Example #1
    def test_archive_sync(self, db, pghoard):
        log = logging.getLogger("test_archive_sync")
        store = pghoard.transfer_agents[0].get_object_storage(pghoard.test_site)

        def list_archive(folder):
            if folder == "timeline":
                matcher = wal.TIMELINE_RE.match
                matcher = wal.XLOG_RE.match

            path_to_list = "{}/{}".format(pghoard.test_site, folder)
            files_found, files_total = 0, 0
            for obj in store.list_path(path_to_list):
                fname = os.path.basename(obj["name"])
                files_total += 1
                if matcher(fname):
                    files_found += 1
                    yield fname

            log.info("Listed %r, %r out of %r matched %r pattern", path_to_list, files_found, files_total, folder)

        # create a basebackup to start with
        self._run_and_wait_basebackup(pghoard, db, "pipe")

        # force a couple of wal segment switches
        start_xlog, _ = self._switch_xlog(db, 4)
        # we should have at least 4 xlog files now (there may be more in
        # case other tests created them -- we share a single postresql
        # cluster between all tests)
        pg_xlog_dir = pghoard.config["backup_sites"][pghoard.test_site]["pg_xlog_directory"]
        pg_xlogs = {f for f in os.listdir(pg_xlog_dir) if wal.XLOG_RE.match(f) and f > start_xlog}
        assert len(pg_xlogs) >= 4

        # create a couple of "recycled" xlog files that we must ignore
        last_xlog = sorted(pg_xlogs)[-1]
        dummy_data = b"x" * (16 * 2 ** 20)

        def write_dummy_xlog(inc):
            filename = "{:024X}".format((int(last_xlog, 16) + inc))
            print("writing dummy xlog file", filename)
            open(os.path.join(pg_xlog_dir, filename), "wb").write(dummy_data)
            return filename

        recycled1 = write_dummy_xlog(1)
        recycled2 = write_dummy_xlog(2)

        # check what we have archived, there should be at least the three
        # above xlogs that are NOT there at the moment
        archived_xlogs = set(list_archive("xlog"))
        assert len(pg_xlogs - archived_xlogs) >= 4
        # now perform an archive sync
        arsy = ArchiveSync()
        arsy.run(["--site", pghoard.test_site, "--config", pghoard.config_path])
        # and now archive should include all our xlogs
        archived_xlogs = set(list_archive("xlog"))

        # the recycled files must not appear in archived files
        assert recycled1 not in archived_xlogs
        assert recycled2 not in archived_xlogs

        # the regular wals must be archived
        assert archived_xlogs.issuperset(pg_xlogs)

        # if we delete a wal file that's not the latest archival it should
        # get synced to the archive as we don't have a basebackup newer than
        # it
        current_wal = arsy.get_current_wal_file()
        old_xlogs = sorted(wal for wal in pg_xlogs if wal < current_wal)
        store.delete_key(os.path.join(pghoard.test_site, "xlog", old_xlogs[-2]))
        arsy.run(["--site", pghoard.test_site, "--config", pghoard.config_path])
        archived_xlogs = set(list_archive("xlog"))
        assert archived_xlogs.issuperset(pg_xlogs)
        # delete the topmost wal file, this should cause resync too
        store.delete_key(os.path.join(pghoard.test_site, "xlog", old_xlogs[-1]))
        arsy.run(["--site", pghoard.test_site, "--config", pghoard.config_path])
        archived_xlogs = set(list_archive("xlog"))
        assert archived_xlogs.issuperset(pg_xlogs)
        # let's do a little dance to turn our DB into a standby and then
        # promote it, forcing a timeline switch
        with open(os.path.join(db.pgdata, "recovery.conf"), "w") as fp:
                "standby_mode = 'on'\n"
                "recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'\n"
                "restore_command = 'false'\n"
        # start PG and promote it
        db.run_cmd("pg_ctl", "-D", db.pgdata, "promote")
        time.sleep(5)  # TODO: instead of sleeping, poll the db until ready
        # we should have a single timeline file in pg_xlog now
        pg_xlog_timelines = {f for f in os.listdir(pg_xlog_dir) if wal.TIMELINE_RE.match(f)}
        assert len(pg_xlog_timelines) > 0
        # but there should be nothing archived as archive_command wasn't setup
        archived_timelines = set(list_archive("timeline"))
        assert len(archived_timelines) == 0
        # let's hit archive sync
        arsy.run(["--site", pghoard.test_site, "--config", pghoard.config_path])
        # now we should have an archived timeline
        archived_timelines = set(list_archive("timeline"))
        assert archived_timelines.issuperset(pg_xlog_timelines)
        assert "00000002.history" in archived_timelines

