def test_control_gates(self, op, label): """Test a variety of non-special gates. Checks control wires are drawn, and that a box is drawn over the target wires.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.apply(op) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) layer = 0 assert isinstance(ax.patches[0], mpl.patches.Circle) assert ax.patches[0].center == (layer, 0) control_line = ax.lines[2] assert control_line.get_data() == ((layer, layer), (0, 1)) assert isinstance(ax.patches[1], mpl.patches.FancyBboxPatch) assert ax.patches[1].get_x() == layer - self.width / 2.0 assert ax.patches[1].get_y() == 1 - self.width / 2.0 # two wire labels, so [2] is box gate label assert ax.texts[2].get_text() == label # box and text must be raised above control wire # text raised over box assert ax.patches[1].get_zorder() > control_line.get_zorder() assert ax.texts[2].get_zorder() > ax.patches[1].get_zorder() plt.close()
def test_SWAP(self): """Test SWAP gate special call""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.SWAP(wires=(0, 1)) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) layer = 0 # two wires produce two lines and SWAP contains 5 more lines assert len(ax.lines) == 7 connecting_line = ax.lines[2] assert connecting_line.get_data() == ((layer, layer), [0, 1]) dx = 0.2 # check the coordinates of the swap lines x_lines = ax.lines[3:] for line in x_lines: assert line.get_xdata() == (layer - dx, layer + dx) assert x_lines[0].get_ydata() == (-dx, dx) assert x_lines[1].get_ydata() == (dx, -dx) assert x_lines[2].get_ydata() == (1 - dx, 1 + dx) assert x_lines[3].get_ydata() == (1 + dx, 1 - dx) plt.close()
def test_CSWAP(self): """Test CSWAP special call""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.CSWAP(wires=(0, 1, 2)) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) layer = 0 # three wires, one control, 5 swap assert len(ax.lines) == 9 control_line = ax.lines[3] assert control_line.get_data() == ((layer, layer), (0, 2)) # control circle assert ax.patches[0].center == (layer, 0) # SWAP components connecting_line = ax.lines[4] assert connecting_line.get_data() == ((layer, layer), [1, 2]) x_lines = ax.lines[5:] assert x_lines[0].get_data() == ((layer - 0.2, layer + 0.2), (0.8, 1.2)) assert x_lines[1].get_data() == ((layer - 0.2, layer + 0.2), (1.2, 0.8)) assert x_lines[2].get_data() == ((layer - 0.2, layer + 0.2), (1.8, 2.2)) assert x_lines[3].get_data() == ((layer - 0.2, layer + 0.2), (2.2, 1.8)) plt.close()
def wires_and_labels(tape): fig, ax = tape_mpl(tape, wire_options={'color':'black', 'linewidth': 5}, label_options={'size': 20}) plt.savefig(folder / "wires_labels.png") plt.close()
def test_blocking_IsingXX(self): """Tests the position of layers when a multiwire gate is blocking another gate on its empty wire.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.PauliX(0) qml.IsingXX(1.234, wires=(0, 2)) qml.PauliX(1) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape, wire_order=[0, 1, 2], active_wire_notches=False) # layer=0, wire=0 assert ax.patches[0].get_x() == -self.width / 2.0 assert ax.patches[0].get_y() == -self.width / 2.0 # layer=1, wire=0 assert ax.patches[1].get_x() == 1.0 - self.width / 2.0 assert ax.patches[1].get_y() == -self.width / 2.0 # layer=2, wire=1 assert ax.patches[2].get_x() == 2 - self.width / 2.0 assert ax.patches[2].get_y() == 1 - self.width / 2.0 assert ax.texts[3].get_text() == "X" assert ax.texts[4].get_text() == "IsingXX" assert ax.texts[5].get_text() == "X"
def test_notches(self, wires, n): """Test notches are included when non-active wires exist.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.QFT(wires=wires) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape, show_all_wires=True, wire_order=[0, 1, 2]) assert len(ax.patches) == (n + 1) plt.close()
def test_labels(self, kwargs, labels): """Test the labels produced under different settings. Check both text value and position.""" _, ax = tape_mpl(tape1, **kwargs) for wire, (text_obj, label) in enumerate(zip(ax.texts, labels)): assert text_obj.get_text() == label assert text_obj.get_position() == (-1.5, wire) plt.close()
def test_label_options(self): """Test that providing the `label_options` argument alters the styling of the text.""" _, ax = tape_mpl(tape1, label_options={"fontsize": 10}) for text_obj in ax.texts[0:3]: assert text_obj.get_fontsize() == 10.0 plt.close()
