Example #1
def test_blog_post():
    # Define an EC group
    G = EcGroup(713)
    print (EcGroup.list_curves()[713])
    order = G.order()

    ## Define the Zero-Knowledge proof statement
    zk = ZKProof(G)
    g, h = zk.get(ConstGen, ["g", "h"])
    x, o = zk.get(Sec, ["x", "o"])
    Cxo = zk.get(ConstGen, "Cxo")
    zk.add_proof(Cxo, x*g + o*h)

    ## Render the proof statement in Latex

    # A concrete Pedersen commitment
    ec_g = G.generator()
    ec_h = order.random() * ec_g
    bn_x = order.random()
    bn_o = order.random()
    ec_Cxo = bn_x * ec_g + bn_o * ec_h

    ## Bind the concrete variables to the Proof
    env = ZKEnv(zk)
    env.g, env.h = ec_g, ec_h 
    env.Cxo = ec_Cxo
    env.x = bn_x 
    env.o = bn_o

    # Create the Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge (NIZK) proof
    sig = zk.build_proof(env.get())

    # Execute the verification on the proof 'sig'
    env = ZKEnv(zk)
    env.g, env.h = ec_g, ec_h 
    env.Cxo = ec_Cxo

    assert zk.verify_proof(env.get(), sig)
Example #2
from petlib.ec import EcGroup, EcPt
from petlib.bn import Bn
import time

timings = []
curves = EcGroup.list_curves()

for gid in curves:
    G = EcGroup(gid)
    gx = G.order().random() * G.generator()

    rnd = [G.order().random() for _ in range(100)]

    t0 = time.clock()
    for r in rnd:
        dud = r * gx
    t1 = time.clock()

    repreats = 1000
    t = []
    for x in [2, 200]:
        o = Bn(2) ** x
        tests = [o.random() for _ in range(repreats)]

        tx = time.clock()
        for y in tests:
            dud = y * gx
        t += [time.clock() - tx]
        # print(x, t[-1] / repreats)
    if abs(t[0] - t[-1]) < 5.0 / 100:
        const = "CONST"
Example #3
from petlib.ec import EcGroup, EcPt
from petlib.bn import Bn

import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    fails = 0
    print("List of curves passing the constant-time scalar mult test:")
    for (nid, name) in sorted(EcGroup.list_curves().items()):
        G = EcGroup(nid)
        g = G.generator()
        order = G.order()
        h = order.random() * g

        repreats = 100
        t = []
        for x in range(0, 400, 100):
            o = Bn(2)**x
            tests = [o.random() for _ in range(repreats)]

            t0 = time.clock()
            for y in tests:
                y * h
            t += [time.clock() - t0]
            # print x, t[-1] / repreats
        res = abs(t[0] - t[-1]) < 1.0 / 100
        if res:

            ps = 1.0 / (t[-1] / repreats)
            res = ["FAIL", "PASS"][res]
            print("%3d\t%s\t%2.1f/s\t%s" % (nid, res, ps, name))
Example #4
from petlib.ec import EcGroup, EcPt
from petlib.bn import Bn

import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    fails = 0
    print("List of curves passing the constant-time scalar mult test:")
    for (nid, name) in sorted(EcGroup.list_curves().items()):
        G = EcGroup(nid)
        g = G.generator()
        order = G.order()
        h = order.random() * g

        repreats = 100
        t = []
        for x in range(0, 400, 100):
            o = Bn(2) ** x
            tests = [o.random() for _ in range(repreats)]

            t0 = time.clock()
            for y in tests:
                y * h
            t += [time.clock() - t0]
            # print x, t[-1] / repreats
        res = abs(t[0] - t[-1]) < 1.0 / 100
        if res:

            ps = 1.0 / (t[-1] / repreats)
            res = ["FAIL", "PASS"][res]
            print("%3d\t%s\t%2.1f/s\t%s" % (nid, res, ps, name))
Example #5
from petlib.ec import EcGroup
from genzkp import ZKProof, ZKEnv, ConstGen, Sec

# Define an EC group
G = EcGroup(713)
order = G.order()

## Define the Zero-Knowledge proof statement
zk = ZKProof(G)
g, h = zk.get(ConstGen, ["g", "h"])
x, o = zk.get(Sec, ["x", "o"])
Cxo = zk.get(ConstGen, "Cxo")
zk.add_proof(Cxo, x * g + o * h)


# A concrete Pedersen commitment
ec_g = G.generator()
ec_h = order.random() * ec_g
bn_x = order.random()
bn_o = order.random()
ec_Cxo = bn_x * ec_g + bn_o * ec_h

## Bind the concrete variables to the Proof
env = ZKEnv(zk)
env.g, env.h = ec_g, ec_h
env.Cxo = ec_Cxo
env.x = bn_x
env.o = bn_o
Example #6

def key_gen(params):
    """ generate a private / public key pair """
    (G, g, hs, o) = params
    priv = o.random()
    pub = priv * g
    return (priv, pub)

"""An important part of the setup is selecting the rigth elliptic curve to use - so as to match with other systems that want to verify your signature.

You can see what curves petlib supports like this:

"""The default in petlib http://petlib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#module-petlib-ec  is 713, which is 'NIST/SECG curve over a 224 bit prime field'

If we want interaction with milagro we will need to usea curve that it supports, like from https://github.com/milagro-crypto/milagro-crypto-js

One that it supports is NIST256 which in openssl (what petlib uses underneath) is listed as "prime256v1: X9.62/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field", from https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/78621/which-elliptic-curve-should-i-use

Which would be item 415 in petlib

Ok, lets do some crypto!!

params = setup()

(private_key, public_key) = key_gen(params)