def __init__(self, path, basecache=None): """ Create a new JSON cache. Optionally supports populating the cache with values of an existing cache. Arguments: basecache (TransientCache, optional): Cache to populate this new cache with. """ super(JsonCache, self).__init__() self.path = fs.abspath(path) if fs.exists(self.path) and fs.read_file(self.path): io.debug(("Loading cache '{0}'".format(self.path))) with open(self.path) as file: self._data = json.load(file) if basecache is not None: for key, val in basecache.items(): self._data[key] = val # Register exit handler atexit.register(self.write)
def RequestStencilParams(self, device_name, device_count, north, south, east, west, data_width, data_height, type_in, type_out, source, max_wg_size): """ Request parameter values for a SkelCL stencil operation. Determines the parameter values to use for a SkelCL stencil operation, using a machine learning classifier to predict the optimal parameter values given a set of features determined from the arguments. Args: device_name (str): The name of the execution device. device_count (int): The number of execution devices. north (int): The stencil shape north direction. south (int): The stencil shape south direction. east (int): The stencil shape east direction. west (int): The stencil shape west direction. data_width (int): The number of columns of data. data_height (int): The number of rows of data. type_in (str): The input data type. type_out (str): The output data type. max_wg_size (int): The maximum kernel workgroup size. source (str): The stencil kernel source code. Returns: A tuple of work group size values, e.g. (16,32) """ start_time = time.time() # Parse arguments. device_name = util.parse_str(device_name) device_count = int(device_count) north = int(north) south = int(south) east = int(east) west = int(west) data_width = int(data_width) data_height = int(data_height) source = util.parse_str(source) max_wg_size = int(max_wg_size) # TODO: Perform feature extraction & classification wg = (64, 32) end_time = time.time() io.debug(("RequestStencilParams() -> " "({c}, {r}) [{t:.3f}s]".format(c=wg[0], r=wg[1], t=end_time - start_time))) return wg
def AddStencilRuntime(self, device_name, device_count, north, south, east, west, data_width, data_height, type_in, type_out, source, max_wg_size, wg_c, wg_r, runtime): """ Add a new stencil runtime. Args: device_name (str): The name of the execution device. device_count (int): The number of execution devices. north (int): The stencil shape north direction. south (int): The stencil shape south direction. east (int): The stencil shape east direction. west (int): The stencil shape west direction. data_width (int): The number of columns of data. data_height (int): The number of rows of data. type_in (str): The input data type. type_out (str): The output data type. source (str): The stencil kernel source code. max_wg_size (int): The maximum kernel workgroup size. wg_c (int): The workgroup size used (columns). wg_r (int): The workgroup size used (rows). runtime (double): The measured runtime in milliseconds. """ # Parse arguments. device_name = util.parse_str(device_name) device_count = int(device_count) north = int(north) south = int(south) east = int(east) west = int(west) data_width = int(data_width) data_height = int(data_height) type_in = util.parse_str(type_in) type_out = util.parse_str(type_out) source = util.parse_str(source) max_wg_size = int(max_wg_size) wg_c = int(wg_c) wg_r = int(wg_r) runtime = float(runtime) # Lookup IDs device = self.db.device_id(device_name, device_count) kernel = self.db.kernel_id(north, south, east, west, max_wg_size, source) dataset = self.db.datasets_id(data_width, data_height, type_in, type_out) scenario = self.db.scenario_id(device, kernel, dataset) params = self.db.params_id(wg_c, wg_r) # Add entry into runtimes table. self.db.add_runtime(scenario, params, runtime) self.db.commit() io.debug(("AddStencilRuntime({scenario}, {params}, {runtime})".format( scenario=scenario[:8], params=params, runtime=runtime)))
