def finish_remote_batch(self, src_db, dst_db, tick_id): """Worker-specific cleanup on target node. """ if self.main_worker: st = self._worker_state dst_curs = dst_db.cursor() self.flush_events(dst_curs) # send tick event into queue if st.send_tick_event: q = "select pgq.insert_event(%s, 'pgq.tick-id', %s, %s, null, null, null)" dst_curs.execute( q, [st.target_queue, str(tick_id), self.pgq_queue_name]) if st.create_tick: # create actual tick tick_id = self._batch_info['tick_id'] tick_time = self._batch_info['batch_end'] q = "select pgq.ticker(%s, %s, %s, %s)" dst_curs.execute( q, [self.pgq_queue_name, tick_id, tick_time, self.cur_max_id]) CascadedConsumer.finish_remote_batch(self, src_db, dst_db, tick_id)
def finish_remote_batch(self, src_db, dst_db, tick_id): """Worker-specific cleanup on target node. """ # merge-leaf on branch should not update tick pos wst = self._worker_state if wst.wait_behind: dst_db.commit() return if self.main_worker: st = self._worker_state dst_curs = dst_db.cursor() self.flush_events(dst_curs) # send tick event into queue if st.send_tick_event: q = "select pgq.insert_event(%s, 'pgq.tick-id', %s, %s, null, null, null)" dst_curs.execute( q, [st.target_queue, str(tick_id), self.pgq_queue_name]) CascadedConsumer.finish_remote_batch(self, src_db, dst_db, tick_id) if self.main_worker: if st.create_tick: # create actual tick tick_id = self.batch_info['tick_id'] tick_time = self.batch_info['batch_end'] self.create_branch_tick(dst_db, tick_id, tick_time)
def finish_remote_batch(self, src_db, dst_db, tick_id): """Worker-specific cleanup on target node. """ # merge-leaf on branch should not update tick pos wst = self._worker_state if wst.wait_behind: dst_db.commit() return if self.main_worker: st = self._worker_state dst_curs = dst_db.cursor() self.flush_events(dst_curs) # send tick event into queue if st.send_tick_event: q = "select pgq.insert_event(%s, 'pgq.tick-id', %s, %s, null, null, null)" dst_curs.execute(q, [st.target_queue, str(tick_id), self.pgq_queue_name]) CascadedConsumer.finish_remote_batch(self, src_db, dst_db, tick_id) if self.main_worker: if st.create_tick: # create actual tick tick_id = self.batch_info['tick_id'] tick_time = self.batch_info['batch_end'] self.create_branch_tick(dst_db, tick_id, tick_time)
def reload(self): CascadedConsumer.reload(self) self.global_wm_publish_period = 'global_wm_publish_period', CascadedWorker.global_wm_publish_period) self.local_wm_publish_period = 'local_wm_publish_period', CascadedWorker.local_wm_publish_period)
def __init__(self, service_name, db_name, args): """Initialize new consumer. @param service_name: service_name for DBScript @param db_name: target database name for get_database() @param args: cmdline args for DBScript """ CascadedConsumer.__init__(self, service_name, db_name, args)
def process_remote_event(self, src_curs, dst_curs, ev): """Handle cascading events. """ if ev.retry: raise Exception('CascadedWorker must not get retry events') # non cascade events send to CascadedConsumer to error out if ev.ev_type[:4] != 'pgq.': CascadedConsumer.process_remote_event(self, src_curs, dst_curs, ev) return # ignore cascade events if not main worker if not self.main_worker: return # check if for right queue t = ev.ev_type if ev.ev_extra1 != self.pgq_queue_name and t != "pgq.tick-id": raise Exception("bad event in queue: " + str(ev)) self.log.debug("got cascade event: %s(%s)" % (t, ev.ev_data)) st = self._worker_state if t == "pgq.location-info": node = ev.ev_data loc = ev.ev_extra2 dead = ev.ev_extra3 q = "select * from pgq_node.register_location(%s, %s, %s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, node, loc, dead]) elif t == "pgq.unregister-location": node = ev.ev_data q = "select * from pgq_node.unregister_location(%s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, node]) elif t == "": if st.sync_watermark: tick_id = int(ev.ev_data) self.log.debug('Half-ignoring global watermark %d', tick_id) self.real_global_wm = tick_id elif st.process_global_wm: tick_id = int(ev.ev_data) q = "select * from pgq_node.set_global_watermark(%s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, tick_id]) elif t == "pgq.tick-id": tick_id = int(ev.ev_data) if ev.ev_extra1 == self.pgq_queue_name: raise Exception('tick-id event for own queue?') if st.process_tick_event: q = "select * from pgq_node.set_partition_watermark(%s, %s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, ev.ev_extra1, tick_id]) else: raise Exception("unknown cascade event: %s" % t)
