Example #1
 def setup(self):
     self.wasd = pg.WASD(self, speed=8)
     self.wasd.look_at((-10, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
     # cuboids
     self.context = pg.Context(pg.DirectionalLightProgram())
     self.context.use_color = True
     self.context.ambient_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     self.context.light_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     self.context.light_direction = pg.normalize((-1, 1, 1))
     data = []
     n = 16
     for x in range(256):
         z = random.randint(-n, n)
         y = random.randint(-n, n)
         cuboid = pg.Cuboid(x, x + 1, y - 0.5, y + 0.5, z - 0.5, z + 0.5)
         color = pg.hex_color(random.randint(0, 0xffffff))
         colors = [color] * len(cuboid.positions)
             cuboid.positions, cuboid.normals, colors))
     self.context.position, self.context.normal, self.context.color = (
         pg.VertexBuffer(data).slices(3, 3, 3))
     # bullets
     self.bullet = pg.Context(pg.DirectionalLightProgram())
     self.bullet.ambient_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     self.bullet.light_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     sphere = pg.Sphere(3, 0.05, (0, 0, 0))
     self.bullet.position = pg.VertexBuffer(sphere.positions)
     self.bullet.normal = pg.VertexBuffer(sphere.normals)
     self.bullets = []
     # crosshairs
     self.crosshairs = pg.Context(pg.SolidColorProgram())
     self.crosshairs.position = pg.VertexBuffer(pg.Crosshairs().positions)
Example #2
 def setup(self):
     self.wasd = pg.WASD(self, speed=8)
     self.wasd.look_at((-10, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
     # cuboids
     self.context = pg.Context(pg.DirectionalLightProgram())
     self.context.use_color = True
     self.context.ambient_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     self.context.light_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     self.context.light_direction = pg.normalize((-1, 1, 1))
     data = []
     n = 16
     for x in range(256):
         z = random.randint(-n, n)
         y = random.randint(-n, n)
         cuboid = pg.Cuboid(x, x + 1, y - 0.5, y + 0.5, z - 0.5, z + 0.5)
         color = pg.hex_color(random.randint(0, 0xffffff))
         colors = [color] * len(cuboid.positions)
             cuboid.positions, cuboid.normals, colors))
     self.context.position, self.context.normal, self.context.color = (
         pg.VertexBuffer(data).slices(3, 3, 3))
     # bullets
     self.bullet = pg.Context(pg.DirectionalLightProgram())
     self.bullet.ambient_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     self.bullet.light_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     sphere = pg.Sphere(3, 0.05, (0, 0, 0))
     self.bullet.position = pg.VertexBuffer(sphere.positions)
     self.bullet.normal = pg.VertexBuffer(sphere.normals)
     self.bullets = []
     # crosshairs
     self.crosshairs = pg.Context(pg.SolidColorProgram())
     self.crosshairs.position = pg.VertexBuffer(pg.Crosshairs().positions)
Example #3
 def setup(self):
     self.wasd = pg.WASD(self, speed=30)
     self.wasd.look_at((-20, 20, -8), (0, 0, 0))
     self.context = pg.Context(pg.DirectionalLightProgram())
     self.context.use_color = True
     self.context.specular_power = 8.0
     self.context.specular_multiplier = 0.3
     normals = defaultdict(list)
     position = []
     normal = []
     color = []
     size = 50
     # generate height map
     height = {}
     colors = {}
     for x in xrange(-size, size + 1):
         for z in xrange(-size, size + 1):
             height[(x, z)] = noise(x, z)
             colors[(x, z)] = generate_color(x, z)
     # generate triangles and track normals for all vertices
     for x in xrange(-size, size):
         for z in xrange(-size, size):
             t1 = [x + 0, z + 0, x + 1, z + 0, x + 0, z + 1]
             t2 = [x + 0, z + 1, x + 1, z + 0, x + 1, z + 1]
             for t in [t1, t2]:
                 x1, z1, x2, z2, x3, z3 = t
                 p1 = (x1, height[(x1, z1)], z1)
                 p2 = (x2, height[(x2, z2)], z2)
                 p3 = (x3, height[(x3, z3)], z3)
                 c1 = colors[(x1, z1)]
                 c2 = colors[(x2, z2)]
                 c3 = colors[(x3, z3)]
                 position.extend([p3, p2, p1])
                 color.extend([c3, c2, c1])
                 n = pg.normalize(pg.cross(pg.sub(p3, p1), pg.sub(p2, p1)))
