Example #1
    def test_ancestors_and_descendants_example(self, ops):
        Test that the ``ancestors`` and ``descendants`` methods return the expected result.
        circuit = CircuitGraph(ops, {})

        ancestors = circuit.ancestors([ops[6]])
        assert len(ancestors) == 3
        for o_idx in (0, 1, 3):
            assert ops[o_idx] in ancestors

        descendants = circuit.descendants([ops[6]])
        assert descendants == set([ops[8]])
Example #2
    def test_ancestors_and_descendants_example(self, queue, obs):
        Test that the `ancestors` and `descendants` methods return the expected result.
        circuit = CircuitGraph(queue, obs)

        ancestors = circuit.ancestors([6])
        assert len(ancestors) == 3
        for o_idx in (0, 1, 3):
            assert queue[o_idx] in circuit.get_ops(ancestors)

        descendants = circuit.get_ops(circuit.descendants([6]))
        assert descendants == [obs[1]]
Example #3
    def test_ancestors_and_descendants_example(self, ops, obs):
        Test that the ``ancestors`` and ``descendants`` methods return the expected result.
        circuit = CircuitGraph(ops, obs, Wires([0, 1, 2]))

        queue = ops + obs

        ancestors = circuit.ancestors([queue[6]])
        assert len(ancestors) == 3
        for o_idx in (0, 1, 3):
            assert queue[o_idx] in ancestors

        descendants = circuit.descendants([queue[6]])
        assert descendants == set([queue[8]])
Example #4
class BaseQNode:
    """Base class for quantum nodes in the hybrid computational graph.

    A *quantum node* encapsulates a :ref:`quantum function <intro_vcirc_qfunc>`
    (corresponding to a :ref:`variational circuit <varcirc>`)
    and the computational device it is executed on.

    The QNode calls the quantum function to construct a :class:`.CircuitGraph` instance represeting
    the quantum circuit. The circuit can be either

    * *mutable*, which means the quantum function is called each time the QNode is evaluated, or
    * *immutable*, which means the quantum function is called only once, on first evaluation,
      to construct the circuit representation.

    If the circuit is mutable, its **auxiliary** parameters can undergo any kind of classical
    processing inside the quantum function. It can also contain classical flow control structures
    that depend on the auxiliary parameters, potentially resulting in a different circuit
    on each call. The auxiliary parameters may also determine the wires on which operators act.

    For immutable circuits the quantum function must build the same circuit graph consisting of the same
    :class:`.Operator` instances regardless of its parameters; they can only appear as the
    arguments of the Operators in the circuit. Immutable circuits are slightly faster to execute, and
    can be optimized, but require that the layout of the circuit is fixed.

        func (callable): The *quantum function* of the QNode.
            A Python function containing :class:`~.operation.Operation` constructor calls,
            and returning a tuple of measured :class:`~.operation.Observable` instances.
        device (~pennylane._device.Device): computational device to execute the function on
        mutable (bool): whether the circuit is mutable, see above
        properties (dict[str, Any] or None): additional keyword properties for adjusting the QNode behavior

    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    def __init__(self, func, device, *, mutable=True, properties=None):
        self.func = func  #: callable: quantum function
        self.device = device  #: Device: device that executes the circuit
        self.num_wires = device.num_wires  #: int: number of subsystems (wires) in the circuit
        self.num_variables = (
            None  #: int: number of flattened differentiable parameters in the circuit
        self.ops = (
        )  #: List[Operator]: quantum circuit, in the order the quantum function defines it
        self.circuit = None  #: CircuitGraph: DAG representation of the quantum circuit

        self.mutable = mutable  #: bool: whether the circuit is mutable
        self.properties = (
            properties or {}
        )  #: dict[str, Any]: additional keyword properties for adjusting the QNode behavior

        self.variable_deps = {}
        """dict[int, list[ParameterDependency]]: Mapping from flattened qfunc positional parameter
        index to thelist of :class:`~pennylane.operation.Operator` instances (in this circuit)
        that depend on it.

        self._metric_tensor_subcircuits = None
        """dict[tuple[int], dict[str, Any]]: circuit descriptions for computing the metric tensor"""

        # introspect the quantum function signature

        self.output_conversion = None  #: callable: for transforming the output of :meth:`.Device.execute` to QNode output
        self.output_dim = None  #: int: dimension of the QNode output vector
        self.model = self.device.capabilities()["model"]  #: str: circuit type, in {'cv', 'qubit'}

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation"""
        detail = "<QNode: device='{}', func={}, wires={}>"
        return detail.format(self.device.short_name, self.func.__name__, self.num_wires)

