def testStaticPrivateKeyConstructor(self):
     public_key, private_key = paillier.generate_paillier_keypair()
     p = private_key.p
     q = private_key.q
     private_key_from_static = PaillierPrivateKey.from_totient(public_key, (p-1) * (q-1))
     c = public_key.encrypt(4242)
     self.assertEqual(private_key, private_key_from_static, "The private keys should be the same.")
     self.assertEqual(private_key_from_static.decrypt(c), 4242, "Result of the decryption should be 4242")
Example #2
def calcualte_sigmoid_and_decrypt_result(private_key: pl.PaillierPrivateKey, pre_prediction_results):
    Function to produce the prediction output.

        private_key: PaillierPrivateKey object.
        pre_prediction_results: numpy array obtained from pre_prediction function.

        Two numpy arrays. The first one stores sigmoid value of every predicting sample.
        The second one stores the prediction class label of each predicting sample.

    output = np.empty(pre_prediction_results.shape, dtype=float)
    output_class = np.empty(pre_prediction_results.shape, dtype=int)

    for i in range(pre_prediction_results.size):
        output[i] =  simple_sigmoid(private_key.decrypt(pre_prediction_results[i])) 
        output_class[i] = 1 if output[i] >= 0.5 else 0
    return output, output_class
Example #3
 def testPrivateKeyEquality(self):
     pk = PaillierPublicKey(2537)
     p1 = PaillierPrivateKey(pk, 43, 59)
     p2 = PaillierPrivateKey(pk, 59, 43)
     self.assertEqual(p1, p2, "These private keys should be equal")