Example #1
def user_profile(request, up):
    tn = 'vns/user_profile.html'
    topos_allowed = permissions.get_allowed_topologies(request.user)
    topos_owned = topos_allowed.filter(owner=up.user)
    topos_assigned = topos_allowed.filter(allowed_users=up.user)
    can_change = permissions.allowed_user_access_change(request.user, up.user)
    return direct_to_template(request, tn, {'up':up,
Example #2
def topologies_list(request):

    # Get a QuerySet of the topologies we have access to
    topos = permissions.get_allowed_topologies(request.user)

    # Order the topologies by organization
    topos = topos.order_by('owner__userprofile__org__name', 'owner__username', 'template__name', 'id')

    orgs = {}
    # count the number of times each org/owner/template appears
    for t in topos:
        v, owners = orgs.get(t.owner.get_profile().org.name, (0,{}))
        orgs[t.owner.get_profile().org.name] = (v + 1, owners)
        v, templates = owners.get(t.owner.username, (0,{}))
        owners[t.owner.username] = (v + 1, templates)
        v = templates.get(t.template.name, 0)
        templates[t.template.name] = v + 1
    # embed counts of how many of the next orgs/owners/templates are the same as
    # the first one in each streak of these (hierarchical); 0 if not first
    pon = pun = ptn = None
    for t in topos:
        on = t.owner.get_profile().org.name
        un = t.owner.username
        tn = t.template.name
        t.org_num = t.owner_num = t.template_num = 0
        if on != pon:
            pun = None
            t.org_num, owners = orgs[on]
        if un != pun:
            ptn = None
            t.owner_num, templates = owners[un]
        if tn != ptn:
            t.template_num = templates[tn]
        pon = on
        pun = un
        ptn = tn
    return direct_to_template(request, 'vns/topologies.html', {'topos_list':topos})
Example #3
File: models.py Project: smbz/vns
 def get_usable_topologies(self):
     """Returns the topologies which this user is permitted to use beyond
     those owned by the user."""
     return permissions.get_allowed_topologies(self.user)