    __repr__ = __str__

    def print_applied(self):
        """Prints the most recently applied operations from the QNode."""
        if self.circuit is None:
            print("QNode has not yet been executed.")

        for op in self.circuit.operations:
            if op.parameters:
                params = ", ".join([str(p) for p in op.parameters])
                print("{}({}, wires={})".format(op.name, params, op.wires))
                print("{}(wires={})".format(op.name, op.wires))

        return_map = {
            qml.operation.Expectation: "expval",
            qml.operation.Variance: "var",
            qml.operation.Sample: "sample",

        for op in self.circuit.observables:
            return_type = return_map[op.return_type]
            if op.parameters:
                params = "".join([str(p) for p in op.parameters])
                print("{}({}({}, wires={}))".format(return_type, op.name, params, op.wires))
                print("{}({}(wires={}))".format(return_type, op.name, op.wires))

    def _set_variables(self, args, kwargs):
        """Store the current values of the quantum function parameters in the Variable class
        so the Operators may access them.

            args (tuple[Any]): positional (differentiable) arguments
            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): auxiliary arguments
        Variable.free_param_values = np.array(list(_flatten(args)))
        if not self.mutable:
            # only immutable circuits access auxiliary arguments through Variables
            Variable.kwarg_values = {k: np.array(list(_flatten(v))) for k, v in kwargs.items()}

    def _op_descendants(self, op, only):
        """Descendants of the given operator in the quantum circuit.

            op (Operator): operator in the quantum circuit
            only (str, None): the type of descendants to return.

                - ``'G'``: only return non-observables (default)
                - ``'O'``: only return observables
                - ``None``: return all descendants

            list[Operator]: descendants in a topological order
        succ = self.circuit.descendants_in_order((op,))
        if only == "O":
            return list(filter(_is_observable, succ))
        if only == "G":
            return list(itertools.filterfalse(_is_observable, succ))
        return succ

    def _remove_op(self, op):
        """Remove a quantum operation from the circuit queue.

            op (:class:`~.operation.Operation`): quantum operation to be removed from the circuit

    def _append_op(self, op):
        """Append a quantum operation into the circuit queue.

            op (:class:`~.operation.Operation`): quantum operation to be added to the circuit

            ValueError: if `op` does not act on all wires
            QuantumFunctionError: if state preparations and gates do not precede measured observables
        if op.num_wires == Wires.All:
            if set(op.wires) != set(range(self.num_wires)):
                raise QuantumFunctionError("Operator {} must act on all wires".format(op.name))

        # Make sure only existing wires are used.
        for w in _flatten(op.wires):
            if w < 0 or w >= self.num_wires:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "Operation {} applied to invalid wire {} "
                    "on device with {} wires.".format(op.name, w, self.num_wires)

        # observables go to their own, temporary queue
        if isinstance(op, Observable):
            if op.return_type is None:
            if self.obs_queue:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "State preparations and gates must precede measured observables."
            self.queue.append(op)  # TODO rename self.queue to self.op_queue

    def _construct(self, args, kwargs):
        """Construct the quantum circuit graph by calling the quantum function.

        For immutable nodes this method is called the first time :meth:`QNode.evaluate`
        or :meth:`QNode.jacobian` is called, and for mutable nodes *each time*
        they are called. It executes the quantum function,
        stores the resulting sequence of :class:`.Operator` instances,
        converts it into a circuit graph, and creates the Variable mapping.

        .. note::
           The Variables are only required for analytic differentiation,
           for evaluation we could simply reconstruct the circuit each time.

            args (tuple[Any]): Positional arguments passed to the quantum function.
                During the construction we are not concerned with the numerical values, but with
                the nesting structure.
                Each positional argument is replaced with a :class:`~.variable.Variable` instance.
            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): Auxiliary arguments passed to the quantum function.

            QuantumFunctionError: if the :class:`pennylane.QNode`'s _current_context is attempted to be modified
                inside of this method, the quantum function returns incorrect values or if
                both continuous and discrete operations are specified in the same quantum circuit
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init, too-many-branches

        # flatten the args, replace each argument with a Variable instance carrying a unique index
        arg_vars = [Variable(idx) for idx, _ in enumerate(_flatten(args))]
        self.num_variables = len(arg_vars)
        # arrange the newly created Variables in the nested structure of args
        arg_vars = unflatten(arg_vars, args)

        # temporary queues for operations and observables
        self.queue = []  #: list[Operation]: applied operations
        self.obs_queue = []  #: list[Observable]: applied observables