def process_remote_event(self, src_curs, dst_curs, ev): """Handle cascading events. """ if ev.retry: raise Exception('CascadedWorker must not get retry events') # non cascade events send to CascadedConsumer to error out if ev.ev_type[:4] != 'pgq.': CascadedConsumer.process_remote_event(self, src_curs, dst_curs, ev) return # ignore cascade events if not main worker if not self.main_worker: return # check if for right queue t = ev.ev_type if ev.ev_extra1 != self.pgq_queue_name and t != "pgq.tick-id": raise Exception("bad event in queue: "+str(ev)) self.log.debug("got cascade event: %s(%s)" % (t, ev.ev_data)) st = self._worker_state if t == "pgq.location-info": node = ev.ev_data loc = ev.ev_extra2 dead = ev.ev_extra3 q = "select * from pgq_node.register_location(%s, %s, %s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, node, loc, dead]) elif t == "pgq.unregister-location": node = ev.ev_data q = "select * from pgq_node.unregister_location(%s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, node]) elif t == "": if st.sync_watermark: tick_id = int(ev.ev_data) self.log.debug('Half-ignoring global watermark %d', tick_id) self.real_global_wm = tick_id elif st.process_global_wm: tick_id = int(ev.ev_data) q = "select * from pgq_node.set_global_watermark(%s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, tick_id]) elif t == "pgq.tick-id": tick_id = int(ev.ev_data) if ev.ev_extra1 == self.pgq_queue_name: raise Exception('tick-id event for own queue?') if st.process_tick_event: q = "select * from pgq_node.set_partition_watermark(%s, %s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, ev.ev_extra1, tick_id]) else: raise Exception("unknown cascade event: %s" % t)
def process_root_node(self, dst_db): """On root node send global watermark downstream. """ CascadedConsumer.process_root_node(self, dst_db) t = time.time() if t - self.global_wm_publish_time < self.global_wm_publish_period: return self.log.debug("Publishing global watermark") dst_curs = dst_db.cursor() q = "select * from pgq_node.set_global_watermark(%s, NULL)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name]) dst_db.commit() self.global_wm_publish_time = t
def refresh_state(self, dst_db, full_logic = True): """Load also node state from target node. """ res = CascadedConsumer.refresh_state(self, dst_db, full_logic) q = "select * from pgq_node.get_node_info(%s)" st = self.exec_cmd(dst_db, q, [ self.pgq_queue_name ]) self._worker_state = WorkerState(self.pgq_queue_name, st[0]) return res
def refresh_state(self, dst_db, full_logic=True): """Load also node state from target node. """ res = CascadedConsumer.refresh_state(self, dst_db, full_logic) q = "select * from pgq_node.get_node_info(%s)" st = self.exec_cmd(dst_db, q, [self.pgq_queue_name]) self._worker_state = WorkerState(self.pgq_queue_name, st[0]) return res
def is_batch_done(self, state, batch_info): wst = self._worker_state # on combined-branch the target can get several batches ahead if wst.wait_behind: cur_tick = batch_info['tick_id'] dst_tick = state['completed_tick'] if cur_tick < dst_tick: return True return CascadedConsumer.is_batch_done(self, state, batch_info)
