Example #1
 def test_unicode(self):
     # Unicode interface
     u = u'abc€þ¾½³ð'
     p = pexpect.spawn('cat')
     # Bytes interface
     u = u.encode('utf-8')
     pb = pexpect.spawnb('cat')
Example #2
 def system(self, cmd, output=False, handle=None):
     patterns = [pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF]
     EOF_index = patterns.index(pexpect.EOF)
     out_size = 0
     out = ''
         if hasattr(pexpect, 'spawnb'):
             child = pexpect.spawnb(self.sh, args=['-c', cmd])  # Pexpect-U
             child = pexpect.spawn(self.sh, args=['-c',
                                                  cmd])  # Vanilla Pexpect
         if handle: handle(child)
         flush = sys.stdout.flush
         while True:
             res_idx = child.expect_list(patterns, self.read_timeout)
             line = child.before[out_size:].decode(enc, 'replace')
             if output: out += line
             print(line, end='')
             if res_idx == EOF_index: break
             out_size = len(child.before)
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
             out_size = len(child.before)
             child.expect_list(patterns, self.terminate_timeout)
             line = child.before[out_size:].decode(enc, 'replace')
             if output: out += line
             print(line, end='')
         except KeyboardInterrupt:
     if child.exitstatus is None:
         if child.signalstatus is None:
             return 0, out
         return -child.signalstatus, out
     if child.exitstatus > 128:
         return -(child.exitstatus - 128), out
     return child.exitstatus, out
Example #3
    def system(self, cmd):
        """Execute a command in a subshell.

        cmd : str
          A command to be executed in the system shell.

        int : child's exitstatus
        # Get likely encoding for the output.
        enc = DEFAULT_ENCODING
        # Patterns to match on the output, for pexpect.  We read input and
        # allow either a short timeout or EOF
        patterns = [pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF]
        # the index of the EOF pattern in the list.
        # even though we know it's 1, this call means we don't have to worry if
        # we change the above list, and forget to change this value:
        EOF_index = patterns.index(pexpect.EOF)
        # The size of the output stored so far in the process output buffer.
        # Since pexpect only appends to this buffer, each time we print we
        # record how far we've printed, so that next time we only print *new*
        # content from the buffer.
        out_size = 0
            # Since we're not really searching the buffer for text patterns, we
            # can set pexpect's search window to be tiny and it won't matter.
            # We only search for the 'patterns' timeout or EOF, which aren't in
            # the text itself.
            #child = pexpect.spawn(pcmd, searchwindowsize=1)
            if hasattr(pexpect, 'spawnb'):
                child = pexpect.spawnb(self.sh, args=['-c', cmd]) # Pexpect-U
                child = pexpect.spawn(self.sh, args=['-c', cmd])  # Vanilla Pexpect
            flush = sys.stdout.flush
            while True:
                # res is the index of the pattern that caused the match, so we
                # know whether we've finished (if we matched EOF) or not
                res_idx = child.expect_list(patterns, self.read_timeout)
                print(child.before[out_size:].decode(enc, 'replace'), end='')
                if res_idx==EOF_index:
                # Update the pointer to what we've already printed
                out_size = len(child.before)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # We need to send ^C to the process.  The ascii code for '^C' is 3
            # (the character is known as ETX for 'End of Text', see
            # curses.ascii.ETX).
            # Read and print any more output the program might produce on its
            # way out.
                out_size = len(child.before)
                child.expect_list(patterns, self.terminate_timeout)
                print(child.before[out_size:].decode(enc, 'replace'), end='')
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                # Impatient users tend to type it multiple times
                # Ensure the subprocess really is terminated
        # add isalive check, to ensure exitstatus is set:

        # We follow the subprocess pattern, returning either the exit status
        # as a positive number, or the terminating signal as a negative
        # number.
        # on Linux, sh returns 128+n for signals terminating child processes on Linux
        # on BSD (OS X), the signal code is set instead
        if child.exitstatus is None:
            # on WIFSIGNALED, pexpect sets signalstatus, leaving exitstatus=None
            if child.signalstatus is None:
                # this condition may never occur,
                # but let's be certain we always return an integer.
                return 0
            return -child.signalstatus
        if child.exitstatus > 128:
            return -(child.exitstatus - 128)
        return child.exitstatus
    def system(self, cmd):
        """Execute a command in a subshell.

        cmd : str
            A command to be executed in the system shell.

        int : child's exitstatus
        # Get likely encoding for the output.
        enc = DEFAULT_ENCODING

        # Patterns to match on the output, for pexpect.  We read input and
        # allow either a short timeout or EOF
        patterns = [pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF]
        # the index of the EOF pattern in the list.
        # even though we know it's 1, this call means we don't have to worry if
        # we change the above list, and forget to change this value:
        EOF_index = patterns.index(pexpect.EOF)
        # The size of the output stored so far in the process output buffer.
        # Since pexpect only appends to this buffer, each time we print we
        # record how far we've printed, so that next time we only print *new*
        # content from the buffer.
        out_size = 0
            # Since we're not really searching the buffer for text patterns, we
            # can set pexpect's search window to be tiny and it won't matter.
            # We only search for the 'patterns' timeout or EOF, which aren't in
            # the text itself.
            #child = pexpect.spawn(pcmd, searchwindowsize=1)
            if hasattr(pexpect, 'spawnb'):
                child = pexpect.spawnb(self.sh, args=['-c', cmd])  # Pexpect-U
                child = pexpect.spawn(self.sh, args=['-c',
                                                     cmd])  # Vanilla Pexpect
            flush = sys.stdout.flush
            while True:
                # res is the index of the pattern that caused the match, so we
                # know whether we've finished (if we matched EOF) or not
                res_idx = child.expect_list(patterns, self.read_timeout)
                print(child.before[out_size:].decode(enc, 'replace'), end='')
                if res_idx == EOF_index:
                # Update the pointer to what we've already printed
                out_size = len(child.before)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # We need to send ^C to the process.  The ascii code for '^C' is 3
            # (the character is known as ETX for 'End of Text', see
            # curses.ascii.ETX).
            # Read and print any more output the program might produce on its
            # way out.
                out_size = len(child.before)
                child.expect_list(patterns, self.terminate_timeout)
                print(child.before[out_size:].decode(enc, 'replace'), end='')
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                # Impatient users tend to type it multiple times
                # Ensure the subprocess really is terminated
        # add isalive check, to ensure exitstatus is set:

        # We follow the subprocess pattern, returning either the exit status
        # as a positive number, or the terminating signal as a negative
        # number.
        # on Linux, sh returns 128+n for signals terminating child processes on Linux
        # on BSD (OS X), the signal code is set instead
        if child.exitstatus is None:
            # on WIFSIGNALED, pexpect sets signalstatus, leaving exitstatus=None
            if child.signalstatus is None:
                # this condition may never occur,
                # but let's be certain we always return an integer.
                return 0
            return -child.signalstatus
        if child.exitstatus > 128:
            return -(child.exitstatus - 128)
        return child.exitstatus