        # set up the context for Operator entry
        if qml._current_context is None:
            qml._current_context = self
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "qml._current_context must not be modified outside this method."
            # generate the program queue by executing the quantum circuit function
            if self.mutable:
                # it's ok to directly pass auxiliary arguments since the circuit is re-constructed each time
                # (positional args must be replaced because parameter-shift differentiation requires Variables)
                res = self.func(*arg_vars, **kwargs)
                # must convert auxiliary arguments to named Variables so they can be updated without re-constructing the circuit
                kwarg_vars = {}
                for key, val in kwargs.items():
                    temp = [Variable(idx, name=key) for idx, _ in enumerate(_flatten(val))]
                    kwarg_vars[key] = unflatten(temp, val)

                res = self.func(*arg_vars, **kwarg_vars)
            qml._current_context = None

        # check the validity of the circuit

        # map each free variable to the operators which depend on it
        self.variable_deps = {k: [] for k in range(self.num_variables)}
        for k, op in enumerate(self.ops):
            for j, p in enumerate(_flatten(op.params)):
                if isinstance(p, Variable):
                    if p.name is None:  # ignore auxiliary arguments
                        self.variable_deps[p.idx].append(ParameterDependency(op, j))

        # generate the DAG
        self.circuit = CircuitGraph(self.ops, self.variable_deps)

        # check for unused positional params
        if self.properties.get("par_check", False):
            unused = [k for k, v in self.variable_deps.items() if not v]
            if unused:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "The positional parameters {} are unused.".format(unused)

        # check for operations that cannot affect the output
        if self.properties.get("vis_check", False):
            visible = self.circuit.ancestors(self.circuit.observables)
            invisible = set(self.circuit.operations) - visible
            if invisible:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "The operations {} cannot affect the output of the circuit.".format(invisible)

    def _check_circuit(self, res):
        """Check that the generated Operator queue corresponds to a valid quantum circuit.

        .. note:: The validity of individual Operators is checked already in :meth:`_append_op`.

            res (Sequence[Observable], Observable): output returned by the quantum function

            QuantumFunctionError: an error was discovered in the circuit
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches

        # check the return value
        if isinstance(res, Observable):
            self.output_dim = 1

            if res.return_type is ObservableReturnTypes.Sample:
                # Squeezing ensures that there is only one array of values returned
                # when only a single-mode sample is requested
                self.output_conversion = np.squeeze
            elif res.return_type is ObservableReturnTypes.Probability:
                self.output_conversion = np.squeeze
                self.output_dim = 2**len(res.wires)
                self.output_conversion = float

            res = (res,)

        elif isinstance(res, Sequence) and res and all(isinstance(x, Observable) for x in res):
            # for multiple observables values, any valid Python sequence of observables
            # (i.e., lists, tuples, etc) are supported in the QNode return statement.

            # Device already returns the correct numpy array, so no further conversion is required
            self.output_conversion = np.asarray
            self.output_dim = len(res)
            res = tuple(res)
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "A quantum function must return either a single measured observable "
                "or a nonempty sequence of measured observables."

        # check that all returned observables have a return_type specified
        for x in res:
            if x.return_type is None:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "Observable '{}' does not have the measurement type specified.".format(x)

        # check that all ev's are returned, in the correct order
        if res != tuple(self.obs_queue):
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "All measured observables must be returned in the order they are measured."

        # check that no wires are measured more than once
        m_wires = list(w for ob in res for w in _flatten(ob.wires))
        if len(m_wires) != len(set(m_wires)):
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "Each wire in the quantum circuit can only be measured once."

        # True if op is a CV, False if it is a discrete variable (Identity could be either)
        are_cvs = [
            isinstance(op, CV) for op in self.queue + list(res) if not isinstance(op, qml.Identity)

        if not all(are_cvs) and any(are_cvs):
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "Continuous and discrete operations are not allowed in the same quantum circuit."

        if any(are_cvs) and self.model == "qubit":
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "Device {} is a qubit device; CV operations are not allowed.".format(

        if not all(are_cvs) and self.model == "cv":
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "Device {} is a CV device; qubit operations are not allowed.".format(

        queue = self.queue
        if self.device.operations:
            # replace operations in the queue with any decompositions if required
            queue = decompose_queue(self.queue, self.device)

        self.ops = queue + list(res)
        del self.queue
        del self.obs_queue

    def _default_args(self, kwargs):
        """Validate the quantum function arguments, apply defaults.

        Here we apply default values for the auxiliary parameters of :attr:`QNode.func`.

