Example #1
def import_oas(filename, cellname = None, flatten = False):
    if filename.lower().endswith('.gds'):
        # you are looking for import_gds
        retval = pg.import_gds(filename, cellname = cellname, flatten = flatten)
        return retval
        import klayout.db as pya
    except ImportError as err:
        err.args = ('[PHIDL] klayout package needed to import OASIS. pip install klayout\n' + err.args[0], ) + err.args[1:]
    if not filename.lower().endswith('.oas'): filename += '.oas'
    fileroot = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
    tempfilename = fileroot + '-tmp.gds'

    layout = pya.Layout()
    # We want to end up with one Device. If the imported layout has multiple top cells,
    # a new toplevel is created, and they go into the second level
    if len(layout.top_cells()) > 1:
        topcell = layout.create_cell('toplevel')
        rot_DTrans = pya.DTrans.R0
        origin = pya.DPoint(0, 0)
        for childcell in layout.top_cells():
            if childcell == topcell: continue
            topcell.insert(pya.DCellInstArray(childcell.cell_index(), pya.DTrans(rot_DTrans, origin)))
        topcell = layout.top_cell()

    retval = pg.import_gds(tempfilename, cellname = cellname, flatten = flatten)
    return retval
Example #2
def getverticesGdsii(name, markerlayer=[]):

    global GDS

    GDS = pg.import_gds(filename=name)

    if len(GDS.layers) > 1:
        print('Multiple layers. Type layer and confirm with enter \n')
        for layer in GDS.layers:
            print('#' + str(layer))
        markerlayer = [int(input())]
        for thelayer in GDS.layers:
            markerlayer = [thelayer]


    GDSLayered = pg.extract(GDS, layers=markerlayer)
    vertices = []
    for polygon in GDSLayered:
        for vertex in polygon.polygons[0]:
    return np.array(vertices).tolist()
Example #3
def read_port_markers(gdspath, layers=[(69, 0)]):
    """loads a GDS and returns the extracted device for a particular layer

        gdspath: gdspath or Component
        layer: GDS layer
    D = gdspath if isinstance(gdspath, Device) else pg.import_gds(gdspath)
    return pg.extract(D, layers=layers)
def read_port_markers(gdspath, layer=69):
    """ loads a GDS and read port

        layer: GDS layer
    D = pg.import_gds(gdspath)
    D = pg.extract(D, layers=[layer])
    for e in D.elements:
        print(e.x, e.y)
Example #5
def load_gds(cells):

    if isinstance(cells, str):

        cells = pathlib.Path(cells)

    elif isinstance(cells, list) or isinstance(cells, tuple):

        cells_logo = []

        for p in cells:

            if isinstance(p, str):

                # import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()


            elif isinstance(p, pathlib.Path):


    g = Group(cells_logo)

    g.distribute(direction='x', spacing=150)


    logo_cell = dl.Device(name="cells")

    for c in cells_logo:



    logo_cell.name = 'Logos'

    return logo_cell
Example #6
def test_phidlXOR():
    ref_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(phidlib.__file__), 'test_phidl',
                            'ref_layouts', 'Boxy.gds')
    TOP1 = phidlib.box()
    TOP2 = pg.import_gds(ref_file)
    TOP_different = phidlib.box(width=100)
    for hash_geom in [True, False]:
        XOR = xor_polygons_phidl(TOP1, TOP2, hash_geom=hash_geom)
        if len(XOR.flatten().get_polygons()) > 0:
            raise GeometryDifference(
                "Differences found between phidl Devices.")
        XOR_different = xor_polygons_phidl(TOP_different,
        assert len(XOR_different.flatten().get_polygons()) > 0
Example #7
def import_gds(path, cellname=None, flatten=True, **kwargs):

    if isinstance(path, str):

        path = pathlib.Path(path)

    cell = pg.import_gds(str(path.absolute()))

    if flatten == True:

    if cellname is not None:

        cell._internal_name = cellname

    return cell
Example #8
def resistivity_test_cell():
    """Create cell with standard Resisistivity Test


        cell : phidl.Device


    with open(str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'ResistivityTest.gds'),
              'rb') as infile:

        cell = pg.import_gds(infile, cellname='TestCell')

        cell = pt.join(cell)

        cell.name = 'ResistivityTest'

