Example #1
 def __init__(self, num_sides, radius):
     dx = -radius
     dy = 0
     self.addVertex(dx, dy)
     da = 360 / num_sides
     edge = math.sin(da / 2 * math.pi / 180) * radius * 2
     angle = 0
     for i in range(num_sides):
         self.addPolarEdge(edge, angle)
         angle -= da
Example #2
    def __init__(self, nSides, radius):
		Creates a regular polygon with its reference point at the center.
		The nSides parameter indicates the number of sides and radius
		parameter indicates the distance from the reference point to any 
        edge = 2 * radius * math.sin((math.pi / nSides))
        d_ang = 360 / nSides
        self.addVertex(edge / 2, radius)
        angle = 180
        for i in range(nSides):
            self.addPolarEdge(edge, angle)
            angle -= d_ang
    def __init__(self, nSides, radius):
        Initializes the Regular Polygon of the given perameters. The reference point is the center of the shape.
        self.nSides = nSides
        self.radius = radius

        theta = radians(360 / self.nSides)
        interiorTheta = radians(((self.nSides - 2) * 180) / self.nSides)
        sideLen = 2 * self.radius * sin(theta / 2)
        self.addVertex(-sideLen / 2, self.radius * cos(theta / 2))

        newTheta = 0
        for i in range(self.nSides - 1):
            self.addPolarEdge(sideLen, degrees(newTheta))
            newTheta += (pi - interiorTheta)