def _reduce_prev_layer(p_layer, p_id, c_layer, out_filters, data_format, hw_only=False):
    Make p_layer to have same shape as c_layer.
    if p_layer is None:
        return c_layer
    c_ch = out_filters
    ch_dim = _data_format_to_ch_dim(data_format)
    tensor_dim = len(c_layer.get_shape().as_list())
    p_ch = _get_dim(p_layer, ch_dim)
    c_hw = None if tensor_dim == 2 else _get_dim(c_layer, 2)
    p_hw = None if tensor_dim == 2 else _get_dim(p_layer, 2)
    if p_hw != c_hw:
        # This implies they are not None and they are not the same size.
        if p_hw > c_hw:
            n_iter = int(np.log2(p_hw / c_hw))
            id_str = "reduce_{:03d}".format(p_id) if isinstance(p_id, int) else str(p_id)
            re_ret ='{}_([0-9]*)'.format(id_str),
            if re_ret is None:
                reduction_idx = 0
                reduction_idx = int( + 1
            out_filters = c_ch / (2 ** n_iter)
            for ridx in range(reduction_idx, reduction_idx + n_iter):
                out_filters *= 2
                p_layer = _factorized_reduction(
                    id_str + '_{}'.format(ridx),
                    p_layer, out_filters, data_format)
            raise NotImplementedError("Currently resizing/deconv up is not supported")
    elif c_ch != p_ch and not hw_only:
        p_layer = projection_layer('reduce_proj_{:03d}'.format(p_id), p_layer, c_ch, ch_dim)
    return p_layer
def residual_layer(name, l, out_filters, strides, data_format):
    ch_out = out_filters
    data_format = get_data_format(data_format, keras_mode=False)
    ch_dim = 3 if data_format == 'NHWC' else 1
    ch_in = _get_dim(l, ch_dim)

    l_in = l
    with tf.variable_scope('{}.0'.format(name)):
        l = BNReLU(l)
        l = SeparableConv2D('conv1', l, ch_out, 3, strides=strides, activation=BNReLU)
        l = SeparableConv2D('conv2', l, ch_out, 3)
        # The second conv need to be BN before addition.
        l = BatchNorm('bn2', l)

        shortcut = l_in
        if strides > 1:
            shortcut = AvgPooling('pool', shortcut, 2)
        if ch_in < ch_out:
            pad_paddings = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]
            pad_width = (ch_out - ch_in)
            pad_paddings[ch_dim] = [0, pad_width]
            shortcut = tf.pad(shortcut, pad_paddings)
        elif ch_in > ch_out:
            if data_format == 'NHWC':
                shortcut1 = shortcut[:, :, :, :ch_out]
                shortcut2 = shortcut[:, :, :, ch_out:]
                shortcut1 = shortcut[:, :ch_out, :, :]
                shortcut2 = shortcut[:, ch_out:, :, :]
            shortcut2 = Conv2D('conv_short', shortcut2, ch_out, 1, strides=strides)
            shortcut2 = BatchNorm('bn_short', shortcut2)
            shortcut = shortcut1 + shortcut2
        l += shortcut
    return l
def residual_bottleneck_layer(name, l, out_filters, strides, data_format):
    data_format = get_data_format(data_format, keras_mode=False)
    ch_dim = 3 if data_format == 'NHWC' else 1
    ch_in = _get_dim(l, ch_dim)

    ch_base = out_filters
    ch_last = ch_base * 4
    l_in = l
    with tf.variable_scope('{}.0'.format(name)):
        l = BatchNorm('bn0', l)
        l = tf.nn.relu(l)
        l = (LinearWrap(l)
             .Conv2D('conv1x1_0', ch_base, 1, activation=BNReLU)
             .Conv2D('conv3x3_1', ch_base, 3, strides=strides, activation=BNReLU)
             .Conv2D('conv1x1_2', ch_last, 1)())
        l = BatchNorm('bn_3', l)

        shortcut = l_in
        if ch_in != ch_last:
            shortcut = Conv2D('conv_short', shortcut, ch_last, 1, strides=strides)
            shortcut = BatchNorm('bn_short', shortcut)
        l = l + shortcut
    return l
def construct_layer(
        name (str) : name of this layer to construct
        layer_dict (dict) : a map from layer id to layer tenors.
        layer_info (LayerInfo): the layer that we are to construct
        out_filters : output number of filters.
        strides : whether to take a strides in the operations
        data_format : 'channel_first' or 'channel_last'
        stop_gradient : whether to stop gradient on inputs
        op_to_cell : a dict from op name (cell name) to the cell object.
        drop_path_func : a function object for computing drop path
        non_input_layer_idx :
            index for computing drop path with for cell based search
        hid_to_fs_params :
            a map from hallu id to tuples of params for feature selection
        l_hallu_costs :
            a list to update, in order to contain the costs incurred by hallu.
        bn_after_merge (bool) :
            whether to batch normalize after the merge op.
            Usually cnn uses False, and rnn uses True.

