def cluster_joined():
    relation_settings = {}

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):
        addr = get_ipv6_addr(exc_list=[config('vip')])[0]
        relation_settings = {'private-address': addr,
                             'hostname': socket.gethostname()}

    relation_settings['cluster-address'] = get_cluster_host_ip()

    log("Setting cluster relation: '%s'" % (relation_settings),
def cluster_joined():
    relation_settings = {}

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):
        addr = get_ipv6_addr(exc_list=[config('vip')])[0]
        relation_settings = {'private-address': addr,
                             'hostname': socket.gethostname()}

    relation_settings['cluster-address'] = get_cluster_host_ip()

    log("Setting cluster relation: '%s'" % (relation_settings),
def cluster_joined():
    relation_settings = {}

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):
        addr = get_ipv6_addr(exc_list=[config('vip')])[0]
        relation_settings = {'private-address': addr,
                             'hostname': socket.gethostname()}

    relation_settings['cluster-address'] = get_cluster_host_ip()

    log("Setting cluster relation: '%s'" % (relation_settings),

    # Ensure all new peers are aware
    cluster_state_uuid = relation_get('bootstrap-uuid', unit=local_unit())
    if cluster_state_uuid:
def render_config(clustered=False, hosts=None):
    if hosts is None:
        hosts = []

    config_file = resolve_cnf_file()
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(config_file)):

    context = {
        'cluster_name': 'juju_cluster',
        'private_address': get_cluster_host_ip(),
        'clustered': clustered,
        'cluster_hosts': ",".join(hosts),
        'sst_method': config('sst-method'),
        'sst_password': config('sst-password'),
        'innodb_file_per_table': config('innodb-file-per-table'),
        'table_open_cache': config('table-open-cache'),
        'lp1366997_workaround': config('lp1366997-workaround'),
        'binlogs_path': config('binlogs-path'),
        'enable_binlogs': config('enable-binlogs'),
        'binlogs_max_size': config('binlogs-max-size'),
        'binlogs_expire_days': config('binlogs-expire-days'),
        'performance_schema': config('performance-schema'),

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):
        # NOTE(hopem): this is a kludge to get percona working with ipv6.
        # See lp 1380747 for more info. This is intended as a stop gap until
        # percona package is fixed to support ipv6.
        context['bind_address'] = '::'
        context['wsrep_provider_options'] = 'gmcast.listen_addr=tcp://:::4567;'
        context['ipv6'] = True
        context['ipv6'] = False

           config_file, context, perms=0o444)
def config_changed():

    # if we are paused or upgrading, delay doing any config changed hooks.
    # It is forced on the resume.
    if is_unit_paused_set() or is_unit_upgrading_set():
        log("Unit is paused or upgrading. Skipping config_changed", "WARN")

    # It is critical that the installation is attempted first before any
    # rendering of the configuration files occurs.
    # install_percona_xtradb_cluster has the code to decide if this is the
    # leader or if the leader is bootstrapped and therefore ready for install.

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):

    hosts = get_cluster_hosts()
    leader_bootstrapped = is_leader_bootstrapped()
    leader_ip = leader_get('leader-ip')

    # Cluster upgrade adds some complication
    cluster_series_upgrading = leader_get("cluster_series_upgrading")
    if cluster_series_upgrading:
        leader = (leader_get('cluster_series_upgrade_leader') ==
        leader_ip = leader_get('cluster_series_upgrade_leader')
        leader = is_leader()
        leader_ip = leader_get('leader-ip')

    # (re)install pcmkr agent

    if leader:
        # If the cluster has not been fully bootstrapped once yet, use an empty
        # hosts list to avoid restarting the leader node's mysqld during
        # cluster buildup.
        # After, the cluster has bootstrapped at least one time, it is much
        # less likely to have restart collisions. It is then safe to use the
        # full hosts list and have the leader node's mysqld restart.
        # Empty hosts if cluster_series_upgrading
        if not clustered_once() or cluster_series_upgrading:
            hosts = []
            "Leader unit - bootstrap required={}".format(
                not leader_bootstrapped), DEBUG)
                                         bootstrap=not leader_bootstrapped)
    elif (leader_bootstrapped and is_sufficient_peers()
          and not cluster_series_upgrading):
        # Skip if cluster_series_upgrading
        # Speed up cluster process by bootstrapping when the leader has
        # bootstrapped if we have expected number of peers
        # However, in a cold boot scenario do not add the "old" leader
        # when it matches this host.
        if (leader_ip not in hosts and leader_ip != get_cluster_host_ip()):
            # Fix Bug #1738896
            hosts = [leader_ip] + hosts
        log("Leader is bootstrapped - configuring mysql on this node", DEBUG)
        # Rendering the mysqld.cnf and restarting is bootstrapping for a
        # non-leader node.
        # Assert we are bootstrapped. This will throw an
        # InconsistentUUIDError exception if UUIDs do not match.
        # Until the bootstrap-uuid attribute is set by the leader,
        # cluster_ready() will evaluate to False. So it is necessary to
        # feed this information to the user.
        status_set('waiting', "Waiting for bootstrap-uuid set by leader")
        log('Non-leader waiting on leader bootstrap, skipping render', DEBUG)

    # Notify any changes to the access network

    for rid in relation_ids('ha'):
        # make sure all the HA resources are (re)created

    if is_relation_made('nrpe-external-master'):


