Example #1
def extrae_historical_chain_where(start_dt,end_dt,symbol,strike,expiry,right):
    :param start_dt:
    :param end_dt:
    :param symbol:
    :param strike:
    :param expiry:
    :param right:
    contract = symbol + expiry + right + strike
    log.info("extrae_historical_chain para : start_dt=%s end_dt=%s contract=%s " % (str(start_dt),str(end_dt),contract))
    store = globalconf.open_historical_optchain_store()
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    #pd.concat([store.select(node._v_pathname) for node in store.get_node('df')])
    #list =
    node = store.get_node("/" + contract)
    coord1 = "index < " + end_dt + " & index > " + start_dt
    c = store.select_as_coordinates(node._v_pathname,coord1)
    df1 = store.select(node._v_pathname,where=c)
    #df1 = df1[(df1.index < end_dt) & (df1.index > start_dt)]
    dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)
    return dataframe
Example #2
def extrae_historical_chain(start_dt,end_dt,symbol,strike,expiry,right):
    contract = symbol + expiry + right + strike
    log.info("extrae_historical_chain para : start_dt=%s end_dt=%s contract=%s " % (str(start_dt),str(end_dt),contract))
    store = globalconf.open_historical_optchain_store()
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    node = store.get_node("/" + contract)
    coord1 = "index < " + end_dt + " & index > " + start_dt
    c = store.select_as_coordinates(node._v_pathname,coord1)
    df1 = store.select(node._v_pathname,where=c)
    #df1 = df1[(df1.index < end_dt) & (df1.index > start_dt)]
    dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)
    return dataframe
Example #3
def extrae_options_chain(valuation_dttm,symbol,expiry,secType):
        extraer de la db los datos de cotizaciones para una fecha
        imputa valores ausente con el metodo ffill de pandas dataframe dentro del dia
    :param year:
    :param month:
    :param day:
    :param symbol:
    :param expiry:
    :param secType:
    log.info("extrae_options_chain: [%s] " % (str(valuation_dttm)))
    store = globalconf.open_ib_h5_store()
    #print "extrae_options_chain year=[%s] month=[%s] day=[%s]" % (str(year),month,str(day))
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    #for hora in store.get_node("/" + str(year) + "/" + month + "/" + str(day)):
    #    for minuto in store.get_node(hora._v_pathname):
    #        df1 = store.select(minuto._v_pathname, where=['symbol==' + symbol, 'expiry==' + expiry, 'secType==' + secType])
    #        df1['load_dttm'] = datetime.strptime(minuto._v_pathname, '/%Y/%b/%d/%H/%M')
    #        dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)
    sym1= store.get_node("/"+symbol)
    where1=['symbol==' + symbol, 'expiry==' + expiry,
            'secType==' + secType, 'current_date==' + str(valuation_dttm.year) +  str(valuation_dttm.month).zfill(2)
            + str(valuation_dttm.day).zfill(2), 'current_datetime<=' + str(valuation_dttm.year)
            + str(valuation_dttm.month).zfill(2) + str(valuation_dttm.day).zfill(2)+str(valuation_dttm.hour).zfill(2)+"5959"]
    df1 = store.select(sym1._v_pathname, where=where1)
    log.info("Number of rows loaded from h5 option chain file: [%d] where=[%s]" % ( len(df1) , str(where1)))
    df1['load_dttm'] = pd.to_datetime(df1['current_datetime'], errors='coerce')  # DEPRECATED remove warning coerce=True)
    df1['current_datetime_txt'] = df1.index.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)

    dataframe[OPT_NUM_FIELDS_LST] = dataframe[OPT_NUM_FIELDS_LST].apply(pd.to_numeric)
    dataframe['load_dttm'] = dataframe['load_dttm'].apply(pd.to_datetime)
    # imputar valores ausentes con el valor justo anterior (para este dia)
    #dataframe = dataframe.ffill() PERO aqui hay varios strikes !!! ESTO NO VALE
    dataframe = dataframe.drop_duplicates(subset=['right','strike','expiry','load_dttm'], keep='last')

    dataframe = dataframe.sort_values(by=['right','strike','expiry','load_dttm'],
                                      ascending=[True, True, True, True]).groupby(
                                      as_index=False).apply(lambda group: group.ffill())
    dataframe= dataframe.replace([-1],[0])
    dataframe = dataframe.add_prefix("prices_")
    return dataframe
Example #4
def write_portfolio_to_h5(globalconf, log, dataframe, store):
    Write to h5 the portfolio snapshot passed as argument
    log.info("Appending portfolio data to HDF5 ... ")
    for name in names:
        joe = dataframe.loc[dataframe['accountName']==name]
            store.append("/" + name, joe, data_columns=True)
        except NaturalNameWarning as e:
            log.warn("NaturalNameWarning raised [" + str(e))
        except (ValueError) as e:
            log.warn("ValueError raised [" + str(e) + "]  Creating ancilliary file ...")
            aux = globalconf.portfolio_store_error()
            aux.append("/" + name, joe, data_columns=True)
Example #5
def extrae_fecha_inicio_estrategia(symbol,expiry,accountid,scenarioMode,simulName):

    :param symbol:
    :param expiry:
    :param accountid:
    if scenarioMode == "N":
        f = globalconf.open_orders_store()
        node=f.get_node("/" + accountid)
        df1 = f.select(node._v_pathname,where=['symbol=='+symbol,'expiry=='+expiry])
    elif scenarioMode == "Y":
        df1 = globalconf.orders_dataframe_simulation(simulName=simulName)
        df1 = df1.set_index("index", drop=1)
        ret1=pd.to_datetime((df1.loc[df1.times == np.min(df1.times)]['times']).unique()[0])
    except IndexError:
        log.info("There are no operations for the strategy %s %s in the orders H5 db" % ( str(symbol) , str(expiry) )  )
        ret1 = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=99999)
    return ret1
Example #6
def migrate_h5_to_sqllite_portfolio():
    hdf5_pattern = "portfolio_db*.h5*"
    globalconf = config.GlobalConfig()
    log = logger("migrate_h5_to_sqllite_portfolio")
    path = globalconf.config['paths']['data_folder']
    lst1 = glob.glob(path + hdf5_pattern)
    if not lst1:
        log.info("No h5 files to append ... ")
        log.info(("List of h5 files that will be appended: ", lst1))
            input("Press Enter to continue...")
        except SyntaxError:

        for hdf5_path in lst1:
            store_file = pd.HDFStore(hdf5_path)
            root1 = store_file.root
            # todos los nodos hijos de root que son los account ids
            list = [x._v_pathname for x in root1]
            log.info(("Root pathname of the input store: ", root1._v_pathname))

            log.info(("List of account ids: " + str(list)))
            for accountid in list:
                store_file = pd.HDFStore(hdf5_path)
                node1 = store_file.get_node(accountid)
                if node1:
                    log.info(("accountid: " + accountid))
                    df1 = store_file.select(node1._v_pathname)
                    df1.set_index(keys=['conId'], drop=True, inplace=True)
Example #7
def write_acc_summary_to_h5(globalconf, log, dataframe2,store_new):
    Write to h5 the account summary passed as argument
    # get a list of names
    for name in names:
        # now we can perform a lookup on a 'view' of the dataframe
        joe = dataframe2.loc[dataframe2['AccountCode_']==name]
        node=store_new.get_node("/" + name)
        if node:
            log.info("Getting columns names in account store HDF5 ... ")
            dftot = store_new.select(node._v_pathname)
            cols = list(dftot.columns.values)
            colsfinal = list(set(cols).intersection(colsjoe))
            joe = joe[colsfinal]

        log.info("Appending account data to HDF5 ... ")
        # Following 3 lines is to fix following error when storing in HDF5:
        #       [unicode] is not implemented as a table column
        types = joe.apply(lambda x: pd.lib.infer_dtype(x.values))
        for col in types[types == 'unicode'].index:
            joe[col] = joe[col].astype(str)
        #print joe.dtypes
            store_new.append("/" + name, joe, data_columns=True)
        except NaturalNameWarning as e:
            log.warn("NaturalNameWarning raised [" + str(e))
        except (ValueError) as e:
            log.warn("ValueError raised [" + str(e) + "]  Creating ancilliary file ...")
            aux = globalconf.account_store_new_error()
            aux.append("/" + name, joe, data_columns=True)
Example #8
def read_biz_calendar(start_dttm, valuation_dttm,log,globalconf):
    # leer del h5 del yahoo biz calendar
    log.info("read_biz_calendar: [%s] " % (str(valuation_dttm)))
    year= str(valuation_dttm.year)     # "2016"
    store = globalconf.open_economic_calendar_h5_store()
    sym1= store.get_node("/"+year)
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    df1 = store.select(sym1._v_pathname)
    store_txt = store.filename
    log.info("Number of rows loaded from h5 economic calendar[%s]: [%d]" % ( str(store_txt), len(df1)))
    dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)

