Example #1
    def __init__(self, table, inline=False):

        self._table = table
        self._inline = inline
        self._message = ""
        self._request = None
        self._sql = SQLShowRequest()
        self._db = Database()
Example #2
    def __init__(self, target=None, observer=None):

        self._sql = SQLInsertRequest()
        self._db = Database()
        self._convert = Convert()
        if target:
            self._entry = TableEntry(target)
        if observer:
            self._observer = observer
        self._field = Field()
Example #3
class Reader:
    """Read records from tables"""

    MATCH_MEMORY = re.compile(r'^<memory at .*>')

    def __init__(self, table, inline=False):

        self._table = table
        self._inline = inline
        self._message = ""
        self._request = None
        self._sql = SQLShowRequest()
        self._db = Database()

    def create_request(self, table):
        """show from SQL SELECT statement for table"""

        self._request = self._sql.table(table)

    def conditions(self, condition):
        """Add conditions to SQL request"""

        self._request += f"WHERE {condition}"

    def message(self):
        """Property message reader"""

        formatter = TabularOutputFormatter(format_name="simple")
        self._message = f"===  Liste des enregistrements de la " \
                        f"table '{self._table}'  ===\n\n"
        headers, *records = self._db.request(self._request,
        if self._inline:
            for n, record in enumerate(records):
                line = f"== resultat => enregistrement {n + 1}: =>\n"
                for i, field in enumerate(record):
                    if Reader.MATCH_MEMORY.match(str(field)):
                        field = "-byte data-"
                    line += "\t%-12s: %s \n" % (headers[i],str(field))
                self._message += line + "\n"
            for x in formatter.format_output(records, headers):
                self._message += x + "\n"
        return self._message
 def __init__(self):
     self._convert = Convert()
     self._db = Database()
class Field:
    """Act from field type (defined inside the XML file)"""

    IS_YES_OR_NO = re.compile(r'oui|non|o|n', re.IGNORECASE)
    IS_YES = re.compile(r'o|oui', re.IGNORECASE)
    IS_DATE = re.compile(r'^(0[1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[0-1])/(0[1-9]|1[0-2])/'
    IS_DATE_TIME = re.compile(r'^([0-1]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]) (0[1-9]|'

    def __init__(self):
        self._convert = Convert()
        self._db = Database()

    def int_(self, field):
        """React for int field type"""

        value = input(field["question"])
        return int(value)

    def numeric_(self, field):
        """Numeric type field reaction"""

        value = input(field["question"])
        return float(value)

    def varchar_(self, field: dict) -> str:
        """React for varchar field type"""

        value = input(field["question"])
        return value

    def file_(self, field):
        """varchar type field with test = file"""

        value = None
        is_file = False
        while not is_file:
            value = input(field["question"])
            is_file = Path(value).is_file()
            if not is_file:
                print("Ce fichier n'existe pas... entrez un "
                      "fichier qui existe svp")
        return value

    def image_(self, field):
        """varchar type field with test = image"""

        value = None
        is_image = False
        while not is_image:
            value = input(field["question"])
                img = Image.open(value)
            except IOError:
                print("ce fichier n'est pas une image que "
                      "je peux pas gérer (ou n'est pas une image)")
                is_image = False
                is_image = True
        return value

    def enum_(self, field: dict) -> str:
        """React for enum field type"""

        correct_answer = None
        value = None
        request = SQLShowRequest().type()
        enums = self._db.request(request, (field["type_name"], ), ask=True)
        valid = re.compile(r"%s" % enums[0][2])
        while not correct_answer:
            question = "{}({}) : ".format(field["question"], enums[0][2])
            value = input(question)
            correct_answer = valid.match(value)
        return value

    def bytea_(self, field: dict, values) -> bytes:
        """React for bytea field type"""

        value = input(field["question"]) if field["question"] else None
        if field["control"]:
            if field["control"] == "password":
                return self._convert.password(value)
            elif field["control"] == "thumb":
                return self._convert.thumb(values[-1])[1]
            elif field["control"] == "salt":
                return self._convert.salt

    def bool_(self, field: dict) -> bool:
        """React for bool field type"""

        value = None
        correct = None
        while not correct:
            value = input(field["question"])
            correct = self.IS_YES_OR_NO.match(value)
        return bool(self.IS_YES.match(value))

    def date_(self, field: dict) -> date:
        """React for date field type"""

        correct = False
        answer = None
        while not correct:
            question = field["question"] + " [DD/MM/YYY] "
            answer = input(question)
            correct = self.IS_DATE.match(answer)
        return datetime.strptime(answer, "%d/%m/%Y").date()

    def date_time_(self, field) -> datetime:
        """React for date_time field's type"""

        correct = False
        answer = None
        while not correct:
            question = field["question"] + "[HH:MM DD/MM/YYY] "
            answer = input(question)
            correct = self.IS_DATE_TIME.match(answer)
        return datetime.strptime(answer, "%H:%M %d/%m/%Y")
Example #6
class Creator:
    """Create records"""