    # the password needs to be updated only if the node was already
    # bootstrapped
    if is_bootstrapped():
        if is_leader():

    # NOTE(tkurek): re-set 'master' relation data
    if relation_ids('master'):
def render_config(hosts=None):
    if hosts is None:
        hosts = []

    config_file = resolve_cnf_file()
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(config_file)):

    context = {
        'cluster_name': 'juju_cluster',
        'private_address': get_cluster_host_ip(),
        'cluster_hosts': ",".join(hosts),
        'sst_method': config('sst-method'),
        'sst_password': sst_password(),
        'innodb_file_per_table': config('innodb-file-per-table'),
        'table_open_cache': config('table-open-cache'),
        'binlogs_path': config('binlogs-path'),
        'enable_binlogs': config('enable-binlogs'),
        'binlogs_max_size': config('binlogs-max-size'),
        'binlogs_expire_days': config('binlogs-expire-days'),
        'performance_schema': config('performance-schema'),
        'is_leader': is_leader(),
        'server_id': get_server_id(),
        'series_upgrade': is_unit_upgrading_set(),

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):
        # NOTE(hopem): this is a kludge to get percona working with ipv6.
        # See lp 1380747 for more info. This is intended as a stop gap until
        # percona package is fixed to support ipv6.
        context['bind_address'] = '::'
        context['ipv6'] = True
        context['ipv6'] = False

    wsrep_provider_options = get_wsrep_provider_options()
    if wsrep_provider_options:
        context['wsrep_provider_options'] = wsrep_provider_options

    if config('wsrep-slave-threads') is not None:
        context['wsrep_slave_threads'] = config('wsrep-slave-threads')

    if CompareHostReleases(lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME']) < 'bionic':
        # myisam_recover is not valid for PXC 5.7 (introduced in Bionic) so we
        # only set it for PXC 5.6.
        context['myisam_recover'] = 'BACKUP'
        context['wsrep_provider'] = '/usr/lib/'
        if 'wsrep_slave_threads' not in context:
            context['wsrep_slave_threads'] = 1
    elif CompareHostReleases(lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME']) >= 'bionic':
        context['wsrep_provider'] = '/usr/lib/galera3/'
        context['default_storage_engine'] = 'InnoDB'
        context['wsrep_log_conflicts'] = True
        context['innodb_autoinc_lock_mode'] = '2'
        context['pxc_strict_mode'] = config('pxc-strict-mode')
        if 'wsrep_slave_threads' not in context:
            context['wsrep_slave_threads'] = 48

    if config('databases-to-replicate'):
        context['databases_to_replicate'] = get_databases_to_replicate()

    context['server-id'] = get_server_id()

    render(os.path.basename(config_file), config_file, context, perms=0o444)
def render_config(hosts=None):
    if hosts is None:
        hosts = []

    config_file = resolve_cnf_file()
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(config_file)):

    context = {
        'cluster_name': 'juju_cluster',
        'private_address': get_cluster_host_ip(),
        'cluster_hosts': ",".join(hosts),
        'sst_method': config('sst-method'),
        'sst_password': sst_password(),
        'innodb_file_per_table': config('innodb-file-per-table'),
        'table_open_cache': config('table-open-cache'),
        'binlogs_path': config('binlogs-path'),
        'enable_binlogs': config('enable-binlogs'),
        'binlogs_max_size': config('binlogs-max-size'),
        'binlogs_expire_days': config('binlogs-expire-days'),
        'performance_schema': config('performance-schema'),
        'is_leader': is_leader(),
        'server_id': get_server_id(),
        'series_upgrade': is_unit_upgrading_set(),

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):
        # NOTE(hopem): this is a kludge to get percona working with ipv6.
        # See lp 1380747 for more info. This is intended as a stop gap until
        # percona package is fixed to support ipv6.
        context['bind_address'] = '::'
        context['ipv6'] = True
        context['ipv6'] = False

    wsrep_provider_options = get_wsrep_provider_options()
    if wsrep_provider_options:
        context['wsrep_provider_options'] = wsrep_provider_options

    if config('wsrep-slave-threads') is not None:
        context['wsrep_slave_threads'] = config('wsrep-slave-threads')

    if CompareHostReleases(lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME']) < 'bionic':
        # myisam_recover is not valid for PXC 5.7 (introduced in Bionic) so we
        # only set it for PXC 5.6.
        context['myisam_recover'] = 'BACKUP'
        context['wsrep_provider'] = '/usr/lib/'
        if 'wsrep_slave_threads' not in context:
            context['wsrep_slave_threads'] = 1
    elif CompareHostReleases(lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME']) >= 'bionic':
        context['wsrep_provider'] = '/usr/lib/galera3/'
        context['default_storage_engine'] = 'InnoDB'
        context['wsrep_log_conflicts'] = True
        context['innodb_autoinc_lock_mode'] = '2'
        context['pxc_strict_mode'] = config('pxc-strict-mode')
        if 'wsrep_slave_threads' not in context:
            context['wsrep_slave_threads'] = 48

    if config('databases-to-replicate'):
        context['databases_to_replicate'] = get_databases_to_replicate()

    context['server-id'] = get_server_id()

    render(os.path.basename(config_file), config_file, context, perms=0o444)