    # construir un dataframe con los eventos y las fechas convertidas a datetime
    dataframe['event_datetime'] = dataframe.Date+" "+year+" "+dataframe.Time_ET
                                        lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%b %d %Y %I:%M %p'))

    # convertir las hora que estan en el horario de la costa este de US creo (mirar en la web)
    localtz = timezone('US/Eastern')
    dataframe['event_datetime'] = dataframe['event_datetime'].apply(
                                        lambda x: localtz.localize(x))
    dataframe['event_datetime'] = dataframe['event_datetime'].apply(
                                        lambda x: x.astimezone(timezone("Europe/Madrid")).replace(tzinfo=None))

    # eliminar los duplicados (quedarse con los registros historicos que ya tienen el dato real
    dataframe = dataframe.reset_index().drop_duplicates(subset=['event_datetime','Briefing_Forecast','For',
                                                                keep='last').set_index('event_datetime', drop=0)

    dataframe.set_index(keys=['event_datetime'], drop=True, inplace=True)
    dataframe = dataframe[['Actual','Briefing_Forecast','For','Market_Expects',
    dataframe = dataframe.sort_index(ascending=[True])
    dataframe = dataframe[ (dataframe.index <= valuation_dttm) & (dataframe.index >= start_dttm) ]
    log.info("Number of rows filtered from h5 economic calendar: [%d]" % (len(dataframe)))
    return dataframe
Example #9
def migrate_h5_to_sqllite_optchain(hdf5_pattern, h5_db_alias, drop_expiry, filter_symbol):

    globalconf = config.GlobalConfig()
    log = logger("migrate_h5_to_sqllite_optchain")
    path = globalconf.config['paths']['data_folder']
    lst1 = glob.glob(path + hdf5_pattern)
    if not lst1:
        log.info("No h5 files to append ... ")
        log.info(("List of h5 files that will be appended: ", lst1))
            input("Press Enter to continue...")
        except SyntaxError:

        for hdf5_path in lst1:
            store_file = pd.HDFStore(hdf5_path)
            root1 = store_file.root
            # todos los nodos hijos de root que son los underlying symbols
            list = [x._v_pathname for x in root1]
            log.info(("Processing file: ", hdf5_path))
            # only migrate the symbol indicated if available
            if filter_symbol != "ALL":
                list = [filter_symbol]
            log.info(("List of symbols: " + str(list)))
            for symbol in list:
                store_file = pd.HDFStore(hdf5_path)
                node1 = store_file.get_node(symbol)
                if node1:
                    log.info(("Symbol: " + symbol))
                    # Unfortunately th JSON field doesnt contain more info that the already present fields
                    # df1['json_dict'] = df1['JSON'].apply(CustomParser)
                    # following line converts dict column into n columns for the dataframe:
                    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20680272/reading-a-csv-into-pandas-where-one-column-is-a-json-string
                    # df1 = pd.concat([df1.drop(['json_dict','JSON'], axis=1), df1['json_dict'].apply(pd.Series)], axis=1)
                    # df1 = df1.drop(['JSON'], axis=1)

                    # this is a specifc case for underlying hisotry
                    if symbol == "/ES" and h5_db_alias == "underl_ib_hist":
                        for lvl1 in node1:
                            log.info(("Level 1 pathname in the root if the H5: ", lvl1._v_pathname))
                            if lvl1:
                                df1 = store_file.select(lvl1._v_pathname)
                                df1['expiry'] = lvl1._v_pathname
                                mkt.write_market_data_to_sqllite(df1, h5_db_alias)
                        df1 = store_file.select(node1._v_pathname)
                    # Expiry is already in the index
                    if drop_expiry == True:
                        df1 = df1.drop(['Expiry'], axis=1)
                    mkt.write_market_data_to_sqllite(df1, h5_db_alias)
Example #10
def extrae_options_chain2(start_dttm,end_dttm,symbol,expiry,secType):
        extraer de la hdf5 los datos de cotizaciones entre dos fechas
        imputa valores ausente con el metodo ffill de pandas dataframe dentro del dia
    store = globalconf.open_ib_h5_store()
    store_txt = store.filename
    log.info("extrae_options_chain2 [%s]: start [%s] end [%s] " % (str(store_txt), str(start_dttm), str(end_dttm)))
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    sym1= store.get_node("/"+symbol)
    where1=['symbol==' + symbol,
            'secType==' + secType,
            'current_date>'     + str(start_dttm.year)
                                 + str(start_dttm.month).zfill(2)
                                 + str(start_dttm.day).zfill(2),
            'current_date<=' + str(end_dttm.year)
                                 + str(end_dttm.month).zfill(2)
                                 + str(end_dttm.day).zfill(2)
    df1 = store.select(sym1._v_pathname, where=where1)
    log.info("Number of rows loaded from h5 option chain file: [%d] where=[%s]" % ( len(df1) , str(where1)))
    df1['load_dttm'] = pd.to_datetime(df1['current_datetime'], errors='coerce')  # DEPRECATED remove warning coerce=True)
    df1['current_datetime_txt'] = df1.index.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    log.info("append data frame ... ")
    dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)
    log.info("close store h5 ... ")