def write(self): """ Write contents of cache to disk. """ io.debug("Storing cache '{0}'".format(self.path)) with open(self.path, "w") as file: json.dump(self._data, file, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
def test_debug(): out = StringIO() io.debug("foo", file=out) assert "DEBUG" =="DEBUG", out.getvalue()).group(0)
def migrate_2_to_3(old): """ SkelCL database migration script. Arguments: old (SkelCLDatabase): The database to migrate """ def _old_kernel2new(old_id): kernel = old.execute( "SELECT north,south,east,west,max_wg_size,source " "FROM kernels WHERE id=?", (old_id, )).fetchone() if kernel: return tmp.kernel_id(*kernel) def _old_scenario2new(old_id): device, old_kernel, dataset = old.execute( "SELECT device,kernel,dataset " "FROM scenarios WHERE id=?", (old_id, )).fetchone() kernel = _old_kernel2new(old_kernel) return tmp.scenario_id(device, kernel, dataset) # TODO: Un-comment out code! # Create temporary database fs.rm("/tmp/omnitune.skelcl.migration.db") tmp = _db.Database("/tmp/omnitune.skelcl.migration.db") tmp.attach(old.path, "rhs")"Migrating database to version 3.") backup_path = old.path + ".2""Creating backup of old database at '{0}'".format(backup_path)) fs.cp(old.path, backup_path) tmp_path = tmp.path old_path = old.path"create_tables") # Populate feature and lookup tables. for row in old.execute("SELECT * FROM devices"): features = row[1:] id = hash_device(*features) io.debug("Features extracted for device", id) row = (id, ) + features tmp.execute("INSERT INTO devices VALUES " + placeholders(*row), row) row = (features[0], features[1], id) tmp.execute("INSERT INTO device_lookup VALUES " + placeholders(*row), row) tmp.commit() for row in old.execute("SELECT * FROM kernels"): args = row[1:] tmp.kernel_id(*args) for row in old.execute("SELECT * FROM datasets"): features = row[1:] id = hash_dataset(*features) io.debug("Features extracted for dataset", id) row = (id, ) + features tmp.execute("INSERT INTO datasets VALUES " + placeholders(*row), row) row = features + (id, ) tmp.execute("INSERT INTO dataset_lookup VALUES " + placeholders(*row), row) tmp.commit() # Populate kernel_names table. for row in old.execute("SELECT * FROM kernel_names"): old_id = row[0] synthetic, name = row[1:] kernel = _old_kernel2new(old_id) if kernel: row = (kernel, synthetic, name) tmp.execute( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO kernel_names VALUES " + placeholders(*row), row) tmp.commit() # Populate scenarios table. for row in old.execute("SELECT * FROM scenarios"): old_id, _, device, old_kernel, dataset = row kernel = _old_kernel2new(old_kernel) new_id = hash_scenario(device, kernel, dataset) row = (new_id, device, kernel, dataset) tmp.execute( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO scenarios VALUES " + placeholders(*row), row) tmp.commit() # Populate params table. tmp.execute("INSERT INTO params SELECT * from rhs.params") tmp.commit() scenario_replacements = { row[0]: _old_scenario2new(row[0]) for row in old.execute("SELECT * FROM scenarios") } tmp.execute("INSERT INTO runtimes SELECT * from rhs.runtimes") for old_id, new_id in scenario_replacements.iteritems():"Runtimes", old_id, "->", new_id) tmp.execute("UPDATE runtimes SET scenario=? WHERE scenario=?", (new_id, old_id)) tmp.commit() # Sanity checks bad = False for row in tmp.execute("SELECT DISTINCT scenario FROM runtimes"): count = tmp.execute("SELECT Count(*) FROM scenarios WHERE id=?", (row[0], )).fetchone()[0] if count != 1: io.error("Bad scenario count:", row[0], count) bad = True if bad: io.fatal("Failed sanity check, aborting.") else:"Passed sanity check.") # Copy migrated database over the original one. fs.cp(tmp_path, old_path) fs.rm(tmp_path) old.close() tmp.close()"Migration completed.")