            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): auxiliary arguments (given using the keyword syntax)

            QuantumFunctionError: if the parameter to the quantum function was invalid

            dict[str, Any]: all auxiliary arguments (with defaults)
        forbidden_kinds = (

        # check the validity of kwargs items
        for name in kwargs:
            s = self.func.sig.get(name)
            if s is None:
                if self.func.var_keyword:
                    continue  # unknown parameter, but **kwargs will take it TODO should it?
                raise QuantumFunctionError("Unknown quantum function parameter '{}'.".format(name))

            default_parameter = s.par.default

            # The following is a check of the default parameter which works for numpy
            # arrays as well (if it is a numpy array, each element is checked separately).
            correct_default_parameter = any(d == inspect.Parameter.empty for d in default_parameter)\
                                        if isinstance(default_parameter, np.ndarray)\
                                        else default_parameter == inspect.Parameter.empty
            if s.par.kind in forbidden_kinds or correct_default_parameter:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "Quantum function parameter '{}' cannot be given using the keyword syntax.".format(

        # apply defaults
        for name, s in self.func.sig.items():
            default = s.par.default
            correct_default = all(d != inspect.Parameter.empty for d in default)\
                              if isinstance(default, np.ndarray)\
                              else default != inspect.Parameter.empty

            if correct_default:
                # meant to be given using keyword syntax
                kwargs.setdefault(name, default)

        return kwargs

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wrapper for :meth:`~.QNode.evaluate`.
        return self.evaluate(args, kwargs)

    def evaluate(self, args, kwargs):
        """Evaluate the quantum function on the specified device.

            args (tuple[Any]): positional arguments to the quantum function (differentiable)
            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): auxiliary arguments (not differentiable)

            float or array[float]: output measured value(s)
        kwargs = self._default_args(kwargs)

        # temporarily store the parameter values in the Variable class
        self._set_variables(args, kwargs)

        if self.circuit is None or self.mutable:
            self._construct(args, kwargs)


        if isinstance(self.device, qml.QubitDevice):
            ret = self.device.execute(self.circuit)
            ret = self.device.execute(
                self.circuit.operations, self.circuit.observables, self.variable_deps
        return self.output_conversion(ret)

    def evaluate_obs(self, obs, args, kwargs):
        """Evaluate the value of the given observables.

        Assumes :meth:`construct` has already been called.

            obs  (Iterable[Observable]): observables to measure
            args (array[float]): positional arguments to the quantum function (differentiable)
            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): auxiliary arguments (not differentiable)

            array[float]: measured values
        # temporarily store the parameter values in the Variable class
        self._set_variables(args, kwargs)


        if isinstance(self.device, qml.QubitDevice):
            # create a circuit graph containing the existing operations, and the
            # observables to be evaluated.
            circuit_graph = CircuitGraph(self.circuit.operations + obs, self.circuit.variable_deps)
            ret = self.device.execute(circuit_graph)
            ret = self.device.execute(self.circuit.operations, obs, self.circuit.variable_deps)
        return ret
Example #5
class QNode:
    """Base class for quantum nodes in the hybrid computational graph.

    A *quantum node* encapsulates a :ref:`quantum function <intro_vcirc_qfunc>`
    (corresponding to a :ref:`variational circuit <varcirc>`)
    and the computational device it is executed on.

    The QNode calls the quantum function to construct a :class:`.CircuitGraph` instance represeting
    the quantum circuit. The circuit can be either

    * *mutable*, which means the quantum function is called each time the QNode is evaluated, or
    * *immutable*, which means the quantum function is called only once, on first evaluation,
      to construct the circuit representation.

    If the circuit is mutable, its **auxiliary** parameters can undergo any kind of classical
    processing inside the quantum function. It can also contain classical flow control structures
    that depend on the auxiliary parameters, potentially resulting in a different circuit
    on each call. The auxiliary parameters may also determine the wires on which operators act.

    For immutable circuits the quantum function must build the same circuit graph consisting of the same
    :class:`.Operator` instances regardless of its parameters; they can only appear as the
    arguments of the Operators in the circuit. Immutable circuits are slightly faster to execute, and
    can be optimized, but require that the layout of the circuit is fixed.

        func (callable): The *quantum function* of the QNode.
            A Python function containing :class:`~.operation.Operation` constructor calls,
            and returning a tuple of measured :class:`~.operation.Observable` instances.
        device (~pennylane._device.Device): computational device to execute the function on
        mutable (bool): whether the circuit is mutable, see above
        properties (dict[str, Any] or None): additional keyword properties for adjusting the QNode behavior