    dataframe[OPT_NUM_FIELDS_LST] = dataframe[OPT_NUM_FIELDS_LST].apply(pd.to_numeric)
    dataframe['load_dttm'] = dataframe['load_dttm'].apply(pd.to_datetime)
    # imputar valores ausentes con el valor justo anterior (para este dia)
    log.info("drop_duplicates ... ")
    dataframe = dataframe.drop_duplicates(subset=['right','strike','expiry','load_dttm'], keep='last')
    log.info("sort_values ... ")
    dataframe = dataframe.sort_values(by=['right','strike','expiry','load_dttm'],
                                      ascending=[True, True, True, True]).groupby(
                                        ['right','strike','expiry'], #,'load_dttm'],
                                      as_index=False).apply(lambda group: group.ffill())
    dataframe= dataframe.replace([-1],[0])

    localtz = timezone('Europe/Madrid')
    log.info("localize tz ... ")
    dataframe.index = dataframe.index.map(lambda x: localtz.localize(x))
    dataframe.index = dataframe.index.map(lambda x: x.replace(tzinfo=None))

    return dataframe
Example #11
def historical_data_loader():

    Se inserta un registro duplicado en cada carga incremental. Es decir:
        se vuelve a insertar la barra de la ultima media hora que estaba cargada ya en el hdf5
        y tipicamente el close de esta barra es distinto al cargado inicialmente.
        La analitica que se haga sobre esta tabla debe contemplar eliminar primero de los registros duplicados
        porque asumimos que el segundo es el valido (dado que es igual al open de la siguiente barra de media hora
        como se hgha observado)
        este error se puede eliminar o mitigar si solamente se piden los datos histoticos con el mercado cerrado
        que es lo que se hace en el modo automatico (crontab) Validar esto.
    log=logger("historical data loader")
    log.info("Getting historical underlying data from IB ... ")

    globalconf = config.GlobalConfig()
    underly_def = globalconf.get_tickers_historical_ib()
    client = IBClient()
    clientid1 = int(globalconf.config['ib_api']['clientid_data'])

    endDateTime =  dt_now.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
    # lo mas que se puede pedir para barras de 30 min es un mes historico
    # barSizeSetting = "30 mins"
    barSizeSetting = "1 min"
    whatToShow = "TRADES"
    useRTH = 1
    formatDate = 1
    wait_secs = 40
    f = globalconf.open_historical_store()

    for index, row_req in underly_def.iterrows():
        log.info("underl=[%s] [%s] [%s] [%d] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%d]"
                        % ( str(row_req['symbol']), str(row_req['underl_type']),
                            str(row_req['underl_expiry']), 0, '', '',
                            str(row_req['underl_ex']), str(row_req['underl_curr']), int(index) ) )

        ticker = RequestUnderlyingData(str(row_req['symbol']), str(row_req['underl_type']), str(row_req['underl_expiry']), 0, '', '',
                                       str(row_req['underl_ex']), str(row_req['underl_curr']), int(index))

        path_h5 = "/" + str(row_req['symbol'])
        if long(row_req['underl_expiry']) > 0:
            path_h5 = path_h5 + "/" + str(row_req['underl_expiry'])
        last_record_stored = 0
        node = f.get_node(path_h5)
        if node:
            df1 = f.select(node._v_pathname)
            df1= df1.reset_index()['date']
            last_record_stored = datetime.strptime(str(df1.max()), '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
            # no se debe usar .seconds que da respuesta incorrecta debe usarse .total_seconds()
            #days= int(round( (dt_now - last_record_stored).total_seconds() / 60 / 60 / 24  ,0))
            # lo anterior no sirve porque debe considerarse la diferencia en business days
            #days = np.busday_count(last_record_stored.date(), dt_now.date())
            bh= misc_utilities.BusinessHours(last_record_stored, dt_now, worktiming=[15, 21], weekends=[6, 7])
            days = bh.getdays()
            durationStr = str( days ) + " D"
            durationStr = "30 D"
            barSizeSetting = "30 mins"