        return cell
Example #9
def test_write_and_import_gds():
    D = Device()
    D.add_ref(pg.rectangle(size=[1.5, 2.7], layer=[3, 2]))
    D.add_ref(pg.rectangle(size=[0.8, 2.5], layer=[9, 7]))
    D.add_array(pg.rectangle(size=[1, 2], layer=[4, 66]),
                spacing=[14, 7.5])
    D.add_array(pg.rectangle(size=[1.5, 2.5], layer=[4, 67]),
                spacing=[14, 7.5])
    D.add_polygon([[3, 4, 5], [6.7, 8.9, 10.15]], layer=[7, 8])
    D.add_polygon([[3, 4, 5], [1.7, 8.9, 10.15]], layer=[7, 9])
    precision = 1e-4
    unit = 1e-6
    h1 = D.hash_geometry(precision=precision)
    D.write_gds('temp.gds', precision=unit * precision, unit=1e-6)
    Dimport = pg.import_gds('temp.gds', flatten=False)
    h2 = Dimport.hash_geometry(precision=precision)
    assert (h1 == h2)
# Importing GDS files
# The phidl.geometry module is responsible for generating premade Devices.
# This includes imported geometry from other GDS files too.  When you import
# a GDS, you specify which layers you want, and it will import those layers
# as a new Device.  The new device can then be manipulated like any other.

# Let's import the GDS we just saved in the previous step.  Although generally
# you must specify which cell in the GDS file you want to import using the
# argument `cellname`, if the GDS file has only one top-level cell (like our
# MyLayerSetPreview.gds file does), the cellname argument can be left out and
# import_gds() will import that top-level cell.

# Let's first just import the entire GDS as-is
E = pg.import_gds(filename='MyNewGDS.gds')

# Similarly, we can import the same file but flatten the entire cell
# heirarchy
E2 = pg.import_gds(filename='MyNewGDS.gds', flatten=True)

# Using Layers
# Let's make a new blank device DL and add some text to it, but this time on
# different layers
DL = Device()

# You can specify any layer in one of three ways:
# 1) as a single number 0-255 representing the gds layer number, e.g. layer = 1
Example #11
from phidl import quickplot as qp

X = Device()
X << pg.ellipse(layer = 0)
X << pg.ellipse(layer = 1)
D = pg.copy_layer(X, layer = 1, new_layer = 2)
qp(D) # quickplot the geometry
create_image(D, 'copy_layer')

# example-import_gds
import phidl.geometry as pg
from phidl import quickplot as qp

D = pg.ellipse()
D = pg.import_gds(filename = 'myoutput.gds', cellname = None, flatten = False)
qp(D) # quickplot the geometry
create_image(D, 'import_gds')

# example-preview_layerset
import phidl.geometry as pg
from phidl import quickplot as qp

from phidl import LayerSet
lys = LayerSet()
lys.add_layer('p', color = 'lightblue', gds_layer = 1, gds_datatype = 0)
lys.add_layer('p+', color = 'blue', gds_layer = 2, gds_datatype = 0)
lys.add_layer('p++', color = 'darkblue', gds_layer = 3, gds_datatype = 0)
lys.add_layer('n', color = 'lightgreen', gds_layer = 4, gds_datatype = 0)
lys.add_layer('n+', color = 'green', gds_layer = 4, gds_datatype = 98)
lys.add_layer('n++', color = 'darkgreen', gds_layer = 5, gds_datatype = 99)
Example #12
# Importing GDS files
# The phidl.geometry module is responsible for generating premade Devices.
# This includes imported geometry from other GDS files too.  When you import
# a GDS, you specify which layers you want, and it will import those layers
# as a new Device.  The new device can then be manipulated like any other.

# Let's import the GDS we just saved in the previous step.  Although generally
# you must specify which cell in the GDS file you want to import using the
# argument `cellname`, if the GDS file has only one top-level cell (like our
# MyNewGDS.gds file does), the cellname argument can be left out and
# import_gds() will import that top-level cell.

# Let's first just import the entire GDS as-is
E = pg.import_gds(filename='MyNewGDS.gds')

# Now say we only wanted to get layers 2 and 3 from the file.  We can specify
# a list of layers using the `layers` argument
E2 = pg.import_gds(filename='MyNewGDS.gds', layers=[2, 3])

# We can also use the `layers` argument to map layers arbitrarily. Say we
# wanted to combine shapes on layer 1 with those on layer 3, but leave layer 2
# on layer 2.  We can map layers 1->3, 3->3, 2->2  by passing a dict to the
# `layers` argument
E3 = pg.import_gds(filename='MyNewGDS.gds', layers={1: 3, 3: 3, 2: 2})