        # let's take a new basebackup
        self._run_and_wait_basebackup(pghoard, db, "basic")
        # nuke archives and resync them
        for name in list_archive(folder="timeline"):
            store.delete_key(os.path.join(pghoard.test_site, "timeline", name))
        for name in list_archive(folder="xlog"):
            store.delete_key(os.path.join(pghoard.test_site, "xlog", name))
        self._switch_xlog(db, 1)

        arsy.run(["--site", pghoard.test_site, "--config", pghoard.config_path])

        archived_xlogs = set(list_archive("xlog"))
        # assume the same timeline file as before and one to three wal files
        assert len(archived_xlogs) >= 1
        assert len(archived_xlogs) <= 3
        archived_timelines = set(list_archive("timeline"))
        assert list(archived_timelines) == ["00000002.history"]
Example #2
    def test_archive_sync(self, db, pghoard):
        log = logging.getLogger("test_archive_sync")
        store = pghoard.transfer_agents[0].get_object_storage(pghoard.test_site)

        def list_archive(folder):
            if folder == "timeline":
                matcher = wal.TIMELINE_RE.match
                matcher = wal.WAL_RE.match

            path_to_list = "{}/{}".format(pghoard.test_site, folder)
            files_found, files_total = 0, 0
            for obj in store.list_path(path_to_list):
                fname = os.path.basename(obj["name"])
                files_total += 1
                if matcher(fname):
                    files_found += 1
                    yield fname

            log.info("Listed %r, %r out of %r matched %r pattern", path_to_list, files_found, files_total, folder)

        # create a basebackup to start with
        self._run_and_wait_basebackup(pghoard, db, "pipe")

        # force a couple of wal segment switches
        start_wal, _ = self._switch_wal(db, 4)
        # we should have at least 4 WAL files now (there may be more in
        # case other tests created them -- we share a single postresql
        # cluster between all tests)
        pg_wal_dir = get_pg_wal_directory(pghoard.config["backup_sites"][pghoard.test_site])
        pg_wals = {f for f in os.listdir(pg_wal_dir) if wal.WAL_RE.match(f) and f > start_wal}
        assert len(pg_wals) >= 4

        # create a couple of "recycled" xlog files that we must ignore
        last_wal = sorted(pg_wals)[-1]
        dummy_data = b"x" * (16 * 2 ** 20)

        def write_dummy_wal(inc):
            filename = "{:024X}".format((int(last_wal, 16) + inc))
            print("Writing dummy WAL file", filename)
            open(os.path.join(pg_wal_dir, filename), "wb").write(dummy_data)
            return filename

        recycled1 = write_dummy_wal(1)
        recycled2 = write_dummy_wal(2)

        # check what we have archived, there should be at least the three
        # above WALs that are NOT there at the moment
        archived_wals = set(list_archive("xlog"))
        assert len(pg_wals - archived_wals) >= 4
        # now perform an archive sync
        arsy = ArchiveSync()
        arsy.run(["--site", pghoard.test_site, "--config", pghoard.config_path])
        # and now archive should include all our WALs
        archived_wals = set(list_archive("xlog"))

        # the recycled files must not appear in archived files
        assert recycled1 not in archived_wals
        assert recycled2 not in archived_wals

        # the regular wals must be archived
        assert archived_wals.issuperset(pg_wals)

        # if we delete a wal file that's not the latest archival it should
        # get synced to the archive as we don't have a basebackup newer than
        # it
        current_wal = arsy.get_current_wal_file()
        old_wals = sorted(wal for wal in pg_wals if wal < current_wal)
        store.delete_key(os.path.join(pghoard.test_site, "xlog", old_wals[-2]))
        arsy.run(["--site", pghoard.test_site, "--config", pghoard.config_path])
        archived_wals = set(list_archive("xlog"))
        assert archived_wals.issuperset(pg_wals)
        # delete the topmost wal file, this should cause resync too
        store.delete_key(os.path.join(pghoard.test_site, "xlog", old_wals[-1]))
        arsy.run(["--site", pghoard.test_site, "--config", pghoard.config_path])
        archived_wals = set(list_archive("xlog"))
        assert archived_wals.issuperset(pg_wals)
        # let's do a little dance to turn our DB into a standby and then
        # promote it, forcing a timeline switch
        with open(os.path.join(db.pgdata, "recovery.conf"), "w") as fp:
                "standby_mode = 'on'\n"
                "recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'\n"
                "restore_command = 'false'\n"
        # start PG and promote it
        db.run_cmd("pg_ctl", "-D", db.pgdata, "promote")
        time.sleep(5)  # TODO: instead of sleeping, poll the db until ready
        # we should have a single timeline file in pg_xlog/pg_wal now
        pg_wal_timelines = {f for f in os.listdir(pg_wal_dir) if wal.TIMELINE_RE.match(f)}
        assert len(pg_wal_timelines) > 0
        # but there should be nothing archived as archive_command wasn't setup
        archived_timelines = set(list_archive("timeline"))
        assert len(archived_timelines) == 0
        # let's hit archive sync
        arsy.run(["--site", pghoard.test_site, "--config", pghoard.config_path])
        # now we should have an archived timeline
        archived_timelines = set(list_archive("timeline"))
        assert archived_timelines.issuperset(pg_wal_timelines)
        assert "00000002.history" in archived_timelines

        # let's take a new basebackup
        self._run_and_wait_basebackup(pghoard, db, "basic")
        # nuke archives and resync them
        for name in list_archive(folder="timeline"):
            store.delete_key(os.path.join(pghoard.test_site, "timeline", name))
        for name in list_archive(folder="xlog"):
            store.delete_key(os.path.join(pghoard.test_site, "xlog", name))
        self._switch_wal(db, 1)

        arsy.run(["--site", pghoard.test_site, "--config", pghoard.config_path])

        archived_wals = set(list_archive("xlog"))
        # assume the same timeline file as before and one to three wal files
        assert len(archived_wals) >= 1
        assert len(archived_wals) <= 3
        archived_timelines = set(list_archive("timeline"))
        assert list(archived_timelines) == ["00000002.history"]