        if str(row_req['symbol']) in ['NDX','SPX','VIX']:
            barSizeSetting = "30 mins"

        log.info( "last_record_stored=[%s] endDateTime=[%s] durationStr=[%s] barSizeSetting=[%s]"
                  % ( str(last_record_stored), str(endDateTime) , durationStr, barSizeSetting) )

        historicallist = client.get_historical(ticker, endDateTime, durationStr, barSizeSetting,whatToShow, useRTH,formatDate)
        #print historicallist
        dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
        if historicallist:
            for reqId, request in historicallist.items():
                for date, row in request.items():
                    # print ("date [%s]: row[%s]" % (date, str(row)))
                    temp1 = pd.DataFrame(row, index=[0])
                    temp1['symbol'] = str(row_req['symbol'])
                    temp1['expiry'] = str(row_req['underl_expiry'])
                    temp1['type'] = str(row_req['underl_type'])
                    temp1['load_dttm'] = endDateTime
                    dataframe = dataframe.append(temp1.reset_index().drop('index', 1))

            dataframe = dataframe.sort_values(by=['date']).set_index('date')
            log.info( "appending data in hdf5 ...")
            f.append(path_h5, dataframe, data_columns=dataframe.columns)
        log.info("sleeping [%s] secs ..." % (str(wait_secs)))

    f.close()  # Close file
Example #12
def store_orders_from_ib_to_h5():
    Method to retrieve orders -everything from the last business day-, intended for batch usage     
    if dt.datetime.now().date() in misc_utilities.get_trading_close_holidays(dt.datetime.now().year):
        log.info("This is a US Calendar holiday. Ending process ... ")

    log.info("Getting orders data from IB ... ")
    globalconf = config.GlobalConfig()
    client = ib.IBClient()
    clientid1 = int(globalconf.config['ib_api']['clientid_data'])

    ## Get the executions (gives you everything for last business day)
    execlist = client.get_executions(10)
    log.info("execlist length = [%d]" % ( len(execlist) ))
    if execlist:
        dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(execlist).transpose()
        f = globalconf.open_orders_store()
        dataframe['current_date'] = dt.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')
        dataframe['current_datetime'] = dt.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
        log.info("Appending orders to HDF5 store ...")
        # sort the dataframe
        #dataframe.sort(columns=['account'], inplace=True) DEPRECATED
        # set the index to be this and don't drop
        dataframe.set_index(keys=['account'], drop=False, inplace=True)
        # get a list of names
        names = dataframe['account'].unique().tolist()

        for name in names:
            # now we can perform a lookup on a 'view' of the dataframe
            log.info("Storing " + name + " in ABT ...")
            joe = dataframe.loc[dataframe['account'] == name]
            #joe.sort(columns=['current_datetime'], inplace=True)  DEPRECATED
            joe = joe.sort_values(by=['current_datetime'])
                f.append("/" + name, joe, data_columns=joe.columns)
            except ValueError as e:
                log.warn("ValueError raised [" + str(e) + "]  Creating ancilliary file ...")
                aux = globalconf.open_orders_store_value_error()
                aux.append("/" + name, joe, data_columns=True)
        log.info("No orders to append ...")
Example #13
def consolidate_anciliary_h5_account():
    Used as command to consolidate in the main h5 anciliary h5 generated due to column length exceptions
    globalconf = config.GlobalConfig(level=logger.DEBUG)
    log = globalconf.log
    path = globalconf.config['paths']['data_folder']
    if not os.path.exists(path + "/account_backups"):
        os.makedirs(path + "/account_backups")

    acc_orig = 'account_db_new.h5'
    pattern_acc = 'account_db_new.h5*'
    acc_out = 'account_db_complete.h5'

    lst1 = glob.glob(pattern_acc)
    if not lst1:
        log.info("No ancilliary files to append, exiting ... ")

    log.info(("List of ancilliary files that will be appended: ", lst1))
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    for x in lst1:
        store_in1 = pd.HDFStore(path + x)
        root1 = store_in1.root
        log.info(("Root pathname of the input store: ", root1._v_pathname))
        for lvl1 in root1:
            log.info(("Level 1 pathname in the root if the H5: ", lvl1._v_pathname))
            if lvl1:
                df1 = store_in1.select(lvl1._v_pathname)
                dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)
                log.info(("Store_in1", len(df1), x))
        os.rename(path + x, path + "/account_backups/" + x)

