filename, quantity, change_quantity_to=False, sim=False, filepath=False, DEBUG=False, silent=False): """ Use to read in a quantity from - *.in - *.local - submit*, i.e., submit.csh, files, only works if computer is readily specified in Please add further functionallity by yourself! Args: filename: can be "", "", "cparam.local", path to that file is extraced from filepath or sim object quantity: variable to read in from file sim: put simulation object here, file will be found by filename automatically filepath: normally not needed, specify here where to find the file with filename, can be a list of paths if unshure DEBUG: make dry run, tell me what you would do but dont change anything! silent: suppress certain output by setting True """ import os, pencilnew import numpy as np from os.path import join, abspath, exists, split, isfile from pencilnew.math import is_number, is_float, is_int from import timestamp, debug_breakpoint, mkdir def string_to_tuple(s): q = s.split(',') if is_number(q[0]): q = np.array([float(t) for t in q]) q_type = 'TUPLE_FLOAT' return q, q_type if q[0] == 'T' or q[0] == 'F': q = np.array([bool(t=='T') for t in q]) q_type = 'TUPLE_BOOL' return q, q_type if type(q[0]) == type('string'): q = [t.replace('"','').replace("'", '') for t in q] q_type = 'TUPLE_STRING' return q, q_type print('! ERROR: Could not parse string '+s+' into a tuple!') print('! DEBUG_BREAKPOINT AKTIVATED - check out the following variables: string s, tuple q, first entry in tuple q[0]') debug_breakpoint(); return None, None def tuple_to_string(t, q_type): return ','.join([str(a) for a in t]) ######## prepare filename and quantity filename = filename.strip() # get rid of whitespaces quantity = quantity.strip() q_type = False # q_type will store the type of the quantity value once found and identified split_filename = split(filename) if sim == False and split_filename[0] != '' and filepath == False: filepath = split_filename[0] filename = split_filename[1] ######## find correct file # prepare search_path list to search filename in if filepath == False: if sim == False: sim = pencilnew.get_sim() else: filepath = sim.path search_paths = [sim.path, join(sim.path, 'src')] # add other search paths here!! elif type(filepath) == type('string'): if filepath.endswith(filename): filepath = filepath[:-len(filename)] # clean filepath if filename occures to be in there at the end search_paths = [abspath(filepath.strip())] # correct path format elif type(filepath) == type(['list']): search_paths = filepath else: print('! ERROR: Filename '+str(filename)+' could not be interprated or found!'); return False absolute_filepath = None for search_path in search_paths: tmp_path = join(search_path, filename) if os.path.isfile(tmp_path): absolute_filepath = tmp_path break # Traps the case of not being able to find the file if absolute_filepath is None: if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: File {0} not found in {1}!'.format(filename, search_paths)) return None ######## open file # now having absolute filepath to file, lets check that file and find quantity inside! if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: Found suiting file {0} in {1}'.format(filename,filepath)) with open(absolute_filepath, 'r') as f: data_raw = f.readlines() ######## find line in file which quantity in line_matches = [] # scan through file for differently for different files if filename.endswith('.in') or 'cparam.local' in filename : FILE_IS = 'IN_LOCAL' SYM_COMMENT = '!' SYM_ASSIGN = '=' SYM_SEPARATOR = ',' for ii, line in enumerate(data_raw): if line.strip().startswith('&'): continue # filter out lines with &something, e.g. &density_run_pars if quantity in line.split(SYM_COMMENT)[0]: line_matches.append(ii) elif filename.startswith('submit') and filename.split('.')