                 normals[(x1, z1)].append(n)
                 normals[(x2, z2)].append(n)
                 normals[(x3, z3)].append(n)
     # compute average normal for all vertices
     for key, value in normals.items():
         normals[key] = pg.normalize(reduce(pg.add, value))
     for x, y, z in position:
         normal.append(normals[(x, z)])
     # generate vertex buffer
     vb = pg.VertexBuffer(pg.interleave(position, normal, color))
     self.context.position, self.context.normal, self.context.color = (
         vb.slices(3, 3, 3))
Example #4
File: terrain.py Project: ssebs/pg
 def setup(self):
     self.wasd = pg.WASD(self, speed=30)
     self.wasd.look_at((-20, 20, -8), (0, 0, 0))
     self.context = pg.Context(pg.DirectionalLightProgram())
     self.context.use_color = True
     self.context.specular_power = 8.0
     self.context.specular_multiplier = 0.3
     normals = defaultdict(list)
     position = []
     normal = []
     color = []
     size = 50
     # generate height map
     height = {}
     colors = {}
     for x in xrange(-size, size + 1):
         for z in xrange(-size, size + 1):
             height[(x, z)] = noise(x, z)
             colors[(x, z)] = generate_color(x, z)
     # generate triangles and track normals for all vertices
     for x in xrange(-size, size):
         for z in xrange(-size, size):
             t1 = [x + 0, z + 0, x + 1, z + 0, x + 0, z + 1]
             t2 = [x + 0, z + 1, x + 1, z + 0, x + 1, z + 1]
             for t in [t1, t2]:
                 x1, z1, x2, z2, x3, z3 = t
                 p1 = (x1, height[(x1, z1)], z1)
                 p2 = (x2, height[(x2, z2)], z2)
                 p3 = (x3, height[(x3, z3)], z3)
                 c1 = colors[(x1, z1)]
                 c2 = colors[(x2, z2)]
                 c3 = colors[(x3, z3)]
                 position.extend([p3, p2, p1])
                 color.extend([c3, c2, c1])
                 n = pg.normalize(pg.cross(pg.sub(p3, p1), pg.sub(p2, p1)))
                 normals[(x1, z1)].append(n)
                 normals[(x2, z2)].append(n)
                 normals[(x3, z3)].append(n)
     # compute average normal for all vertices
     for key, value in normals.items():
         normals[key] = pg.normalize(reduce(pg.add, value))
     for x, y, z in position:
         normal.append(normals[(x, z)])
     # generate vertex buffer
     vb = pg.VertexBuffer(pg.interleave(position, normal, color))
     self.context.position, self.context.normal, self.context.color = (
         vb.slices(3, 3, 3))
Example #5
File: avoid.py Project: studiovc/pg
 def set_matrix(self, x, y, z, a):
     matrix = pg.Matrix().rotate((0, 1, 0), a).translate((x, y, z))
     inverse = pg.Matrix().rotate((0, 1, 0), -a)
     self.context.light_direction = inverse * pg.normalize((1, 1, 1))
     self.context.camera_position = matrix.inverse() * self.wasd.position
     matrix = self.wasd.get_matrix(matrix)
     matrix = matrix.perspective(65, self.aspect, 0.1, 1000)
     self.context.matrix = matrix
Example #6
 def rotate_satellite(self, position):
     dx, dy, dz = pg.normalize(position)
     rx = atan2(dz, dx) + pi / 2
     ry = asin(dy) - pi / 2
     matrix = pg.Matrix()
     matrix = matrix.rotate((0, 1, 0), rx)
     matrix = matrix.rotate((cos(rx), 0, sin(rx)), -ry)
     return matrix
Example #7
 def set_matrix(self, x, y, z, a):
     matrix = pg.Matrix().rotate((0, 1, 0), a).translate((x, y, z))
     inverse = pg.Matrix().rotate((0, 1, 0), -a)
     self.context.light_direction = inverse * pg.normalize((1, 1, 1))
     self.context.camera_position = matrix.inverse() * self.wasd.position
     matrix = self.wasd.get_matrix(matrix)
     matrix = matrix.perspective(65, self.aspect, 0.1, 1000)
     self.context.matrix = matrix
Example #8
File: main.py Project: fogleman/GPS
 def rotate_satellite(self, position):
     dx, dy, dz = pg.normalize(position)
     rx = atan2(dz, dx) + pi / 2
     ry = asin(dy) - pi / 2
     matrix = pg.Matrix()
     matrix = matrix.rotate((0, 1, 0), rx)
     matrix = matrix.rotate((cos(rx), 0, sin(rx)), -ry)
     return matrix
Example #9
 def rotate_moon(self, position):
     # TODO: account for libration
     dx, dy, dz = pg.normalize(position)
     rx = atan2(dz, dx) + pi / 2
     ry = asin(dy)
     matrix = pg.Matrix()
     matrix = matrix.rotate((0, 1, 0), rx)
     matrix = matrix.rotate((cos(rx), 0, sin(rx)), -ry)
     return matrix
Example #10
File: main.py Project: fogleman/GPS
 def get_sun(self):
     lat, lng = self.get_lat_lng()
