Example #1
def update_perma(link_guid):
    Update the vested/darchived status of a perma link, and download the
    assets if necessary
    # N.B. This function has two instances of downloading stuff from
    # the root server using a scheme that looks something like
    #    settings.SERVER + reverse("url_pattern")
    # This is nice because it means we don't have to repeat our URL
    # patterns from urls.py, but it hardcodes the fact that the root
    # server is another Perma instance. It's unclear to me which is a
    # better fact to abstract, but this is easier for now.

    ## First, let's get the metadata for this link. The metadata
    ## contains information about where we should place the assets (if
    ## we decide that we need them). This is also a fast check to make
    ## sure the link GUID is actually real.
    metadata_server = settings.UPSTREAM_SERVER['address']
    metadata_url = metadata_server + reverse("service_link_status", args=(link_guid,))
    metadata = requests.get(
        headers=settings.UPSTREAM_SERVER.get('headers', {})

    ## Next, let's see if we need to get the assets. If we have the
    ## Link object for this GUID, we're going to assume we already
    ## have what we need. It would make a little more sense to use the
    ## Asset object here instead, but we're definitely going to need
    ## to do stuff to the Link object so we might as well get that
    ## instead. In practice they should be ~one to one.
        link = Link.objects.get(guid=link_guid)
    except Link.DoesNotExist:
        ## We need to download the assets. We can download an archive
        ## from the assets server.
        assets_server = settings.UPSTREAM_SERVER['address']
        assets_url = assets_server + reverse("mirroring:link_assets", args=(link_guid,))

        # Temp paths can be relative because we're in run_in_tempdir()
        temp_zip_path = 'temp.zip'

        # Save remote zip file to disk, using streaming to avoid keeping large files in RAM.
        request = requests.get(
            headers=settings.UPSTREAM_SERVER.get('headers', {}),
        with open(temp_zip_path, 'wb') as f:
            for chunk in request.iter_content(1024):

        ## Extract the archive and change into the extracted folder.
        with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_zip_path, "r") as zipfh:
            #assets_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, metadata["path"]))
            zipfh.extractall() # creates folder named [guid] in current temp dir
        temp_extracted_path = os.path.basename(metadata['path']) # e.g. "1234-ABCD"

        # Save all extracted files to default_storage, using the path in metadata.
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(temp_extracted_path):
            for file in files:
                source_file_path = os.path.join(root, file) # e.g. "1234-ABCD/cap.png"
                dest_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(metadata['path']), source_file_path) # e.g. 2014/6/10/18/37/1234-ABCD/cap.png
                with open(source_file_path, 'rb') as source_file:
                    default_storage.store_file(source_file, dest_file_path)

        ## We can now get some additional metadata that we'll need to
        ## create the Link object.
        with open(os.path.join(temp_extracted_path, "metadata.json"), "r") as fh:
            link_metadata = json.load(fh)

        ## We now have everything we need to initialize the Link object.
        link = Link(guid=link_guid)
        link.submitted_url = link_metadata["submitted_url"]
        link.submitted_title = link_metadata["submitted_title"]
        link.created_by = None # XXX maybe we should do something with FakeUser here
        link.save(pregenerated_guid=True) # We need to save this so that we can create an Asset object

        # This is a stupid hack to overcome the fact that the Link has
        # auto_now_add=True, so it's always going to be saved to the
        # current time on first creation.
        link.creation_timestamp = unserialize_datetime(link_metadata["creation_timestamp"])

        ## Lastly, let's create an Asset object for this Link.
        asset = Asset(link=link)
        asset.base_storage_path = metadata["path"]
        asset.image_capture = metadata["image_capture"]
        asset.warc_capture = metadata["source_capture"]
        asset.pdf_capture = metadata["pdf_capture"]
        asset.text_capture = metadata["text_capture"]

    ## We can now add some of the data we got from the metadata to the Link object
    link.dark_archived = metadata["dark_archived"]
    link.vested = metadata["vested"]

    # If we have sub-mirrors, poke them to get a copy from us.
    if settings.DOWNSTREAM_SERVERS:
        run_task(poke_mirrors, link_guid=link_guid)