    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    def __init__(self, func, device, *, mutable=True, properties=None):
        self.func = func  #: callable: quantum function
        self.device = device  #: Device: device that executes the circuit
        self.num_wires = device.num_wires  #: int: number of subsystems (wires) in the circuit
        self.num_variables = None  #: int: number of differentiable parameters in the circuit
        self.ops = (
        )  #: List[Operator]: quantum circuit, in the order the quantum function defines it
        self.circuit = None  #: CircuitGraph: DAG representation of the quantum circuit

        self.mutable = mutable  #: bool: whether the circuit is mutable
        self.properties = (
            properties or {}
        )  #: dict[str, Any]: additional keyword properties for adjusting the QNode behavior

        self.variable_deps = {}
        """dict[int, list[ParameterDependency]]: Mapping from free parameter index to the list of
        :class:`~pennylane.operation.Operator` instances (in this circuit) that depend on it.

        self._metric_tensor_subcircuits = None
        """dict[tuple[int], dict[str, Any]]: circuit descriptions for computing the metric tensor"""

        # introspect the quantum function signature

        self.output_conversion = None  #: callable: for transforming the output of :meth:`.Device.execute` to QNode output
        self.output_dim = None  #: int: dimension of the QNode output vector
        self.type = self.device.capabilities()[
            "model"]  #: str: circuit type, in {'cv', 'qubit'}

    def interface(self):
        """String representing the QNode interface"""
        return "numpy"

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation"""
        detail = "<QNode: device='{}', func={}, wires={}, interface={}>"
        return detail.format(self.device.short_name, self.func.__name__,
                             self.num_wires, self.interface)

    def __repr__(self):
        """REPL representation"""
        return self.__str__()

    def print_applied(self):
        """Prints the most recently applied operations from the QNode."""
        if self.circuit is None:
            print("QNode has not yet been executed.")

        for op in self.circuit.operations:
            if op.parameters:
                params = ", ".join([str(p) for p in op.parameters])
                print("{}({}, wires={})".format(op.name, params, op.wires))
                print("{}(wires={})".format(op.name, op.wires))

        return_map = {
            qml.operation.Expectation: "expval",
            qml.operation.Variance: "var",
            qml.operation.Sample: "sample",

        for op in self.circuit.observables:
            return_type = return_map[op.return_type]
            if op.parameters:
                params = "".join([str(p) for p in op.parameters])
                print("{}({}({}, wires={}))".format(return_type, op.name,
                                                    params, op.wires))
                print("{}({}(wires={}))".format(return_type, op.name,

    def _set_variables(self, args, kwargs):
        """Store the current values of the free parameters in the Variable class
        so the Operators may access them.

            args (tuple[Any]): positional (differentiable) arguments
            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): auxiliary arguments
        Variable.free_param_values = np.array(list(_flatten(args)))
        if not self.mutable:
            # only immutable circuits access auxiliary arguments through Variables
            Variable.kwarg_values = {
                k: np.array(list(_flatten(v)))
                for k, v in kwargs.items()

    def _op_descendants(self, op, only):
        """Descendants of the given operator in the quantum circuit.

            op (Operator): operator in the quantum circuit
            only (str, None): the type of descendants to return.

                - ``'G'``: only return non-observables (default)
                - ``'E'``: only return observables
                - ``None``: return all descendants

            list[Operator]: descendants in a topological order
        succ = self.circuit.descendants_in_order((op, ))
        if only == "E":
            return list(filter(_is_observable, succ))
        if only == "G":
            return list(itertools.filterfalse(_is_observable, succ))
        return succ

    def _append_op(self, op):
        """Append a quantum operation into the circuit queue.

            op (:class:`~.operation.Operation`): quantum operation to be added to the circuit

            ValueError: if `op` does not act on all wires
            QuantumFunctionError: if state preparations and gates do not precede measured observables
        if op.num_wires == Wires.All:
            if set(op.wires) != set(range(self.num_wires)):
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "Operator {} must act on all wires".format(op.name))

        # Make sure only existing wires are used.
        for w in _flatten(op.wires):
            if w < 0 or w >= self.num_wires:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "Operation {} applied to invalid wire {} "
                    "on device with {} wires.".format(op.name, w,

        # observables go to their own, temporary queue
        if isinstance(op, Observable):
            if op.return_type is None:
            if self.obs_queue:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "State preparations and gates must precede measured observables."
            self.queue.append(op)  # TODO rename self.queue to self.op_queue

    def _construct(self, args, kwargs):
        """Construct the quantum circuit graph by calling the quantum function.

        For immutable nodes this method is called the first time :meth:`QNode.evaluate`
        or :meth:`QNode.jacobian` is called, and for mutable nodes *each time*
        they are called. It executes the quantum function,
        stores the resulting sequence of :class:`.Operator` instances,
        converts it into a circuit graph, and creates the Variable mapping.

