def _main(dest=sys.stdout): from pfb.parser import create_parser args = create_parser().parse_args() if not args.nthreads: import multiprocessing args.nthreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if not args.mem_limit: import psutil args.mem_limit = int(psutil.virtual_memory()[0] / 1e9) # 100% of memory by default import numpy as np import numba import numexpr import dask import dask.array as da from daskms import xds_from_ms, xds_from_table from import fits from pfb.utils.fits import (set_wcs, load_fits, save_fits, compare_headers, data_from_header) from pfb.utils.restoration import fitcleanbeam from pfb.utils.misc import Gaussian2D from pfb.operators.gridder import Gridder from pfb.operators.psf import PSF from pfb.deconv.sara import sara from pfb.deconv.clean import clean from pfb.deconv.spotless import spotless from pfb.deconv.nnls import nnls from pfb.opt.pcg import pcg if not isinstance(, list): = [] pyscilog.log_to_file(args.outfile + '.log') pyscilog.enable_memory_logging(level=3) GD = vars(args) print('Input Options:', file=log) for key in GD.keys(): print(' %25s = %s' % (key, GD[key]), file=log) # get max uv coords over all fields uvw = [] u_max = 0.0 v_max = 0.0 all_freqs = [] for ims in xds = xds_from_ms(ims, group_cols=('FIELD_ID', 'DATA_DESC_ID'), columns=('UVW'), chunks={'row': args.row_chunks}) spws = xds_from_table(ims + "::SPECTRAL_WINDOW", group_cols="__row__") spws = dask.compute(spws)[0] for ds in xds: uvw = u_max = da.maximum(u_max, abs(uvw[:, 0]).max()) v_max = da.maximum(v_max, abs(uvw[:, 1]).max()) uv_max = da.maximum(u_max, v_max) spw = spws[ds.DATA_DESC_ID] tmp_freq = all_freqs.append(list([tmp_freq])) uv_max = u_max.compute() del uvw # get Nyquist cell size from africanus.constants import c as lightspeed all_freqs = dask.compute(all_freqs) freq = np.unique(all_freqs) cell_N = 1.0 / (2 * uv_max * freq.max() / lightspeed) if args.cell_size is not None: cell_rad = args.cell_size * np.pi / 60 / 60 / 180 if cell_N / cell_rad < 1: raise ValueError( "Requested cell size too small. " "Super resolution factor = ", cell_N / cell_rad) print("Super resolution factor = %f" % (cell_N / cell_rad), file=dest) else: cell_rad = cell_N / args.super_resolution_factor args.cell_size = cell_rad * 60 * 60 * 180 / np.pi print("Cell size set to %5.5e arcseconds" % args.cell_size, file=dest) if args.nx is None or args.ny is None: from ducc0.fft import good_size fov = args.fov * 3600 npix = int(fov / args.cell_size) if npix % 2: npix += 1 args.nx = good_size(npix) args.ny = good_size(npix) if args.nband is None: args.nband = freq.size print("Image size set to (%i, %i, %i)" % (args.nband, args.nx, args.ny), file=dest) # mask if args.mask is not None: mask_array = load_fits(args.mask, dtype=args.real_type).squeeze() if mask_array.shape != (args.nx, args.ny): raise ValueError("Mask has incorrect shape.") # add freq axis mask_array = mask_array[None] def mask(x): return mask_array * x else: mask_array = None def mask(x): return x # init gridder R = Gridder(, args.nx, args.ny, args.cell_size, nband=args.nband, nthreads=args.nthreads, do_wstacking=args.do_wstacking, row_chunks=args.row_chunks, psf_oversize=args.psf_oversize, data_column=args.data_column, epsilon=args.epsilon, weight_column=args.weight_column, imaging_weight_column=args.imaging_weight_column, model_column=args.model_column, flag_column=args.flag_column, weighting=args.weighting, robust=args.robust, mem_limit=int( 0.8 * args.mem_limit)) # assumes gridding accounts for 80% memory freq_out = R.freq_out radec = R.radec print("PSF size set to (%i, %i, %i)" % (args.nband, R.nx_psf, R.ny_psf), file=dest) # get headers hdr = set_wcs(args.cell_size / 3600, args.cell_size / 3600, args.nx, args.ny, radec, freq_out) hdr_mfs = set_wcs(args.cell_size / 3600, args.cell_size / 3600, args.nx, args.ny, radec, np.mean(freq_out)) hdr_psf = set_wcs(args.cell_size / 3600, args.cell_size / 3600, R.nx_psf, R.ny_psf, radec, freq_out) hdr_psf_mfs = set_wcs(args.cell_size / 3600, args.cell_size / 3600, R.nx_psf, R.ny_psf, radec, np.mean(freq_out)) # psf if args.psf is not None: try: compare_headers(hdr_psf, fits.getheader(args.psf)) psf = load_fits(args.psf, dtype=args.real_type).squeeze() except BaseException: raise psf = R.make_psf() save_fits(args.outfile + '_psf.fits', psf, hdr_psf) else: psf = R.make_psf() save_fits(args.outfile + '_psf.fits', psf, hdr_psf) # Normalising by wsum (so that the PSF always sums to 1) results in the # most intuitive sig_21 values and by far the least bookkeeping. # However, we won't save the cubes that way as it destroys information # about the noise in image space. Note only the MFS images will have the # usual units of Jy/beam. wsums = np.amax(psf.reshape(args.nband, R.nx_psf * R.ny_psf), axis=1) wsum = np.sum(wsums) psf /= wsum psf_mfs = np.sum(psf, axis=0) # fit restoring psf GaussPar = fitcleanbeam(psf_mfs[None], level=0.5, pixsize=1.0) GaussPars = fitcleanbeam(psf, level=0.5, pixsize=1.0) cpsf_mfs = np.zeros(psf_mfs.shape, dtype=args.real_type) cpsf = np.zeros(psf.shape, dtype=args.real_type) lpsf = np.arange(-R.nx_psf / 2, R.nx_psf / 2) mpsf = np.arange(-R.ny_psf / 2, R.ny_psf / 2) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(lpsf, mpsf, indexing='ij') cpsf_mfs = Gaussian2D(xx, yy, GaussPar[0], normalise=False) for v in range(args.nband): cpsf[v] = Gaussian2D(xx, yy, GaussPars[v], normalise=False) from pfb.utils.fits import add_beampars GaussPar = list(GaussPar[0]) GaussPar[0] *= args.cell_size / 3600 GaussPar[1] *= args.cell_size / 3600 GaussPar = tuple(GaussPar) hdr_psf_mfs = add_beampars(hdr_psf_mfs, GaussPar) save_fits(args.outfile + '_cpsf_mfs.fits', cpsf_mfs, hdr_psf_mfs) save_fits(args.outfile + '_psf_mfs.fits', psf_mfs, hdr_psf_mfs) GaussPars = list(GaussPars) for b in range(args.nband): GaussPars[b] = list(GaussPars[b]) GaussPars[b][0] *= args.cell_size / 3600 GaussPars[b][1] *= args.cell_size / 3600 GaussPars[b] = tuple(GaussPars[b]) GaussPars = tuple(GaussPars) hdr_psf = add_beampars(hdr_psf, GaussPar, GaussPars) save_fits(args.outfile + '_cpsf.fits', cpsf, hdr_psf) # dirty if args.dirty is not None: try: compare_headers(hdr, fits.getheader(args.dirty)) dirty = load_fits(args.dirty).squeeze() except BaseException: raise dirty = R.make_dirty() save_fits(args.outfile + '_dirty.fits', dirty, hdr) else: dirty = R.make_dirty() save_fits(args.outfile + '_dirty.fits', dirty, hdr) dirty /= wsum dirty_mfs = np.sum(dirty, axis=0) save_fits(args.outfile + '_dirty_mfs.fits', dirty_mfs, hdr_mfs) quit() # initial model and residual if args.x0 is not None: try: compare_headers(hdr, fits.getheader(args.x0)) model = load_fits(args.x0, dtype=args.real_type).squeeze() if args.first_residual is not None: try: compare_headers(hdr, fits.getheader(args.first_residual)) residual = load_fits(args.first_residual, dtype=args.real_type).squeeze() except BaseException: residual = R.make_residual(model) save_fits(args.outfile + '_first_residual.fits', residual, hdr) else: residual = R.make_residual(model) save_fits(args.outfile + '_first_residual.fits', residual, hdr) residual /= wsum except BaseException: model = np.zeros((args.nband, args.nx, args.ny)) residual = dirty.copy() else: model = np.zeros((args.nband, args.nx, args.ny)) residual = dirty.copy() residual_mfs = np.sum(residual, axis=0) save_fits(args.outfile + '_first_residual_mfs.fits', residual_mfs, hdr_mfs) # smooth beam if args.beam_model is not None: if args.beam_model[-5:] == '.fits': beam_image = load_fits(args.beam_model, dtype=args.real_type).squeeze() if beam_image.shape != (args.nband, args.nx, args.ny): raise ValueError("Beam has incorrect shape") elif args.beam_model == "JimBeam": from katbeam import JimBeam if == 'l': beam = JimBeam('MKAT-AA-L-JIM-2020') else: beam = JimBeam('MKAT-AA-UHF-JIM-2020') beam_image = np.zeros((args.nband, args.nx, args.ny), dtype=args.real_type) l_coord, ref_l = data_from_header(hdr, axis=1) l_coord -= ref_l m_coord, ref_m = data_from_header(hdr, axis=2) m_coord -= ref_m xx, yy = np.meshgrid(l_coord, m_coord, indexing='ij') for v in range(args.nband): beam_image[v] = beam.I(xx, yy, freq_out[v]) def beam(x): return beam_image * x else: beam_image = None def beam(x): return x if args.init_nnls: print("Initialising with NNLS", file=log) model = nnls(psf, model, residual, mask=mask_array, beam_image=beam_image, hdr=hdr, hdr_mfs=hdr_mfs, outfile=args.outfile, maxit=1, nthreads=args.nthreads) residual = R.make_residual(beam(mask(model))) / wsum residual_mfs = np.sum(residual, axis=0) # deconvolve rmax = np.abs(residual_mfs).max() rms = np.std(residual_mfs) redo_dirty = False print("Peak of initial residual is %f and rms is %f" % (rmax, rms), file=dest) for i in range(0, args.maxit): # run minor cycle of choice modelp = model.copy() if args.deconv_mode == 'sara': model = sara(psf, model, residual, mask=mask_array, beam_image=beam_image, hessian=R.convolve, wsum=wsum, adapt_sig21=args.adapt_sig21, hdr=hdr, hdr_mfs=hdr_mfs, outfile=args.outfile, cpsf=cpsf, nthreads=args.nthreads, sig_21=args.sig_21, sigma_frac=args.sigma_frac, maxit=args.minormaxit, tol=args.minortol, gamma=args.gamma, psi_levels=args.psi_levels, psi_basis=args.psi_basis, pdtol=args.pdtol, pdmaxit=args.pdmaxit, pdverbose=args.pdverbose, positivity=args.positivity, cgtol=args.cgtol, cgminit=args.cgminit, cgmaxit=args.cgmaxit, cgverbose=args.cgverbose, pmtol=args.pmtol, pmmaxit=args.pmmaxit, pmverbose=args.pmverbose) elif args.deconv_mode == 'clean': model = clean(psf, model, residual, mask=mask_array, beam=beam_image, nthreads=args.nthreads, maxit=args.minormaxit, gamma=args.gamma, peak_factor=args.peak_factor, threshold=args.threshold, hbgamma=args.hbgamma, hbpf=args.hbpf, hbmaxit=args.hbmaxit, hbverbose=args.hbverbose) elif args.deconv_mode == 'spotless': model = spotless(psf, model, residual, mask=mask_array, beam_image=beam_image, hessian=R.convolve, wsum=wsum, adapt_sig21=args.adapt_sig21, cpsf=cpsf_mfs, hdr=hdr, hdr_mfs=hdr_mfs, outfile=args.outfile, sig_21=args.sig_21, sigma_frac=args.sigma_frac, nthreads=args.nthreads, gamma=args.gamma, peak_factor=args.peak_factor, maxit=args.minormaxit, tol=args.minortol, threshold=args.threshold, positivity=args.positivity, hbgamma=args.hbgamma, hbpf=args.hbpf, hbmaxit=args.hbmaxit, hbverbose=args.hbverbose, pdtol=args.pdtol, pdmaxit=args.pdmaxit, pdverbose=args.pdverbose, cgtol=args.cgtol, cgminit=args.cgminit, cgmaxit=args.cgmaxit, cgverbose=args.cgverbose, pmtol=args.pmtol, pmmaxit=args.pmmaxit, pmverbose=args.pmverbose) else: raise ValueError("Unknown deconvolution mode ", args.deconv_mode) # get residual if redo_dirty: # Need to do this if weights or Jones has changed # (eg. if we change robustness factor, reweight or calibrate) psf = R.make_psf() wsums = np.amax(psf.reshape(args.nband, R.nx_psf * R.ny_psf), axis=1) wsum = np.sum(wsums) psf /= wsum dirty = R.make_dirty() / wsum # compute in image space # residual = dirty - R.convolve(beam(mask(model))) / wsum residual = R.make_residual(beam(mask(model))) / wsum residual_mfs = np.sum(residual, axis=0) # save current iteration model_mfs = np.mean(model, axis=0) save_fits(args.outfile + '_major' + str(i + 1) + '_model_mfs.fits', model_mfs, hdr_mfs) save_fits(args.outfile + '_major' + str(i + 1) + '_model.fits', model, hdr) save_fits(args.outfile + '_major' + str(i + 1) + '_residual_mfs.fits', residual_mfs, hdr_mfs) save_fits(args.outfile + '_major' + str(i + 1) + '_residual.fits', residual * wsum, hdr) # check stopping criteria rmax = np.abs(residual_mfs).max() rms = np.std(residual_mfs) eps = np.linalg.norm(model - modelp) / np.linalg.norm(model) print("At iteration %i peak of residual is %f, rms is %f, current " "eps is %f" % (i + 1, rmax, rms, eps), file=dest) if eps < args.tol: break if args.mop_flux: print("Mopping flux", file=dest) # vague Gaussian prior on x def hess(x): return mask(beam(R.convolve(mask(beam(x))))) / wsum + 1e-6 * x def M(x): return x / 1e-6 # preconditioner x = pcg(hess, mask(beam(residual)), np.zeros(residual.shape, dtype=residual.dtype), M=M, tol=0.1 * args.cgtol, maxit=args.cgmaxit, minit=args.cgminit, verbosity=args.cgverbose) model += x # residual = dirty - R.convolve(beam(mask(model))) / wsum residual = R.make_residual(beam(mask(model))) / wsum save_fits(args.outfile + '_mopped_model.fits', model, hdr) save_fits(args.outfile + '_mopped_residual.fits', residual, hdr) model_mfs = np.mean(model, axis=0) save_fits(args.outfile + '_mopped_model_mfs.fits', model_mfs, hdr_mfs) residual_mfs = np.sum(residual, axis=0) save_fits(args.outfile + '_mopped_residual_mfs.fits', residual_mfs, hdr_mfs) rmax = np.abs(residual_mfs).max() rms = np.std(residual_mfs) print("After mopping flux peak of residual is %f, rms is %f" % (rmax, rms), file=dest) # if args.interp_model: # nband = args.nband # order = args.spectral_poly_order # phi.trim_fat(model) # I = np.argwhere(phi.mask).squeeze() # Ix = I[:, 0] # Iy = I[:, 1] # npix = I.shape[0] # # get components # beta = model[:, Ix, Iy] # # fit integrated polynomial to model components # # we are given frequencies at bin centers, convert to bin edges # ref_freq = np.mean(freq_out) # delta_freq = freq_out[1] - freq_out[0] # wlow = (freq_out - delta_freq/2.0)/ref_freq # whigh = (freq_out + delta_freq/2.0)/ref_freq # wdiff = whigh - wlow # # set design matrix for each component # Xdesign = np.zeros([freq_out.size, args.spectral_poly_order]) # for i in range(1, args.spectral_poly_order+1): # Xdesign[:, i-1] = (whigh**i - wlow**i)/(i*wdiff) # weights = psf_max[:, None] # dirty_comps =*beta) # hess_comps =*Xdesign) # comps = np.linalg.solve(hess_comps, dirty_comps) # np.savez(args.outfile + "spectral_comps", comps=comps, ref_freq=ref_freq, mask=np.any(model, axis=0)) if args.write_model: print("Writing model", file=dest) R.write_model(model) if args.make_restored: print("Making restored", file=dest) cpsfo = PSF(cpsf, residual.shape, nthreads=args.nthreads) restored = cpsfo.convolve(model) # residual needs to be in Jy/beam before adding to convolved model wsums = np.amax(psf.reshape(-1, R.nx_psf * R.ny_psf), axis=1) restored += residual / wsums[:, None, None] save_fits(args.outfile + '_restored.fits', restored, hdr) restored_mfs = np.mean(restored, axis=0) save_fits(args.outfile + '_restored_mfs.fits', restored_mfs, hdr_mfs) residual_mfs = np.sum(residual, axis=0)
def _forward(**kw): args = OmegaConf.create(kw) OmegaConf.set_struct(args, True) import numpy as np import numexpr as ne import dask import dask.array as da from dask.distributed import performance_report from pfb.utils.fits import load_fits, set_wcs, save_fits, data_from_header from pfb.opt.hogbom import hogbom from import fits print("Loading residual", file=log) residual = load_fits(args.residual, dtype=args.output_type).squeeze() nband, nx, ny = residual.shape hdr = fits.getheader(args.residual) print("Loading psf", file=log) psf = load_fits(args.psf, dtype=args.output_type).squeeze() _, nx_psf, ny_psf = psf.shape hdr_psf = fits.getheader(args.psf) wsums = np.amax(psf.reshape(-1, nx_psf*ny_psf), axis=1) wsum = np.sum(wsums) psf /= wsum psf_mfs = np.sum(psf, axis=0) assert (psf_mfs.max() - 1.0) < 1e-4 residual /= wsum residual_mfs = np.sum(residual, axis=0) # get info required to set WCS ra = np.deg2rad(hdr['CRVAL1']) dec = np.deg2rad(hdr['CRVAL2']) radec = [ra, dec] cell_deg = np.abs(hdr['CDELT1']) if cell_deg != np.abs(hdr['CDELT2']): raise NotImplementedError('cell sizes have to be equal') cell_rad = np.deg2rad(cell_deg) l_coord, ref_l = data_from_header(hdr, axis=1) l_coord -= ref_l m_coord, ref_m = data_from_header(hdr, axis=2) m_coord -= ref_m freq_out, ref_freq = data_from_header(hdr, axis=3) hdr_mfs = set_wcs(cell_deg, cell_deg, nx, ny, radec, ref_freq) save_fits(args.output_filename + '_residual_mfs.fits', residual_mfs, hdr_mfs, dtype=args.output_type) rms = np.std(residual_mfs) rmax = np.abs(residual_mfs).max() print("Initial peak residual = %f, rms = %f" % (rmax, rms), file=log) # load beam if args.beam_model is not None: if args.beam_model.endswith('.fits'): # beam already interpolated bhdr = fits.getheader(args.beam_model) l_coord_beam, ref_lb = data_from_header(bhdr, axis=1) l_coord_beam -= ref_lb if not np.array_equal(l_coord_beam, l_coord): raise ValueError("l coordinates of beam model do not match those of image. Use power_beam_maker to interpolate to fits header.") m_coord_beam, ref_mb = data_from_header(bhdr, axis=2) m_coord_beam -= ref_mb if not np.array_equal(m_coord_beam, m_coord): raise ValueError("m coordinates of beam model do not match those of image. Use power_beam_maker to interpolate to fits header.") freq_beam, _ = data_from_header(bhdr, axis=freq_axis) if not np.array_equal(freq_out, freq_beam): raise ValueError("Freqs of beam model do not match those of image. Use power_beam_maker to interpolate to fits header.") beam_image = load_fits(args.beam_model, dtype=args.output_type).squeeze() elif args.beam_model.lower() == "jimbeam": from katbeam import JimBeam if == 'l': beam = JimBeam('MKAT-AA-L-JIM-2020') elif == 'uhf': beam = JimBeam('MKAT-AA-UHF-JIM-2020') else: raise ValueError("Unkown band %s"[i]) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(l_coord, m_coord, indexing='ij') beam_image = np.zeros(residual.shape, dtype=args.output_type) for v in range(freq_out.size): # freq must be in MHz beam_image[v] = beam.I(xx, yy, freq_out[v]/1e6).astype(args.output_type) else: beam_image = np.ones((nband, nx, ny), dtype=args.output_type) if args.mask is not None: mask = load_fits(args.mask).squeeze() assert mask.shape == (nx, ny) beam_image *= mask[None, :, :] beam_image = da.from_array(beam_image, chunks=(1, -1, -1)) # if weight table is provided we use the vis space Hessian approximation if args.weight_table is not None: print("Solving for update using vis space approximation", file=log) normfact = wsum from pfb.utils.misc import plan_row_chunk from daskms.experimental.zarr import xds_from_zarr xds = xds_from_zarr(args.weight_table)[0] nrow = xds.row.size