def process_remote_event(self, src_curs, dst_curs, ev): """Handle cascading events. """ # non cascade events send to CascadedConsumer to error out if ev.ev_type[:4] != 'pgq.': CascadedConsumer.process_remote_event(self, src_curs, dst_curs, ev) return # ignore cascade events if not main worker if not self.main_worker: ev.tag_done() return # check if for right queue t = ev.ev_type if ev.ev_extra1 != self.pgq_queue_name and t != "pgq.tick-id": raise Exception("bad event in queue: "+str(ev))"got cascade event: %s" % t) if t == "pgq.location-info": node = ev.ev_data loc = ev.ev_extra2 dead = ev.ev_extra3 q = "select * from pgq_node.register_location(%s, %s, %s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, node, loc, dead]) elif t == "": tick_id = int(ev.ev_data) q = "select * from pgq_node.set_global_watermark(%s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, tick_id]) elif t == "pgq.tick-id": tick_id = int(ev.ev_data) if ev.ev_extra1 == self.pgq_queue_name: raise Exception('tick-id event for own queue?') st = self._worker_state if st.process_tick_event: q = "select * from pgq_node.set_partition_watermark(%s, %s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, ev.ev_extra1, tick_id]) else: raise Exception("unknown cascade event: %s" % t) ev.tag_done()
def finish_remote_batch(self, src_db, dst_db, tick_id): """Worker-specific cleanup on target node. """ if self.main_worker: st = self._worker_state dst_curs = dst_db.cursor() self.flush_events(dst_curs) # send tick event into queue if st.send_tick_event: q = "select pgq.insert_event(%s, 'pgq.tick-id', %s, %s, null, null, null)" dst_curs.execute(q, [st.target_queue, str(tick_id), self.pgq_queue_name]) if st.create_tick: # create actual tick tick_id = self._batch_info['tick_id'] tick_time = self._batch_info['batch_end'] q = "select pgq.ticker(%s, %s, %s, %s)" dst_curs.execute(q, [self.pgq_queue_name, tick_id, tick_time, self.cur_max_id]) CascadedConsumer.finish_remote_batch(self, src_db, dst_db, tick_id)
def is_batch_done(self, state, batch_info, dst_db): wst = self._worker_state # on combined-branch the target can get several batches ahead if wst.wait_behind: cur_tick = batch_info['tick_id'] dst_tick = state['completed_tick'] if cur_tick < dst_tick: return True # check if events have processed done = CascadedConsumer.is_batch_done(self, state, batch_info, dst_db) if not wst.create_tick: return done if not done: return False # check if tick is done - it happens in separate tx # fetch last tick from target queue q = "select t.tick_id from pgq.tick t, pgq.queue q"\ " where t.tick_queue = q.queue_id and q.queue_name = %s"\ " order by t.tick_queue desc, t.tick_id desc"\ " limit 1" curs = dst_db.cursor() curs.execute(q, [self.queue_name]) last_tick = curs.fetchone()['tick_id'] dst_db.commit() # insert tick if missing cur_tick = batch_info['tick_id'] if last_tick != cur_tick: prev_tick = batch_info['prev_tick_id'] tick_time = batch_info['batch_end'] if last_tick != prev_tick: raise Exception( 'is_batch_done: last branch tick = %d, expected %d or %d' % (last_tick, prev_tick, cur_tick)) self.create_branch_tick(dst_db, cur_tick, tick_time) return True
def is_batch_done(self, state, batch_info, dst_db): wst = self._worker_state # on combined-branch the target can get several batches ahead if wst.wait_behind: cur_tick = batch_info['tick_id'] dst_tick = state['completed_tick'] if cur_tick < dst_tick: return True # check if events have processed done = CascadedConsumer.is_batch_done(self, state, batch_info, dst_db) if not wst.create_tick: return done if not done: return False # check if tick is done - it happens in separate tx # fetch last tick from target queue q = "select t.tick_id from pgq.tick t, pgq.queue q"\ " where t.tick_queue = q.queue_id and q.queue_name = %s"\ " order by t.tick_queue desc, t.tick_id desc"\ " limit 1" curs = dst_db.cursor() curs.execute(q, [self.queue_name]) last_tick = curs.fetchone()['tick_id'] dst_db.commit() # insert tick if missing cur_tick = batch_info['tick_id'] if last_tick != cur_tick: prev_tick = batch_info['prev_tick_id'] tick_time = batch_info['batch_end'] if last_tick != prev_tick: raise Exception('is_batch_done: last branch tick = %d, expected %d or %d' % ( last_tick, prev_tick, cur_tick)) self.create_branch_tick(dst_db, cur_tick, tick_time) return True
def reload(self): CascadedConsumer.reload(self) self.global_wm_publish_period ='global_wm_publish_period', CascadedWorker.global_wm_publish_period) self.local_wm_publish_period ='local_wm_publish_period', CascadedWorker.local_wm_publish_period)