def kerberos_update_ticket(): """ Update the kerberos ticket. """ from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers headers = Headers() authorization = request.headers.get("Authorization", None) if authorization is None: # Send the Negotiate header to the client # if Kerberos ticket is not found. headers.add('WWW-Authenticate', 'Negotiate') return Response("Unauthorised", 401, headers) else: source = get_auth_sources(KERBEROS) auth_header = authorization.split() in_token = auth_header[1] # Validate the Kerberos ticket status, context = source.negotiate_start(in_token) if status: return Response("Ticket updated successfully.") return Response(context, 500)
def oidc_login(): auth_obj = AuthSourceManager(None, ['oidc']) print("Logging auth_obj") print(auth_obj) session['_auth_source_manager_obj'] = auth_obj.as_dict() print("added _auth_source_manager_obj to session") oidc_auth_source = get_auth_sources("oidc") print("Logging oidc_auth_source") print(oidc_auth_source) unique_id = "u" + oidc.user_getfield('sub') + "@cyton" display_name = oidc.user_getfield('preferred_username') email = oidc.user_getfield('email') if email is None or email == "None": email = unique_id user = User.query.filter_by(username=unique_id).first() if user is None: res, user = create_user({ 'username': unique_id, 'email': email, 'role': 2, 'active': True, 'is_active': True, 'auth_source': 'oidc' }) print("Logging res and user") print(res) print(user) print("querying for user") user = User.query.filter_by(username=unique_id).first() print("Logging user:"******"loading servers.json for user") storage_dir = get_storage_directory() print("storage_dir") print(storage_dir) system('rm -f ' + storage_dir + '/pgpassfile') system('cp /pgadmin4/pgpass/pgpassfile ' + storage_dir + '/') system('chmod 0600 ' + storage_dir + '/pgpassfile') system('/usr/local/bin/python /pgadmin4/ --load-servers "' + environ.get('PGADMIN_SERVER_JSON_FILE') + '" --user ' + unique_id) return redirect(get_post_login_redirect())