def use_style(tape): qml.drawer.use_style('black_white') fig, ax = tape_mpl(tape) plt.savefig(folder / "black_white_style.png") plt.close()'default')
def test_empty_tape(): """Edge case where the tape is empty. Use this to test return types.""" fig, ax = tape_mpl(QuantumTape()) assert isinstance(fig, mpl.figure.Figure) assert isinstance(ax, mpl.axes._axes.Axes) assert fig.axes == [ax]
def decimals(): with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape2: qml.RX(1.23456, wires=0) qml.Rot(1.2345,2.3456,3.456, wires=0) qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)) fig, ax = tape_mpl(tape2, decimals=2) plt.savefig(folder / "decimals.png") plt.close()
def test_CRX_decimals(self): """Test a controlled parametric operation with specified decimals.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.CRX(1.234, wires=(0, 1)) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape, decimals=2) # two wire labels, so CRX is third text object assert ax.texts[2].get_text() == "RX\n(1.23)" plt.close()
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs_qnode): qnode.construct(args, kwargs_qnode) _wire_order = wire_order or qnode.device.wires return tape_mpl( qnode.qtape, wire_order=_wire_order, show_all_wires=show_all_wires, decimals=decimals, **kwargs, )
def test_general_operations_decimals(self, op): """Check that the decimals argument affects text strings when applicable.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.apply(op) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape, decimals=2) num_wires = len(op.wires) assert ax.texts[num_wires].get_text() == op.label(decimals=2) plt.close()
def test_active_wire_notches_False(self): """Test active wire notches are disable with active_wire_notches=False.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.QFT(wires=(0, 3)) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape, show_all_wires=True, wire_order=[0, 1, 2, 3], active_wire_notches=False) assert len(ax.patches) == 1
def test_WireCut(self): """Test WireCut gets correct special call.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.WireCut(wires=(0, 1)) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) layer = 0 assert len(ax.lines) == 2 assert len(ax.collections) == 2 plt.close()
def test_Barrier(self): """Test Barrier gets correct special call.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.Barrier(wires=(0, 1, 2)) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) layer = 0 assert len(ax.lines) == 3 assert len(ax.collections) == 2 plt.close()
def test_empty_tape_wire_order(self): """Test situation with empty tape but specified wires and show_all_wires still draws wires.""" _, ax = tape_mpl(QuantumTape(), wire_order=[0, 1, 2], show_all_wires=True) assert len(ax.lines) == 3 for wire, line in enumerate(ax.lines): assert line.get_xdata() == (-1, 1) # from -1 to number of layers assert line.get_ydata() == (wire, wire) plt.close()
def postprocessing(tape): fig, ax = tape_mpl(tape) fig.suptitle("My Circuit", fontsize="xx-large") options = {'facecolor': "white", 'edgecolor': "#f57e7e", "linewidth": 6, "zorder": -1} box1 = plt.Rectangle((-0.5, -0.5), width=3.0, height=4.0, **options) ax.add_patch(box1) ax.annotate("CSWAP", xy=(3, 2.5), xycoords='data', xytext=(3.8,1.5), textcoords='data', arrowprops={'facecolor': 'black'}, fontsize=14) plt.savefig(folder / "postprocessing.png") plt.close()
def test_three_layers_one_wire(self): """Tests the positions when multiple gates are all on the same wire.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.PauliX(0) qml.PauliX(0) qml.PauliX(0) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) for layer, box in enumerate(ax.patches): assert box.get_x() == layer - self.width / 2.0 assert box.get_y() == -self.width / 2.0 for t in ax.texts[1:]: assert t.get_text() == "X"
def test_three_layers(self): """Test wire length when circuit has three layers.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.PauliX(0) qml.PauliX(0) qml.PauliX(0) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) assert len(ax.lines) == 1 assert ax.lines[0].get_xdata() == (-1, 3 ) # from -1 to number of layers assert ax.lines[0].get_ydata() == (0, 0) plt.close()
def test_single_layer(self): """Test a single layer with multiple wires. Check that the expected number of wires are drawn, and they are in the correct location.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.PauliX(0) qml.PauliY(1) qml.PauliZ(2) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) assert len(ax.lines) == 3 for wire, line in enumerate(ax.lines): assert line.get_xdata() == (-1, 1) # from -1 to number of layers assert line.get_ydata() == (wire, wire) plt.close()