freq = nchan = freq.size # bin edges fmin = freq.min() fmax = freq.max() fbins = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, nband + 1) # chan <-> band mapping band_mapping = {} chan_chunks = {} freq_bin_idx = {} freq_bin_counts = {} band_map = np.zeros(freq.size, dtype=np.int32) for band in range(nband): indl = freq >= fbins[band] indu = freq < fbins[band + 1] + 1e-6 band_map = np.where(indl & indu, band, band_map) # to dask arrays bands, bin_counts = np.unique(band_map, return_counts=True) band_mapping = tuple(bands) chan_chunks = {'chan': tuple(bin_counts)} freq = da.from_array(freq, chunks=tuple(bin_counts)) bin_idx = np.append(np.array([0]), np.cumsum(bin_counts))[0:-1] freq_bin_idx = da.from_array(bin_idx, chunks=1) freq_bin_counts = da.from_array(bin_counts, chunks=1) max_chan_chunk = bin_counts.max() bin_counts = tuple(bin_counts) # the first factor of 3 accounts for the intermediate visibilities # produced in Hessian (i.e. complex data + real weights) memory_per_row = (3 * max_chan_chunk * + 3 * # get approx image size pixel_bytes = np.dtype(args.output_type).itemsize band_size = nx * ny * pixel_bytes if args.host_address is None: # nworker bands on single node row_chunk = plan_row_chunk(args.mem_limit/args.nworkers, band_size, nrow, memory_per_row, args.nthreads_per_worker) else: # single band per node row_chunk = plan_row_chunk(args.mem_limit, band_size, nrow, memory_per_row, args.nthreads_per_worker) print("nrows = %i, row chunks set to %i for a total of %i chunks per node" % (nrow, row_chunk, int(np.ceil(nrow / row_chunk))), file=log) residual = da.from_array(residual, chunks=(1, -1, -1)) x0 = da.zeros((nband, nx, ny), chunks=(1, -1, -1), dtype=residual.dtype) xds = xds_from_zarr(args.weight_table, chunks={'row': -1, #row_chunk, 'chan': bin_counts})[0] from pfb.opt.pcg import pcg_wgt model = pcg_wgt(,, residual, x0, beam_image, freq, freq_bin_idx, freq_bin_counts, cell_rad, args.wstack, args.epsilon, args.double_accum, args.nvthreads, args.sigmainv, wsum, args.cg_tol, args.cg_maxit, args.cg_minit, args.cg_verbose, args.cg_report_freq, args.backtrack).compute() else: # we use the image space approximation print("Solving for update using image space approximation", file=log) normfact = 1.0 from pfb.operators.psf import hessian from ducc0.fft import r2c iFs = np.fft.ifftshift npad_xl = (nx_psf - nx)//2 npad_xr = nx_psf - nx - npad_xl npad_yl = (ny_psf - ny)//2 npad_yr = ny_psf - ny - npad_yl padding = ((0, 0), (npad_xl, npad_xr), (npad_yl, npad_yr)) unpad_x = slice(npad_xl, -npad_xr) unpad_y = slice(npad_yl, -npad_yr) lastsize = ny + np.sum(padding[-1]) psf_pad = iFs(psf, axes=(1, 2)) psfhat = r2c(psf_pad, axes=(1, 2), forward=True, nthreads=nthreads, inorm=0) psfhat = da.from_array(psfhat, chunks=(1, -1, -1)) residual = da.from_array(residual, chunks=(1, -1, -1)) x0 = da.zeros((nband, nx, ny), chunks=(1, -1, -1)) from pfb.opt.pcg import pcg_psf model = pcg_psf(psfhat, residual, x0, beam_image, args.sigmainv, args.nvthreads, padding, unpad_x, unpad_y, lastsize, args.cg_tol, args.cg_maxit, args.cg_minit, args.cg_verbose, args.cg_report_freq, args.backtrack).compute() print("Saving results", file=log) save_fits(args.output_filename + '_update.fits', model, hdr) model_mfs = np.mean(model, axis=0) save_fits(args.output_filename + '_update_mfs.fits', model_mfs, hdr_mfs) print("All done here.", file=log)
def _binterp(**kw): args = OmegaConf.create(kw) OmegaConf.set_struct(args, True) from pfb.utils.fits import save_fits import dask import dask.array as da import numpy as np from numba import jit from import fits import warnings from africanus.rime import parallactic_angles from pfb.utils.fits import load_fits, save_fits, data_from_header from daskms import xds_from_ms, xds_from_table if is None: if args.beam_model.lower() == 'jimbeam': for image in args.image: mhdr = fits.getheader(image) l_coord, ref_l = data_from_header(mhdr, axis=1) l_coord -= ref_l m_coord, ref_m = data_from_header(mhdr, axis=2) m_coord -= ref_m if mhdr["CTYPE4"].lower() == 'freq': freq_axis = 4 stokes_axis = 3 elif mhdr["CTYPE3"].lower() == 'freq': freq_axis = 3 stokes_axis = 4 else: raise ValueError("Freq axis must be 3rd or 4th") freq, ref_freq = data_from_header(mhdr, axis=freq_axis) from katbeam import JimBeam if == 'l': beam = JimBeam('MKAT-AA-L-JIM-2020') elif == 'uhf': beam = JimBeam('MKAT-AA-UHF-JIM-2020') else: raise ValueError("Unkown band %s" %[i]) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(l_coord, m_coord, indexing='ij') beam_image = np.zeros((freq.size, l_coord.size, m_coord.size), dtype=args.out_dtype) for v in range(freq.size): # freq must be in MHz beam_image[v] = beam.I(xx, yy, freq[v] / 1e6).astype( args.out_dtype) if args.output_dir in image: idx = len(args.output_dir) iname = image[idx::] outname = iname + '.' + args.postfix else: outname = image + '.' + args.postfix beam_image = np.expand_dims(beam_image, axis=3 - stokes_axis + 1) save_fits(args.output_dir + outname, beam_image, mhdr, dtype=args.out_dtype) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not there yet, sorry") print("All done here.", file=log) # @jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True) # def _unflagged_counts(flags, time_idx, out): # for i in range(time_idx.size): # ilow = time_idx[i] # ihigh = time_idx[i+1] # out[i] = np.sum(~flags[ilow:ihigh]) # return out # def extract_dde_info(args, freqs): # """ # Computes paralactic angles, antenna scaling and pointing information # required for beam interpolation. # """ # # get ms info required to compute paralactic angles and weighted sum # nband = freqs.size # if is not None: # utimes = [] # unflag_counts = [] # ant_pos = None # phase_dir = None # for ms_name in # # get antenna positions # ant = xds_from_table(ms_name + '::ANTENNA')[0].compute() # if ant_pos is None: # ant_pos = ant['POSITION'].data # else: # check all are the same # tmp = ant['POSITION'] # if not np.array_equal(ant_pos, tmp): # raise ValueError( # "Antenna