def one_run(filter_type, num_steps, data_factor=1, filter_factor=1, num_particles=100, seed=None): if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) alphas = np.array([0.05**2, 0.005**2, 0.1**2, 0.01**2]) beta = np.diag([np.deg2rad(5)**2]) env = Field(data_factor * alphas, data_factor * beta) policy = policies.OpenLoopRectanglePolicy() initial_mean = np.array([180, 50, 0]).reshape((-1, 1)) initial_cov = np.diag([10, 10, 1]) if filter_type == 'none': filt = None elif filter_type == 'ekf': filt = ExtendedKalmanFilter(initial_mean, initial_cov, filter_factor * alphas, filter_factor * beta) elif filter_type == 'pf': filt = ParticleFilter(initial_mean, initial_cov, num_particles, filter_factor * alphas, filter_factor * beta) # You may want to edit this line to run multiple localization experiments. #mean_position_error= localize(env, policy, filt, initial_mean, num_steps,False) mean_position_error, anees = localize(env, policy, filt, initial_mean, num_steps, False) return mean_position_error, anees
def __init__(self): print("init RobotLocalizer") rospy.init_node('localizer') self.tfHelper = TFHelper() self.xs = None self.ys = None self.ranges = [] # Lidar scan self.last_odom_msg = None print(self.last_odom_msg) self.diff_transform = { 'translation': None, 'rotation': None, } self.odom_changed = False # Toggles to True when the odom frame has changed enough # subscribers and publisher self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.process_scan) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, self.update_odom) ### Used for the particle filter # publisher for the particle cloud for visualizing in rviz. self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10) # publisher for the top weighted particle self.topparticle_pub = rospy.Publisher("topparticle", PoseArray, queue_size=10) # publisher for rviz markers self.pub_markers = rospy.Publisher('/visualization_markerarray', MarkerArray, queue_size=10) self.particle_filter = ParticleFilter(self.topparticle_pub, self.particle_pub, self.pub_markers) print("ParticleFilter initialized") print("RobotLocalizer initialized")
def __init__(self): print('Initializing') self.initialized = False # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup rospy.init_node('localizer') = ParticleFilter() self.base_frame = "base_link" # Robot base frame self.map_frame = "map" # Map coord frame self.odom_frame = "odom" # Odom coord frame self.scan_topic = "scan" # Laser scan topic self.linear_threshold = 0.1 # the amount of linear movement before performing an update self.angular_threshold = math.pi / 10 # the amount of angular movement before performing an update self.max_dist = 2.0 # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model self.odom_pose = PoseStamped() self.robot_pose = Pose() self.robot_pose = Pose() self.scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.process_scan) # init pf # subscribers and publisher self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, self.odom_particle_updater) rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.pose_updater) # enable listening for and broadcasting coord transforms self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster() self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField() self.transform_helper = TFHelper() self.current_odom_xy_theta = [] print("initialization complete") self.initialized = True
alphas = np.array([0.05**2, 0.005**2, 0.1**2, 0.01**2]) beta = np.diag([np.deg2rad(5)**2]) env = Field(args.data_factor * alphas, args.data_factor * beta) policy = policies.OpenLoopRectanglePolicy() initial_mean = np.array([180, 50, 0]).reshape((-1, 1)) initial_cov = np.diag([10, 10, 1]) if args.filter_type == 'none': filt = None elif args.filter_type == 'ekf': filt = ExtendedKalmanFilter( initial_mean, initial_cov, args.filter_factor * alphas, args.filter_factor * beta ) elif args.filter_type == 'pf': filt = ParticleFilter( initial_mean, initial_cov, args.num_particles, args.filter_factor * alphas, args.filter_factor * beta ) # You may want to edit this line to run multiple localization experiments. localize(env, policy, filt, initial_mean, args.num_steps, args.plot)
class RobotLocalizer(object): """ doc """ def __init__(self): print("init RobotLocalizer") rospy.init_node('localizer') self.tfHelper = TFHelper() self.xs = None self.ys = None self.ranges = [] # Lidar scan self.last_odom_msg = None print(self.last_odom_msg) self.diff_transform = { 'translation': None, 'rotation': None, } self.odom_changed = False # Toggles to True when the odom frame has changed enough # subscribers and publisher self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.process_scan) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, self.update_odom) ### Used for the particle filter # publisher for the particle cloud for visualizing in rviz. self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10) # publisher for the top weighted particle self.topparticle_pub = rospy.Publisher("topparticle", PoseArray, queue_size=10) # publisher for rviz markers self.pub_markers = rospy.Publisher('/visualization_markerarray', MarkerArray, queue_size=10) self.particle_filter = ParticleFilter(self.topparticle_pub, self.particle_pub, self.pub_markers) print("ParticleFilter initialized") print("RobotLocalizer initialized") def update_odom(self, msg): MIN_TRAVEL_DISANCE = 0.1 MIN_TRAVEL_ANGLE = math.radians(5) if self.last_odom_msg is None: self.last_odom_msg = msg return last_xyt = self.tfHelper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta( self.last_odom_msg.pose.pose) current_xyt = self.tfHelper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose) # Get translation in odom translation = [ current_xyt[0] - last_xyt[0], # x current_xyt[1] - last_xyt[1], # y ] # rotate to vehicle frame translation = self.tfHelper.rotate_2d_vector( translation, -1 * last_xyt[2]) # negative angle to counter rotation # get orientation diff theta = self.tfHelper.angle_diff(current_xyt[2], last_xyt[2]) # Schedule to update particle filter if there's enough change distance_travelled = math.sqrt(translation[0]**2 + translation[1]**2) if distance_travelled > MIN_TRAVEL_DISANCE or theta > MIN_TRAVEL_ANGLE: # TODO(matt): consider using actual transform # last_to_current_transform = self.tfHelper.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose( # translation, self.tfHelper.convert_theta_to_quaternion(theta) # ) print("travelled: {}".format(distance_travelled)) last_to_current_transform = { 'translation': translation, 'rotation': theta, } print("transform\n x: {}\n y: {}".format( last_to_current_transform['translation'][0], last_to_current_transform['translation'][1])) self.diff_transform = last_to_current_transform self.last_odom_msg = msg self.odom_changed = True def process_scan(self, m): """Storing lidar data """ #TODO: self.ranges = m.ranges xs = [] ys = [] for i in range(len(self.ranges)): if self.ranges[i] != 0: theta = math.radians(i) r = self.ranges[i] xf = math.cos(theta) * r yf = math.sin(theta) * r xs.append(xf) ys.append(yf) self.xs = xs self.ys = ys def get_x_directions(self, x): interval = 360 / x angle = 0 directions = [] for i in range(x): dist = self.ranges[angle] directions.append((math.radians(angle), dist)) angle = angle + interval return directions def gen_neighbor_particles(self): """Generates particles around given points""" #TODO: pass def find_all_nearest_objects(self): """Determines nearest non-zero point of all point (loops through)""" #TODO: pass def get_encoder_value(self): """Records odom movement, translate to x, y, and theta""" #TODO: pass """ Functions to write or figure out where they are: Order of particle filter: 1. DONE generate initial 500 random particles 2. DONE get ranges from robot -determine 8 values for directions -find lowest distance to obstacle 3. Process particles - project lowest distance from robot onto each particle -DONE for each particle get nearest object -> error distance -DONE 1/error distance = particle.weight 4. DONE publish particle with highest weight 5. DONE resample particles based on weight 6. DONE move robot - get transform 7. DONE transform resampled points with randomness """ def run(self): # save odom position (Odom or TF Module) # self.generate_random_points() NUM_DIRECTIONS = 8 self.particle_filter.gen_init_particles() # # Get lidar readings in x directions # robo_pts = self.get_x_directions(NUM_DIRECTIONS) # # For each particle compare lidar scan with map # self.particle_filter.compare_points(robo_pts) # # # Publish best guessself.particle_filter.gen_init_particles() # self.particle_filter.publish_top_particle(self.topparticle_pub) # # # Resample particles # self.particle_filter.resample_particles() # # # Publish cloud # self.particle_filter.publish_particle_cloud(self.particle_pub) r = rospy.Rate(5) while not (rospy.is_shutdown()): self.particle_filter.gauge_particle_position() if (self.odom_changed): print("Odom changed, let's do some stuff") # Get lidar readings in x directions robo_pts = self.get_x_directions(NUM_DIRECTIONS) # Update particle poses self.particle_filter.update_all_particles(self.diff_transform) # Display new markers self.particle_filter.draw_markerArray() # For each particle compare lidar scan with map self.particle_filter.compare_points(robo_pts) # Publish best guess self.particle_filter.gen_init_particles() top_particle_pose = self.particle_filter.publish_top_particle() self.tfHelper.fix_map_to_odom_transform( top_particle_pose, rospy.Time(0)) # TODO: Move? # Resample particles self.particle_filter.resample_particles() # Publish cloud self.particle_filter.publish_particle_cloud() # Wait until robot moves enough again self.odom_changed = False self.tfHelper.send_last_map_to_odom_transform() r.sleep()