    Side Effects on inputs:
        1. Update l_hallu_costs, if the constructed layer triggers hallu costs.
        2. Other inputs are unaffected.

        a tensor that represents layer
    if op_to_cell is not None:
        # cell network has merge_op as the cell name (str)
        cell = op_to_cell.get(layer_info.merge_op, None)
        if cell:
            inputs = [layer_dict[in_id] for in_id in layer_info.inputs]
            layer = cell(inputs, out_filters, strides, non_input_layer_idx, name)
            return layer

    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        ch_dim = _data_format_to_ch_dim(data_format)
        n_inputs = len(layer_info.inputs)
        new_layer = []
        # stride may be a val for each input.
        if isinstance(strides, list):
            if len(strides) != n_inputs:
                raise ValueError("Confusing strides at info {}".format(layer_info))
            l_strides = strides
            l_strides = [strides] * n_inputs
        # stop gradient may be a val for each input
        if not isinstance(stop_gradient, list):
            l_to_stop = [stop_gradient] * n_inputs
        # operation names for children
        ops_ids = None
        if layer_info.extra_dict is not None:
            ops_ids = layer_info.extra_dict.get('ops_ids', None)
        ops_ids = ops_ids if ops_ids else list(range(n_inputs))

        for input_i, layer_id, operation, strides, to_stop in zip(
                ops_ids, layer_info.inputs, layer_info.input_ops,
                l_strides, l_to_stop):
            layer = layer_dict[layer_id]
            scope = "op_{}".format(input_i)
            with tf.variable_scope(scope):
                if to_stop == LayerTypes.STOP_GRADIENT_HARD:
                    layer = tf.stop_gradient(layer)
                elif to_stop == LayerTypes.STOP_GRADIENT_SOFT:
                    layer = finalized_gated_layer('soft_stop', layer)
                elif to_stop != LayerTypes.STOP_GRADIENT_NONE:
                    raise ValueError("Unknown stop_gradient value from info {}".format(
                layer = apply_operation(
                    layer, operation, out_filters, strides, data_format)
                if LayerTypes.do_drop_path(operation) and drop_path_func:
                    layer = drop_path_func(layer, non_input_layer_idx)

        if len(new_layer) == 1:
            layer = new_layer[0]
        elif len(new_layer) > 1:
            LT = LayerTypes
            merge_op = layer_info.merge_op
            if merge_op in [LT.MERGE_WITH_CAT_PROJ, LT.MERGE_WITH_CAT]:
                layer = tf.concat(new_layer, axis=ch_dim, name='cat_feats')
                if bn_after_merge:
                    layer = BatchNorm('bn_after_merge', layer)
                if merge_op == LT.MERGE_WITH_CAT_PROJ:
                    layer = projection_layer('post_cat', layer, out_filters, ch_dim)
                # The merge op is not concat-like, so we make sure all inputs are of the
                # same channel first.
                ch_ref = 0
                for layer in new_layer:
                    ch_ref = max(_get_dim(layer, ch_dim), ch_ref)

                # The following block project the new layers
                # to be of the same channel (ch_ref),
                # so they can be add/mul together.
                # However, if the new layer is a gated layer,
                # we need to project the input of
                # the gated layer instead, because we need the shape
                # of the sum tensor and its gated inputs to have the
                # same shape for gradient/tensor comparison. The gate
                # needs to be right before the sum for the gradient/tensor
                # to be non-trivial.
                for li, layer in enumerate(new_layer):
                    if _get_dim(layer, ch_dim) != ch_ref:
                        if hasattr(layer, 'pre_gate_layer'):
                            pre_gate_layer = layer.pre_gate_layer
                            layer = projection_layer(
                                pre_gate_layer, ch_ref, ch_dim)
                            with tf.variable_scope('pre_sum_gate_{}'.format(li)):
                                new_layer[li] = apply_operation(
                                    layer, layer_info.input_ops[li],
                                    ch_ref, 1, data_format)
                                # since the apply_operation is definitely no_param,
                                # it does not require drop path.
                            new_layer[li] = projection_layer(
                                layer, ch_ref, ch_dim)