     observer = ephem.Observer()
     observer.lat = radians(lat)
     observer.lon = radians(lng)
     sun = ephem.Sun(observer)
     elevation = degrees(sun.alt)
     azimuth = degrees(sun.az)
     return pg.normalize(to_xyz(lat, lng, elevation, azimuth))
Example #11
File: main.py Project: fogleman/GPS
 def rotate_moon(self, position):
     # TODO: account for libration
     dx, dy, dz = pg.normalize(position)
     rx = atan2(dz, dx) + pi / 2
     ry = asin(dy)
     matrix = pg.Matrix()
     matrix = matrix.rotate((0, 1, 0), rx)
     matrix = matrix.rotate((cos(rx), 0, sin(rx)), -ry)
     return matrix
Example #12
 def get_sun(self):
     lat, lng = self.get_lat_lng()
     observer = ephem.Observer()
     observer.lat = radians(lat)
     observer.lon = radians(lng)
     sun = ephem.Sun(observer)
     elevation = degrees(sun.alt)
     azimuth = degrees(sun.az)
     return pg.normalize(to_xyz(lat, lng, elevation, azimuth))
Example #13
 def set_defaults(self, context):
     context.model_matrix = pg.Matrix()
     context.normal_matrix = pg.Matrix().inverse().transpose()
     context.specular_power = 32.0
     context.specular_multiplier = 0.2
     context.ambient_color = (0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
     context.light_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
     context.fog_color = (0.74, 0.70, 0.64)
     context.fog_distance = 10000
     context.light_direction = pg.normalize((1, 0.5, 1))
Example #14
 def update(self, t, dt):
     matrix = pg.Matrix().rotate((0, 1, 0), t / 4)
     self.context.light_direction = matrix.inverse() * pg.normalize((1, 1, 1))
     self.context.camera_position = matrix.inverse() * self.camera.position
     matrix = self.camera.get_matrix(matrix)
     matrix = matrix.perspective(65, self.aspect, 0.01, 100)
     self.context.matrix = matrix
     if (t / 4) % 2.0 < 1.0:
         glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE)
         glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)
Example #15
 def setup(self):
     self.font = pg.Font(self, 1, '/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf', 24)
     self.wasd = pg.WASD(self)
     self.wasd.look_at(pg.normalize((1, 0, 1)), (0, 0, 0))
     self.context = pg.Context(pg.DirectionalLightProgram())
     self.context.sampler = pg.Texture(0, 'examples/earth.png')
     self.context.use_texture = True
     sphere = pg.Sphere(4, 0.5, (0, 0, 0))
     self.context.position = pg.VertexBuffer(sphere.positions)
     self.context.normal = pg.VertexBuffer(sphere.normals)
     self.context.uv = pg.VertexBuffer(sphere.uvs)
Example #16
 def update(self, t, dt):
     self.wasd.y = 1.5
     for man in self.men:
         man.update(t, dt)
         a = man.a + pi / 2
         matrix = pg.Matrix().rotate((0, 1, 0), a).translate((-man.x, 0, -man.z))
         inverse = pg.Matrix().rotate((0, 1, 0), -a)
         self.context.light_direction = inverse * pg.normalize((1, 1, 1))
         self.context.camera_position = matrix.inverse() * self.wasd.position
         matrix = self.wasd.get_matrix(matrix)
         matrix = matrix.perspective(65, self.aspect, 0.1, 1000)
         self.context.matrix = matrix
Example #17
 def update(self, t, dt):
     self.wasd.y = 1.5
     for man in self.men:
         man.update(t, dt)
         a = man.a + pi / 2
         matrix = pg.Matrix().rotate((0, 1, 0), a).translate((-man.x, 0, -man.z))
         inverse = pg.Matrix().rotate((0, 1, 0), -a)
         self.context.light_direction = inverse * pg.normalize((1, 1, 1))
         self.context.camera_position = matrix.inverse() * self.wasd.position
         matrix = self.wasd.get_matrix(matrix)
         matrix = matrix.perspective(65, self.aspect, 0.1, 1000)
         self.context.matrix = matrix
Example #18
 def setup(self):
     self.camera = pg.Camera()
     position = pg.mul(pg.normalize((-1, 0.5, 1)), 3)
     self.camera.look_at(position, (0, 0, 0))
     self.context = pg.Context(pg.DirectionalLightProgram())
     shapes = [
         pg.Sphere(4, 0.5, (0, 0, 0)),
         pg.Cone((0, 0.5, 0), (0, -0.5, 0), 0.5, 36),
         pg.Cuboid(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5),
         pg.Cylinder((0, -0.5, 0), (0, 0.5, 0), 0.5, 36),
     offsets = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]
     self.shapes = []
     for (dx, dz), shape in zip(offsets, shapes):
         m = 1.5
         matrix = pg.Matrix().translate((dx * m, 0, dz * m))
         shape = matrix * shape