import cffi import dolfinx import numba import numba.core.typing.cffi_utils as cffi_support import numpy as np import petsc4py.lib import pytest import ufl from dolfinx.jit import dolfinx_pc from mpi4py import MPI from petsc4py import PETSc from petsc4py import get_config as PETSc_get_config from ufl import dx, inner # Get details of PETSc install petsc_dir = PETSc_get_config()['PETSC_DIR'] petsc_arch = petsc4py.lib.getPathArchPETSc()[1] # Get PETSc int and scalar types if np.dtype(PETSc.ScalarType).kind == 'c': complex = True else: complex = False scalar_size = np.dtype(PETSc.ScalarType).itemsize index_size = np.dtype(PETSc.IntType).itemsize if index_size == 8: c_int_t = "int64_t" ctypes_index = ctypes.c_int64
def initialize_petsc() -> typing.Tuple[cffi.FFI, typing.Any]: """ Initialize petsc and CFFI for usage in numba """ # Get details of PETSc install petsc_dir = PETSc_get_config()['PETSC_DIR'] petsc_arch = petsc4py.lib.getPathArchPETSc()[1] # Get PETSc int and scalar types cmplx = True if np.dtype(PETSc.ScalarType).kind == 'c' else False scalar_size = np.dtype(PETSc.ScalarType).itemsize index_size = np.dtype(PETSc.IntType).itemsize if index_size == 8: c_int_t = "int64_t" ctypes_index = ctypes.c_int64 # type: ignore elif index_size == 4: c_int_t = "int32_t" ctypes_index = ctypes.c_int32 # type: ignore else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot translate PETSc index size into a C type, index_size: {}." .format(index_size)) if cmplx and scalar_size == 16: c_scalar_t = "double _Complex" numba_scalar_t = numba.types.complex128 elif cmplx and scalar_size == 8: c_scalar_t = "float _Complex" numba_scalar_t = numba.types.complex64 elif not cmplx and scalar_size == 8: c_scalar_t = "double" numba_scalar_t = numba.types.float64 elif not cmplx and scalar_size == 4: c_scalar_t = "float" numba_scalar_t = numba.types.float32 else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot translate PETSc scalar type to a C type, complex: {} size: {}." .format(complex, scalar_size)) # Load PETSc library via ctypes petsc_lib_name = ctypes.util.find_library("petsc") if petsc_lib_name is not None: petsc_lib_ctypes = ctypes.CDLL(petsc_lib_name) else: try: petsc_lib_ctypes = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join( petsc_dir, petsc_arch, "lib", "")) except OSError: try: petsc_lib_ctypes = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join( petsc_dir, petsc_arch, "lib", "libpetsc.dylib")) except OSError: raise RuntimeError("Could not load PETSc library for CFFI (ABI mode).") # Get the PETSc MatSetValuesLocal function via ctypes MatSetValues_ctypes = petsc_lib_ctypes.MatSetValuesLocal MatSetValues_ctypes.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes_index, ctypes.POINTER( ctypes_index), ctypes_index, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes_index), ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int) del petsc_lib_ctypes # CFFI - register complex types ffi = cffi.FFI() cffi_support.register_type(ffi.typeof( 'double _Complex'), numba.types.complex128) cffi_support.register_type(ffi.typeof('float _Complex'), numba.types.complex64) # Get MatSetValuesLocal from PETSc available via cffi in ABI mode ffi.cdef("""int MatSetValuesLocal(void* mat, {0} nrow, const {0}* irow, {0} ncol, const {0}* icol, const {1}* y, int addv); """.format(c_int_t, c_scalar_t)) if petsc_lib_name is not None: ffi.dlopen(petsc_lib_name) else: try: ffi.dlopen(os.path.join(petsc_dir, petsc_arch, "lib", "")) except OSError: try: ffi.dlopen(os.path.join(petsc_dir, petsc_arch, "lib", "libpetsc.dylib")) except OSError: raise RuntimeError("Could not load PETSc library for CFFI (ABI mode).") # Make MatSetValuesLocal from PETSc available via cffi in API mode worker = os.getenv('ASSEMBLE_XDIST_WORKER', None) module_name = "_petsc_cffi_{}".format(worker) if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0: os.environ["CC"] = "mpicc" ffibuilder = cffi.FFI() ffibuilder.cdef(""" typedef int... PetscInt; typedef ... PetscScalar; typedef int... InsertMode; int MatSetValuesLocal(void* mat, PetscInt nrow, const PetscInt* irow, PetscInt ncol, const PetscInt* icol, const PetscScalar* y, InsertMode addv); """) ffibuilder.set_source(module_name, """ # include "petscmat.h" """, libraries=['petsc'], include_dirs=[os.path.join(petsc_dir, petsc_arch, 'include'), os.path.join(petsc_dir, 'include')], library_dirs=[os.path.join( petsc_dir, petsc_arch, 'lib')], extra_compile_args=[]) # Build module in same directory as python script ffibuilder.compile(".", verbose=False) MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier() module = importlib.import_module(module_name, ".") cffi_support.register_module(module) MatSetValuesLocal_api = module.lib.MatSetValuesLocal cffi_support.register_type(module.ffi.typeof("PetscScalar"), numba_scalar_t) return ffi, MatSetValuesLocal_api