def handle_issue_comment(request): ghrequest = models.GHRequest(request, request.headers["X-GitHub-Event"]) if not ghrequest.OK: return utils.Response(ghrequest) # Get the .pep8speaks.yml config file from the repository config = helpers.get_config(ghrequest.repository, ghrequest.base_branch, ghrequest.after_commit_hash) splitted_comment = ghrequest.comment.lower().split() # If diff is required params1 = ["@pep8speaks", "suggest", "diff"] condition1 = all(p in splitted_comment for p in params1) # If asked to pep8ify params2 = ["@pep8speaks", "pep8ify"] condition2 = all(p in splitted_comment for p in params2) if condition1: return _create_diff(ghrequest, config) elif condition2: return _pep8ify(ghrequest, config) return utils.Response(ghrequest)
def handle_review(request): """ Handle the request when a new review is submitted """ ghrequest = models.GHRequest(request, request.headers["X-GitHub-Event"]) if not ghrequest.review_body: return utils.Response(ghrequest) # Get the .pep8speaks.yml config file from the repository config = helpers.get_config(ghrequest.repository, ghrequest.base_branch) condition1 = ghrequest.action == "submitted" # Mainly the summary of the review matters ## pep8speaks must be mentioned condition2 = "@pep8speaks" in ghrequest.review_body ## Check if asked to pep8ify condition3 = "pep8ify" in ghrequest.review_body ## If pep8ify is not there, all other reviews with body summary ## having the mention of pep8speaks, will result in commenting ## with autpep8 diff gist. conditions_matched = condition1 and condition2 and condition3 if conditions_matched: return _pep8ify(ghrequest, config) else: conditions_matched = condition1 and condition2 if conditions_matched: return _create_diff(ghrequest, config) else: return utils.Response(ghrequest)
def handle_pull_request(request): ghrequest = models.GHRequest(request, request.headers["X-GitHub-Event"]) if not ghrequest.OK: return utils.Response(ghrequest) # If the PR contains at least one Python file pythonic_pr = helpers.check_pythonic_pr(ghrequest.repository, ghrequest.pr_number) if not pythonic_pr: return utils.Response(ghrequest) helpers.update_users(ghrequest.repository) # Get the config from .pep8speaks.yml file of the repository config = helpers.get_config(ghrequest.repository, ghrequest.base_branch, ghrequest.after_commit_hash) # Personalising the messages obtained from the config file # Replace {name} with name of the author if "message" in config: for act in ['opened', 'updated']: # can be either "opened" or "updated" for pos in config["message"][act]: # can be either "header" or "footer" msg = config["message"][act][pos] new_msg = msg.replace("{name}", config["message"][act][pos] = new_msg # Updates ghrequest with the results # This function runs pycodestyle helpers.run_pycodestyle(ghrequest, config) # Construct the comment header, body, footer, ERROR = helpers.prepare_comment(ghrequest, config) # If there is nothing in the comment body, no need to make the comment # But in case of PR update, make sure to update the comment with no issues. ONLY_UPDATE_COMMENT_BUT_NOT_CREATE = False if len(body) == 0: return utils.Response(ghrequest) # Simply do not comment no-error messages when a PR is opened if not ERROR and ghrequest.action == "opened": return utils.Response(ghrequest) # Concatenate comment parts comment = header + body + footer # Do not make duplicate comment made on the PR by the bot # Check if asked to keep quiet if not helpers.comment_permission_check(ghrequest): return utils.Response(ghrequest) # NOW, Interact with the PR and make/update the comment helpers.create_or_update_comment(ghrequest, comment, ONLY_UPDATE_COMMENT_BUT_NOT_CREATE) return utils.Response(ghrequest)