[-1] in ['csh', 'sh']: FILE_IS = 'SUBMIT' SYM_COMMENT = False SYM_ASSIGN = '=' SYM_SEPARATOR = ',' for ii, line in enumerate(data_raw): if line.replace(' ', '').startswith('#@') and quantity in line: line_matches.append(ii) else: print('! ERROR: Filename unknown! No parsing possible! Please enhance this function to work with '+filename) if len(line_matches) > 1: print('! ERROR: Found more than one line with keyword "'+quantity+'" inside!'); return None if len(line_matches) == 0: if silent == False: print('! ERROR: Found no line with keyword "'+quantity+'" inside '+join(filepath, filename)+'!') return None ######## get line with quantity inside line = data_raw[line_matches[0]] ######## do separation of quantity from rest of line, i.e. get rid of comments and other quantities defined in this line comment = '' if SYM_COMMENT: tmp = line.partition(SYM_COMMENT) # strip away comment line = tmp[0] if tmp[-1] != '': comment = SYM_COMMENT+tmp[-1] # and store for later line = line.replace(' ','').replace('\n', '') # do cleanup in this line qs = line.partition(quantity+SYM_ASSIGN) if SYM_ASSIGN in qs[-1]: qs = qs[:2]+qs[-1].partition(SYM_ASSIGN) #qs = qs[:2]+qs[-1].partition(SYM_ASSIGN) qs = qs[:2]+qs[2].rpartition(',')+qs[3:] qs = list(qs) q = qs[2] while q.endswith('\t'): q = q[:-1]; comment = '\t'+comment # take care of trailing tabulator while q.endswith(','): q = q[:-1] # remove trailing , ######## do a cleanup of quantity value q and convert into string, float, int or array, also remember data type of q if q.startswith("'") and q.endswith("'"): # quantity q is string in form of 'STRING' q = q[1:-1] q_type = 'STRING' elif q.startswith('"') and q.endswith('"'): # quantity q is string in form of "STRING" q = q[1:-1] q_type = 'STRING' elif not is_number(q[0]): # quantity q is string in form of not beeing a number q = q.strip().replace('"','').replace("'", '') q_type = 'STRING' elif is_float(q): q = float(q) q_type = 'FLOAT' if is_int(q): q = int(q) q_type = 'INT' if type(q) == type('string') and ',' in q: q, q_type = string_to_tuple(q) # q is a TULPE_something if type(q) == type('string') and q in ['F', 'f']: # q is BOOL q = False q_type = 'BOOL' if type(q)== type('string') and q in ['T', 't']: q = True q_type = 'BOOL' if type(q) == type('string'): if is_number(q[0]): q_type = 'STRING' if q_type == False: # catch if type of q was not recognized print('! ERROR: Couldnt identify the data type of the quantity value: '+str(q)) DEBUG = True debug_breakpoint() elif DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: q_type = '+q_type) ######## if value of quantity has to be changed do: if change_quantity_to != False: ####### prepare change_quantity_to for string injection if q_type == 'STRING': if not FILE_IS=='SUBMIT': change_quantity_to = "'"+change_quantity_to+"'" elif q_type == 'BOOL': change_quantity_to = bool(change_quantity_to in ['T', 't', True]) if change_quantity_to == True: change_quantity_to = 'T' elif change_quantity_to == False: change_quantity_to = 'F' else: print('! ERROR: There is something deeply wrong here! change_quantity_to should be bool...') debug_breakpoint(); return None elif q_type == 'FLOAT': change_quantity_to = '%e' % change_quantity_to elif q_type.startswith('TUPLE'): if q_type.endswith('BOOL'): if type(change_quantity_to) == type(['list', 'of', 'bool', 'or', 'strings']): for ii, val in enumerate(change_quantity_to): if val in ['T', 't', True]: change_quantity_to[ii] = 'T' elif val in ['F', 'f', False]: change_quantity_to[ii] = 'F' else: print('! ERROR: There is something deeply wrong