        .. note::
           The Variables are only required for analytic differentiation,
           for evaluation we could simply reconstruct the circuit each time.

            args (tuple[Any]): Positional arguments passed to the quantum function.
                During the construction we are not concerned with the numerical values, but with
                the nesting structure.
                Each positional argument is replaced with a :class:`~.variable.Variable` instance.
            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): Auxiliary arguments passed to the quantum function.

            QuantumFunctionError: if the :class:`pennylane.QNode`'s _current_context is attempted to be modified
                inside of this method, the quantum function returns incorrect values or if
                both continuous and discrete operations are specified in the same quantum circuit
        # pylint: disable=protected-access  # remove when QNode_old is gone
        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init, too-many-branches
        self.args_model = (
            args  #: nested Sequence[Number]: nested shape of the arguments for later unflattening

        # flatten the args, replace each argument with a Variable instance carrying a unique index
        arg_vars = [Variable(idx) for idx, _ in enumerate(_flatten(args))]
        self.num_variables = len(arg_vars)
        # arrange the newly created Variables in the nested structure of args
        arg_vars = unflatten(arg_vars, args)

        # temporary queues for operations and observables
        self.queue = []  #: list[Operation]: applied operations
        self.obs_queue = []  #: list[Observable]: applied observables

        # set up the context for Operator entry
        if QNode_old._current_context is None:
            QNode_old._current_context = self
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "QNode._current_context must not be modified outside this method."
            # generate the program queue by executing the quantum circuit function
            if self.mutable:
                # it's ok to directly pass auxiliary arguments since the circuit is re-constructed each time
                # (positional args must be replaced because parameter-shift differentiation requires Variables)
                res = self.func(*arg_vars, **kwargs)
                # must convert auxiliary arguments to named Variables so they can be updated without re-constructing the circuit
                kwarg_vars = {}
                for key, val in kwargs.items():
                    temp = [
                        Variable(idx, name=key)
                        for idx, _ in enumerate(_flatten(val))
                    kwarg_vars[key] = unflatten(temp, val)

                res = self.func(*arg_vars, **kwarg_vars)
            QNode_old._current_context = None

        # check the validity of the circuit

        # map each free variable to the operators which depend on it
        self.variable_deps = {}
        for k, op in enumerate(self.ops):
            for j, p in enumerate(_flatten(op.params)):
                if isinstance(p, Variable):
                    if p.name is None:  # ignore auxiliary arguments
                        self.variable_deps.setdefault(p.idx, []).append(
                            ParameterDependency(op, j))

        # generate the DAG
        self.circuit = CircuitGraph(self.ops, self.variable_deps)

        # check for operations that cannot affect the output
        if self.properties.get("vis_check", False):
            visible = self.circuit.ancestors(self.circuit.observables)
            invisible = set(self.circuit.operations) - visible
            if invisible:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "The operations {} cannot affect the output of the circuit."

    def _check_circuit(self, res):
        """Check that the generated Operator queue corresponds to a valid quantum circuit.

        .. note:: The validity of individual Operators is checked already in :meth:`_append_op`.

            res (Sequence[Observable], Observable): output returned by the quantum function

            QuantumFunctionError: an error was discovered in the circuit
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches

        # check the return value
        if isinstance(res, Observable):
            if res.return_type is ObservableReturnTypes.Sample:
                # Squeezing ensures that there is only one array of values returned
                # when only a single-mode sample is requested
                self.output_conversion = np.squeeze
                self.output_conversion = float
            self.output_dim = 1
            res = (res, )
        elif isinstance(res, Sequence) and res and all(
                isinstance(x, Observable) for x in res):
            # for multiple observables values, any valid Python sequence of observables
            # (i.e., lists, tuples, etc) are supported in the QNode return statement.

            # Device already returns the correct numpy array, so no further conversion is required
            self.output_conversion = np.asarray
            self.output_dim = len(res)
            res = tuple(res)
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "A quantum function must return either a single measured observable "
                "or a nonempty sequence of measured observables.")

        # check that all returned observables have a return_type specified
        for x in res:
            if x.return_type is None:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "Observable '{}' does not have the measurement type specified."

        # check that all ev's are returned, in the correct order
        if res != tuple(self.obs_queue):
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "All measured observables must be returned in the order they are measured."

        # check that no wires are measured more than once
        m_wires = list(w for ob in res for w in _flatten(ob.wires))
        if len(m_wires) != len(set(m_wires)):
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "Each wire in the quantum circuit can only be measured once.")