def migrate_0_to_1(old): """ SkelCL database migration script. Arguments: old (SkelCLDatabase): The database to migrate """ def get_source(checksum): query = old.execute("SELECT source FROM kernels WHERE checksum = ?", (checksum, )) return query.fetchone()[0] def get_device_attr(device_id, name, count): query = old.execute("SELECT * FROM devices WHERE name = ?", (name, )) attr = query.fetchone() # Splice into the new newattr = (device_id, attr[0], count) + attr[2:] return newattr def process_row(tmp, row): # Get column values from row. host = row[0] dev_name = row[1] dev_count = row[2] kern_checksum = row[3] north = row[4] south = row[5] east = row[6] west = row[7] data_width = row[8] data_height = row[9] max_wg_size = row[10] wg_c = row[11] wg_r = row[12] runtime = row[13] type_in = "float" type_out = "float" # Lookup source code. source = get_source(kern_checksum) user_source = get_user_source(source) kernel_id = hash_kernel(north, south, east, west, max_wg_size, source) device_id = hash_device(dev_name, dev_count) data_id = hash_data(data_width, data_height, type_in, type_out) scenario_id = hash_scenario(host, device_id, kernel_id, data_id) params_id = hash_workgroup_size(wg_c, wg_r) device_attr = get_device_attr(device_id, dev_name, dev_count) # Add database entries. tmp.execute( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO kernels VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (kernel_id, north, south, east, west, max_wg_size, user_source)) placeholders = ",".join(["?"] * len(device_attr)) tmp.execute( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO devices VALUES (" + placeholders + ")", device_attr) tmp.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO data VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", (data_id, data_width, data_height, type_in, type_out)) tmp.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO params VALUES (?,?,?)", (params_id, wg_c, wg_r)) tmp.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO scenarios VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", (scenario_id, host, device_id, kernel_id, data_id)) tmp.execute("INSERT INTO runtimes VALUES (?,?,?)", (scenario_id, params_id, runtime)) # Create temporary database tmp = _db.Database("/tmp/omnitune.skelcl.migration.db") # Clear anything that's already in the database. for table in tmp.tables: tmp.drop_table(table)"Migrating database to version 1.") backup_path = old.path + ".0""Creating backup of old database at '{0}'".format(backup_path)) fs.cp(old.path, backup_path) io.debug("Migration: creating tables ...") # Create table: kernels tmp.create_table("version", (("version", "integer"), )) # Set database version tmp.execute("INSERT INTO version VALUES (1)") # Create table: kernels tmp.create_table("kernels", (("id", "text primary key"), ("north", "integer"), ("south", "integer"), ("east", "integer"), ("west", "integer"), ("max_wg_size", "integer"), ("source", "text"))) # Create table: devices tmp.create_table( "devices", (("id", "text primary key"), ("name", "text"), ("count", "integer"), ("address_bits", "integer"), ("double_fp_config", "integer"), ("endian_little", "integer"), ("execution_capabilities", "integer"), ("extensions", "text"), ("global_mem_cache_size", "integer"), ("global_mem_cache_type", "integer"), ("global_mem_cacheline_size", "integer"), ("global_mem_size", "integer"), ("host_unified_memory", "integer"), ("image2d_max_height", "integer"), ("image2d_max_width", "integer"), ("image3d_max_depth", "integer"), ("image3d_max_height", "integer"), ("image3d_max_width", "integer"), ("image_support", "integer"), ("local_mem_size", "integer"), ("local_mem_type", "integer"), ("max_clock_frequency", "integer"), ("max_compute_units", "integer"), ("max_constant_args", "integer"), ("max_constant_buffer_size", "integer"), ("max_mem_alloc_size", "integer"), ("max_parameter_size", "integer"), ("max_read_image_args", "integer"), ("max_samplers", "integer"), ("max_work_group_size", "integer"), ("max_work_item_dimensions", "integer"), ("max_work_item_sizes_0", "integer"), ("max_work_item_sizes_1", "integer"), ("max_work_item_sizes_2", "integer"), ("max_write_image_args", "integer"), ("mem_base_addr_align", "integer"), ("min_data_type_align_size", "integer"), ("native_vector_width_char", "integer"), ("native_vector_width_double", "integer"), ("native_vector_width_float", "integer"), ("native_vector_width_half", "integer"), ("native_vector_width_int", "integer"), ("native_vector_width_long", "integer"), ("native_vector_width_short", "integer"), ("preferred_vector_width_char", "integer"), ("preferred_vector_width_double", "integer"), ("preferred_vector_width_float", "integer"), ("preferred_vector_width_half", "integer"), ("preferred_vector_width_int", "integer"), ("preferred_vector_width_long", "integer"), ("preferred_vector_width_short", "integer"), ("queue_properties", "integer"), ("single_fp_config", "integer"), ("type", "integer"), ("vendor", "text"), ("vendor_id", "text"), ("version", "text"))) # Create table: data tmp.create_table("data", (("id", "text primary key"), ("width", "integer"), ("height", "integer"), ("tin", "text"), ("tout", "text"))) # Create table: params tmp.create_table("params", (("id", "text primary key"), ("wg_c", "integer"), ("wg_r", "integer"))) # Create table: scenarios tmp.create_table("scenarios", (("id", "text primary key"), ("host", "text"), ("device", "text"), ("kernel", "text"), ("data", "text"))) # Create table: runtimes tmp.create_table("runtimes", (("scenario", "text"), ("params", "text"), ("runtime", "real"))) i = 0 for row in old.execute("SELECT * from runtimes"): process_row(tmp, row) i += 1 if not i % 2500: io.debug("Processed", i, "rows ...") if not i % 5000: tmp.commit() tmp.commit() old_path = old.path tmp_path = tmp.path # Copy migrated database over the original one. fs.cp(tmp_path, old_path) fs.rm(tmp_path) old.close() tmp.close()"Migration completed.")