                if merge_op in [LT.MERGE_WITH_SUM, LT.MERGE_WITH_AVG]:
                    layer = tf.add_n(new_layer, name='sum_feats')
                    if merge_op == LT.MERGE_WITH_AVG:
                        layer = tf.div(
                            layer, np.float32(len(new_layer)), name='avg_feats')

                elif merge_op == LT.MERGE_WITH_WEIGHTED_SUM:
                    if layer_info.is_candidate:
                        omega, l1_lambda = hid_to_fs_params[layer_info.is_candidate]
                        layer = feature_selection_layer(
                            'feature_select', new_layer, omega, l1_lambda, l_hallu_costs)
                        if layer_info.extra_dict is None:
                            fs_omega = None
                            fs_omega = layer_info.extra_dict.get('fs_omega', None)
                        layer = weighted_sum_layer(
                            'weighted_sum', new_layer, fs_omega=fs_omega)

                elif merge_op == LT.MERGE_WITH_MUL:
                    layer = new_layer[0]
                    for idx, layer2 in enumerate(new_layer[1:]):
                        layer = tf.multiply(layer, layer2, name='mul_{}'.format(idx))

                elif merge_op == LT.MERGE_WITH_SOFTMAX:
                    logits = []
                    for li, layer in enumerate(new_layer):
                        with tf.variable_scope('path_choice_{}'.format(li)):
                            n_dim = len(layer.get_shape().as_list())
                            if n_dim > 2:
                                layer = GlobalAvgPooling('softmax_gap', layer) #batch x ch_ref
                            logit = FullyConnected(
                                'softmax_linear', layer, 1, activation=tf.identity)
                            logit = tf.reshape(logit, [-1]) # batch
                    logits = tf.stack(logits, axis=1) # batch x len(new_layer)
                    probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits, axis=1) # batch
                    for li, layer in enumerate(new_layer):
                        new_layer[li] = probs[:, li] * layer
                    layer = tf.add_n(new_layer, name='sum_feats')

                    raise ValueError("Unknown merge operation in info {}".format(

                # batch normalization for all non-concat-based merges.
                if bn_after_merge:
                    layer = BatchNorm('bn_after_merge', layer)
            # end else for concat vs non-cat merges.
            raise ValueError("Layer {} has empty input edges. The info: {}".format(
                name, layer_info))
        return layer
def apply_operation(layer, operation, out_filters, strides, data_format):
    Apply primitive operation to a layer tensor.

        layer (tensor) : tensor of the layer to apply the op to.
        operation (int from LayerTypes) : operation copied
        out_filters : number of output filters
        stride : Strides for the operation if applicable
        data_format : data format of the tensor input
        a Tensor that is the result of the operation.
    ch_dim = _data_format_to_ch_dim(data_format)
    if operation == LayerTypes.NOT_EXIST:
        return None

    elif operation == LayerTypes.IDENTITY:
        if strides == 1:
            return tf.identity(layer, name='id')
            return _factorized_reduction('id_reduction', layer, out_filters, data_format)

    elif operation == LayerTypes.RESIDUAL_LAYER:
        return residual_layer('res', layer, out_filters, strides, data_format)

    elif operation == LayerTypes.RESIDUAL_BOTTLENECK_LAYER:
        return residual_bottleneck_layer('res_btl', layer, out_filters, strides, data_format)

