Example #1
def get_projects():
    Get all projects high level information, if a deployment is configured
    to set PUBLIC_DATASETS to True, this endpoint will be open to
    anonymous users
    if os.environ.get("PUBLIC_DATASETS", "false").lower() == "true":
    projects = flask.g.read_access_projects
    if not projects:
        return flask.jsonify({"projects": []})
    # construct a query that get counts for all projects
    # because graphql can't add structure to group by projects,
    # we labeled the count by project index and later parse it
    # with regex to add structure to response
    query = "{project (first: 0) { name code dbgap_accession_number "
    for field in ["description", "image_url"]:
        if dictionary.schema["project"]["properties"].get(field):
            query += field + " "

    query += "}}"
    data, errors = graphql.execute_query(query, variables={})
    if errors:
        return flask.jsonify({"data": data, "errors": errors}), 400
    return flask.jsonify({"projects": data["project"]})
Example #2
def get_datasets():
    Get dataset level summary counts, if a deployment is configured
    to set PUBLIC_DATASETS to True, this endpoint will be open to
    anonymous users
    nodes = flask.request.args.get("nodes", "")
    nodes = nodes.split(",")
    if not nodes:
        raise UserError("Need to provide target nodes in query param")
    if os.environ.get("PUBLIC_DATASETS", "false").lower() == "true":
    projects = flask.g.read_access_projects
    if not projects:
        return flask.jsonify({})
    # construct a query that get counts for all projects
    # because graphql can't add structure to group by projects,
    # we labeled the count by project index and later parse it
    # with regex to add structure to response
    query = "{"
    for i, project_id in enumerate(projects):
        query += (
            " ".join(
                    lambda x: """i{i}_{node}: _{node}_count(project_id: "{p}")""".format(
                        i=i, node=x, p=project_id
            + " "
    query += "}"
    data, errors = graphql.execute_query(query, variables={})
    if errors:
        return flask.jsonify({"data": data, "errors": errors}), 400
    result = {project_id: {} for project_id in projects}

    for name, value in data.iteritems():
        match = re.search("^i(\d+)_(.*)", name)
        index = int(match.group(1))
        node = match.group(2)
        result[projects[index]][node] = value
    return flask.jsonify(result)
Example #3
def root_graphql_query():
    Run a graphql query.
    # Short circuit if user is not recognized. Make sure that the list of
    # projects that the user has read access to is set.
    except AuthZError:
        data = flask.jsonify({"data": {}, "errors": ["Unauthorized query."]})
        return data, 403
    payload = peregrine.utils.parse_request_json()
    query = payload.get("query")
    variables, errors = peregrine.utils.get_variables(payload)
    if errors:
        return flask.jsonify({"data": None, "errors": errors}), 400
    return peregrine.utils.jsonify_check_errors(
        graphql.execute_query(query, variables))