positions not the same across measurement sets") # # get phase center for field # field = xds_from_table(ms_name + '::FIELD')[0].compute() # if phase_dir is None: # phase_dir = field['PHASE_DIR'][args.field].data.squeeze() # else: # tmp = field['PHASE_DIR'][args.field].data.squeeze() # if not np.array_equal(phase_dir, tmp): # raise ValueError( # 'Phase direction not the same across measurement sets') # # get unique times and count flags # xds = xds_from_ms(ms_name, columns=["TIME", "FLAG_ROW"], group_cols=[ # "FIELD_ID"])[args.field] # utime, time_idx = np.unique( #, return_index=True) # ntime = utime.size # # extract subset of times # if args.sparsify_time > 1: # I = np.arange(0, ntime, args.sparsify_time) # utime = utime[I] # time_idx = time_idx[I] # ntime = utime.size # utimes.append(utime) # flags = # unflag_count = _unflagged_counts(flags.astype( # np.int32), time_idx, np.zeros(ntime, dtype=np.int32)) # unflag_counts.append(unflag_count) # utimes = np.concatenate(utimes) # unflag_counts = np.concatenate(unflag_counts) # ntimes = utimes.size # # compute paralactic angles # parangles = parallactic_angles(utimes, ant_pos, phase_dir) # # mean over antanna nant -> 1 # parangles = np.mean(parangles, axis=1, keepdims=True) # nant = 1 # # beam_cube_dde requirements # ant_scale = np.ones((nant, nband, 2), dtype=np.float64) # point_errs = np.zeros((ntimes, nant, nband, 2), dtype=np.float64) # return (parangles, # da.from_array(ant_scale, chunks=ant_scale.shape), # point_errs, # unflag_counts, # True) # else: # ntimes = 1 # nant = 1 # parangles = np.zeros((ntimes, nant,), dtype=np.float64) # ant_scale = np.ones((nant, nband, 2), dtype=np.float64) # point_errs = np.zeros((ntimes, nant, nband, 2), dtype=np.float64) # unflag_counts = np.array([1]) # return (parangles, ant_scale, point_errs, unflag_counts, False) # def make_power_beam(args, lm_source, freqs, use_dask): # print("Loading fits beam patterns from %s" % args.beam_model) # from glob import glob # paths = glob(args.beam_model + '**_**.fits') # beam_hdr = None # if args.corr_type == 'linear': # corr1 = 'XX' # corr2 = 'YY' # elif args.corr_type == 'circular': # corr1 = 'LL' # corr2 = 'RR' # else: # raise KeyError( # "Unknown corr_type supplied. Only 'linear' or 'circular' supported") # for path in paths: # if corr1.lower() in path[-10::]: # if 're' in path[-7::]: # corr1_re = load_fits(path) # if beam_hdr is None: # beam_hdr = fits.getheader(path) # elif 'im' in path[-7::]: # corr1_im = load_fits(path) # else: # raise NotImplementedError("Only re/im patterns supported") # elif corr2.lower() in path[-10::]: # if 're' in path[-7::]: # corr2_re = load_fits(path) # elif 'im' in path[-7::]: # corr2_im = load_fits(path) # else: # raise NotImplementedError("Only re/im patterns supported") # # get power beam # beam_amp = (corr1_re**2 + corr1_im**2 + corr2_re**2 + corr2_im**2)/2.0 # # get cube in correct shape for interpolation code # beam_amp = np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(beam_amp, (1, 2, 0)) # [:, :, :, None, None]) # # get cube info # if beam_hdr['CUNIT1'].lower() != "deg": # raise ValueError("Beam image units must be in degrees") # npix_l = beam_hdr['NAXIS1'] # refpix_l = beam_hdr['CRPIX1'] # delta_l = beam_hdr['CDELT1'] # l_min = (1 - refpix_l)*delta_l # l_max = (1 + npix_l - refpix_l)*delta_l # if beam_hdr['CUNIT2'].lower() != "deg": # raise ValueError("Beam image units must be in degrees") # npix_m = beam_hdr['NAXIS2'] # refpix_m = beam_hdr['CRPIX2'] # delta_m = beam_hdr['CDELT2'] # m_min = (1 - refpix_m)*delta_m # m_max = (1 + npix_m - refpix_m)*delta_m # if (l_min > lm_source[:, 0].min() or m_min > lm_source[:, 1].min() or # l_max < lm_source[:, 0].max() or m_max < lm_source[:, 1].max()): # raise ValueError("The supplied beam is not large enough") # beam_extents = np.array([[l_min, l_max], [m_min, m_max]]) # # get frequencies # if beam_hdr["CTYPE3"].lower() != 'freq': # raise ValueError( # "Cubes are assumed to be in format [nchan, nx, ny]") # nchan = beam_hdr['NAXIS3'] # refpix = beam_hdr['CRPIX3'] # delta = beam_hdr['CDELT3'] # assumes units are Hz # freq0 = beam_hdr['CRVAL3'] # bfreqs = freq0 + np.arange(1 - refpix, 1 + nchan - refpix) * delta # if bfreqs[0] > freqs[0] or bfreqs[-1] < freqs[-1]: # warnings.warn("The supplied beam does not have sufficient " # "bandwidth. Beam frequencies:") # with np.printoptions(precision=2): # print(bfreqs) # if use_dask: # return (da.from_array(beam_amp, chunks=beam_amp.shape), # da.from_array(beam_extents, chunks=beam_extents.shape), # da.from_array(bfreqs, bfreqs.shape)) # else: # return beam_amp, beam_extents, bfreqs # def interpolate_beam(ll, mm, freqs, args): # """ # Interpolate beam to image coordinates and optionally compute average # over time if MS is provoded # """ # nband = freqs.size # print("Interpolating beam") # parangles, ant_scale, point_errs, unflag_counts, use_dask = extract_dde_info( # args, freqs) # lm_source = np.vstack((ll.ravel(), mm.ravel())).T # beam_amp, beam_extents, bfreqs = make_power_beam( # args, lm_source, freqs, use_dask) # # interpolate beam # if use_dask: # from africanus.rime.dask import beam_cube_dde # lm_source = da.from_array(lm_source, chunks=lm_source.shape) # freqs = da.from_array(freqs, chunks=freqs.shape) # # compute ncpu images at a time to avoid memory errors # ntimes = parangles.shape[0] # I = np.arange(0, ntimes, args.ncpu) # nchunks = I.size # I = np.append(I, ntimes) # beam_image = np.zeros((ll.size, 1, nband), dtype=beam_amp.dtype) # for i in range(nchunks): # ilow = I[i] # ihigh = I[i+1] # part_parangles = da.from_array( # parangles[ilow:ihigh], chunks=(1, 1)) # part_point_errs = da.from_array( # point_errs[ilow:ihigh], chunks=(1, 1, freqs.size, 2)) # # interpolate and remove redundant axes # part_beam_image = beam_cube_dde(beam_amp, beam_extents, bfreqs, # lm_source, part_parangles, part_point_errs, # ant_scale, freqs).compute()[:, :, 0, :, 0, 0] # # weighted sum over time # beam_image += np.sum(part_beam_image * # unflag_counts[None, ilow:ihigh, None], axis=1, keepdims=True) # # normalise by sum of weights # beam_image /= np.sum(unflag_counts) # # remove time axis # beam_image = beam_image[:, 0, :] # else: # from africanus.rime.fast_beam_cubes import beam_cube_dde # beam_image = beam_cube_dde(beam_amp, beam_extents, bfreqs, # lm_source, parangles, point_errs, # ant_scale, freqs).squeeze() # # swap source and freq axes and reshape to image shape # beam_source = np.transpose(beam_image, axes=(1, 0)) # return beam_source.squeeze().reshape((freqs.size, *ll.shape)) # def main(args): # # get coord info # hdr = fits.getheader(args.image) # l_coord, ref_l = data_from_header(hdr, axis=1) # l_coord -= ref_l # m_coord, ref_m = data_from_header(hdr, axis=2) # m_coord -= ref_m # if hdr["CTYPE4"].lower() == 'freq': # freq_axis = 4 # elif hdr["CTYPE3"].lower() == 'freq': # freq_axis = 3 # else: # raise ValueError("Freq axis must be 3rd or 4th") # freqs, ref_freq = data_from_header(hdr, axis=freq_axis) # xx, yy = np.meshgrid(l_coord, m_coord, indexing='ij') # # interpolate primary beam to fits header and optionally average over time # beam_image = interpolate_beam(xx, yy, freqs, args) # # save power beam # save_fits(args.output_filename, beam_image, hdr) # print("Wrote interpolated beam cube to %s \n" % args.output_filename) # return
def _spifit(**kw): args = OmegaConf.create(kw) OmegaConf.set_struct(args, True) import dask.array as da import numpy as np from import fits from africanus.model.spi.dask import fit_spi_components from pfb.utils.fits import load_fits, save_fits, data_from_header, set_wcs from pfb.utils.misc import convolve2gaussres # get max gausspars gaussparf = None if args.psf_pars is None: if args.residual is None: ppsource = args.image else: ppsource = args.residual for image in ppsource: try: pphdr = fits.getheader(image) except Exception as e: raise e if 'BMAJ0' in pphdr.keys(): emaj = pphdr['BMAJ0'] emin = pphdr['BMIN0'] pa = pphdr['BPA0'] gausspars = [emaj, emin, pa] freq_idx0 = 0 elif 'BMAJ1' in pphdr.keys(): emaj = pphdr['BMAJ1'] emin = pphdr['BMIN1'] pa = pphdr['BPA1'] gausspars = [emaj, emin, pa] freq_idx0 = 1 elif 'BMAJ' in pphdr.keys(): emaj = pphdr['BMAJ'] emin = pphdr['BMIN'] pa = pphdr['BPA'] gausspars = [emaj, emin, pa] freq_idx0 = 0 else: raise ValueError("No beam parameters found in residual." "You will have to provide them manually.") if gaussparf is None: gaussparf = gausspars else: # we need to take the max in both directions gaussparf[0] = np.maximum(gaussparf[0], gausspars[0]) gaussparf[1] = np.maximum(gaussparf[1], gausspars[1]) else: freq_idx0 = 0 # assumption gaussparf = list(args.psf_pars) if args.circ_psf: e = np.maximum(gaussparf[0], gaussparf[1]) gaussparf[0] = e gaussparf[1] = e gaussparf[2] = 0.0 gaussparf = tuple(gaussparf) print("Using emaj = %3.2e, emin = %3.2e, PA = %3.2e \n" % gaussparf, file=log) # get required data products image_dict = {} for i in range(len(args.image)): image_dict[i] = {} # load model image model = load_fits(args.image[i], dtype=args.out_dtype).squeeze() mhdr = fits.getheader(args.image[i]) if model.ndim < 3: model = model[None, :, :] l_coord, ref_l = data_from_header(mhdr, axis=1) l_coord -= ref_l m_coord, ref_m = data_from_header(mhdr, axis=2) m_coord -= ref_m if mhdr["CTYPE4"].lower() == 'freq': freq_axis = 4 stokes_axis = 3 elif mhdr["CTYPE3"].lower() == 'freq': freq_axis = 3 stokes_axis = 4 else: raise ValueError("Freq axis must be 3rd or 4th") freqs, ref_freq = data_from_header(mhdr, axis=freq_axis) image_dict[i]['freqs'] = freqs nband = freqs.size npix_l = l_coord.size npix_m = m_coord.size xx, yy = np.meshgrid(l_coord, m_coord, indexing='ij') # load beam if args.beam_model is not None: bhdr = fits.getheader(args.beam_model[i]) l_coord_beam, ref_lb = data_from_header(bhdr, axis=1) l_coord_beam -= ref_lb if not np.array_equal(l_coord_beam, l_coord): raise ValueError("l coordinates of beam model do not match " "those of image. Use binterp to make " "compatible beam images") m_coord_beam, ref_mb = data_from_header(bhdr, axis=2) m_coord_beam -= ref_mb if not np.array_equal(m_coord_beam, m_coord): raise ValueError("m coordinates of beam model do not match " "those of image. Use binterp to make " "compatible beam images") freqs_beam, _ = data_from_header(bhdr, axis=freq_axis) if not np.array_equal(freqs, freqs_beam): raise ValueError("Freq coordinates of beam model do not match " "those of image. Use binterp to make " "compatible beam images") beam_image = load_fits(args.beam_model[i], dtype=args.out_dtype).squeeze() if beam_image.ndim < 3: beam_image = beam_image[None, :, :] else: beam_image = np.ones(model.shape, dtype=args.out_dtype) image_dict[i]['beam'] = beam_image if not args.dont_convolve: print("Convolving model %i"%i, file=log) # convolve model to desired resolution model, gausskern = convolve2gaussres(model, xx, yy, gaussparf, args.nthreads, None, args.padding_frac) image_dict[i]['model'] = model # add in residuals and set threshold if args.residual is not None: msg = "of residual do not match those of model" rhdr = fits.getheader(args.residual[i]) l_res, ref_lb = data_from_header(rhdr, axis=1) l_res -= ref_lb if not np.array_equal(l_res, l_coord): raise ValueError("l coordinates " + msg) m_res, ref_mb = data_from_header(rhdr, axis=2) m_res -= ref_mb if not np.array_equal(m_res, m_coord): raise ValueError("m coordinates " + msg) freqs_res, _ = data_from_header(rhdr, axis=freq_axis) if not np.array_equal(freqs, freqs_res): raise ValueError("Freqs " + msg) resid = load_fits(args.residual[i], dtype=args.out_dtype).squeeze() if resid.ndim < 3: resid = resid[None, :, :] # convolve residual to same resolution as model gausspari = () for b in range(nband): key = 'BMAJ' + str(b + freq_idx0) if key in rhdr.keys(): emaj = rhdr[key] emin = rhdr[key] pa = rhdr[key] gausspari += ((emaj, emin, pa),) elif 'BMAJ' in rhdr.keys(): emaj = rhdr['BMAJ'] emin = rhdr['BMIN'] pa = rhdr['BPA'] gausspari += ((emaj, emin, pa),) else: print("Can't find Gausspars in residual header, " "unable to add residuals back in", file=log) gausspari = None break if gausspari is not None and args.add_convolved_residuals: print("Convolving residuals %i"%i, file=log) resid, _ = convolve2gaussres(resid, xx, yy, gaussparf, args.nthreads, gausspari, args.padding_frac, norm_kernel=False) model += resid print("Convolved residuals added to convolved model %i"%i, file=log) image_dict[i]['resid'] = resid else: image_dict[i]['resid'] = None # concatenate images along frequency here freqs = [] model = [] beam_image = [] resid = [] for i in image_dict.keys(): freqs.append(image_dict[i]['freqs']) model.append(image_dict[i]['model']) beam_image.append(image_dict[i]['beam']) resid.append(image_dict[i]['resid']) freqs = np.concatenate(freqs, axis=0) Isort = np.argsort(freqs) freqs = freqs[Isort] model = np.concatenate(model, axis=0) model = model[Isort] # create header cell_deg = mhdr['CDELT1'] ra = np.deg2rad(mhdr['CRVAL1']) dec = np.deg2rad(mhdr['CRVAL2']) radec = [ra, dec] nband, nx, ny = model.shape hdr = set_wcs(cell_deg, cell_deg, nx, ny, radec, freqs) for i in range(1, nband+1): hdr['BMAJ' + str(i)] = gaussparf[0] hdr['BMIN' + str(i)] = gaussparf[1] hdr['BPA' + str(i)] = gaussparf[2] if args.ref_freq is None: ref_freq = np.mean(freqs) else: ref_freq = args.ref_freq hdr_mfs = set_wcs(cell_deg, cell_deg, nx, ny, radec, ref_freq) hdr_mfs['BMAJ'] = gaussparf[0] hdr_mfs['BMIN'] = gaussparf[1] hdr_mfs['BPA'] = gaussparf[2] # save convolved model if 'm' in args.products: name = args.output_filename + '.convolved_model.fits' save_fits(name, model, hdr, dtype=args.out_dtype) print("Wrote convolved model to %s" % name, file=log) beam_image = np.concatenate(beam_image, axis=0) beam_image = beam_image[Isort] if 'b' in args.products: name = args.output_filename + '.power_beam.fits' save_fits(name, beam_image, hdr, dtype=args.out_dtype) print("Wrote average power beam to %s" % name, file=log) if resid[0] is not None: resid = np.concatenate(resid, axis=0) resid = resid[Isort] if 'r' in args.products: name = args.output_filename + '.convolved_residual.fits' save_fits(name, resid, hdr, dtype=args.out_dtype) print("Wrote convolved residuals to %s" % name, file=log) # get threshold counts = np.sum(resid != 0) rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(resid**2)/counts) rms_cube = np.std(resid.reshape(nband, npix_l*npix_m), axis=1).ravel() threshold = args.threshold * rms else: print("No residual provided. Setting threshold i.t.o dynamic range. " "Max dynamic range is %i " % args.maxdr, file=log) threshold = model.max()/args.maxdr rms_cube = None print("Threshold set to %f Jy. \n" % threshold, file=log) # beam cut off beam_min = np.amin(beam_image, axis=0) model = np.where(beam_min[None] > args.pb_min, model, 0.0) # get pixels above threshold minimage = np.amin(model, axis=0) maskindices = np.argwhere(minimage > threshold) nanindices = np.argwhere(minimage <= threshold) if not maskindices.size: raise ValueError("No components found above threshold. " "Try lowering your threshold." "Max of convolved model is %3.2e" % model.max()) fitcube = model[:, maskindices[:, 0], maskindices[:, 1]].T beam_comps = beam_image[:, maskindices[:, 0], maskindices[:, 1]].T # set weights for fit if rms_cube is not None: print("Using RMS in each imaging band to determine weights.", file=log) weights = np.where(rms_cube > 0, 1.0/rms_cube**2, 0.0) # normalise weights /= weights.max() else: if args.band_weights is not None: weights = np.array(args.band_weights) try: assert weights.size == nband except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Inconsistent weighst provided.") print("Using provided channel weights.", file=log) else: print("No residual or channel weights provided. Using equal weights.", file=log) weights = np.ones(nband, dtype=np.float64) ncomps, _ = fitcube.shape fitcube = da.from_array(fitcube.astype(np.float64), chunks=(ncomps//args.nthreads, nband)) beam_comps = da.from_array(beam_comps.astype(np.float64), chunks=(ncomps//args.nthreads, nband)) weights = da.from_array(weights.astype(np.float64), chunks=(nband)) freqsdask = da.from_array(freqs.astype(np.float64), chunks=(nband)) print("Fitting %i components" % ncomps, file=log) alpha, alpha_err, Iref, i0_err = fit_spi_components(fitcube, weights, freqsdask, np.float64(ref_freq), beam=beam_comps).compute() print("Done. Writing output.", file=log) alphamap = np.zeros(model[0].shape, dtype=model.dtype) alphamap[...] = np.nan alpha_err_map = np.zeros(model[0].shape, dtype=model.dtype) alpha_err_map[...] = np.nan i0map = np.zeros(model[0].shape, dtype=model.dtype) i0map[...] = np.nan i0_err_map = np.zeros(model[0].shape, dtype=model.dtype) i0_err_map[...] = np.nan alphamap[maskindices[:, 0], maskindices[:, 1]] = alpha alpha_err_map[maskindices[:, 0], maskindices[:, 1]] = alpha_err i0map[maskindices[:, 0], maskindices[:, 1]] = Iref i0_err_map[maskindices[:, 0], maskindices[:, 1]] = i0_err if 'I' in args.products: # get the reconstructed cube Irec_cube = i0map[None, :, :] * \ (freqs[:, None, None]/ref_freq)**alphamap[None, :, :] name = args.output_filename + '.Irec_cube.fits' save_fits(name, Irec_cube, hdr, dtype=args.out_dtype) print("Wrote reconstructed cube to %s" % name, file=log) # save alpha map if 'a' in args.products: name = args.output_filename + '.alpha.fits' save_fits(name, alphamap, hdr_mfs, dtype=args.out_dtype) print("Wrote alpha map to %s" % name, file=log) # save alpha error map if 'e' in args.products: name = args.output_filename + '.alpha_err.fits' save_fits(name, alpha_err_map, mhdr, dtype=args.out_dtype) print("Wrote alpha error map to %s" % name, file=log) # save I0 map if 'i' in args.products: name = args.output_filename + '.I0.fits' save_fits(name, i0map, mhdr, dtype=args.out_dtype) print("Wrote I0 map to %s" % name, file=log) # save I0 error map if 'k' in args.products: name = args.output_filename + '.I0_err.fits' save_fits(name, i0_err_map, mhdr, dtype=args.out_dtype) print("Wrote I0 error map to %s" % name, file=log) print("All done here", file=log)