class RobotLocalizer(object): ''' The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node ''' def __init__(self): print('Initializing') self.initialized = False # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup rospy.init_node('localizer') = ParticleFilter() self.base_frame = "base_link" # Robot base frame self.map_frame = "map" # Map coord frame self.odom_frame = "odom" # Odom coord frame self.scan_topic = "scan" # Laser scan topic self.linear_threshold = 0.1 # the amount of linear movement before performing an update self.angular_threshold = math.pi / 10 # the amount of angular movement before performing an update self.max_dist = 2.0 # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model self.odom_pose = PoseStamped() self.robot_pose = Pose() self.robot_pose = Pose() self.scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.process_scan) # init pf # subscribers and publisher self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, self.odom_particle_updater) rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.pose_updater) # enable listening for and broadcasting coord transforms self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster() self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField() self.transform_helper = TFHelper() self.current_odom_xy_theta = [] print("initialization complete") self.initialized = True def robot_pose_updater(self): ''' Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles by computing the mean pose''' # Calculate avg particle position based on pose mean_particle = Particle(0, 0, 0, 0) mean_particle_theta_x = 0 mean_particle_theta_y = 0 for particle in mean_particle.x += particle.x * particle.w mean_particle.y += particle.y * particle.w # Using trig to calculate angle (@Paul I hate Trigonometry!) distance_vector = np.sqrt( np.square(particle.y) + np.square(particle.x)) mean_particle_theta_x += distance_vector * np.cos( particle.theta) * particle.w mean_particle_theta_y += distance_vector * np.sin( particle.theta) * particle.w mean_particle.theta = np.arctan2(float(mean_particle_theta_y), float(mean_particle_theta_x)) self.robot_pose = mean_particle.particle_to_pose() # Get the laser messages def laserCallback(self, msg): self.laserCallback = msg def odom_particle_updater(self, msg): ''' Updates particles based on new odom pose using a delta value for x,y,theta''' new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta( self.odom_pose.pose) # compute the change (delta) in x,y,theta if self.current_odom_xy_theta: old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0], new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1], new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta else: self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta return odom_noise = .25 # noise level ''' updates the particles based on angle1, dist, and angle2. angle1: Angle by which the robot rotates to face new xy position dist: Distance to move forward to xy position angle2: Angle by which the robot rotates to face final direction ''' for particle in # calculates angle1, d, and angle2 angle1 = np.arctan2(float(delta[1]), float( delta[0])) - old_odom_xy_theta[2] dist = np.sqrt(np.square(delta[0]) + np.square(delta[1])) angle2 = delta[2] - angle1 # updates the particles with the above variables, while also adding in some noise #This is the part of class where Paul moved and we all updated based on that movement particle.theta = particle.theta + angle1 * ( random_sample() * odom_noise + (1 - odom_noise / 2.0)) particle.x = particle.x + dist * np.cos( particle.theta) * (random_sample() * odom_noise + (1 - odom_noise / 2.0)) particle.y = particle.y + dist * np.sin( particle.theta) * (random_sample() * odom_noise + (1 - odom_noise / 2.0)) particle.theta = particle.theta + angle2 * ( random_sample() * odom_noise + (1 - odom_noise / 2.0)) def particle_resampler(self): '''Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.''' # make sure the distribution is normalized particle_list = [] weights = [] num_samples = len( for particle in particle_list.append(particle) weights.append(particle.w) = self.draw_random_sample( particle_list, weights, num_samples) def draw_random_sample(self, choices, probabilities, n): """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities choices: the values to sample from represented as a list probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list n: the number of samples """ # sets up an index list for the chosen particles, and makes bins for the probabilities values = np.array(range(len(choices))) probs = np.array(probabilities) bins = np.add.accumulate(probs) inds = values[np.digitize( random_sample(n), bins )] # chooses the new particles based on the probabilities of the old ones samples = [] for i in inds: samples.append( deepcopy(choices[int(i)]) ) # makes the new particle cloud based on the chosen particles return samples def laser_particle_updater(self, msg): '''Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg''' # Find the total error for each particle based on 36 laser measurements taken from the Neato's actual