        # True if op is a CV, False if it is a discrete variable (Identity could be either)
        are_cvs = [
            isinstance(op, CV) for op in self.queue + list(res)
            if not isinstance(op, qml.Identity)

        if not all(are_cvs) and any(are_cvs):
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "Continuous and discrete operations are not allowed in the same quantum circuit."

        if any(are_cvs) and self.type == "qubit":
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "Device {} is a qubit device; CV operations are not allowed.".

        if not all(are_cvs) and self.type == "cv":
            raise QuantumFunctionError(
                "Device {} is a CV device; qubit operations are not allowed.".

        queue = self.queue
        if self.device.operations:
            # replace operations in the queue with any decompositions if required
            queue = decompose_queue(self.queue, self.device)

        self.ops = queue + list(res)
        del self.queue
        del self.obs_queue

    def _default_args(self, kwargs):
        """Validate the quantum function arguments, apply defaults.

        Here we apply default values for the auxiliary parameters of :attr:`QNode.func`.

            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): auxiliary arguments (given using the keyword syntax)

            QuantumFunctionError: if the parameter to the quantum function was invalid

            dict[str, Any]: all auxiliary arguments (with defaults)
        forbidden_kinds = (

        # check the validity of kwargs items
        for name in kwargs:
            s = self.func.sig.get(name)
            if s is None:
                if self.func.var_keyword:
                    continue  # unknown parameter, but **kwargs will take it TODO should it?
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "Unknown quantum function parameter '{}'.".format(name))
            if s.par.kind in forbidden_kinds or s.par.default == inspect.Parameter.empty:
                raise QuantumFunctionError(
                    "Quantum function parameter '{}' cannot be given using the keyword syntax."

        # apply defaults
        for name, s in self.func.sig.items():
            default = s.par.default
            if default != inspect.Parameter.empty:
                # meant to be given using keyword syntax
                kwargs.setdefault(name, default)

        return kwargs

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wrapper for :meth:`~.QNode.evaluate`.
        return self.evaluate(args, kwargs)

    def evaluate(self, args, kwargs):
        """Evaluate the quantum function on the specified device.

            args (tuple[Any]): positional arguments to the quantum function (differentiable)
            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): auxiliary arguments (not differentiable)

            float or array[float]: output measured value(s)
        kwargs = self._default_args(kwargs)

        if self.circuit is None or self.mutable:
            self._construct(args, kwargs)

        # temporarily store the parameter values in the Variable class
        self._set_variables(args, kwargs)

        ret = self.device.execute(self.circuit.operations,
                                  self.circuit.observables, self.variable_deps)
        return self.output_conversion(ret)

    def evaluate_obs(self, obs, args, kwargs):
        """Evaluate the value of the given observables.

        Assumes :meth:`construct` has already been called.

            obs  (Iterable[Observable]): observables to measure
            args (array[float]): positional arguments to the quantum function (differentiable)
            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): auxiliary arguments (not differentiable)

            array[float]: measured values
        # temporarily store the parameter values in the Variable class
        self._set_variables(args, kwargs)

        ret = self.device.execute(self.circuit.operations, obs,
        return ret

    def _construct_metric_tensor(self, *, diag_approx=False):
        """Construct metric tensor subcircuits for qubit circuits.

        Constructs a set of quantum circuits for computing a block-diagonal approximation of the
        Fubini-Study metric tensor on the parameter space of the variational circuit represented
        by the QNode, using the Quantum Geometric Tensor.

        If the parameter appears in a gate :math:`G`, the subcircuit contains
        all gates which precede :math:`G`, and :math:`G` is replaced by the variance
        value of its generator.

            diag_approx (bool): iff True, use the diagonal approximation

            QuantumFunctionError: if a metric tensor cannot be generated because no generator
                was defined

        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements, too-many-branches

        self._metric_tensor_subcircuits = {}
        for queue, curr_ops, param_idx, _ in self.circuit.iterate_layers():
            obs = []
            scale = []

            Ki_matrices = []
            KiKj_matrices = []
            Ki_ev = []
            KiKj_ev = []
            V = None

            # for each operation in the layer, get the generator and convert it to a variance
            for n, op in enumerate(curr_ops):
                gen, s = op.generator
                w = op.wires

                if gen is None:
                    raise QuantumFunctionError(
                        "Can't generate metric tensor, operation {}"
                        "has no defined generator".format(op))

