def compute_grad(objective_fn, args, kwargs, grad_fn=None): r"""Compute gradient of the objective function at the given point and return it along with the objective function forward pass (if available). Args: objective_fn (function): the objective function for optimization args (tuple): tuple of NumPy arrays containing the current parameters for the objection function kwargs (dict): keyword arguments for the objective function grad_fn (function): optional gradient function of the objective function with respect to the variables ``args``. If ``None``, the gradient function is computed automatically. Must return the same shape of tuple [array] as the autograd derivative. Returns: tuple (array): NumPy array containing the gradient :math:`\nabla f(x^{(t)})` and the objective function output. If ``grad_fn`` is provided, the objective function will not be evaluted and instead ``None`` will be returned. """ g = get_gradient(objective_fn) if grad_fn is None else grad_fn grad = g(*args, **kwargs) forward = getattr(g, "forward", None) if len(args) == 1: grad = (grad, ) return grad, forward
def compute_grad(self, objective_fn, x, grad_fn=None): r"""Compute gradient of the objective_fn at at the shifted point :math:`(x - m\times\text{accumulation})` and return it along with the objective function forward pass (if available). Args: objective_fn (function): the objective function for optimization x (array): NumPy array containing the current values of the variables to be updated grad_fn (function): Optional gradient function of the objective function with respect to the variables ``x``. If ``None``, the gradient function is computed automatically. Returns: tuple: The NumPy array containing the gradient :math:`\nabla f(x^{(t)})` and the objective function output. If ``grad_fn`` is provided, the objective function will not be evaluted and instead ``None`` will be returned. """ x_flat = _flatten(x) if self.accumulation is None: shifted_x_flat = list(x_flat) else: shifted_x_flat = [ e - self.momentum * a for a, e in zip(self.accumulation, x_flat) ] shifted_x = unflatten(shifted_x_flat, x) g = get_gradient(objective_fn) if grad_fn is None else grad_fn grad = g(shifted_x) forward = getattr(g, "forward", None) return grad, forward
def compute_grad(self, objective_fn, args, kwargs, grad_fn=None): r"""Compute gradient of the objective function at at the shifted point :math:`(x - m\times\text{accumulation})` and return it along with the objective function forward pass (if available). Args: objective_fn (function): the objective function for optimization. args (tuple): tuple of NumPy arrays containing the current values for the objection function. kwargs (dict): keyword arguments for the objective function. grad_fn (function): optional gradient function of the objective function with respect to the variables ``x``. If ``None``, the gradient function is computed automatically. Must return the same shape of tuple [array] as the autograd derivative. Returns: tuple [array]: the NumPy array containing the gradient :math:`\nabla f(x^{(t)})` and the objective function output. If ``grad_fn`` is provided, the objective function will not be evaluted and instead ``None`` will be returned. """ shifted_args = list(args) trainable_args = [] for arg in args: if getattr(arg, "requires_grad", True): trainable_args.append(arg) if self.accumulation: for index, arg in enumerate(trainable_args): if self.accumulation[index]: x_flat = _flatten(arg) acc = _flatten(self.accumulation[index]) shifted_x_flat = [ e - self.momentum * a for a, e in zip(acc, x_flat) ] shifted_args[index] = unflatten(shifted_x_flat, arg) if isinstance(shifted_args[index], ndarray): # Due to a bug in unflatten, input PennyLane tensors # are being unwrapped. Here, we cast them back to PennyLane # tensors. # TODO: remove when the following is fixed: # shifted_args[index] = shifted_args[index].view(tensor) shifted_args[index].requires_grad = True g = get_gradient(objective_fn) if grad_fn is None else grad_fn grad = g(*shifted_args, **kwargs) forward = getattr(g, "forward", None) if len(trainable_args) == 1: grad = (grad, ) return grad, forward
def compute_grad(objective_fn, x, grad_fn=None): r"""Compute gradient of the objective_fn at the point x and return it along with the objective function forward pass (if available). Args: objective_fn (function): the objective function for optimization x (array): NumPy array containing the current values of the variables to be updated grad_fn (function): Optional gradient function of the objective function with respect to the variables ``x``. If ``None``, the gradient function is computed automatically. Returns: tuple: The NumPy array containing the gradient :math:`\nabla f(x^{(t)})` and the objective function output. If ``grad_fn`` is provided, the objective function will not be evaluted and instead ``None`` will be returned. """ g = get_gradient(objective_fn) if grad_fn is None else grad_fn grad = g(x) forward = getattr(g, "forward", None) return grad, forward
def _optimize(self, objective_fn, parameters: ndarray, maxiter, *args, grad_fn, **kwargs) -> Tuple[ndarray, float, ndarray]: shape = parameters.shape shaped_fn = self._reshaping_objective_fn(objective_fn, shape, **kwargs) approx_grad = False if grad_fn is not None else True updated_parameters, cost, info = sciopt.fmin_l_bfgs_b( shaped_fn, parameters.flatten(), fprime=get_gradient(shaped_fn) if grad_fn is None else grad_fn, *args, approx_grad=approx_grad, bounds=self.bounds, m=self.m, factr=self.factr, pgtol=self.pgtol, epsilon=self.epsilon, iprint=self.iprint, maxfun=self.maxfun, maxiter=maxiter, disp=self.disp, callback=self.callback, maxls=self.maxls, ) return updated_parameters.reshape(shape), cost, info["grad"]