    YES = re.compile(r'o|y|oui|yes', re.IGNORECASE)
    ADD_A = re.compile(r'^(.*ajouter un[e]? )(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
    CHOOSE = re.compile(r'.*\[(.*)\].*', re.IGNORECASE)

    def __init__(self, target=None, observer=None):

        self._sql = SQLInsertRequest()
        self._db = Database()
        self._convert = Convert()
        if target:
            self._entry = TableEntry(target)
        if observer:
            self._observer = observer
        self._field = Field()

    def entry(self):
        """Property entry"""

        return self._entry

    def _create_simple(self, arg):
        """ask for fields entry and record, then return id"""

        id = []
        entry = arg if isinstance(arg, TableEntry) else arg["entry"]
        while not id:
            values = self._get_fields_values_for(entry.fields)
            request = entry.request
            if self._observer:
                    f"request: {request}\n ==> values: {values}")
            id = self._db.request(request, tuple(values), ask=True)
        return int(id[0][0])

    def _create_maybe(self, relation, **kwargs):
        """ask from a list of records to choose one (exist=yes)
        or (exist=maybe) possibly create a new one
        or STOP link recording"""

        id = 0
        while id == 0:
            if relation["exist"]:
                choices = self._show_existing_records(relation["table"],
                answer = input("Faites un choix: ")
                if relation["exist"] == "maybe" and answer == choices[-1]:
                elif 1 <= int(answer) < len(choices):
                    id = choices[int(answer)]
                elif int(answer) >= len(choices):
                    print("re-essayez: vous avez fait un choix qui n'existe "
                else:  # Choice is 0 ==> STOP
                    id = None
        return id

    def _record_through(self, through, values):
        """Record relational table"""

        request = self._sql.table(through, "script")
        if self._observer:
                f"request: {request}\n ==> values: {values}")
        success = self._db.request(request, tuple(values))
        return success

    def _get_fields_values_for(self, fields, exception=[]) -> list:
        """Return field parser factories result list values"""

        values = list()
        for field in fields:
            if field["name"] not in exception:
                value = None
                if field["type"] == "varchar":
                    if field["test"] == "file":
                        value = self._field.file_(field)
                    elif field["test"] == "image":
                        value = self._field.image_(field)
                        value = self._field.varchar_(field)
                if field["type"] == "int":
                    value = self._field.int_(field)
                if field["type"] == "enum":
                    value = self._field.enum_(field)
                if field["type"] == "bytea":
                    value = self._field.bytea_(field, values)
                if field["type"] == "bool":
                    value = self._field.bool_(field)
                if field["type"] == "date":
                    value = self._field.date_(field)
                if field["type"] == "date_time":
                    value = self._field.date_time_(field)
                if field["type"] == "numeric":
                    value = self._field.numeric_(field)
        return values

    def _get_an_other(string) -> str:
        """Add 'autre ' inside string at precise point"""

        match = Creator.ADD_A.match(string)
        question = match.group(1) + "autre " + match.group(2)
        return question

    def _show_existing_records(self, table, fields, exist, **kwargs):
        """Print enumerated list of fields 'field' existing 'table' records
            and return a list of id and 'n': [id,.....,'n']"""

        choices = ["STOP"]
        print("  0) -- RIEN --")
        sql = SQLShowRequest()
        sub_request = sql.table(table)
        request = re.sub(r'\*', f"id, {fields}", sub_request) \
            if "request" not in kwargs or kwargs["request"] is None\
            else kwargs["request"]
        records = self._db.request(request, ask=True)\
            if "values" not in kwargs \
            else self._db.request(request, kwargs["values"], ask=True)
        if self._observer:
                f"request: {request}\n ==> answer: {records}")
        for n, record in enumerate(records):
            string = "%3s) " % str(n + 1)
            for i_field in range(1, len(record)):
                string += f" %s - " % record[i_field]
        if exist == "maybe":
            print("  n) -- Nouveau --")
        return choices

    def ask_for_choice(self, question):
        """Ask a question and return the answer depend of the validation of

        correct = False
        answer = ""
        choices = self.CHOOSE.match(question).group(1).split(", ")
        while not correct:
            answer = input(question)
            correct = bool((answer in choices) or "fin")
        return answer
    def __init__(self):

        self._sql = SQLShowRequest()
        self._db = Database()
class Inspector():
    def __init__(self):

        self._sql = SQLShowRequest()
        self._db = Database()

    def tables(self) -> str:
        """Show tables of database 'oc-pizza'"""

        request = self._sql.list()
        string = "========================================================\n"
        string += "=============  Tables list of 'oc-pizza':  =============\n"
        string += "========================================================\n"
        string += "request: %s \n" % request
        records = self._db.request(request, ask=True)
        for record in records:
            string += record[0] + "\n"
        return string

    def table(self, name):
        """Show name and type of fields for table 'name'"""

        string = "========================================================\n"
        string += "=========  Table  %-24s :  ==========\n" % name
        string += "========================================================\n"
        formatter = TabularOutputFormatter(format_name="simple")
        request = self._sql.columns()
        records = self._db.request(request, (name, ), ask=True)
        headers = ["Name", "Default", "Nullable", "Type"]
        for x in formatter.format_output(records, headers):
            string += x + "\n"
        return string

    def types(self):
        """Show types list and values"""

        string = "========================================================\n"
        string += "======================  Types   =======================\n"
        string += "========================================================\n"
        formatter = TabularOutputFormatter(format_name="simple")
        request = self._sql.types()
        records = self._db.request(request, ask=True)
        data = list()
        for record in records:
        headers = ["Name", "Enums values"]
        for x in formatter.format_output(data, headers):
            string += x + "\n"
        return string

    def type(self, target, return_values=False):
        """Show Type for target or return values only
        (if return_values=True)"""

        string = "========================================================\n"
        string += "================  Type %-12s  =================\n" % target
        string += "========================================================\n"
        formatter = TabularOutputFormatter(format_name="simple")
        request = self._sql.type(target)
        records = self._db.request(request, ask=True)
        data = list()
        for record in records: