Example #1
 def search(self, start, stop=None):
     results = _search_tree(self.tree, start, stop, self.include_stop)
     if len(results) == 0:
         return None
     elif len(results) > 1 and self.strict:
         raise DuplicateKeyError((start, stop))
         return results[0].data
def recordlookupone(table, key, dictionary=None, strict=False):
    Load a dictionary with data from the given table, mapping to record objects,
    assuming there is at most one row for each key.


    if dictionary is None:
        dictionary = dict()

    it = iter(table)
    hdr = next(it)
    flds = list(map(text_type, hdr))
    keyindices = asindices(hdr, key)
    assert len(keyindices) > 0, 'no key selected'
    getkey = operator.itemgetter(*keyindices)
    for row in it:
        k = getkey(row)
        if strict and k in dictionary:
            raise DuplicateKeyError(k)
        elif k not in dictionary:
            d = Record(row, flds)
            dictionary[k] = d
    return dictionary
def lookupone(table, key, value=None, dictionary=None, strict=False):
    Load a dictionary with data from the given table, assuming there is
    at most one value for each key. E.g.::

        >>> import petl as etl
        >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar'],
        ...           ['a', 1],
        ...           ['b', 2],
        ...           ['b', 3]]
        >>> # if the specified key is not unique and strict=False (default),
        ... # the first value wins
        ... lkp = etl.lookupone(table1, 'foo', 'bar')
        >>> lkp['a']
        >>> lkp['b']
        >>> # if the specified key is not unique and strict=True, will raise
        ... # DuplicateKeyError
        ... try:
        ...     lkp = etl.lookupone(table1, 'foo', strict=True)
        ... except etl.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e:
        ...     print(e)
        duplicate key: 'b'
        >>> # compound keys are supported
        ... table2 = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
        ...           ['a', 1, True],
        ...           ['b', 2, False],
        ...           ['b', 3, True],
        ...           ['b', 3, False]]
        >>> lkp = etl.lookupone(table2, ('foo', 'bar'), 'baz')
        >>> lkp[('a', 1)]
        >>> lkp[('b', 2)]
        >>> lkp[('b', 3)]
        >>> # data can be loaded into an existing dictionary-like
        ... # object, including persistent dictionaries created via the
        ... # shelve module
        ... import shelve
        >>> lkp = shelve.open('example.dat', flag='n')
        >>> lkp = etl.lookupone(table1, 'foo', 'bar', lkp)
        >>> lkp.close()
        >>> lkp = shelve.open('example.dat', flag='r')
        >>> lkp['a']
        >>> lkp['b']


    if dictionary is None:
        dictionary = dict()

    it = iter(table)
    hdr = next(it)
    flds = list(map(text_type, hdr))
    if value is None:
        value = flds
    keyindices = asindices(hdr, key)
    assert len(keyindices) > 0, 'no key selected'
    valueindices = asindices(hdr, value)
    assert len(valueindices) > 0, 'no value selected'
    getkey = operator.itemgetter(*keyindices)
    getvalue = operator.itemgetter(*valueindices)
    for row in it:
        k = getkey(row)
        if strict and k in dictionary:
            raise DuplicateKeyError(k)
        elif k not in dictionary:
            v = getvalue(row)
            dictionary[k] = v
    return dictionary
Example #4
def lookupone(table, key, value=None, dictionary=None, strict=False):
    Load a dictionary with data from the given table, assuming there is
    at most one value for each key. E.g.::

        >>> import petl as etl
        >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar'],
        ...           ['a', 1],
        ...           ['b', 2],
        ...           ['b', 3]]
        >>> # if the specified key is not unique and strict=False (default),
        ... # the first value wins
        ... lkp = etl.lookupone(table1, 'foo', 'bar')
        >>> lkp['a']
        >>> lkp['b']
        >>> # if the specified key is not unique and strict=True, will raise
        ... # DuplicateKeyError
        ... try:
        ...     lkp = etl.lookupone(table1, 'foo', strict=True)
        ... except etl.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e:
        ...     print(e)
        duplicate key: 'b'
        >>> # compound keys are supported
        ... table2 = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
        ...           ['a', 1, True],
        ...           ['b', 2, False],
        ...           ['b', 3, True],
        ...           ['b', 3, False]]
        >>> lkp = etl.lookupone(table2, ('foo', 'bar'), 'baz')
        >>> lkp[('a', 1)]
        >>> lkp[('b', 2)]
        >>> lkp[('b', 3)]
        >>> # data can be loaded into an existing dictionary-like
        ... # object, including persistent dictionaries created via the
        ... # shelve module
        ... import shelve
        >>> lkp = shelve.open('example.dat', flag='n')
        >>> lkp = etl.lookupone(table1, 'foo', 'bar', lkp)
        >>> lkp.close()
        >>> lkp = shelve.open('example.dat', flag='r')
        >>> lkp['a']
        >>> lkp['b']


    if dictionary is None:
        dictionary = dict()

    # setup
    it, getkey, getvalue = _setup_lookup(table, key, value)

    # build lookup dictionary
    for row in it:
        k = getkey(row)
        if strict and k in dictionary:
            raise DuplicateKeyError(k)
        elif k not in dictionary:
            v = getvalue(row)
            dictionary[k] = v

    return dictionary