def get_mentions():
    """ Get all mentions from the timeline and store them in the db.
    t = Twitter(auth=OAuth(Config.access_token, Config.access_token_secret, Config.api_key, Config.api_secret))
    mentions = t.statuses.mentions_timeline()

    for mention in mentions:
        user_id = UserDao.add_user(mention["user"]["screen_name"], mention["user"]["id"])

        if UserTweetDao.is_new_user_tweet(mention["id"]):
            UserTweetDao.create_user_tweet(user_id, mention["id"], mention["text"], mention)
def read_stream():
    """ Listens to the user-stream and reacts to mention events with a recommendation.
    twitter_user_stream = TwitterStream(auth=OAuth(Config.access_token, Config.access_token_secret, Config.api_key,
                                                   Config.api_secret), domain='')

    for msg in twitter_user_stream.user():
        recommend = False

        # check if the the bot was mentioned in the status update
        if "entities" in msg:
            for mention in msg["entities"]["user_mentions"]:
                if mention["screen_name"] =="@", ""):
                    recommend = True

            if recommend:
                user_id = UserDao.add_user(msg["user"]["screen_name"], msg["user"]["id"])
                UserTweetDao.create_user_tweet(user_id, msg["id"], msg["text"], msg)
Example #3
def do_recommendation(tweet, keyword_list="", delete_fails=False):
    # TODO only persist if there is a recommendation?
    user = UserDao.add_user(tweet["user"]["screen_name"], tweet["user"]["id"])
    nr_distributed = 0

    if not UserTweetDao.is_existing_user_tweet(tweet["id"]):
        if len(keyword_list) > 0:
            tweet_text = keyword_list
            tweet_text = tweet["text"]

        UserTweetDao.create_user_tweet(, tweet["id"], tweet_text, tweet)
        nr_distributed = distribute_recommendations()

        # TODO delete failed
        # if nr_distributed == 0 and delete_fails:
        #     user.delete()
        #     pass

    return nr_distributed