Example #1
def test_get_etas(pheno_path, testdata):
    model = Model(pheno_path)

    etas = _get_etas(model, ['ETA(1)'])
    assert len(etas) == 1

    etas = _get_etas(model, ['ETA(1)', 'CL'], include_symbols=True)
    assert len(etas) == 1

    etas = _get_etas(model, ['ETA(1)', 'V'], include_symbols=True)
    assert len(etas) == 2

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        _get_etas(model, ['ETA(23)'])

    model = Model(testdata / 'nonmem' / 'pheno_block.mod')
    rvs = _get_etas(model, None)
    assert rvs[0].name == 'ETA(1)'

    model.parameters.fix = {'OMEGA(1,1)': True}
    rvs = _get_etas(model, None)
    assert rvs[0].name == 'ETA(2)'

    model = Model(testdata / 'nonmem' / 'pheno_block.mod')
    model.random_variables['ETA(1)'].level = 'IOV'
    rvs = _get_etas(model, None)
    assert rvs[0].name == 'ETA(2)'
Example #2
def split_rv_block(model, list_of_rvs=None):
    Splits a block structure given a list of etas to separate.

    model : Model
        Pharmpy model to create block effect on.
    list_of_rvs : str, list
        Name/names of etas to split from block structure. If None, all etas that are IIVs and
        non-fixed will become single. None is default.
    rvs = model.random_variables
    list_of_rvs = _get_etas(model, list_of_rvs)

    parameters_before = rvs.parameter_names
    parameters_after = rvs.parameter_names

    removed_parameters = set(parameters_before) - set(parameters_after)
    pset = model.parameters
    for param in removed_parameters:
        del pset[param]

    return model
Example #3
def tdist(model, list_of_etas=None):
    Applies a t-distribution transformation to specified etas from a :class:`pharmpy.model`. Initial
    estimate for degrees of freedom is 80 with bounds (3, 100).

    model : Model
        Pharmpy model to apply t distribution transformation to.
    list_of_etas : str, list
        Name/names of etas to transform. If None, all etas will be transformed (default).
    list_of_etas = _format_input_list(list_of_etas)
    etas = _get_etas(model, list_of_etas)
    eta_transformation = EtaTransformation.tdist(len(etas))
    _transform_etas(model, eta_transformation, etas)
    return model
Example #4
def boxcox(model, list_of_etas=None):
    Applies a boxcox transformation to specified etas from a :class:`pharmpy.model`. Initial
    estimate for lambda is 0.1 with bounds (-3, 3).

    model : Model
        Pharmpy model to apply boxcox transformation to.
    list_of_etas : str, list
        Name/names of etas to transform. If None, all etas will be transformed (default).
    list_of_etas = _format_input_list(list_of_etas)
    etas = _get_etas(model, list_of_etas)
    eta_transformation = EtaTransformation.boxcox(len(etas))
    _transform_etas(model, eta_transformation, etas)
    return model
Example #5
def john_draper(model, list_of_etas=None):
    Applies a John Draper transformation [1]_ to specified etas from a
    :class:`pharmpy.model`. Initial estimate for lambda is 0.1 with bounds (-3, 3).

    .. [1] John, J., Draper, N. (1980). An Alternative Family of Transformations.
       Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics),
       29(2), 190-197. doi:10.2307/2986305

    model : Model
        Pharmpy model to apply John Draper transformation to.
    list_of_etas : str, list
        Name/names of etas to transform. If None, all etas will be transformed (default).
    list_of_etas = _format_input_list(list_of_etas)
    etas = _get_etas(model, list_of_etas)
    eta_transformation = EtaTransformation.john_draper(len(etas))
    _transform_etas(model, eta_transformation, etas)
    return model
Example #6
def add_iov(model, occ, list_of_parameters=None, eta_names=None):
    Adds IOVs to :class:`pharmpy.model`. Initial estimate of new IOVs are 10% of the IIV eta
    it is based on.

    model : Model
        Pharmpy model to add new IOVs to.
    occ : str
        Name of occasion column.
    list_of_parameters : str, list
        List of names of parameters and random variables. Accepts random variable names, parameter
        names, or a mix of both.
    eta_names: str, list
        Custom names of new etas. Must be equal to the number of input etas times the number of
        categories for occasion.
    rvs, pset, sset = model.random_variables, model.parameters, model.statements

    list_of_parameters = _format_input_list(list_of_parameters)
    etas = _get_etas(model, list_of_parameters, include_symbols=True)
    categories = _get_occ_levels(model.dataset, occ)

    if eta_names and len(eta_names) != len(etas) * len(categories):
        raise ValueError(
            f'Number of provided names incorrect, need {len(etas) * len(categories)} names.'
    elif len(categories) == 1:
        raise ValueError(f'Only one value in {occ} column.')

    iovs, etais = ModelStatements(), ModelStatements()
    for i, eta in enumerate(etas, 1):
        omega_name = str(
        omega = S(f'OMEGA_IOV_{i}')  # TODO: better name
        pset.append(Parameter(str(omega), init=pset[omega_name].init * 0.1))

        iov = S(f'IOV_{i}')

        values, conditions = [], []

        for j, cat in enumerate(categories, 1):
            if eta_names:
                eta_name = eta_names[j - 1]
                eta_name = f'ETA_IOV_{i}{j}'

            eta_new = RandomVariable.normal(eta_name, 'iov', 0, omega)

            values += [S(eta_new.name)]
            conditions += [Eq(cat, S(occ))]

        expression = Piecewise(*zip(values, conditions))

        iovs.append(Assignment(iov, sympy.sympify(0)))
        iovs.append(Assignment(iov, expression))
        etais.append(Assignment(S(f'ETAI{i}'), eta.symbol + iov))

        sset.subs({eta.name: S(f'ETAI{i}')})


    model.random_variables, model.parameters, model.statements = rvs, pset, iovs

    return model