here! change_quantity_to['+str(ii)+'] should be bool or string representation, but it is '+str(change_quantity_to[ii])) debug_breakpoint(); return None change_quantity_to = ','.join([str(t) for t in change_quantity_to]) if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: Would change quantity '+quantity+' from '+str(q)+' to '+str(change_quantity_to)) qs[2] = str(change_quantity_to) ######## further formatting new_line = ''.join(qs).replace(SYM_SEPARATOR, SYM_SEPARATOR+' ')+'\t\t'+comment # create new line and add comment stripped away before if not FILE_IS == 'SUBMIT': new_line = ' '+new_line if new_line[-1] != '\n': new_line = new_line+'\n' if FILE_IS=='SUBMIT': new_line = new_line.replace('#@', '#@ ').replace('=', ' = ') # optimizing format of submit script if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: old line: '+str(data_raw[line_matches[0]])[:-1]) print('~ DEBUG: new line: '+str(new_line)[:-1]) if not DEBUG: ####### do backup of file before changing it from shutil import copyfile target = join(sim.path, '.pc/backups/'+timestamp()) mkdir(target); target = join(target, filename) copyfile(filepath, target) # replace line in raw data data_raw[line_matches[0]] = new_line # save on drive f.close() with open(filename, 'w') as f: for l in data_raw: f.write(l) ######## DONE! return q
def resume_from_var(self, sim_source, varno, DEBUG=False): """ Copies everything to resume a run from an older state. It uses VAR-file number >varno< as new VAR0 and var.dat. Does copy PVAR as well if available. Args: sim_source: simulation from where to copy all the files varno: provide number # of which var-file VAR# should be copied from """ from os import listdir from os.path import exists, join, isdir import glob from pencilnew.math import is_int from import mkdir def copyfile(src, dst, DEBUG=False): from shutil import copy2 from os.path import exists if not exists(src): return False if DEBUG: print('< '+src) if DEBUG: print('> '+dst) copy2(src, dst) src = sim_source.datadir; dst = self.datadir if is_int(varno): varno ='VAR'+str(int(varno)) if not exists(src): print('! ERROR: Source data directory does not exits: '+str(src)); return False if not exists(dst): print('! ERROR: Destination data directory does not exits: '+str(dst)); return False if not varno in sim_source.get_varlist(): print('! ERROR: Could not find '+varno+' in procX folder of sim_source: '; return False data_folders = [p for p in listdir(src) if isdir(join(src, p))] procX_folder = [p for p in data_folders if p.startswith('proc')] for p in data_folders: mkdir(join(dst,p)) # data/ files = ['', 'dim.dat', '', 'move-me.list', 'particles_stalker_header.dat', 'params.log', '', 'pdim.dat', 'pencils.list', 'pvarname.dat', 'svnid.dat', 'var.general', '', 'varname.dat'] for f in files: copyfile(join(src, f), dst, DEBUG=DEBUG) # data/allprocs/ files = ['grid.dat'] for f in files: copyfile(join(src, 'allprocs', f), join(dst, 'allprocs/'), DEBUG=DEBUG) # data/procX files = ['dim.dat', 'grid.dat', 'proc_bounds.dat'] for X in procX_folder: for f in files: copyfile(join(src, X, f), join(dst, X), DEBUG=DEBUG) copyfile(join(src, X, varno), join(dst, X, 'VAR0'), DEBUG=DEBUG) copyfile(join(src, X, 'P'+varno), join(dst, X, 'PVAR0'), DEBUG=DEBUG) copyfile(join(src, X, varno), join(dst, X, 'var.dat'), DEBUG=DEBUG) copyfile(join(src, X, 'P'+varno), join(dst, X, 'pvar.dat'), DEBUG=DEBUG) print('? WARNING: KNOWN ERRORS:') print('? RUN MIGHT NOT START BECAUSE data/param.nml can get damaged in a run that crashes. This is not fixed by this routine.') print('? TRY AND START A SINGLE CORE RUN WITH THIS SETUP AND USE THE CREATED param.nml FOR YOUR PURPOSE INSTEAD.') print('? SAME FOR: - tstalk.dat') return True