def rcparams(tape): plt.rcParams['patch.facecolor'] = 'mistyrose' plt.rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] = 'maroon' plt.rcParams['text.color'] = 'maroon' plt.rcParams['font.weight'] = 'bold' plt.rcParams['patch.linewidth'] = 4 plt.rcParams['patch.force_edgecolor'] = True plt.rcParams['lines.color'] = 'indigo' plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 5 plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'ghostwhite' fig, ax = tape_mpl(tape) plt.savefig(folder / "rcparams.png") plt.close()'default')
def test_MultiControlledX_control_values(self): """Test MultiControlledX special call with provided control values.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.MultiControlledX(control_wires=[0, 1, 2, 3], wires=4, control_values="0101") _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) assert ax.patches[0].get_facecolor() == (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) # white assert ax.patches[1].get_facecolor() == mpl.colors.to_rgba( plt.rcParams["lines.color"]) assert ax.patches[2].get_facecolor() == (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) assert ax.patches[3].get_facecolor() == mpl.colors.to_rgba( plt.rcParams["lines.color"]) plt.close()
def test_CNOT(self): """Test CNOT gets a special call""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.CNOT(wires=(0, 1)) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) layer = 0 assert len(ax.patches) == 2 assert ax.patches[0].center == (layer, 0) assert ax.patches[1].center == (layer, 1) control_line = ax.lines[2] assert control_line.get_data() == ((layer, layer), (0, 1)) assert len(ax.lines) == 5 plt.close()
def test_measurements(self, measurements, wires): """Tests a variety of measurements draw measurement boxes on the correct wires.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: for m in measurements: qml.apply(m) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) assert len(ax.patches) == 3 * len(wires) for ii, w in enumerate(wires): assert ax.patches[3 * ii].get_x() == 1 - self.width / 2.0 assert ax.patches[3 * ii].get_y() == w - self.width / 2.0 assert ax.patches[3 * ii + 1].center == (1, w + 0.75 / 16) # arc assert isinstance(ax.patches[3 * ii + 2], mpl.patches.FancyArrow) # fancy arrow plt.close()
def test_general_operations(self, op): """Test that a variety of operations produce a rectangle across relevant wires and a correct label text.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.apply(op) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) num_wires = len(op.wires) assert ax.texts[num_wires].get_text() == op.label() assert isinstance(ax.patches[0], mpl.patches.FancyBboxPatch) assert ax.patches[0].get_x() == -self.width / 2.0 assert ax.patches[0].get_y() == -self.width / 2.0 assert ax.patches[0].get_width() == self.width assert ax.patches[0].get_height() == num_wires - 1 + self.width plt.close()
def test_wire_options(self): """Test wires are formatted by providing a wire_options dictionary.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.PauliX(0) qml.PauliX(1) rgba_red = (1, 0, 0, 1) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape, wire_options={ "linewidth": 5, "color": rgba_red }) for line in ax.lines: assert line.get_linewidth() == 5 assert line.get_color() == rgba_red plt.close()
def test_MultiControlledX_no_control_values(self): """Test MultiControlledX gets a special call.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.MultiControlledX(control_wires=[0, 1, 2, 3], wires=4) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) layer = 0 assert len(ax.patches) == 5 for wire, patch in enumerate(ax.patches): assert == (layer, wire) # five wires, one control line, two target lines assert len(ax.lines) == 8 control_line = ax.lines[5] assert control_line.get_data() == ((layer, layer), (0, 4)) plt.close()
def test_CZ(self): """Test CZ gets correct special call.""" with QuantumTape() as tape: qml.CZ(wires=(0, 1)) _, ax = tape_mpl(tape) layer = 0 # two wires one control line assert len(ax.lines) == 3 assert ax.lines[2].get_data() == ((layer, layer), (0, 1)) # two control circles assert len(ax.patches) == 2 assert ax.patches[0].center == (layer, 0) assert ax.patches[1].center == (layer, 1) plt.close()