                # get the observable corresponding to the generator of the current operation
                if isinstance(gen, np.ndarray):
                    # generator is a Hermitian matrix
                    variance = var(qml.Hermitian(gen, w, do_queue=False))

                    if not diag_approx:
                        Ki_matrices.append((n, expand(gen, w, self.num_wires)))

                elif issubclass(gen, Observable):
                    # generator is an existing PennyLane operation
                    variance = var(gen(w, do_queue=False))

                    if not diag_approx:
                        if issubclass(gen, qml.PauliX):
                            mat = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
                        elif issubclass(gen, qml.PauliY):
                            mat = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
                        elif issubclass(gen, qml.PauliZ):
                            mat = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])

                        Ki_matrices.append((n, expand(mat, w, self.num_wires)))

                    raise QuantumFunctionError(
                        "Can't generate metric tensor, generator {}"
                        "has no corresponding observable".format(gen))


            if not diag_approx:
                # In order to compute the block diagonal portion of the metric tensor,
                # we need to compute 'second order' <psi|K_i K_j|psi> terms.

                for i, j in itertools.product(range(len(Ki_matrices)),
                    # compute the matrices representing all K_i K_j terms
                    obs1 = Ki_matrices[i]
                    obs2 = Ki_matrices[j]
                        ((obs1[0], obs2[0]), obs1[1] @ obs2[1]))

                V = np.identity(2**self.num_wires, dtype=np.complex128)

                # generate the unitary operation to rotate to
                # the shared eigenbasis of all observables
                for _, term in Ki_matrices:
                    _, S = linalg.eigh(V.conj().T @ term @ V)
                    V = np.round(V @ S, 15)

                V = V.conj().T

                # calculate the eigenvalues for
                # each observable in the shared eigenbasis
                for idx, term in Ki_matrices:
                    eigs = np.diag(V @ term @ V.conj().T).real
                    Ki_ev.append((idx, eigs))

                for idx, term in KiKj_matrices:
                    eigs = np.diag(V @ term @ V.conj().T).real
                    KiKj_ev.append((idx, eigs))

            self._metric_tensor_subcircuits[param_idx] = {
                "queue": queue,
                "observable": obs,
                "Ki_expectations": Ki_ev,
                "KiKj_expectations": KiKj_ev,
                "eigenbasis_matrix": V,
                "result": None,
                "scale": scale,

    def metric_tensor(self,
        """Evaluate the value of the metric tensor.

            args (tuple[Any]): positional (differentiable) arguments
            kwargs (dict[str, Any]): auxiliary arguments
            diag_approx (bool): iff True, use the diagonal approximation
            only_construct (bool): Iff True, construct the circuits used for computing
                the metric tensor but do not execute them, and return None.

            array[float]: metric tensor
        kwargs = kwargs or {}
        kwargs = self._default_args(kwargs)

        if self.circuit is None or self.mutable:
            # construct the circuit
            self._construct(args, kwargs)

        if self._metric_tensor_subcircuits is None:

        if only_construct:
            return None

        # temporarily store the parameter values in the Variable class
        self._set_variables(args, kwargs)

        tensor = np.zeros([self.num_variables, self.num_variables])

        # execute constructed metric tensor subcircuits
        for params, circuit in self._metric_tensor_subcircuits.items():

            s = np.array(circuit["scale"])
            V = circuit["eigenbasis_matrix"]

            if not diag_approx:
                # block diagonal approximation

                unitary_op = qml.QubitUnitary(V,
                self.device.execute(circuit["queue"] + [unitary_op],
                probs = list(self.device.probability().values())

                first_order_ev = np.zeros([len(params)])
                second_order_ev = np.zeros([len(params), len(params)])

                for idx, ev in circuit["Ki_expectations"]:
                    first_order_ev[idx] = ev @ probs

                for idx, ev in circuit["KiKj_expectations"]:
                    # idx is a 2-tuple (i, j), representing
                    # generators K_i, K_j
                    second_order_ev[idx] = ev @ probs

                    # since K_i and K_j are assumed to commute,
                    # <psi|K_j K_i|psi> = <psi|K_i K_j|psi>,
                    # and thus the matrix of second-order expectations
                    # is symmetric
                    second_order_ev[idx[1], idx[0]] = second_order_ev[idx]

                g = np.zeros([len(params), len(params)])

                for i, j in itertools.product(range(len(params)), repeat=2):
                    g[i, j] = (s[i] * s[j] *
                               (second_order_ev[i, j] -
                                first_order_ev[i] * first_order_ev[j]))

                row = np.array(params).reshape(-1, 1)
                col = np.array(params).reshape(1, -1)
                circuit["result"] = np.diag(g)
                tensor[row, col] = g

                # diagonal approximation
                circuit["result"] = s**2 * self.device.execute(
                    circuit["queue"], circuit["observable"])
                tensor[np.array(params), np.array(params)] = circuit["result"]

        return tensor