    elif operation == LayerTypes.CONV_1:
        layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
        layer = Conv2D('conv1x1', layer, out_filters, 1, strides=strides)
        layer = BatchNorm('bn', layer)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.CONV_3:
        layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
        layer = Conv2D('conv3x3', layer, out_filters, 3, strides=strides)
        layer = BatchNorm('bn', layer)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.SEPARABLE_CONV_3:
        layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
        layer = Conv2D('conv1x1', layer, out_filters, 1, strides=1, activation=BNReLU)
        layer = SeparableConv2D('sep_conv3x3_1', layer, out_filters, 3, strides=strides)
        layer = BatchNorm('bn', layer)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.SEPARABLE_CONV_5:
        layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
        layer = Conv2D('conv1x1', layer, out_filters, 1, strides=1, activation=BNReLU)
        layer = SeparableConv2D('sep_conv5x5_1', layer, out_filters, 5, strides=strides)
        layer = BatchNorm('bn', layer)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.SEPARABLE_CONV_3_2:
        layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
        layer = SeparableConv2D(
            'sep_conv3x3_1', layer, out_filters, 3, strides=strides, activation=BNReLU)
        layer = SeparableConv2D('sep_conv3x3_2', layer, out_filters, 3, strides=1)
        layer = BatchNorm('bn', layer)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.SEPARABLE_CONV_5_2:
        layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
        layer = SeparableConv2D(
            'sep_conv5x5_1', layer, out_filters, 5, strides=strides, activation=BNReLU)
        layer = SeparableConv2D('sep_conv5x5_2', layer, out_filters, 5, strides=1)
        layer = BatchNorm('bn', layer)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.SEPARABLE_CONV_7_2:
        layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
        layer = SeparableConv2D(
            'sep_conv7x7_1', layer, out_filters, 7, strides=strides, activation=BNReLU)
        layer = SeparableConv2D('sep_conv7x7_2', layer, out_filters, 7, strides=1)
        layer = BatchNorm('bn', layer)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.DILATED_CONV_3:
        if strides > 1:
            layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
            layer = _factorized_reduction(
                'dil_reduction', layer, out_filters, data_format)
        layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
        layer = SeparableConv2D(
            'dil_conv3x3', layer, out_filters, 3,
            strides=1, dilation_rate=(2, 2))
        layer = BatchNorm('bn', layer)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.DILATED_CONV_5:
        if strides > 1:
            layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
            layer = _factorized_reduction(
                'dil_reduction', layer, out_filters, data_format)
        layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
        layer = SeparableConv2D(
            'dil_conv5x5', layer, out_filters, 5,
            strides=1, dilation_rate=(2, 2))
        layer = BatchNorm('bn', layer)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.MAXPOOL_3x3:
        layer = MaxPooling('maxpool', layer, pool_size=3, strides=strides, padding='same')
        ch_in = _get_dim(layer, ch_dim)
        if ch_in != out_filters:
            projection_layer('proj_maxpool', layer, out_filters, ch_dim)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.AVGPOOL_3x3:
        layer = AvgPooling('avgpool', layer, pool_size=3, strides=strides, padding='same')
        ch_in = _get_dim(layer, ch_dim)
        if ch_in != out_filters:
            projection_layer('proj_avgpool', layer, out_filters, ch_dim)
        return layer

    elif operation in [
            LayerTypes.GATED_LAYER, LayerTypes.ANTI_GATED_LAYER,
        if strides > 1:
            layer = _factorized_reduction(
                'gate_reduction', layer, out_filters, data_format)
        # this is important for computing hallucination statistics.
        pre_gate_layer = layer
        if operation == LayerTypes.GATED_LAYER:
            layer = finalized_gated_layer('gated_layer', layer)
        elif operation == LayerTypes.NO_FORWARD_LAYER:
            layer = candidate_gated_layer('gated_layer', layer)
            layer = finalized_gated_layer('anti_gated_layer', layer, init_val=1.0)
        layer.pre_gate_layer = pre_gate_layer
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.FullyConnected:
        layer = FullyConnected('fully_connect', layer, out_filters)
        layer = tf.nn.relu(layer, 'relu')
        return layer

    elif operation in [
            LayerTypes.FC_TANH_MUL_GATE, LayerTypes.FC_SGMD_MUL_GATE,
            LayerTypes.FC_RELU_MUL_GATE, LayerTypes.FC_IDEN_MUL_GATE]:
        ht = FullyConnected(
            'fully_connect', layer, 2 * out_filters,
            activation=tf.identity, use_bias=False)
        ch_dim = 1
        h, t = tf.split(ht, 2, axis=ch_dim)
        t = tf.sigmoid(t)
        if operation == LayerTypes.FC_TANH_MUL_GATE:
            h = tf.tanh(h)
        elif operation == LayerTypes.FC_SGMD_MUL_GATE:
            h = tf.sigmoid(h)
        elif operation == LayerTypes.FC_RELU_MUL_GATE:
            h = tf.nn.relu(h)
        elif operation == LayerTypes.FC_IDEN_MUL_GATE:
            h = tf.identity(h)
        # add residual
        if _get_dim(layer, ch_dim) != out_filters:
            layer = FullyConnected(
                'proj_prev', layer, out_filters, activation=tf.identity)
        layer = layer + t * (h - layer)
        return layer

    elif operation == LayerTypes.MLP_RESIDUAL_LAYER:
        raise NotImplementedError("MLP residual layer is not yet implemented")

        raise NotImplementedError("Have not implemented operation {}".format(operation))