def _clean(**kw): args = OmegaConf.create(kw) OmegaConf.set_struct(args, True) import numpy as np import numexpr as ne import dask import dask.array as da from dask.distributed import performance_report from pfb.utils.fits import load_fits, set_wcs, save_fits, data_from_header from pfb.opt.hogbom import hogbom from import fits print("Loading dirty", file=log) dirty = load_fits(args.dirty, dtype=args.output_type).squeeze() nband, nx, ny = dirty.shape hdr = fits.getheader(args.dirty) print("Loading psf", file=log) psf = load_fits(args.psf, dtype=args.output_type).squeeze() _, nx_psf, ny_psf = psf.shape hdr_psf = fits.getheader(args.psf) wsums = np.amax(psf.reshape(-1, nx_psf * ny_psf), axis=1) wsum = np.sum(wsums) psf /= wsum psf_mfs = np.sum(psf, axis=0) assert (psf_mfs.max() - 1.0) < 1e-4 dirty /= wsum dirty_mfs = np.sum(dirty, axis=0) # get info required to set WCS ra = np.deg2rad(hdr['CRVAL1']) dec = np.deg2rad(hdr['CRVAL2']) radec = [ra, dec] cell_deg = np.abs(hdr['CDELT1']) if cell_deg != np.abs(hdr['CDELT2']): raise NotImplementedError('cell sizes have to be equal') cell_rad = np.deg2rad(cell_deg) freq_out, ref_freq = data_from_header(hdr, axis=3) hdr_mfs = set_wcs(cell_deg, cell_deg, nx, ny, radec, ref_freq) save_fits(args.output_filename + '_dirty_mfs.fits', dirty_mfs, hdr_mfs, dtype=args.output_type) # set up Hessian approximation if args.weight_table is not None: normfact = wsum from africanus.gridding.wgridder.dask import hessian from pfb.utils.misc import plan_row_chunk from daskms.experimental.zarr import xds_from_zarr xds = xds_from_zarr(args.weight_table)[0] nrow = xds.row.size freqs = nchan = freqs.size # bin edges fmin = freqs.min() fmax = freqs.max() fbins = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, nband + 1) # chan <-> band mapping band_mapping = {} chan_chunks = {} freq_bin_idx = {} freq_bin_counts = {} band_map = np.zeros(freqs.size, dtype=np.int32) for band in range(nband): indl = freqs >= fbins[band] indu = freqs < fbins[band + 1] + 1e-6 band_map = np.where(indl & indu, band, band_map) # to dask arrays bands, bin_counts = np.unique(band_map, return_counts=True) band_mapping = tuple(bands) chan_chunks = {'chan': tuple(bin_counts)} freqs = da.from_array(freqs, chunks=tuple(bin_counts)) bin_idx = np.append(np.array([0]), np.cumsum(bin_counts))[0:-1] freq_bin_idx = da.from_array(bin_idx, chunks=1) freq_bin_counts = da.from_array(bin_counts, chunks=1) max_chan_chunk = bin_counts.max() bin_counts = tuple(bin_counts) # the first factor of 3 accounts for the intermediate visibilities # produced in Hessian (i.e. complex data + real weights) memory_per_row = (3 * max_chan_chunk * + 3 * # get approx image size pixel_bytes = np.dtype(args.output_type).itemsize band_size = nx * ny * pixel_bytes if args.host_address is None: # nworker bands on single node row_chunk = plan_row_chunk(args.mem_limit / args.nworkers, band_size, nrow, memory_per_row, args.nthreads_per_worker) else: # single band per node row_chunk = plan_row_chunk(args.mem_limit, band_size, nrow, memory_per_row, args.nthreads_per_worker) print( "nrows = %i, row chunks set to %i for a total of %i chunks per node" % (nrow, row_chunk, int(np.ceil(nrow / row_chunk))), file=log) def convolver(x): model = da.from_array(x, chunks=(1, nx, ny), name=False) xds = xds_from_zarr(args.weight_table, chunks={ 'row': row_chunk, 'chan': bin_counts })[0] convolvedim = hessian(, freqs, model, freq_bin_idx, freq_bin_counts, cell_rad, args.output_type), nthreads=args.nvthreads, epsilon=args.epsilon, do_wstacking=args.wstack, double_accum=args.double_accum) return convolvedim else: normfact = 1.0 from pfb.operators.psf import hessian from ducc0.fft import r2c iFs = np.fft.ifftshift npad_xl = (nx_psf - nx) // 2 npad_xr = nx_psf - nx - npad_xl npad_yl = (ny_psf - ny) // 2 npad_yr = ny_psf - ny - npad_yl padding = ((0, 0), (npad_xl, npad_xr), (npad_yl, npad_yr)) unpad_x = slice(npad_xl, -npad_xr) unpad_y = slice(npad_yl, -npad_yr) lastsize = ny + np.sum(padding[-1]) psf_pad = iFs(psf, axes=(1, 2)) psfhat = r2c(psf_pad, axes=(1, 2), forward=True, nthreads=nthreads, inorm=0) psfhat = da.from_array(psfhat, chunks=(1, -1, -1)) def convolver(x): model = da.from_array(x, chunks=(1, nx, ny), name=False) convolvedim = hessian(model, psfhat, padding, nvthreads, unpad_x, unpad_y, lastsize) return convolvedim # psfo = PSF(psf, dirty.shape, nthreads=args.nthreads) # def convolver(x): return psfo.convolve(x) rms = np.std(dirty_mfs) rmax = np.abs(dirty_mfs).max() print("Iter %i: peak residual = %f, rms = %f" % (0, rmax, rms), file=log) residual = dirty.copy() residual_mfs = dirty_mfs.copy() model = np.zeros_like(residual) for k in range(args.nmiter): print("Running Hogbom", file=log) x = hogbom(residual, psf, gamma=args.hb_gamma, pf=args.hb_peak_factor, maxit=args.hb_maxit, verbosity=args.hb_verbose, report_freq=args.hb_report_freq) model += x print("Getting residual", file=log) convimage = convolver(model) dask.visualize(convimage, filename=args.output_filename + '_hessian' + str(k) + '_graph.pdf', optimize_graph=False) with performance_report(filename=args.output_filename + '_hessian' + str(k) + '_per.html'): convimage = dask.compute(convimage, optimize_graph=False)[0] ne.evaluate('dirty - convimage/normfact', out=residual, casting='same_kind') ne.evaluate('sum(residual, axis=0)', out=residual_mfs, casting='same_kind') rms = np.std(residual_mfs) rmax = np.abs(residual_mfs).max() print("Iter %i: peak residual = %f, rms = %f" % (k + 1, rmax, rms), file=log) print("Saving results", file=log) save_fits(args.output_filename + '_model.fits', model, hdr) model_mfs = np.mean(model, axis=0) save_fits(args.output_filename + '_model_mfs.fits', model_mfs, hdr_mfs) save_fits(args.output_filename + '_residual.fits', residual * wsums[:, None, None], hdr) save_fits(args.output_filename + '_residual.fits', residual_mfs, hdr_mfs) print("All done here.", file=log)