position for particle in error = [] for theta in range(0, 360, 10): rad = np.radians(theta) err = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance( particle.x + msg.ranges[theta] * np.cos(particle.theta + rad), particle.y + msg.ranges[theta] * np.sin(particle.theta + rad)) if ( math.isnan(err) ): # if the get_closest_obstacle_distance method finds that a point is out of bounds, then the particle can't ever be it particle.w = 0 break if ( sum(error) == 0 ): # if the particle is basically a perfect match, then we make the particle almost always enter the next iteration through resampling particle.w = 1.0 else: particle.w = 1.0 / sum( error ) # the errors are inverted such that large errors become small and small errors become large def pose_updater(self, msg): ''' Restart particle filter based on updated pose ''' xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta( msg.pose.pose) #self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg) self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg) print("particle cloud initialized") def process_scan(self, msg): '''Handling laser data to update our understanding of the robot based on laser and odometry''' if not (self.initialized): print("first if not") # wait for initialization to complete return if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform('base_link', msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)): # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node return if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform('base_link', 'odom', msg.header.stamp)): # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node return # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base pose = PoseStamped( header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id)) self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, pose) # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry pose = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp, frame_id=self.base_frame), pose=Pose()) self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, pose) # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta) new_odom_xy_theta = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta( self.odom_pose.pose) if not ( # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud # cache the last odometry pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.linear_threshold or self.angular_threshold self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized print("Trying to initialize!") self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg) print("Initialized finally!") else: # we have moved far enough to do an update! #self.odom_particle_updater(msg) # update based on odometry #print("map!") #self.laser_particle_updater(msg) # update based on laser scan #self.robot_pose_updater() # update robot's pose self.particle_resampler( ) # resample particles to focus on areas of high density self.fix_map_to_odom_transform( msg ) # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg): """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from the localizer """ (translation, rotation) = \ self.transform_helper.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose) pose = PoseStamped( pose=self.transform_helper.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose( translation, rotation), header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp, frame_id=self.base_frame)) self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(1.0)) self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose( self.odom_frame, pose) (self.translation, self.rotation) = self.transform_helper.convert_pose_inverse_transform( self.odom_to_map.pose) def send_last_map_to_odom_transform(self): if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')): print("sup dude") return self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation, rospy.get_rostime(), 'odom', 'map')
dest='m_noise', required=False, type=float, help='The amount of motion noise to add to the particle filter.') parser.add_argument( '--ignore-regions', dest='ignore_regions', action='store_true', help='Set this flag to disable using the region probabilities.') args = parser.parse_args() config = get_pf_config(args.config_file) building_map = BuildingMap(args.map_data) # If this is a feed generator run, start the user simulator. if args.make_feed: simulation = Simulation(building_map, args.feed) w = DisplayWindow(building_map, args.map_image, sim=simulation) w.start_make_feed() # Otherwise, run the particle filter on an existing feed. else: display_on = False if args.no_disp else True c_noise = args.c_noise if args.c_noise else 0 m_noise = args.m_noise if args.m_noise else 0 feed_processor = FeedProcessor(args.feed, args.loop_feed, c_noise, m_noise, ignore_regions=args.ignore_regions) pf = ParticleFilter(config, building_map, feed_processor) w = DisplayWindow(building_map, args.map_image, pf, display=display_on) w.start_particle_filter()