Example #1
class Source(GLib.Source):
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        # use our custom pyg_source_new() here as g_source_new() is not
        # bindable
        source = source_new()
        source.__class__ = cls
        setattr(source, '__pygi_custom_source', True)
        return source

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return super(Source, self).__init__()

    def set_callback(self, fn, user_data=None):
        if hasattr(self, '__pygi_custom_source'):
            # use our custom pyg_source_set_callback() if for a GSource object
            # with custom functions
            source_set_callback(self, fn, user_data)
            # otherwise, for Idle and Timeout, use the standard method
            super(Source, self).set_callback(fn, user_data)

    def get_current_time(self):
        return GLib.get_real_time() * 0.000001

    get_current_time = deprecated(
        get_current_time, 'GLib.Source.get_time() or GLib.get_real_time()')

    :returns: Time in seconds since the Epoch
    :rtype: float

    {{ docs }}

    # as get/set_priority are introspected, we can't use the static
    # property(get_priority, ..) here
    def __get_priority(self):
        return self.get_priority()

    def __set_priority(self, value):

    priority = property(__get_priority, __set_priority)

    def __get_can_recurse(self):
        return self.get_can_recurse()

    def __set_can_recurse(self, value):

    can_recurse = property(__get_can_recurse, __set_can_recurse)
Example #2
class IOChannel(GLib.IOChannel):
    def __new__(cls, filedes=None, filename=None, mode=None, hwnd=None):
        if filedes is not None:
            return GLib.IOChannel.unix_new(filedes)
        if filename is not None:
            return GLib.IOChannel.new_file(filename, mode or 'r')
        if hwnd is not None:
            return GLib.IOChannel.win32_new_fd(hwnd)
        raise TypeError('either a valid file descriptor, file name, or window handle must be supplied')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return super(IOChannel, self).__init__()

    def read(self, max_count=-1):
        return io_channel_read(self, max_count)

    def readline(self, size_hint=-1):
        # note, size_hint is just to maintain backwards compatible API; the
        # old static binding did not actually use it
        (status, buf, length, terminator_pos) = self.read_line()
        if buf is None:
            return ''
        return buf

    def readlines(self, size_hint=-1):
        # note, size_hint is just to maintain backwards compatible API;
        # the old static binding did not actually use it
        lines = []
        status = GLib.IOStatus.NORMAL
        while status == GLib.IOStatus.NORMAL:
            (status, buf, length, terminator_pos) = self.read_line()
            # note, this appends an empty line after EOF; this is
            # bug-compatible with the old static bindings
            if buf is None:
                buf = ''
        return lines

    def write(self, buf, buflen=-1):
        if not isinstance(buf, bytes):
            buf = buf.encode('UTF-8')
        if buflen == -1:
            buflen = len(buf)
        (status, written) = self.write_chars(buf, buflen)
        return written

    def writelines(self, lines):
        for line in lines:

    _whence_map = {0: GLib.SeekType.SET, 1: GLib.SeekType.CUR, 2: GLib.SeekType.END}

    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
            w = self._whence_map[whence]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("invalid 'whence' value")
        return self.seek_position(offset, w)

    def add_watch(self, condition, callback, *user_data, **kwargs):
        priority = kwargs.get('priority', GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
        return io_add_watch(self, priority, condition, callback, *user_data)

    add_watch = deprecated(add_watch, 'GLib.io_add_watch()')

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        (status, buf, length, terminator_pos) = self.read_line()
        if status == GLib.IOStatus.NORMAL:
            return buf
        raise StopIteration

    # Python 2.x compatibility
    next = __next__
Example #3
# we need this to be accessible for unit testing

def child_watch_add(*args, **kwargs):
    """child_watch_add(priority, pid, function, *data)"""
    priority, pid, function, data = _child_watch_add_get_args(*args, **kwargs)
    return GLib.child_watch_add(priority, pid, function, *data)


def get_current_time():
    return GLib.get_real_time() * 0.000001

get_current_time = deprecated(get_current_time, 'GLib.get_real_time()')


# backwards compatible API with default argument, and ignoring bytes_read
# output argument
def filename_from_utf8(utf8string, len=-1):
    return GLib.filename_from_utf8(utf8string, len)[0]


# backwards compatible API for renamed function
if not hasattr(GLib, 'unix_signal_add_full'):
    def add_full_compat(*args):
Example #4
# API aliases for backwards compatibility
for name in [
        'markup_escape_text', 'get_application_name', 'set_application_name',
        'get_prgname', 'set_prgname', 'main_depth',
        'filename_display_basename', 'filename_display_name',
        'filename_from_utf8', 'uri_list_extract_uris', 'MainLoop',
        'MainContext', 'main_context_default', 'source_remove', 'Source',
        'Idle', 'Timeout', 'PollFD', 'idle_add', 'timeout_add',
        'timeout_add_seconds', 'io_add_watch', 'child_watch_add',
        'get_current_time', 'spawn_async'
    # ubuntu 12.04 glib
    if name == "uri_list_extract_uris" and not hasattr(GLib, name):
    globals()[name] = deprecated(getattr(GLib, name), 'GLib.' + name)

# constants are also deprecated, but cannot mark them as such
for name in [
Example #5
# API aliases for backwards compatibility
for name in ['markup_escape_text', 'get_application_name',
             'set_application_name', 'get_prgname', 'set_prgname',
             'main_depth', 'filename_display_basename',
             'filename_display_name', 'filename_from_utf8',
             'MainLoop', 'MainContext', 'main_context_default',
             'source_remove', 'Source', 'Idle', 'Timeout', 'PollFD',
             'idle_add', 'timeout_add', 'timeout_add_seconds',
             'io_add_watch', 'child_watch_add', 'get_current_time',
    # ubuntu 12.04 glib
    if name == "uri_list_extract_uris" and not hasattr(GLib, name):
    globals()[name] = deprecated(getattr(GLib, name), 'GLib.' + name)

# constants are also deprecated, but cannot mark them as such
             'IO_IN', 'IO_OUT', 'IO_PRI', 'IO_ERR', 'IO_HUP', 'IO_NVAL',