    store_in1 = pd.HDFStore(path + acc_orig)
    store_out = pd.HDFStore(path + acc_out)
    root1 = store_in1.root
    log.info(("Root pathname of the input store: ", root1._v_pathname))
    root2 = store_out.root
    log.info(("Root pathname of the output store: ", root2._v_pathname))

    for lvl1 in root1:
        print (lvl1._v_pathname)
        if lvl1:
            df1 = store_in1.select(lvl1._v_pathname)
            dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)
            log.info(("Store_in1 length and name", len(df1), acc_orig))
    os.rename(path + acc_orig, path + "/account_backups/" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + acc_orig)
    write_acc_summary_to_h5(globalconf, log, dataframe, store_out)
    os.rename(path + acc_out, path + acc_orig)
Example #14
def consolidate_anciliary_h5_portfolio():
    Used as command to consolidate in the main h5 anciliary h5 generated due to column length exceptions
    globalconf = config.GlobalConfig()
    log = logger("consolidate_anciliary_h5_portfolio")
    path = globalconf.config['paths']['data_folder']
    if not os.path.exists(path + "/portfolio_backups"):
        os.makedirs(path + "/portfolio_backups")

    port_orig = 'portfolio_db.h5'
    pattern_port = 'portfolio_db.h5*'
    port_out = 'portfolio_db_complete.h5'

    lst1 = glob.glob(pattern_port)
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    old_format = False
    if not lst1:
        log.info("No ancilliary files to append ... ")
        log.info(("List of ancilliary files that will be appended: ", lst1))
        for x in lst1:
            store_in1 = pd.HDFStore(path + x)
            root1 = store_in1.root
            log.info(("Root pathname of the input store: ", root1._v_pathname))
            for lvl1 in root1:
                log.info(("Level 1 pathname in the root if the H5: ", x, lvl1._v_pathname))
                if lvl1:
                        df1 = store_in1.select(lvl1._v_pathname)
                        dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)
                        log.info(("Store_in1", len(df1), x))
                    except (TypeError) as e:
                        log.info("This is the old format of the portfolio file...")
                        old_format = True
            if old_format:
                for lvl1 in root1:
                    for lvl2 in store_in1.get_node(lvl1._v_pathname):
                        for lvl3 in store_in1.get_node(lvl2._v_pathname):
                            for lvl4 in store_in1.get_node(lvl3._v_pathname):
                                for lvl5 in store_in1.get_node(lvl4._v_pathname):
                                    log.info(("Pathname level 5: ", x, lvl5._v_pathname))
                                    if lvl5:
                                        df1 = store_in1.select(lvl5._v_pathname)
                                        dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)

            os.rename(path + x, path + "/portfolio_backups/" + x)

    store_in1 = pd.HDFStore(path + port_orig)
    store_out = pd.HDFStore(path + port_out)
    root1 = store_in1.root
    root2 = store_out.root
    old_format = False
    log.info(("Root pathname of the input store: ", root1._v_pathname, " and output the store: ", root2._v_pathname))
    for lvl1 in root1:
        log.info(("Level 1 pathname in the root if the H5: ", port_orig, lvl1._v_pathname))
        if lvl1:
                df1 = store_in1.select(lvl1._v_pathname)
                dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)
                log.info(("Store_in1", len(df1), port_orig))
            except (TypeError) as e:
                log.info("This is the old format of the portfolio file...")
                old_format = True
    if old_format:
        for lvl1 in root1:
            for lvl2 in store_in1.get_node(lvl1._v_pathname):
                for lvl3 in store_in1.get_node(lvl2._v_pathname):
                    for lvl4 in store_in1.get_node(lvl3._v_pathname):
                        for lvl5 in store_in1.get_node(lvl4._v_pathname):
                            log.info(("Pathname level 5: ", port_orig, lvl5._v_pathname))
                            if lvl5:
                                df1 = store_in1.select(lvl5._v_pathname)
                                dataframe = dataframe.append(df1)

    os.rename(path + port_orig, path + "/portfolio_backups/" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + port_orig)
    dataframe.sort_values(by=['current_datetime'], inplace=True)
    dataframe = dataframe.dropna(subset=['current_datetime'])
    dataframe.drop('multiplier', axis=1, inplace=True)
    # dataframe.drop('multiplier', axis=1, inplace=True)
    write_portfolio_to_h5(globalconf, log, dataframe, store_out)
    os.rename(path + port_out, path + port_orig)